WHITE isn't a real race. Also this thread's original poster kinda sounds like a libtard OOOO WHITE PRIVILEGE!!!!!!!!! BEING MISTAKEN FOR NON-WHITE MUST BE SUCH A PAIN".

First of all

White passing? What is White passing?

According to a Nazi I'm not White, according to many members of the far-right I'm not White. According to the US Census I'm fully White, according to many other country's census' I'm only Half White. White = European right? Because all Europeans have a similar look or genetic clustering region. But many people consider Near-Easterners and North Africans as non-white? Despite them clustering very close to Europeans, despite them overlapping with Europeans both genetically (to an extent anciently) and also phenotypically there is overlap. And when it comes down to it, Southern Europeans are mostly White passing because they are naturally light skinned and have European features, on average the only things about them that make them look exotic is usually their dark eyes and hair, sometimes you get South Euros who are naturally darker and some that look Intermediate between European and Middle East (EG: East Med/Western Jew look) but most South Euros do look European or White.

And do Northern Euros have more "White Privilege" because what? Because they have lighter hair and eyes? Slightly lighter skin pigmentation?

On average no. Police are more likely to stop "POCs" or people that look like them, but on average unless you look atypical, you're simply less likely to be stopped.

Many North Western Europeans, especially Celtic people like Welsh and Irish are "Med" in terms of phenotype, so many of them look identical to Southern Europeans, when it comes down to it. Brits on average have lighter features (Hair, eyes etc) But when it comes down to it, quite a lot of them look Southern (my dad being a good example) so are they less privileged? Seems pretty stupid if you ask me.

Regardless of anything else people will often question people's ethnicity if they are "Darker" in terms of pigmentation (Doesn't matter if your a Darker Brit or German, or Southern European) People will question your ethnicity if you have darker features. My Dad has been passed as a Turk and even a Kurd, which I obviously heavily disagree with because he just looks like a "White person with Darker hair and eyes and maybe slightly darker skin than the average Brit" - But people will say shit like that, especially when he had a moustache.

I bet most people that have mistaken a European for MENA did so because of facial hair or in general just lack of knowing what your average MENA person looks like.