I want to set the motherfucking mood here.

It was the early 2010s. Journalism still had some integrity coco left and the honesty cupboard was not entirely empty yet, factual sunshine and rainbows was everywhere, and then the supreme shitshow happened: A nepotist-ass nigga polished high-profile benises to get their buggy-ass game no one wanted to play to begin with published and rated favorably, everyone else pointing this out but being silenced by the same medium initially dedicated to exposing this kind of sick corruption shit. Facts died that day.

So if facts dead and you facing a hostile group of niggas that gives off the impression of a crackhead who instead of crack begs for your apology, begs for your absolute submission to they's worldview, and you gotta submit, dawg, because your job is on the line, that is exactly the right breeding environment for the so-called "paradigm shift" in politics, in language, counterculture, etc, which happens every time the media, society, universities stop considering all the facts and views and commit theyselves to appeasing one view only.

What a coincidence was to see that after the Pernicious Armenian Defender of Video Games defeated "those mean white cis male shitlord cyberstalking cyberraping cyberassaulting gamers" the NPC term sprang outta the far-right leftfield just bouta agent-orange carpetbomb dogmatic masses. Wow, I am surprised this happened! -- said no one with a brain ever.

Now NPC ain't the most original label designed to denigrate and diss cerebrally-numb niggas.

Before film and video game industry niggas in the mid-2010s turned it into another generic product to sell family-friendly soap operas ("CORAAAAL") and harmless first-person shooters to kids and grandmas alike, which is the same fate awaiting the NPC term as well ("Don't be an NPC™, drink the individuals™-favorite soda: Pepsi™"), George A. Romero's zombies were 1960s NPCs. I say Romero's zombies because no horror filmmaker nigga had his satirical vision except John Carpenter with They Live (1988).

The genius of Romero's zombie kinos was the grave (lul) yet playful narrative which was ambiguous enough to work as a template to fit any message about any ideology. In his first film, Romero mocked small town mentality so in the context of the civil rights movement that one was about "low-down niggas and brothas chased by an NPC mob."

What about Day of the Dead (1985)? On the surface it be about a group of scientists who either survive or survive not the undead hordes. Now replace that shit with NPCs: A group of like-minded niggas in order to escape society's insanity and being turned into one of Them holes up in the underground and then one-by-one succumbs to insanity from severe loneliness.

That is the genius of every film template-like transparent and utilitarian enough to fit social commentary and criticism of any kind, any side, making it truly timeless.

"Ermm, this is all nice and everything but my wife's son wants to know whether extinct celtic languages resemble arabic and wants to compare thracian with klingon. I am not interested in g*sh-d*rned R-rated movie metaphors and politics!"
The point is, terms and meanings of words always change while human niggas never change. Language is merely a tool to serve both the mainstream niggas and underground niggas in a perpetual, eternal tug-of-war of ideologies. Furthermore, human words are nothing but a rich man's chimp squeaks. #TeamTelepathy

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