Maybe you noticed. Im a spiritual, religious person.

But I agree with some thinkers, like Karl Marx but only in a historical context, that religion is opium for the people and “Then as well as now, kings and priests, leaders and politicians, have used religions more to enslave people than to free them.”
― ~Sw. Chidananda Tirtha

I dont want that we get ruled by some priest kings, but then again, now it is different, and that is a thing of the past. Now there are diverse types of mechanisms of power, and how people get brainwashed and you dont need only religion anymore for it and it is being replaced, and I think religion is good thing to give us hope, faith, values etc. but only if it is practiced by our free choice, and free will which was in the past not like that but now it is.
Any opinions? I guess you wouldnt have expected that from me, by now, what I have posted about religion so far. Right?