I think that is safer to predict on mtdna then autosomal if i were 0.5% i guess that could rather be noise, or different from company to company but my mtdna is always the same on every test?

Hello Svetozar,

Thank you for contacting FTDNA! Just for fun, here is our Public Haplotree tool set to your terminal SNP for Y-DNA and your mtDNA haplogroup.

If I had to guess, I would say that Danube Swabian or one of the other German groups would be the most likely for your matrilineal ancestor. Keep in mind that your mtDNA haplogroup T2b5 references your mother's mother's mother's mother's etc. line. You and your mtDNA — Matches at the HVR1, HVR2, and Coding Region level have a common matrilineal ancestor within the last 24 generations, or 600 years, give or take.