Title: I'm Indian?

0.00% South_Asian Dedocad V3
0.00% South Asian Eurogenes K15
0.00% South Asian Eurogenes K36
0.00% ASI MDLP K11 Modern
0.00% Indian MDLP World-22
0.00% ASI puntDNAL K10 Ancient
0.00% South_Asian puntDNAL K12 Ancient
0.00% South_Asian puntDNAL K12 Modern

0.09% Indian MDLP World
0.26% Indian MDLP K16 Modern
0.34% SOUTH_ASIAN Eurogenes Jtest
0.39% SOUTH_ASIAN Eurogenes EUtest
0.44% South Asian Eurogenes K13
0.57% South_Asian Dedocad K12
0.64% South Asian Eurogenes K12b
0.72% South Asian Eurogenes K12
0.78% South Asian Hunter Gatherer Eurogenes Hunter_Gatherer vs Farmer
0.79% South Asian Eurogenes K11
0.91% S_Indian puntDNAL K15
0.91% South Asian Eurogenes K9
0.92% South_Asian Dedocad K7b
0.95% South_Asian World9
1.03% South Asian Eurogenes K10
1.04% S-Indian HarrapaWorld
1.13% South_Indian MDLP K23b
1.14% South_Asia puntDNAL K13 Global
1.39% ASE Eurogenes ANE K7
1.80% S_INDIAN Gedrosia K12

2.18% Ancestral_South_Eurasian Ancient Eurasia K6

Total 8/29 tests with 0,00%
Total 18,42% : 29 tests = 0,635%

Which of the 29 tests is the best in this regard?
Do you think I have a little Indian DNA?
I get 0.00% in 8 of the 29 tests.
However, I have tests that get values of 1.80% or 2.18%
Therefore, I tried to find an average, I collected all the tests and divided them by their number (including the tests by 0.00%) and I obtained 0.635%.

What is your opinion, what value should be considered?