i see around a lot of you speaking of different methods but i'am a bit out,what are differences between the DNA kits,as you know DNA tests are forbidden in france(but they are not need to be aware)

what are the different kits and the prices,apparently they use different methods,for an eventual futur i could been interrested
but by my own deductions ,i'am maybe, i said maybe because all is based on some personnal deductions,i'am maybe relinked to the balts/the germanic tribes as a tavastid ,or maybe all the contrary,the main problem it's that i don't know my genealogic line,oh i reassure you i never really care because i feel until my bones than i'am a genuine white native european,not a single drop of med ,a pure northern french but with maybe north/north/eastern european ancestry,and i never have been a problem of identity on that side,(100% pure pork!oink oink) but i'am curious maybe i have some well known unknowns in my strain.

it's remember me the fun of the thing from a russian movie : LUNA-PARK of pavel louguine(1992, 1H30 of wasted time),the story of a young white russian nationalist rabblerouser who discover than .....he's half jewish,oh shit

so i'am all ears ,from the ones who are allready into