A brief albeit wonderful tour around the utopian streets of a new young promising nation known as CHAD (Capitol Hill Autonomous District) which, according to Wikipedia, is a
self-declared autonomous zone[1] in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, United States. The zone, originally covering six city blocks and Cal Anderson Park,[15][16] was established on June 8, 2020 by George Floyd protesters after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) left its East Precinct building.[2] The zone was cleared of occupants by police on July 1, 2020.[3][17]

Quick history lesson:
Established June 8, 2020[2]
Area cleared July 1, 2020[3]
I am shocked the mayor of Seattle (no doubt a white supremacist) hasn't ceded her city to CHADs yet because look at this 22nd century technology and society. Can you feel the love? Can you smell the future?