With this amount of professional pandering this has to be satire.

I can just hear the corporate whispers behind the scenes "yes, good idea, Tom!! Naked landwhale on a sofa, that ought to score us some points with the fat activist freaks but who's gonna sing this gratuitous bop? Grande? Nah, way too self-aware. Someone who personifies the no-talent no-personality no-brain hopeless human being; someone who will stick to the script 100%. AH, PERFECT! Get me Billy Ray-Ray's daughter fast, she is just as much of a talentless soulless puppet as her mother. Mother's Daughter . . . CUT and PRINT, boys, we got our song title too! [dollar sign eyes]"

Now let's give it up for pajeetprincess' latest Feminist™ idol: #yassssssssssssss