Quote Originally Posted by Pedro Ruben View Post

The Iberian Peninsula had several Viking attacks, in Christian and Muslim territories to obtain slaves and wealth.
Regarding the Normans, who followed in the Second Crusade, made up of Flemish, Norman, English, Scots and some Germans, I think the main reason for the participation in the Reconquista, I refer to the example of Lisbon, was the same, to obtain slaves and other wealth. Much of the population massacred in Lisbon was Christian, even if Arabized, the Moçarabes ... The Mozarabic Bishop of Lisbon himself was murdered by the crusaders and the way the population was treated badly and massacred. The Islamic Lisbon massacre impressed with its brutality and destruction...
Which happened to Mozarabs and Muslims in Portugal? From which places came Christian settlers during Portuguese reconquista? Where they settled?