• Philosophy: Impersonal anxiety; refuge among anemic ideas. (lel)

  • It has been a long time since philosophers have read men's souls. It is not their task, we are told. Perhaps. But we must not be surprised if they no longer matter much to us.

  • As long as one believes in philosophy, one is healthy; sickness begins when one starts to think.

  • All of the philosophers put together are not worth a single saint.

  • Philosophy offers an antidote to melancholy. And many still believe in the depth of philosophy!

  • When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, "What's your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act." And they do calm down.

  • Each of us believes, quite unconsciously of course, that we alone pursue the truth, which the rest are incapable of seeking out and unworthy of attaining. This madness is so deep-rooted and so useful that it is impossible to realize what would become of each of us if it were someday to disappear.

  • All the writers wrote too much, in my opinion. (Is this your case as well?) Mine as well. The line that I formulated for myself was "I got bored to slander the universe." [@6:10]

Apocalypse According to Cioran