Hey guys,
I shared with my friends at MGTOW. I spend a lot of time writing this so I thought I should share it with you as well.

TL: DR The main point is that non-white immigration will change the culture where prostitution will become acceptable and non-stigmatized. Thereby altering the male to female power dynamics in favor of men.

A culture is a people and a people is a culture. I do believe that this is the truth. This not only applies to the USA but also to Western Europe. A lot of Western Europeans are saying, "Well prostitution is legal in Western Europe yet still somewhat stigmatized!" Its because it attitudes will only complete shift in Western Europe once there no majority culture(especially a protestantism which sees paying for sex as sinful!) but its multicultural one with more male friendly one.

American Paradigms

Culture 1.0: The culture of white America up until the 1960's was strict monogamy, sex and marriage as strongly linked, gender equality, protestant liberalism. Paying for sex is stigmatized. See Kevin B Macdonald for more of breakdown. He has an insightful analysis of white America.

Culture 2.0: The current cultural marxism since the 1960's we are living now where it heavily favors women, unchecked hypergamy, low birth rates for white Americans, but some old attitudes remain(PUA and Red Pill) in the men are still hesitant to pay for sex since in the old paradigm is seen as "beta."

Culture 3.0: Castizo America which I think would resemble modern day Spain, the inevitable future of America if not much changes. We are already seeing this where Colombians senators(Julia Salazar and Jessica Ramos) are trying to change the law to legalize prostitution in America, I mean brothels, massage parlors..etc. The shift is coming from this new arrivals and not from the old guard (white republicans). MGTOW is an integral part his culture 3.0 since it removes the stigmatization of paying for sex and encourages men to not be thirsty or chase pussy things both PUA and the redpill actively encourage.

I assume that Castizo Americans will simply opt for going to a brothel over having to deal with all the feminist BS like Spaniards do. Notice that we are talking about regulated establishments were girls can be replaced since they cater to the vast majority of men NOT the feared independent hookers(like today's sugar babies) who could alter the sexual market since those are a very small group.

Note that feminism versus prostitution+MGTOW/culture of prostitution equals= lowest birthrate. https://www.ft.com/content/d54e4fe8-...f-23cb17fd1498
Either American women like Spaniard women get their act together or they are will simply not reproduce and never get married. Sooner or later this will have to change the women and even if it doesn't men will benefit either way.


Don't believe me? Hear from this Americanized Irish woman:
"I lived in Spain for 7 and a half years and I moved there as a single woman with a fairly decent level of Spanish and I found it to be the hardest place to “hook up” or meet someone LOCAL of anywhere I´d lived previously and all of my foreign, Spanish speaking, female friends said the very same thing."
My foreign, female friends had an awful time on nights out. All of them were really attractive, educated and friendly and they were never approached (but unfortunately, unlike me, came from cultures where it´s frowned upon for women to do the approaching). I finally made friends with some Spanish chicas and it was the same: they struggled to meet men on nights out, even for a kiss.