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Thread: ¿Qué pensáis de David Duke?

  1. #1
    Veteran Member Lábaru's Avatar
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    Default ¿Qué pensáis de David Duke?

    Mirando su historia parece un supremacista blanco americano, otro más, con su implicación en el Ku klus klan y que no merece más mención, sin ningún valor para nosotros los españoles, pero viendo algunos de sus videos no puedo evitar darme cuenta de que tiene mucha razón.


    Mirando su página de wiki de nuevo te llevas una imagen bastante mediocre ---->

    ¿Pensáis que tiene razón? ¿es otro idiota supremacista blanco estadounidense o con la edad y el tiempo como nos pasa a todos se ha centrado y se le debe dar crédito? ¿lo rechazamos simplemente porque somos víctimas de la educación progre y no nos cae bien un individuo racista?

    A ver que pensáis.

    Espada tengo. Lo demás, Dios lo remedie.

    In the west almost all Spain had been subjugated, except that part which adjoins the cliffs where the Pyrenees end and is washed by the nearer waters of the ocean. Here two powerful nations, the Cantabrians and the Asturians, lived in freedom from the rule of Rome.")
    — Lucius Anneus Florus , Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum omnium annorum DCC Libri duo Bellum Cantabricum et Asturicum

    Ethnicity of the Celts/Iberian. Tribes: Avariginos, Blendi, Concanos, Coniscos, Orgenomescos, Plentusios, Tamáricos and Vadinienses.--->

  2. #2
    Lord Protector of Spain, Septimania and Galicia Raikaswinþs's Avatar
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    mira, en mi opinion, este tipo esta aprovechando la coyuntura para manejar la situacion al antojo de su ideologia. Su retoricaes bastante barata y demagogica.Dice algunas verdades? si, pero las usa para su propio beneficio.

    Los disturbios en Inglaterra no tienen una base racial. Tienen unabase exclusivamente economica. En los getos marginales abundan la gente de origen no europeo , pero creer que a esta situacion no se habria llegado sino llega a haber immigrantes, es cuanto cuanto menos "inocente".Aunque la palabra mas adecuada es "embustero"

    Este problema social no se debe a la inmigracion masiva,sino a la corrupcion politica y financiera galopante, a la perdida de valores y democracia y su substitucion por elculto alindividualismo atroz, el egoismo extremo,el nepotismo y la negligencia tanto de nuestros gobernantes y establishment economico, como,por su pasividad, de los gobernados.

    La inmigracion masiva es UNA DE LAS CONSECUENCIAS de la negligencia politica de los europeos, y no la causa.

    En las mismas circunstancias en las que vivimos,sin inmigracion masiva, los disturbios estarian protagonizados por los arrabaleros britanicos de toda la vida, que, aunque menos visibles (en parte porla atencion prestada por los medios,como siempre afines a quienes les mantiene, siempre buscan uncabeza de turco en lugar de hacer un analisis mas profundo) tambien se cuentan por millones.

    Los disturbios son el resultado de decadas de transformacion social ocurridas en Europa tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desde entonces, hemos estado gobernados por autenticos incompetentes,los cuales,por su incapacidad para gobernar,le han cedido el poder a los intereses financieros,le han entregado la batuta de la Democracia al mismo establishment que se ha cargado todo por lo que se ha derramado sangre durante los ultimos siglos.Lo han estado haciendo delante de nuestros ojos, y les hemos aplaudido por ello.

    No habria emigracion masiva (y no solode no-europeos,no te creas que los espanoles ,polacos y britanicos entre otros no han emigrado masivamente y producido problemas serios en sus paises huespedes) si no se hubiese permitido al pensamiento anarco-capitalista jugar al rompecabezas de la politica global.

    Son ellos los que han abierto la veda, y nosotros los que hemos (y no me refiero a ti y a mi personalmente) mirado para otro lado mientras vendian nuestros derechos al mejor postor y jugaban a destruir regiones enteras, sabiendo que sus habitantes no tendrian otro remedio que salir huyendo, en masa, a los países europeos, y estas mismas victimas se convertirian en el nuevo lumpen proletariado,a su vez cabeza de turco y caballo de troya.

    Las opiniones de este senor son deplorables no por ser racistas, sino por no ser honestas.

    Perdona por la falta de acentos ,pero uso un teclado de estandar britanico .

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    Veteran Member Lábaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Comunero Errante View Post

    La inmigracion masiva es UNA DE LAS CONSECUENCIAS de la negligencia politica de los europeos, y no la causa.

    Precisamente David está de acuerdo contigo en este punto y lo dice en algunos de sus videos, entre ellos este que he colgado. La culpa (de ese punto) no dice que sea de los inmigrantes sino de los políticos.

    Creo que te equivocas en el resto, es decir, sí, este hombre está aprovechando los problemas para impulsar su ideología ¿no es eso algo normal y que haría cualquier persona razonable?.

    También creo que te equivocas en quitarle toda la culpa a los inmigrantes en lo referente a los disturbios en Gran Bretaña, el origen puede ser o no económico pero desde luego dudo mucho que hubieran ocurrido de haber solo británicos en sus tierras.

    En definitiva creo que te pasa lo que a mí, tratas con dureza a este hombre y a otros como él porque nos genera antipatía al ser racista, nos da igual que su discurso sea muy parecido al nuestro y que hable de proteger la identidad de los pueblos, nuestra educación progre nos incita a desprestigiarlo para no ser percibidos como él y parecer mejores.

    Espada tengo. Lo demás, Dios lo remedie.

    In the west almost all Spain had been subjugated, except that part which adjoins the cliffs where the Pyrenees end and is washed by the nearer waters of the ocean. Here two powerful nations, the Cantabrians and the Asturians, lived in freedom from the rule of Rome.")
    — Lucius Anneus Florus , Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum omnium annorum DCC Libri duo Bellum Cantabricum et Asturicum

    Ethnicity of the Celts/Iberian. Tribes: Avariginos, Blendi, Concanos, Coniscos, Orgenomescos, Plentusios, Tamáricos and Vadinienses.--->

  4. #4
    Lord Protector of Spain, Septimania and Galicia Raikaswinþs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lábaru View Post
    Precisamente David está de acuerdo contigo en este punto y lo dice en algunos de sus videos, entre ellos este que he colgado. La culpa (de ese punto) no dice que sea de los inmigrantes sino de los políticos.

    Creo que te equivocas en el resto, es decir, sí, este hombre está aprovechando los problemas para impulsar su ideología ¿no es eso algo normal y que haría cualquier persona razonable?.

    También creo que te equivocas en quitarle toda la culpa a los inmigrantes en lo referente a los disturbios en Gran Bretaña, el origen puede ser o no económico pero desde luego dudo mucho que hubieran ocurrido de haber solo británicos en sus tierras.

    En definitiva creo que te pasa lo que a mí, tratas con dureza a este hombre y a otros como él porque nos genera antipatía al ser racista, nos da igual que su discurso sea muy parecido al nuestro y que hable de proteger la identidad de los pueblos, nuestra educación progre nos incita a desprestigiarlo para no ser percibidos como él y parecer mejores.
    Dices esto como si no supieras que los cinturones marginales y proletarios de Europa,a lo largo de la historia de su existencia desde la revolucion industrial,no hubieran estado involucrados en disturbios ,revoluciones, guerrillas y resistencia, destrucion,pillaje y momentos de absoluta anarquia. Estas cayendo en el error de olvidar tu historia. Esta no es laprimera vez ni la ultima en la que selucha con el establishment.Los primeros en caer en los disturbios y la violencia son siemprelas castas mas desfavorecidas, que ahora mismo, en el Reino Unido,y precisamente por lo que he explicado arriba, estan ocupadas en una buena parte por inmigrantes no Europeos.

    Pero te voy a decir una cosa,yo vivo en Inverleith,uno delos barrios con mayor nivel devida del reino unido, y aqui tambien hay pakis y negros,al igual que los hay en Londres en los barrios pudientes (precisamente mi casero es un Paki, un tipo muy serio, educado y responsable,vivo en el unico bloque de pisos de la calle,el resto son palacetes y mansiones). Y tu los has visto involucrados en disturbios? por favor,no caigas en la trampa que estan poniendo ahora . Por muy negros que sean,los riotoers ante todo son POBRES. la gente de Tottenham, tu y yo,tenemos el mismo enemigo.

    PD: en mi humilde opinion, una persona razonable no utiliza hechos reales para construir argumentos demagogicos, eso es un tipo de falacia. Una persona razonable intenta precisamente analizar todos los puntos de vista en la medida de lo posible para alcanzar conclusiones lo mas parejas ala realidad,lo cual le proporciones las mejores herramientas para poner solucion a los problemas.

    Tus compatriotas Antonio Trevijano y Jorge Vestringe son buenos ejemplos de personas razonables sin pelos en la lengua,odiados porel establishment y la clase politica,tanto la izquierda como la derecha,precisamente por eso, por hablar con la razon por delante. Verstrynge - "I Sobre la Inmigración" Sobre la partitocracia
    Last edited by Raikaswinþs; 08-15-2011 at 04:52 PM.

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    Veteran Member Ibericus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Comunero Errante View Post
    Los disturbios en Inglaterra no tienen una base racial. Tienen unabase exclusivamente economica. En los getos marginales abundan la gente de origen no europeo , pero creer que a esta situacion no se habria llegado sino llega a haber immigrantes, es cuanto cuanto menos "inocente".Aunque la palabra mas adecuada es "embustero"
    La mayoria de ellos eran negros, y no, la gente pobre sigue siendo una mayoria de blancos. Ademas, la situación económica no justifica el robar, matar y hacer el gorila por las calles.

    Este problema social no se debe a la inmigracion masiva,sino a la corrupcion politica y financiera galopante, a la perdida de valores y democracia y su substitucion por elculto alindividualismo atroz, el egoismo extremo,el nepotismo y la negligencia tanto de nuestros gobernantes y establishment economico, como,por su pasividad, de los gobernados.
    Tu crees que todos eso negros estan pensando en los valores democráticos y la corrupción financera y bla, bla, bla ? Pues no. Simplemente aprovechan la mas mínima oportunidad parar robar y hacer vandalismo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by El Comunero Errante View Post
    Dices esto como si no supieras que los cinturones marginales y proletarios de europa,a lo largo de la historia de su existencia desde la revolucion industrial,no hubieran estado involucrados en disturbios ,revoluciones, guerrillas y resistencia, destrucion,pillaje y momentos de absoluta anarquia. Estas cayendo en el error de olvidar tu historia. Esta no es laprimera vez ni la ultima en la que selucha con el establishment.Los primeros en caer en los disturbios y la violencia son siemprelas castas mas desfavorecidas, que ahora mismo, en el Reino Unido,y precisamente por lo que he explicado arriba, estan ocupadas en una buena parte por inmigrantes no Europeos.

    Pero te voy a decir una cosa,yo vivo en Inverleith,uno delos barrios con mayor nivel devida del reino unido, y aqui tambien hay pakis y negros,al igual que los hay en Londres en los barrios pudientes. Y tu los has visto involucrados en disturbios? por favor,no caigas en la trampa que estan poniendo ahora . Por muy negros y marginales que sean, la gente de Tottenham, tu y yo,tenemos el mismo enemigo.
    Sé que a lo largo de la historia tanto españoles como británicos hemos sido protagonistas de revueltas violentas aunque no caigo ahora mismo en ninguna donde se agredieran a los comerciantes con el único motivo de robarles su mercancía como es el caso de Inglaterra.

    Sinceramente creo que estás cayendo en la dulce trampa de nuestra podrida educación y no te culpo, yo mismo en cuanto me descuido me pongo a soltar eso mismo que tú estás diciendo sin pensarlo dos veces pero luego recuerdo mi trabajo, relacionado directamente con hechos delictivos, y me doy cuenta de que de cada 10, dos son españoles y ocho son rumanos, moros, sudamericanos y gitanos, vale, las clases más desfavorecidas pero sea cual sea la razón no somos los protagonistas de la delincuencia los españoles en España y eso nos debería dar que pensar.

    Espada tengo. Lo demás, Dios lo remedie.

    In the west almost all Spain had been subjugated, except that part which adjoins the cliffs where the Pyrenees end and is washed by the nearer waters of the ocean. Here two powerful nations, the Cantabrians and the Asturians, lived in freedom from the rule of Rome.")
    — Lucius Anneus Florus , Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum omnium annorum DCC Libri duo Bellum Cantabricum et Asturicum

    Ethnicity of the Celts/Iberian. Tribes: Avariginos, Blendi, Concanos, Coniscos, Orgenomescos, Plentusios, Tamáricos and Vadinienses.--->

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lábaru View Post
    Sé que a lo largo de la historia tanto españoles como británicos hemos sido protagonistas de revueltas violentas aunque no caigo ahora mismo en ninguna donde se agredieran a los comerciantes con el único motivo de robarles su mercancía como es el caso de Inglaterra.

    Sinceramente creo que estás cayendo en la dulce trampa de nuestra podrida educación y no te culpo, yo mismo en cuanto me descuido me pongo a soltar eso mismo que tú estás diciendo sin pensarlo dos veces pero luego recuerdo mi trabajo, relacionado directamente con hechos delictivos, y me doy cuenta de que de cada 10, dos son españoles y ocho son rumanos, moros, sudamericanos y gitanos, vale, las clases más desfavorecidas pero sea cual sea la razón no somos los protagonistas de la delincuencia los españoles en España y eso nos debería dar que pensar.

    Vuelvo a preguntar: cuantos Negros y Pakis de clase alta has visto involucrados en los disturbios?? (y este fue un motín pre-industrial en Espana)

    Los amotinados ignoraron tales consejos y comenzaron un recorrido por las calles de la ciudad en el que, además de obligar a desapuntar el sombrero a todos los que lo llevaban de tres picos (o sea, deshacer las puntadas que lo mantenían conforme al bando), fueron destrozando cuantos faroles encontraron a su paso (desde 1765 había 4000 en todo Madrid -su coste de instalación había sido astronómico: 900.000 reales-, y se les denominaba popularmente esquilaches, porque su existencia provenía de una orden de Esquilache de obligado cumplimiento para los vecinos, que eran quienes los debían mantener a su costa, lo que produjo el encarecimiento del aceite y las velas de sebo, haciendo que los más pobres vivieran a oscuras en sus casas mientras las calles estaban iluminadas33 ). Al llegar a la casa de Esquilache (llamada de las siete chimeneas) la asaltaron, matando a cuchilladas a un servidor que trató de ofrecer resistencia. El ministro no estaba allí (había huido a San Fernando de Henares, mientras su mujer había salvado las joyas y se había refugiado en el lugar donde estudiaban sus hijas, el Colegio de las Niñas de Leganés); con lo que, tras vaciar la despensa, optaron por dirigirse a las casas de otros dos ministros italianos: Grimaldi y Sabatini. El día terminó con la quema de un retrato de Esquilache en la Plaza Mayor.

    20th century

    Bloody Sunday massacre in St. Petersburg.
    1903 - Kishinev pogrom, (Kishinev, Russia, now in Moldova)
    1904 - Vaccine Revolt, (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
    1905 - Hibiya Incendiary Incident, (Japan)
    1905 - Broome riots, (Australia)
    1905 - Bloody Sunday (1905), (St. Petersburg, Russia)
    1906 - Atlanta Riots, (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
    1907 - Bellingham riots, (Bellingham, Washington, United States)
    1908 - Springfield Race Riot, (Springfield, Illinois, United States)
    1910 - Tonypandy Riot (South Wales, UK)
    1910 - Nationwide riots following the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries in Reno, Nevada on July 4
    1911 - Champagne Riots, (France)
    1913 - The Rite of Spring riot, May 29, 1913 (Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France)
    1916 - Everett massacre, (Everett, Washington, United States)
    1917 - East St. Louis Riot, (St. Louis, Missouri & East St. Louis, Illinois, United States)
    1917 - Conscription Crisis of 1917, (Quebec, Canada)
    1917 - Houston Riot (1917), Houston, Texas, United States
    1918 - Rice Riots of 1918, (Japan)
    1919 - Battle of Bow Street, (Bow Street, London, UK)
    1919 - May Day Riots, (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
    1919 - Red Summer, (United States)
    1919 - Chicago Race Riot, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1919 - Luton Peace Day Riots, Luton U.K.
    1919 - Boston Police Strike, (Boston, Massachusetts, United States)
    1919 - Elaine Race Riot, (Elaine, Arkansas, United States)
    1919 - Bloody Saturday, (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
    1920 - Nebi Musa riots, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel)
    1921 - Jaffa riots, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel, May 1–7, 1921)
    1921 - Tulsa Race Riot, (Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States)
    1922 - Herrin Massacre, (Herrin, Illinois, United States)
    1923 - Hamburg Uprising, (Hamburg, Germany on October 23, 1923)
    1923 - Rosewood massacre, (Rosewood, Florida)
    1924 - Bhagalpur riots of 1924, (Bhagalpur, India)
    1929 - Hebron–Safed riots, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel)

    Fires rage during the Bonus Army March
    1931 - Hawaii Riot, (Hawaii, United States)
    1931 - Greek nationalist riots (Nicosia, Cyprus)
    1932 - Bonus Army March, Spring/Summer, Washington, D.C., United States
    1933 - Christie Pits Race Riots (Toronto, Canada)
    1933 - Palestine riots, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel)
    1934 - U.S. Nazi Riot[4] (New York City, New York, United States)
    1934 - Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 Minneapolis, Minnesota
    1935 - Harlem Race Riot (New York City, New York, United States)
    1935 - Regina Riot (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)
    1935 - Battle of Ballantyne Pier (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
    1936 - Battle of Cable Street, (London, England)
    1936 - Bhagalpur riots of 1936, (Bhagalpur, India)
    1936-39 - Arab Revolt, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel)
    1937 - Memorial Day Massacre of 1937 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1938 - Bloody Sunday (1938) (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

    Dead and wounded after the 'Direct Action Day' battle between Hindus and Muslims
    1941 - Ossewabrandwag attacks on South African Union Defence Force February 1, (Johannesburg, South Africa)[5]
    1942 - Battle of Brisbane (Brisbane, Australia)
    1942 - Battle of Manners Street, (Wellington, New Zealand)
    1943 - Zoot Suit Riots, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
    1943 - Detroit Race Riot (1943), (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
    1945 - Hanaoka mine riot by Chinese workers, Odate, Akita, Japan[6]
    1945 - Halifax Riot, (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
    1945 - Helwan Riots, Egypt
    1946 - Direct Action Day, India[7]
    1946 - Nylon riots US
    1946 - Bhagalpur riots of 1946, (Bhagalpur, India)
    1947 - Jerusalem Riots, (British Mandate of Palestine, later Israel)
    1947 - Partition riots, India and modern-day Pakistan and Bangladesh
    1948 - Accra Riots, (Gold Coast, now renamed Ghana)
    1949 - Durban Riot, South Africa
    1949 - Peekskill Riot (Peekskill, New York, United States)
    1949 - Icelandic NATO Riot of the thirtieth of March (Austurvöllur, Reykjavík, Iceland)
    1950 - Maria Hertogh riots 11 December-13 December, Singapore
    1952 - Cairo Fire (26 January, Egypt)
    1953 - East German Uprising, June 16–17, 1953 (Berlin and Eastern Germany)
    1955 - The Richard Riot March 17, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    1955 - Hock Lee bus riots 12 May, (Singapore)
    1955 - Istanbul Riots 6 September-7 September, Istanbul, Turkey
    1956 - Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (October 23-November 10, 1956, Hungary).
    1956 - Chinese Middle School riots 24 October-28 October, (Singapore)
    1956 - Hong Kong 1956 riots, (Hong Kong)
    1956 - Gal Oya riots, (Sri Lanka).
    1957 - Little Rock Integration Crisis (Autumn, 1957 Little Rock, Arkansas)
    1958 - Nottingham race riots, (Nottingham, England)
    1958 - Notting Hill race riots, (Notting Hill, London, England)
    1958 - Sri Lankan riots of 1958, (Sri Lanka)
    1959 - Tibetan riots against Chinese government,[8] May 10–12, 1959 (Tibet, China)
    1961 - Berlin Wall Riots August 1961 (Berlin, West Germany/East Germany)
    1962 - Novocherkassk riots, June, (Novocherkassk, Soviet Union)
    1962 - Ole Miss riot 1962, September 30, The University of Mississippi
    1963 - Cambridge riot 1963, June 14, Cambridge, Maryland
    1964 - National Stadium Tragedy Riot, May 24, Estadio Nacional, Lima, Peru
    1964 - New York City 1964 race riot, July 18–23 (New York City, United States)
    1964 - 1964 Race Riots, July 21-August 2 and September 3 (Singapore)
    1964 - Rochester 1964 race riot, July 24–25 (Rochester, New York, United States)
    1964 - Jersey City 1964 race riot,[9] August 2–4 (Jersey City, New Jersey, United States)
    1964 - Elizabeth 1964 race riot,[9] August 11–13 (Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States)
    1964 - Dixmoor 1964 race riot[9] August 16–17 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1964 - Philadelphia 1964 race riot August 28–30
    1965 - Watts Riot, August 1965, (Los Angeles, California, United States)
    1965 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
    1966 - Hong Kong 1966 riots (aka Kowloon riots), April 1966 (Hong Kong)
    1966 - Division Street Riots, June 12–14 (Humboldt Park, Chicago, United States)
    1966 - Hough Riots, July 1966 (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
    1966 - Hunter's Point Riot[citation needed] (San Francisco, California, United States)
    1966 - Compton's Cafeteria Riot, August 1966 (San Francisco, California, United States)
    1966 - Benton Harbor Riot, August–September 1966 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, United States)
    1966 - Atlanta riot of 1966, Sep. 6 (Atlanta, Georgia, United States)
    1966 - Sunset Strip curfew riots (Los Angeles, California, United States)
    1967 - Bhagalpur riots of 1967 (Bhagalpur, India)
    1967 - Tampa Riots of 1967, June 1967 (Tampa, Florida, United States)
    1967 - Buffalo riot of 1967, June 27 (Buffalo, New York, United States)
    1967 - 1967 Newark riots, July 12–18, 1967 (Newark, New Jersey, United States)
    1967 - 1967 Plainfield riots, July 14–20, 1967 (Plainfield, New Jersey, United States)
    1967 - 12th Street Riot, July 23-27, 1967 (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
    1967 - Cairo riot, July 17 (Cairo, Illinois, United States)
    1967 - Hong Kong 1967 riots, (Hong Kong)
    1968 - Battle of Valle Giulia, March 1, 1968 (Rome, Italy)
    1968 - 1968 Washington, D.C. riots, April 1968 (Washington, D.C., United States)
    1968 - Baltimore riot of 1968, April 6–12 (Baltimore, Maryland, United States)
    1968 - Chicago riot of 1968 April 7–14 (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1968 - Kansas City riot of 1968, April 1968 (Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
    1968 - May 1968 popular uprising (France)
    1968 - JCH Riot in outrage over Hartwick College's schism from the Lutheren Church [10][Full citation needed]
    1968 - Louisville riots of 1968, May 27, (Louisville, Kentucky, United States)
    1968 - Glenville Shootout, (Cleveland, Ohio, United States)
    1968 - 1968 Democratic National Convention riot, August 1968, (Chicago, Illinois,
    1968 - Rodney Riots, (Kingston, Jamaica)
    1969 - Burntollet riot (near Derry, Northern Ireland on 4 January 1969)
    1969 - 1969 Race Riots of Singapore
    1969 - Czechoslovak Hockey Riots (1969)
    1969 - Sir George Williams Computer Riot, (Montreal, Canada)
    1969 - Stonewall Riots, June 1969, (New York City, New York, United States)
    1969 - Zip to Zap, May 9–11, 1969 (Zap, North Dakota, United States)
    1969 - May 13 race riots, May 13-July 31, 1969, (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
    1969 - Battle of the Bogside (Derry, Northern Ireland on 12–14 August 1969)
    1969 - 1969 Northern Ireland Riots (throughout Northern Ireland on 14–17 August 1969)
    1969 - Days of Rage, Oct. 1969, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1969 - Murray-Hill riot, (Montreal, Québec, Canada)
    1970 - Kent State shootings, May 1970, (Kent, Ohio, United States)
    1970 - Hard Hat riot, Wall Street, May 8, 1970, (New York City, New York, United States)
    1970 - Harakat Tahrir riots, June 17, 1970 El-Aaiun[citation needed]
    1970 - Falls Curfew (Belfast, Northern Ireland on 3–5 July 1970)
    1970 - Fatti di Reggio, July 1970, (Reggio Calabria, Italy)
    1970 - Koza riot, December 20, (Ryukyu Islands, United States, later Okinawa Prefecture, Japan)
    1971 - May Day Protests 1971, May 1971, (Washington, D.C., United States)
    1971 - 1971 Springbok tour (Australia)
    1971 - Camden Riots, August 1971, (Camden, New Jersey, United States)
    1971 - Operation Demetrius (Northern Ireland on August 9–11, 1971)
    1971 - Attica Prison uprising, (Attica, New York, United States)
    1971 - Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
    1972 - Bloody Sunday (Derry, Northern Ireland on 30 January 1972)
    1972 - Operation Motorman (Northern Ireland on 31 July 1972)
    1973 and 1974 - Athens Polytechnic uprising, Greek student riots and revolution at National Technical University of Athens, military junta overthrown, (Greece)
    1973 - Oklahoma State Penitentiary Prison Riot, (McAlester, Oklahoma, United States)[citation needed]
    1973 - Ageo incident, Tokyo Metropolitan Railways Riot,(Tokyo and Saitama, April 1973)[citation needed]
    1974 - Cherry Blossom Festival at the Richmond Stadium, (Richmond, Virginia, United States)[citation needed]
    1974 - Ulster Workers' Council strike (Northern Ireland, May 1974)
    1974 - Ten Cent Beer Night, (Cleveland, Ohio, United States, June 4, 1974)
    1975 - Chapeltown riot Leeds, West Yorkshire ,England
    1975 - Nieuwmarkt riot, March - April 1975 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    1975 - Livernois-Fenkell riot (Detroit, Michigan, United States)
    1975 - European cup Final 1975, Leeds United riot in Paris
    1976 - Vitoria Riots, March 3 (Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain)
    1976 - Kobe Festival Riot by motorcycle gangs (Bōsōzoku), May 15 in Japan
    1976 - Notting Hill Carnival Riot (London, England)
    1976 - Soweto Riots (Soweto, South Africa)
    1977 - 1977 Egyptian Bread Riots, January, 1977, (Egypt)
    1977 - New York City Blackout riot, July 1977, (New York City, United States)
    1977 - Sri Lankan riots of 1977, (Sri Lanka)
    1978 - Rameeza Bee Riots, (Hyderabad, India)
    1979 - Disco Demolition Night, (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
    1979 - White Night gay riots, May 1979 (San Francisco, California)
    1979 - Greensboro Riot/Shootings, Nov. 1979, (Greensboro, North Carolina, United States)
    1979 - Southall Riots, (Southall, West London, England)
    1980 - New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot, (Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States)
    1980 - Chattanooga Riot of 1980,[citation needed] (Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States)
    1980 - Arthur McDuffie riots, May 1980, (Miami, Florida, United States)
    1980 - Gwangju Democratization Movement, May 1980, (South Korea)
    1980 - St Pauls riot, April 1980, (St Pauls, Bristol, England)
    1980 - Coronation riot, April 30, 1980, (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    1981 - 1981 Toronto bathhouse riots, February 1981, (Toronto, Canada)
    1981 - 1981 Springbok Tour protests and riots, (New Zealand)
    1981 - Brixton riot of 1981, (London, England)
    1981 - Les Minguettes incidents in Vénissieux, (France)
    1981 - 1981 Irish hunger strike (Northern Ireland in May, July, August 1981)
    1981 - Toxteth riots (Liverpool, England)
    1981 - Moss Side riots (Manchester, England)
    1981 - Chapeltown riot Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    1981 - First Handsworth Riot, (Birmingham, England)
    1981 - Lucky Luyk riot, October 1982 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    1982 - Nigerian Riots, Oct. 26, (Nigeria)[citation needed]
    1982 - Endagskrigen (one-day-war riot) (Copenhagen, Denmark)[citation needed]
    1982 - Washington Anti-Klan protest 1982, Nov. 1982, (Washington, D.C., United States)[11]
    1982 - Miami Riot, Overtown Riot, Dec. 1982, (Miami, Florida, United States)[12]
    1983 - Sing Sing Prison Riot, Jan. 10, (Ossining, New York, United States)[citation needed]
    1983 - Indian Hindu-Muslim Riots, Feb. 14, (India)[citation needed]
    1983 - Yatala Prison Riot, Mar. 22, (Adelaide, South Australia)[citation needed]
    1983 - Brazilian Unemployment Riot, Apr. 4-5, (São Paulo, Brazil)[citation needed]
    1983 - Polish Pro-Solidarity Riots, May. 1, (Poland)[13]
    1983 - Black July, Jul. 24, (Sri Lanka)
    1984 - Tunisian Bread Riots, Jan., (Tunis, Tunisia)
    1984 - Anti-Sikh riots, (Delhi, Kanpur, India)
    1984 - Operation Blue Star (Amritsar, India)
    1984 - Lawrence Massachusetts Race Riot, August 8, 1984, (Lawrence, Massachusetts)
    1984 - Aggieville Riot, (Manhattan, Kansas)
    1984 - Queens Street Riot, 7 December 1984. (Auckland, New Zealand)
    1985 - Sudanese Food Riots, Mar. 6, (Khartoum, Sudan)
    1985 - Sri Lanka Riots, Jun. 3, (Sri Lanka)
    1985 - Guadeloupe Riots, Jun. 25, (Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe)
    1985 - Drumcree riots (Portadown, Northern Ireland, July 1985)
    1985 - Durban Riots, August 8, (Durban, South Africa)
    1985 - Cape Town Riots, August 30, (Cape Town, South Africa)
    1985 - Escalante Riots and Massacre, September 15, (Escalante), (Negros Occidental) (philippines)
    1985 - Brixton riot of 1985, September 28, (London, England)
    1985 - Second Handsworth Riot, September 11, (Birmingham, England)
    1985 - Broadwater Farm Riot, Oct. 6, (London, England)
    1985 - Johannesburg Riots, Oct. 9, (Johannesburg, South Africa)
    1986 - South African Riots, Feb. 15, (South Africa)
    1986 - EDSA I, Feb. 25, (Manila, Philippines)
    1986 - Egyptian Conscription Riot, Feb. 25, (Egypt)
    1986 - 1986 Sabah riots, Mar. 12, (Sabah, Malaysia)
    1986 - Drumcree riots (Portadown, Northern Ireland, April and July 1986)
    1986 - South Korean Student Riot, May. 10, (Incheon, South Korea)
    1986 - Stanley Cup Riot, Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 24.
    1986 - June Democracy Movement, Jun. 10-29, (South Korea)
    1986 - South African Riots, Jun. 9, (Crossroads, South Africa)
    1986 - Spanish Riots, Jun. 21, (Spain)
    1986 - Pakistani Political Riots, August 13, (Pakistan)
    1986 - South African Riots, August 18, (Soweto, South Africa)
    1986 - Battle of Ryesgade, Oct 14-22 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
    1986 - South Korean Student Riots, Oct. 28, (Seoul/Pusan, South Korea)
    1986 - Pakistani Riots, Oct. 31, (Karachi/Hyderabad, Pakistan)
    1986 - French Student Riots, Nov. 27, (France)
    1986 - Soviet Riots, Dec. 16, (Kazakhstan, Soviet Union)
    1987 - Chapeltown riot Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    1987 - Campus Revolt (South Africa)
    1987 - Tampa Riot 1987, Feb. 1987, (Tampa, Florida, United States)
    1987 - Pioneer Days Riot, (Chico, California, United States)
    1987 - Iranian pilgrim riot, (Mecca, Saudi Arabia)
    1987 - Lhasa Uprising of 1987, September 1987 (Lhasa, Tibet)
    1987 - Atlanta Prison Riots, (Atlanta, United States)
    1987 - First Intifada, Israel
    1988 - Fremantle prison riot
    1988 - Tompkins Square Park Police Riot, August 1988 (East Village, Manhattan, New York City)
    1988 - Hot Biscuit Riot, Shreveport, Louisiana[14]
    1988-1989 - Nanjing Anti-African protests, (Nanjing, China)
    1989 - 1989 riots in Argentina
    1989 - 1989 Sukhumi riots
    1989 - Bhagalpur riots of 1989, (Bhagalpur, India)
    1989 - SCI Camp Hill Riots, Sept 1989 (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, United States)
    1989 - Dewsbury riot
    1989 - Leeds United riots / Birmingham
    1989 - Overtown Riot 1989, Jan. 16-18, 1989,(Overtown, Florida, United States)
    1989 - Tampa Riot 1989, Feb. 1989, (Tampa, Florida, United States)
    1989 - Tibetan Anti-China Riot, Mar. 5, (Lhasa, Tibet)
    1989 - Caracas Riots of February 1989, Feb. 1989, (Caracas, Venezuela)
    1989 - Aftermath of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, (Beijing China)
    1989 - South Korean Students Riots at Hanyang University
    1989 - Romanian Revolution of 1989, (Romania)
    1989 - Purple Rain Riot (South Africa)
    [edit]1990s - 2000
    1990 - Poll Tax Riots, (London)
    1990 - Strangeways Prison Riot, (Manchester, UK), April 1 - April 25
    1990 - Dinamo Zagreb-Red Star Belgrade riot, (Zagreb, Croatia, at the time part of Yugoslavia)
    1990 - Salford, (Greater Manchester, UK), July
    1990 - Hyderabad Riots - Over 150 people killed. Communal riots occurred due to the killing of Sardar and Majid Khan.[15]
    1990 - 1990 Airin Riots, (Osaka, Japan), October 2 - October 5[16]
    1990 - Urban riots in Vaulx-en-Velin (France), October 6 1990.
    1990 - Unrest in Sartrouville (France), March 1990.
    1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, (Brooklyn, New York, United States)
    1991 - 1991 Washington, D.C. riot in D.C.'s Mount Pleasant neighborhood, May 1991, (Washington, D.C., United States)
    1991 - Riverport Riot, at Riverport Amphitheater during a Guns N' Roses concert, July 2
    1991 - 1991 Moscow August Putsch, GKChP (Russian: ГКЧП) riot, or "August Coup Attempt", 19–21 August 1991, (Moscow, Soviet Union)
    1991 - Crown Heights Riot, August 1991, (Brooklyn, New York, United States)
    1991 - Ely Petrol Riots in Cardiff, Wales
    1991 - Carlton leach riot, Essex, England[citation needed]
    1991 - Le Val Fourré urban riots in Mantes-la-Jolie, (France)
    1992 - Los Angeles riots, April 29 – May 4 (Los Angeles, California, United States)
    1992 - Washington Heights Riot, July 1992, (New York, New York, United States)
    1992 - Chicago Bulls Victory Riots, June (Chicago, Illinois, United States)[17]
    1992 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Riot after Metallica and Guns N' Roses show.
    1992 - Yonge Street riot, May 4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada[citation needed]
    1992 - Bombay Riots - Riots in the Indian city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) after the demolition of Babri Mosque in Ayodhya.
    1992 - Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen, Rostock, Germany - most serious xenophobic riots in Germany after World War II
    1993 - Russian constitutional crisis of 1993 riots, Moscow, Russia
    1993 - 18 May Riot, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18, 1993.
    1993 - Stanley Cup Riot, Montreal, Québec, Canada, June 9, 1993.
    1994 - Stanley Cup Riot, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 14, 1994.
    1995 - Brixton riot of 1995, (London, England)
    1995 - Hyde Park Riot, July 1995, Leeds, West Yorkshire
    1995 - Manningham Riot, June 1995, (Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK)
    1995 - Drumcree riots, July 1995, (Portadown, Northern Ireland)
    1995 - Lansdowne Road football riot, English Neo-Nazi Hooliganism, (Lansdowne Road, Dublin, Ireland)[18]
    1996 - Yatala Prison Riot, 6 May 1996, (Yatala Labour Prison, Adelaide, South Australia)[17][citation needed]
    1996 - Drumcree riots, July 1996, (throughout Northern Ireland)
    1996 - Parliament House Riot, 19 August 1996, (Canberra, Australia)[citation needed]
    1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, Oct. 1996, (St. Petersburg, Florida, United States)
    1997 - Drumcree riots of July 1997, (throughout Northern Ireland)
    1998 - Denver Super Bowl riot, January 25, (Denver, Colorado)[citation needed]
    1998 - Jakarta Riots of May 1998, (Jakarta, Indonesia)
    1998 - Miami University Riots of May 1998, (Oxford, Ohio)[citation needed]
    1998 - Washington State University student riot, May 1998, (Pullman, Washington, United States)[citation needed]
    1998 - Geneva anti-WTO riots, May 1998
    1998 - Drumcree riots, July 1998, (throughout Northern Ireland)
    1998 - Le Mirail urban riots, December 1998, (Toulouse, France)
    1999 - Khaitan Riot, (Kuwait)
    1999 - Michigan State University student riot, April 1999, (East Lansing, Michigan, United States)
    1999 - Stanley Cup Riot, Buffalo, New York, June 19, 1999.
    1999 - Woodstock 1999 concert rioting, July 1999, near Rome, New York
    1999 - Iran student riots, July 1999, July 1999, Iran
    1999 - WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, November, 1999 (Seattle, Washington, United States)
    1999 - 1999 Berlin riot
    2000 - Riot at the Staples Center after Lakers win Championship, June 21, (Los Angeles, California)
    2000 - Cochabamba protests of 2000, (Cochabamba, Bolivia)
    2000 - October Riots, (Israel)
    2000 - Al-Aqsa Intifada, Israel
    2000 - Riots between English and Turkish football fans break out in Copenhagen, Denmark after the final of UEFA Euro 2000, [18]
    2000 - Chinese anti-corruption riot,[19] (Yangjiazhangzi, China)
    2000 - Spanish anti-immigrant riots,[20] (Almeria, Spain)
    [edit]21st century

    This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2009)


    Many of Ahmedabad's buildings were set on fire during 2002 Gujarat violence
    2001 - Philadelphia Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States)[21]
    2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Seattle, Washington, United States)
    2001 - University of Maryland student riots following team's loss in the 2001 NCAA tournament, (College Park, Maryland, United States)
    2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 2001, (Cincinnati, Ohio, United States)
    2001 - Quebec City Summit of the Americas, April 2001 (Quebec, Canada)
    2001 - EDSA III, May 2001 (Manila, Philippines)
    2001 - Banja Luka Riots, May 2001, (Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    2001 - Oldham Riots, May 2001, (Oldham, Greater Manchester, England)
    2001 - Gothenburg Riots, June 2001, (Gothenburg, Sweden)
    2001 - Harehills riot Leeds, June 2001, West Yorkshire, England
    2001 - Canada Day Riot, July 2001, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada[22]
    2001 - Bradford Riot, July 2001, (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England)
    2001 - Genoa Group of Eight Summit protest, July 2001, (Genoa, Italy)
    2001 - Holy Cross dispute, Summer 2001, (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
    2001 - December 2001 Riots, (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    2001 - Ohio State University, First Chittfest block party riot, April, (Columbus, Ohio, United States)[23]
    2002 - San Salvador Atenco Airport Riot, (San Salvador Atenco, Mexico)
    2002 - Post-Godhra Riots, Feb 2002 (Gujarat, India)
    2002 - 2002 Urso Branco prison riot,[19] (Rondônia, Brazil)
    2002 - Chinese textile worker riot, [20] (Shuikou, Guangdong, China)
    2002 - University of Maryland students following their team's victory in the 2002 NCAA tournament, (College Park, Maryland, United States)
    2002 - Ohio State University post University of Michigan football game riot, November 2002, (Columbus, Ohio, United States)
    2002 - Ohio State University, Second Chittfest block party riot, April 21, (Columbus, Ohio, United States)[24]
    2002 - Guns N' Roses riot in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada after their concert was cancelled.
    2003 - Riot in Neos Marmaras (Porto Carras, Sithonia) against the EU-Summit, June 20, [21], (Chalkidiki,Greece)
    2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, United States)
    2003 - Wrocław football riot 2003, March 30, 2003,
    2003 - University of Minnesota campus riots after the Gophers men's hockey team won their back to back national championships
    2003 - G8 riots in Geneva, Switzerland, June 2003
    2003 - Maldives civil unrest, September 2003, (Malé, Maldives)
    2003 - Riot over bad policy during a SARS outbreak, [22], (Xiandie, China)
    2003 - The Exploited Montreal riot, Montreal, Canada.[25][26] October 14, 2003
    2004 - 2004 Kosovo riots[citation needed]
    2004 - Palm Island riot, (Palm Island, Queensland, Australia)[citation needed]
    2004 - Redfern riots, (Sydney, Australia)
    2004 - Han-Hui riot, [23], (Henan province, China).
    2004 - Boston, Lincolnshire. Fans rioted after England was knocked out of the European football championships.
    2004 - VEISHEA riot, drunk Iowa State students riot, cancel 2005 VEISHEA (Ames, Iowa)
    2004 - Urso Branco prison riot,[24] (Rondônia, Brazil)
    2004 - Chinese riot in response to a beating,[25] (Guangdong, China)
    2004 - Citizens in Benghu riot in response to inflating prices and poor healthcare, [26], (Anhui, China)
    2004 - Farmers riot when their land is taken and given to real-estate companies, [27], (Zhengzhou, China)
    2004 - Chinese soccer fans riot when a Japanese team wins the final, [28] (Beijing, China)
    2004 - Rioters attack police station December 30, 2004 [29] (Athens, Greece)
    2005 - Dongzhou protest,[27] (Guangdong, China)
    2005 - Macquarie Fields riots, February 2005, southwestern suburb of Sydney, Australia
    2005 - Cedar Revolution, February 2005, Lebanon[citation needed]
    2005 - Anti-Japanese riots, April 2005, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, China[citation needed]
    2005 - Riots in response to land taken for a power plant,[28] (Shenyou, China)
    2005 - Riots over excessive pollution,[29] (Zhejiang, China)
    2005 - Perpignan ethnic violence, May 2005,[30] France)
    2005 - Maldives civil unrest, August 2005, (Malé, Maldives)[citation needed]
    2005 - Chinese worker riot, [30] July 2005, (Xizhou, China). In 2005, the government admitted to 87,000 riots and demonstrations across China.[31]
    2005 - Street clashes in central Athens,[32] September 2007, (Athens, Greece),
    2005 - 2005 civil unrest in France, October 2005[citation needed]
    2005 - 2005 Toledo Riot, October 2005, (Toledo, Ohio, United States)
    2005 - Anti-Muslim Riots of Mau,[33] October 2005, (Mau, UttarPradesh),India
    2005 - Mar del Plata Summit of the Americas, November 2005, (Mar del Plata, Argentina)[citation needed]
    2005 - 2005 Cronulla riots, December 2005, (Sydney, Australia)
    2005 - 2005 Birmingham race riots in Lozells, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
    2006 - Stanley Cup Western Conference Finals (Edmonton Oilers victory), May 2006, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada[34]
    2006 - Cartoon riots[citation needed]
    2006 - 2006 Nuku'alofa riots, Nov. 16, (Nuku'alofa, Tonga)
    2006 - 2006 Dublin riots, Feb. 25, Dublin, Ireland
    2006 - San Bernardino punk riot, March 4, San Bernardino, California
    2006 - 2006 labor protests in France, March–April, Paris, France[citation needed]
    2006 - Riot during the European Social Forum, May 6, Athens, Greece
    2006 - Burj Khalifa riot, (Dubai, UAE)
    2006 - Hindu/Muslim Aligarh Riots, April 2006, (Aligarh, India)
    2006 - Rajkumar death riots, April, (India)[citation needed]
    2006 - April 2006 Venezuela prison riot,[31] April, (Venezuela)
    2006 - 2006 civil unrest in San Salvador Atenco, (San Salvador Atenco, Mexico)[35]
    2006 - Shengda Economics, Trade and Management College diploma riot [36]
    2006 - Riot after a hospital doesn't treat a patient [32], (Sichuan, China)
    2006 - Download Festival Riots, Donnington, UK[citation needed]
    2006 - Riot over government response to a whistleblower, [33], (Shandong, China)
    2006 - Riot follows after a traffic accident incites violence,[37] (Chizhou, China)
    2006 - Riot over a land dispute,[38] (Sanzhou, China)
    2006 - 2006 protests in Hungary
    2006 - Reclaim The Streets Riot Sep 24, Copenhagen, Denmark
    2006 - Copenhagen December Riot (Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark)
    2007 - Anti-immigrant riots,[39] (Madrid, Spain)
    2007 - 2007 - Guinea-Bissau riot
    2007 - Student riot, March 9, 2007,[40][unreliable source?] (Athens, Greece)
    2007 - Eviction of Ungdomshuset, March 1–2, (Copenhagen, Denmark)
    2007 - Chinese immigrants clash with riot police,[41] (Milan, Italy)
    2007 - Riot starts when a company takes over the bus routes and doubles the fares,[42] (Zhushan, China)
    2007 - Karachi Riots, (Karachi, Pakistan)
    2007 - Cigarbox Riot, May 14, (Freetown Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark)[citation needed]
    2007 - Rhino riots in Geneva, Switzerland, July 2007
    2007 - Muslim-Tibetan riot,[43] (Qinghai, China)
    2007 - Muslim-Han riot [44] (Shandong, China)
    2007 - Roma riots [45][unreliable source?] (Sofia, Bulgaria)
    2007 - Venezuelan anti-government protests[citation needed]
    2007 - Georgian anti-government protests, September - December
    2007 - Burmese anti-government protests
    2007 civil unrest in Villiers-le-Bel, France, Nov 25-30[citation needed]
    2007 - Food riots in West Bengal
    2007-2008 - Kenyan Presidential Election Riots
    2008 - Striking dock workers clash with riot police at state-controlled Piraeus (OLP) and Thessaloniki (OLTH) ports
    [34], Greece, Jan 11+15
    2008 - Protests in Serbia - Riots in Belgrade on embassy's of countries recognizing the independence of Kosovo by Serbian nationalists.
    2008 - Political crisis in Lebanon - Riots and engagements between islamists and progressives.
    2008 - Tibetian unrest, Mar. 10 - June. (Tibet, China)
    2007-2008 - Food riots in India, Peru, Morocco, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Guinea, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Senegal.[46][47][48][49][50][51]
    2008 - Haitian Price riots, Apr. 3, 4 killed/20 wounded., Les Cayes Haiti
    2008 - Egypt Price and Wage riots, Apr. 6-7, 1 killed, 20 injured, 25 arrested, Mahalla el-Kubra, Egypt
    2008 - UEFA Cup Final riots in Manchester, United Kingdom
    2008 - South Africa riots - Attacks on foreign nationals
    2008 - Fishermen riots in Paris - French fishermen clashed with police as they protested over rising fuel costs[52]
    2008 - Fishermen riots in Brussels[53]
    2008 - Kamagasaki G8 Riots Osaka, June 2008 Repression and Revolt, General Union
    2008 - 2008 Guizhou riot in Guizhou, China[54]
    2008 - Kanmen riot in the coastal province of Zhejiang.[55] According to the Ministry of Public Security, there were 87,000 riots and protests reported in 2005 and this number increases every year.[56]
    2008 - 2008 riot in Mongolia, following the legislative election
    2008 - August 2008 Montreal North Riot (Montreal, Canada) [57]
    2008 - Yom Kippur Arab-Jewish riots in Akko, Israel
    2008 - Riots throughout Greece after police shot dead a teenager.[58]
    2008 - Riots in Sweden, Riots hits the immigrant suburb Rosengard in the Swedish city Malmö 17 dec - 20 dec.
    2009 - Riots in Oslo, Copenhagen, London, Belfast, Toronto, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities following the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.
    2009 - Rosemeadow brawl with over 100 in Rosemeadow NSW Australia
    2009 - Riot on Jan. 13 in Riga, Latvia, after a peaceful demonstration of people, demanding parliament (Saeima) dissolution.
    2009 – Icelandic riots caused by the global economic crisis, Jan. 22, Reykjavik, Iceland (From: Mail Online, London 1/23/09)[not specific enough to verify]
    2009 - Riots in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom after three alleged Provisional Irish Republican Army dissidents were arrested on suspicion of killing two British soldiers and a police officer, in an attack designed to trigger wider violence in Northern Ireland.[citation needed]
    2009 - Riots in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Before and after a football game at Windsor park in Belfast, United Kingdom against Poland. The game also got stopped for 5mins due to a linesman being hit by an object thrown from the Northern Ireland Supporters.[citation needed]
    2009 - Anti-government Riots in Bangkok, Thailand. Protesters are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. hundreds of protesters injured. Thai Army were deployed on the streets of Bangkok and the State of Emergency was declared.
    2009 - Riots in Jharkhand, India ahead of government elections. 6 soldiers dead.
    2009 - Football violence at soccer/football game between West Ham United F.C. fans and Stoke City F.C. fans, both inside the stadium and outside. United Kingdom[citation needed]
    2009 - Luton, United Kingdom, riot against Muslim extremists who disrupted a homecoming parade of British soldiers, May 24
    2009 - Riot in Downtown Los Angeles after Lakers win the Championship, June 14
    2009 - 2009 Iranian election protests
    2009 - Protests against military coup in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, June 28 --?
    2009 - July 2009 Ürümqi riots in Ürümqi, China, July 5 --?
    2009 - Riots in Jerusalem after the welfare officials rescued toddler who was being starved by his abusive Ultra Orthodox mother who is a member of the small Toldos Aharon community, which does not recognized the state of Israel, municipal services were suspended to all neighborhoods where riots developed.
    2009 - Riots in Pakistan's central Punjab, 8 dead.[59]
    2009 – Riots in Birmingham, United Kingdom when far-right activists clash with anti-racism protesters and local members of the Muslim and Afro-Caribbean community on August 8, 2009.[60][61]
    2009 – Arab protesters clashed with Israeli security forces during riots near Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.[62]
    2009 - Football violence before, at and after a Carling Cup match between West Ham United and Millwall in London at Upton Park. There where also 3 pitch invasions.
    2009 - Football riot in Široki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 dead.
    2009 - Bastille Day Riots in the commune of Montreuil, France; July 9th
    2010 - Riots in Corsica between police force and supporters of the FLNC, 3 injured.[63]
    2010 - Prison riot in Venezuela, 8 dead.[64]
    2010 - Immigrants riots in Rosarno, Italy, 37 injured.[65]
    2010 - Riots in Nigeria between Muslim and Christian gangs, 992 dead.[66][67]
    2010 - Vancouver Winter Olympics Riot. Over Vancouver's homelessness crisis.[68]
    2010 - Riots in Kyrgyzstan, 85 dead.[69][70]
    2010 - Riots in Thailand, 91 dead.[71][72][73][74]
    2010 - April 10 - Springfest Riot, Harrisonburg, Virginia, dozens injured; 30-35 arrested.[75]
    2010 - Riots in Indonesia, 3 dead.[76]
    2010 - Riots in Kyrgyzstan, 5 dead[77]
    2010 - Riots in Santa Cruz, California.[78]
    2010 - Riots in Greece, 3 killed.[79]
    2010 - Prison riot in Venezuela, 8 dead.[80]
    2010 - Riots in northeast India, 3 dead, 70 injured.[81]
    2010 - Riots in Kyrgyzstan between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks, 2 dead.[82]
    2010 - Riots in Jamaica, 73 dead.[83]
    2010 - Riots in Kyrgyzstan, at least 2000 dead.[84]
    2010 - Prison riot in Mexico, 28 dead.[85]
    2010 - Drake Seaport riot at least 7 injured [86]
    2010 - Riots in Bariloche, Argentina, 2 dead, 12 injured.[87]
    2010 - G20 Riots in Toronto Canada - Zero dead, significant damage, 1105 arrests [88]
    2010 - Prison riot in Venezuela, 6 dead.[89]
    2010 - Riots in Indian Kashmir, at least 10 dead.[90]
    2010 - Riots in Yemen, 2 dead.[91]
    2010 - Riots in Panama, 1 dead, dozens injured.[92]
    2010 - Riots in Northern Ireland. Police estimate that million in damages have been caused, and over 80 police officers injured by nationalist rioters.[93]
    2010 - Riots in Nigeria, at least 4 killed [94]
    2010 - Prison riot in Quebec, Canada, 2 killed.[95]
    2010 - Riots in Indian Kashmir, 50 people have now been killed in seven weeks of clashes with Indian forces.[96][97]
    2010 - Riots in Karachi, Pakistan, 90 dead.[98][99]
    2010 - Prison riot in Mexico, 14 dead.[100]
    2010 - Prison riot in Kazakhstan, at least 2 killed, 80 injured.[101]
    2010 - Farmers riot in Uttar Pradesh, India, at least 2 killed.[102][103]
    2010 - Riots in Punjab province, Pakistan, 2 dead.[104]
    2010 - Riots in Mozambique, 13 killed.[105][106]
    2010 - Riots in Indonesia, 6 killed, 22 injured.[107]
    2010 - Riots in Afghanistan, 2 killed.[108]
    2010 - Riots in Karachi, Pakistan, 17 dead.[109]
    2010 - Riots in Ecuador, 3 killed, 50 injured.[110]
    2010 - Riots in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, 5 dead.[111]
    2010 - Prison Riots in Venezuela, 16 killed.[112]
    2010 - Belgrade anti-gay riot, 78 police officers and 17 civilians injured.[113]
    2010 - Riots in Karachi, Pakistan, at least 33 killed.[114]
    2010 - Prison riot in Haiti, 3 killed.[115]
    2010 - Riots in Cross River State, Nigeria, at least 30 killed.[116]
    2010 - Riots in Western Sahara, 11 dead.[117]
    2010 - Riot in Maranhão, Brazil, 18 dead.[118]
    2010 - Student riots in London, 14 injured, 35 arrested, Conserverative head office damaged by protestors.[119] Goldsmiths College's UCU (lecturers union) issue statement in support of all demonstrators: "The real violence in this situation relates not to a smashed window but to the destructive impact of the cuts."[120][121]
    2010 - Riots in Haiti, 2 dead.[122][123]
    2010 - Riots in Cairo, Egypt, 2 dead.[124]
    2010 - Riots in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at least 25 people have been killed.[125]
    2010 - Riots in Ivory Coast, at least 3 killed.[126]
    2010 - More student riots in London. Twelve police officers were injured with six requiring hospital treatment. 43 protesters injured, and 26 arrests made. several buildings were attacked, including the Treasury, the Supreme Court and Topshop. The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall car came under attack, smashing the window of the car and covered in paint.[127]
    2010 - Riots in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at least 3 killed.[128]
    2010 - Riots in Bangladesh, at least 3 killed and dozens more have been injured.[129]
    2010 - Ethnic riots in Moscow, Russia, 29 injured.[130][131]
    2010 - Riots in Ivory Coast, at least 20 people have been killed.[132]
    2010 - Riots in the Constitución neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina.[133]
    2010 - Riots in Tunisia, 1 dead and several people injured.[134]
    2011 - Riots in Assam, Meghalaya, Northeast India, 4 dead.[135][136]
    2011 - Riots in Arusha, Tanzania, 2 dead and nine people injured.[137]
    2011 - Riots in Algeria, 2 dead and four hundred people injured in riots linked to food price increases and unemployment.[138]
    2011 - Riots in Tunisia, at least 219 killed.[139]
    2011 - Riots in Jos, Nigeria, more than 30 people dead.[140][141]
    2011 - Riots in Tirana, Albania, 3 killed, 17 policemen and soldiers were injured, including three seriously, along with 22 civilians.[142]
    2011 - Riots in Lebanon, following the fall of Saad Hariri's government.[143]
    2011 - Riots in Egypt, at least 846 killed.[144]
    2011 - Riots in Tafawa Balewa, Nigeria, 4 killed.[145]
    2011 - Prison riot in Sao Luis, Brazil, 6 dead.[146]
    2011 - Religious riot in Banten, Indonesia, at least 6 killed.[147]
    2011 - Riots in Manama, Bahrain, at least 10 killed, 92 civilians, 50 security forces injured.[148][149][150]
    2011 - Riots in Sulaimaniya, Iraqi Kurdistan, two killed.[151]
    2011 - Riots in Al Hoceima, Morroco, 5 killed.[152]
    2011 - Riots in Libya, at least 24 people killed.[153]
    2011 - Riots in Iraq, at least 13 killed.[154]
    2011 - Riots in Yemen, 24 killed.[155][156]
    2011 - Riots in Tunis, Tunisia, 3 killed.[157]
    2011 - Miners riot in Peru, at least 2 killed.[158]
    2011 - Riots in Cairo, Egypt, between Muslims and Christians, at least 13 people died and 140 were injured.[159]
    2011 - Riot in Kissidougou, Guinea, at least 3 dead.[160]
    2011 - Prison riot in Tikrit, Iraq, 2 dead, 14 wounded.[161]
    2011 - Riots in Syria, at least 60 killed. [162][163][164]
    2011 - Riots in Sanaa, Yemen, 42 people had died and at least 300 were injured according to doctors.[165]
    2011 - Prison Riot in Hyderabad, Pakistan, 7 dead. [166]
    2011 - Riots in Nigeria, at least 70 people have been killed. [167]
    2011 - Riots in Mazar-e Sharif and Kandahar, Afghanistan, at least 13 people have been killed.[168][169]
    2011 - Riots in Jessore, Bangladesh, 1 dead and at least 30 others injured. [170]
    2011 - Riots in Cairo, Egypt, 2 killed and at least 15 wounded.[171]
    2011 - Prison riot in Rumieh prison, Lebanon, 2 dead.[172]
    2011 - Riot in Parwan province, Afghanistan, 1 killed.[173]
    2011 - Riots in Uganda, at least 3 killed.[174]
    2011 - Riots in Yemen, more than 100 people have died in two months of protests.[175]
    2011 - Riots in Jaitapur, Maharashtra, India, 1 killed, more than 50 injured.[176]
    2011 - Riots in Diyarbakir, Turkey, 1 killed.[177]
    2011 - Riots in Tyre, Lebanon, 2 killed.[178]
    2011 - Riots in Mansa, Luapula Province, Zambia, 3 people were burned to death.[179]
    2011 - Riots in Nigeria, at least 500 killed in post-election rioting.[180][181]
    2011 - Riots in Kampala, Uganda, at least 5 dead and 100 injured.[182][183]
    2011 - Riots in Cairo, Egypt, between Muslims and Christians, 12 dead.[184]
    2011 - Riots in Hesarak District, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, 1 killed, 3 wounded.[185]
    2011 - Riots on Israel's borders, at least 12 killed and dozens injured.[186][187]
    2011 - Riots in West Bengal, India, at least 8 people killed in post-election violence.[188]
    2011 - Riots in Taloqan, Takhar province, Afghanistan, at least 12 killed and 80 injured.[189][190]
    2011 - Riots in Tbilisi, Georgia, 2 killed, 20 injured.[191]
    2011 - Riots in Choucha refugee camp, Tunisia, at least 2 killed.[192]
    2011 - Riots in Sri Lanka, 1 killed, at least 200 wounded.[193]
    2011 - Riots in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 4 killed.[194][195]
    2011 - Riots in Metlaoui, Tunisia, 3 dead and 90 wounded.[196]
    2011 - Riots in Mogadishu, Somalia, 2 killed.[197]
    2011 - Riots in El Rodeo I prison, Caracas, Venezuela, 19 killed.[198]
    2011 - Riots in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada after the Vancouver Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup. [199]
    2011 - Riots in Tripoli, Lebanon, at least 4 killed and at least 48 people wounded.[200][201]
    2011 - Riots in Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, 2 injured.[202][203]
    2011 - Riots in Huancavelica, Peru, 3 killed and more than 30 injured.[204]
    2011 - Riots in Guwahati, Assam, India, 2 killed and at least 30 injured.[205][206]
    2011 - Riots in Juliaca, Puno Region, Peru, at least 5 killed and 30 wounded.[207]
    2011 - Riots in Dadaab, Kenya, 2 killed and 13 injured.[208]
    2011 - Riots in Karachi, Pakistan, at least 114 killed, including violence a week prior.[209][210]
    2011 - Riots in Ganjam, Orissa, India, at least 2 killed.[211][212]
    2011 - Riot in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, at least 7 killed in a prison riot.[213]
    2011 - Riot in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, 7 killed in a prison riot.[214]
    2011 - Riot in Hotan, China, 14 killed. [215]
    2011 - Riots in Homs, Syria, at least 30 killed in sectarian violence.[216]
    2011 - Riots in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, 1 killed.[217]
    2011 - Riots in Malawi, at least 18 killed.[218]
    2011 - Riots in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 17 people killed in a prison riot.[219]
    2011 - Riots in Papua, Indonesia, 18 killed in rioting between rival clans.[220][221]
    2011 - Riots in Qalad District, Zabul province, Afghanistan, at least 4 killed.[222]
    2011 - Riots in Pimpri-Chinchwad, India, 3 killed.[223]
    2011 - Riots in London which spread to other cities in England, over a hundred injured and 5 killed.[224][225][226][227]
    2011 - Riots in Mogadishu, Somalia, at least 10 killed.[228

  8. #8
    Veteran Member Lábaru's Avatar
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    The true West Europe, Core of the Atlantic Facade.
    Celtibero, Old Westerner, Atlantic Facade and 100% pure Iberian.
    Cantabri, Tierruca.
    Mother Spain, father Spain ect....Until the first amoeba.
    Atlanto-Conquistador 100% Pure Iberian
    Spanish Inquisition.
    Spanish Inquisition.
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    Me estás hablando de casos de hace siglos cuando las sociedades eran otras, no viene al caso ya que precisamente nos quejamos de eso, de que la inmigración recibida hace retroceder o involucionar nuestras sociedades. En parte estás dando la razón a David Duke o a cualquiera que se queje de esto.

    Espada tengo. Lo demás, Dios lo remedie.

    In the west almost all Spain had been subjugated, except that part which adjoins the cliffs where the Pyrenees end and is washed by the nearer waters of the ocean. Here two powerful nations, the Cantabrians and the Asturians, lived in freedom from the rule of Rome.")
    — Lucius Anneus Florus , Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum omnium annorum DCC Libri duo Bellum Cantabricum et Asturicum

    Ethnicity of the Celts/Iberian. Tribes: Avariginos, Blendi, Concanos, Coniscos, Orgenomescos, Plentusios, Tamáricos and Vadinienses.--->

  9. #9
    Lord Protector of Spain, Septimania and Galicia Raikaswinþs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lábaru View Post
    Me estás hablando de casos de hace siglos cuando las sociedades eran otras, no viene al caso ya que precisamente nos quejamos de eso, de que la inmigración recibida hace retroceder o involucionar nuestras sociedades. En parte estás dando la razón a David Duke o a cualquiera que se queje de esto.
    casos de hace siglos?porfavor,la lista que he pegado son exclusivamente del Siglo XX, y gran parte de ellos en Europa.En cualquier caso, la mayoria de los disturbios tras laRevolucion Industrial en Europa tienen el mismo origen y la misma causa,similares consecuencias y actuacion, y respuesta calcada por parte de las clases dirigentes.

    La explicacion racial se cae por su propio peso desde el momento en que ningun colectivo de clase media-alta de origen immigrante ha tomado parte.De hecho la reaccion entre ellos (y te lodigo de primera mano porque vivo precisamente aqui ,es la mismaque la de los demás,horror ante la barbarie, y absoluta incompresion de lo ocurrido, ademas de una indignacion que rozalo estupido y una aceptacion de las versiones oficialistas ridicula y carente de reflexion)

    Mi opinion sobre la inmigracion y sobre el estado de la democraciay las instituciones en europa queda perfectamente reflejada en los videos de VEstrynge y Trevijano que enlace con anterioridad.Me gustaria que les hechases un vistazo y medieras tu opinion

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    Un ex "Gran Dragón" del Ku Klux Klan que acusa a los judíos de ser "supremacistas".

    Vale que la masa es estúpida y bla, bla, bla... pero no se puede menospreciar tanto la inteligencia de la gente.

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