Another dangerous influence passed by Franciscans unto southern european nations is their calendar. Frankish usurper Pope Ugo Boncompagni who
dared to challenge the authority of Julian Calendar only after destruction of Roman Empire brought many new evils to already fractured Balkan and Italian nations.

This has been done for the purpose to separate Germanic influenced catholics from Roman Patriarchate of Constantinople, because by separating Catholics from
Orthodoxes they have basically protected them from becoming Orthodoxes, also separation brought entire Catholicism out of Balkan & Hellenic sphere and has became
solely Frankish Italian domain where authority of Patriarchate of Constantinople was finally axed.

This caused massive conversion to Orthodox religion (for example in Bosnia) where Roman Catholic religion that regarded Constantinople as a supreme authority of Christianity
and capital city of European nations. Graveyard of Bosnian Orthodoxes have written on them: "Died in the true ROMAN religion" in that time that was either Catholic Church
loyal to Constantinople or Orthodox convert.

Serbia is today probably among the only 2-3 nations that celebrate religious dates according to Julian Calendar, Greeks have already gone German style Catholics completely abandoning
Roman traditions.

Also acts of pope, helped Anatolian people convert to Islam because it is Popes who destroyed Christianity after all (original one) ... and people shifted to Islam after Turkish occupation.
Byzantine Roman aristocracy as well as massive Balkan corups of people left Christianity because of Fragmentation and political changes of the popes.

But Popes never stopped at Calender, they want to legalize LGBT people nowdays. What's next Cannibalism?