Anyone who be Keepin' Up with the AdTube and the lovable antics everyone's favorite Dr. Alphabet-designed monster does finna love this juicy scoop: Two channels got e-murdered (no strikes, just straight-up murked, like Chicago niggas say) like we in a 1980s slasher kino, boii.

(Triple K Press) ― Two "problematic shitlord" (Center to Far Right) content archivists (Palmer Eldritch, Stream Clips) who happen to backup Jim's vids disappeared out of the blue, according to witnesses who stumbled across badly disposed clothes belonging to the channel corpses AdTube swallowed whole, leaving almost no evidence behind.

Expert niggas say "no end in sight to the abuses poor Youtubeville citizens will suffer."

Source (mirror):
Ethan Ralph
‏Verified account @TheRalphRetort

Looks like they got him just for being an archive channel. YouTube has kinda been shitting on them lately. Palmer told me there was no specific strike, just channel termination. Stream Clips channel taken down too.

There's been deletions like this in the past with archives.