Quote Originally Posted by KidMulat View Post
This similar thing happened with colonials, and then Romans slowly lost consciousness of what it meant to be Roman in a traditional sense, which oriented itself on bloodlines and culture. This is as soon as they started basing what it meant to be Roman on the basis of incorporating into the socio-political structure of Roman.

This type of civic nationalism was based on stabilizing the power sphere and economic/resource structure field, but it was fundamentally flawed in its principles and application. It seems to mirror and resemble what occurred with colonials later from the 17th to 20th century. The fortunate thing is the Romans had a viable culture and people to carry on and reform their traditions to a new standard cultural and social model.

I still do not understand how someone who put forth such an eloquent rejoinder does not believe intergration and assimilation as a tool of a multiracial, multifaceted (Although a very monocultural) society?

Not to say this isn't happening; for one as the generation grow up it will become more and more relevant what's you socio-economic class rather than ethnic group and that regardless of where your ancestors are its who you associate with that shapes you the most I feel during those formative years.

I can't help but to look back at Lousiana History and see a people all pleadging allegiance to the same flag and not a single culture war happening

(that is after the submission of the Aboriginal inhabitants and the occasional slave rebellion but those happened because of hiearchical place in society rather than simple cultural differences)

Then the American's came and it went down hill from there...[/QUOTE]

Integration and Assimilation are flawed on two terms, and the first is on the basis of economic, social, and political concerns. Integration and Assimilation has been costing places like America and Europe tons of money, which they would not have needed to spend, and they lose money at the same time. That is all based on the net average, but big businessmen, plutocrats, and big bankers make they biggest bucks.

A lot of the recent immigration has been embraced by people like this, because they can employ immigrants at a cheap cost, and make large profits off the cheapness of the immigrants. They don't care what kind of quality is being put into business and monetary inspired resources/supplies, but rather short term maximum profit.

They don't care about the masses as much as they give off the illusion of doing so, but only offer trivial, superficial, and illusory compensations to the population as a whole. The masses are of course fine with this trivial, superficial, and illusory compensations, because the masses are inclined towards satisfying and pleasing themselves with the more base and vulgar things of life.

That said they are being brainwashed, and abandoning everything traditional and homogenous about their being for the cheapness, money obsession, and desire for universalized mega-government power that the plutocrats seek. Immigration and Assimilation does not work, but is merely an illusory form of optimism used to encourage a more civic form of nationalism, which usually is utilized as a model to enrich and expand the power sphere and wealth/resources of the quasi-oligarchy operating the big banks, big businesses, and big government.

It does not abide with traditional cultural and social models for society, which are the true and authentic basis for cultural long term stability, but rather on the corrupt and perverted desires of the elite. The corrupt and perverted elite utilize the cheapness of the immigrants to bastardize, pervert, and hybridize the higher and more superior elements of the cultural and racial aspects of a people's traditional orientation.

They want people to focus on the external qualities of things as they appear to the senses, and in so far as they appease them. They detract the sublime dynamics going on behind the scene, and the degeneracy and decline that is occurring because people are addicting themselves to the superficial, cheap, and plastic forms of culture and society, which can be found in the media, entertainment, and education system specifically.

They have utilized the cheapness and superficiality of the subculture, which is being projected by many of the inferior and degenerate racial and cultural aspects of society, in order to addict people to superficial and cheap fads, lower instincts, and a quick fulfillment of pleasure. This is all spurred on by the elites, who wish to fulfill their superficial, plastic, and cheap desires and passions to quickly indulge themselves and accumulate maximum wealth gain through the degeneration of society and culture.

The assimilation and integration of other peoples into traditional racial and cultural orientations is all part of this project, and these people seem most susceptible to the mass consumerism of the age, although they are not strictly the ones addicted to it. Its based off corrupt and dishonest interactions and engagements, which are applied through corrupt expressions and applications that all is bent on corrupting the most sublime and superior forms of cultural and racial expressions.

Its an attempt to create a mediocre cultural and social climate, which inclines more towards a degenerate state, and which will be more susceptible to being brainwashed and bending over to the superficial and plastic demands and wants of the corrupt oligarchy. This is all done in the name of those illusory and fallacious ideals from the Enlightenment, which were utilized as principles to expand imperial powers in the New World/Colonies, but merely with the desire to expand to the maximum in the shortest amount of time on economic and political pursuits.

Economical and political pursuits, which were based on a highly individualistic and liberal basis, but were yet highly infused with totalitarian and dictatorial elements that operated on the basis of secrecy, psychological attacks, and conspiracy.

Even if we negate all these corrupt motives and aspects from assimilating and integrating foreign peoples into a homogenous socio-racial and socio-cultural complex then this is an usurpation of the traditional norms and functions. Traditional norms and functions which have operated as the basis of stability, insight, power balance, economic prosperity, quality, and a spiritually sound society and culture.