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Thread: Why do Turks hate everyone in the Middle East?

  1. #131
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    Hektor, buraya yazıyım. Kivan ve benim sınıflandırma stillerimiz zaten değişiyor ve ben bunda iyi değilim-bilgisizliğim belli. Ayrıca karakterlerimiz çok farklı. Şahsen onu tanıyanların benim o olmadığımı kolayca anlamaları gerekiyor. Gecko bunu aylar önce bir arkadaşımızın banında rol oynadığı için tartışmamız sırasında ortaya attı ve defalarca kullandı, bunun gerçek olmadığımı bile bile. Imma ise sınıflandırma stillerimizi ve benim noob olduğumu anlamış olmalı ama Laag(lar) ile dost olmak isitiyorsa o bilir.

    Açıkçası Blade bu sitede sınıflandırmayı öğrenebileceğin bir kaynak, zaten ona sorduğunda da paragraf dolusu açıklama yazıyor. Onu örnek aldığım için muhtemelen Kivan’la kesiştiğimiz noktalar vardır ama Kivan da ondan etkilenmiş (sanırım).

    Ayrıca siteyi kendi isteği ile terk etmiş birinin bu şekilde sock’la ortada dolaşması pek akıl karı değil.

    Kaspias benim neye benzediğimi biliyor ve muhtemelen benim Kivan’la aynı kişi olamayacağımı da - aynısı Mergen için de geçerli. Ama elbette istediğine inanabilirsin(iz).

    Bu arada benim OWD olduğumu düşünüyorsanız Kivan’dan daha “OWD” olabilirim bu konuda - ben Anadolu Türklerinin çoğu için Batı Asya etkisinin Güney Avrupa + Stepp etkisinden daha az olduğunu düşünüyorum. Paleolar K. Batı Avrupalılar’a özgü değil (George Clooney iyi bir örnek);
    Tronder her zaman süper Kuzey-B. Avrupalıya benzemiyor, Orta Avrupa’da da yaygın ve azınlık olarak Türkiye’de de var
    UP (Faelid, Brunn) + Med komboları nadir değil
    Noridler Karadeniz-Trakya ve kimi Orta Anadolu şehirlerinde gayet yaygın ve Balkan fenotipi - Orta Avrupa değil
    Karadenizliler Kosovarlar kadar açık pigmente (ve Norid, Corded gibi fenolara) sahip. Arnavutlardan (Tosk + Geg) ve Greklerden daha açık pigmentasyona sahipler ve Güney-Doğu Sırplarına kadarki Balkan halklarından çok da koyu değiller (Batı-Doğu Trakya Türkleri ile denk, kimi Bulgaristan Türklerinden daha koyular)
    Azeriler ve Türkler gayet farklı gözüküyorlar genetik benzerliğe rağmen.
    Irano-CM, Nordo-Cm ve Subnordid-CM’den sonraki en nadir CM kombinasyonu.

    Bunları düşünüyorum arkadaşlar. Katılırsınız katılmazsınız, bunlar beni OWD yapıyorsa yapabilirler.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avicenna View Post
    I never made that claim.

    But contrary to what you say , me and my family felt s different experience to what you say . But each to their own .
    I’m trying to be honest. Turks are a friendly bunch, but that doesn’t mean ignorance doesn’t exist. Also, I never said you made such a comment like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demis View Post
    I’m trying to be honest. Turks are a friendly bunch, but that doesn’t mean ignorance doesn’t exist. Also, I never said you made such a comment like that.
    Given how the media potrays afghans I don't blame you or anyone in turkey for thinking like that . Hell, even afghans in the west think like that sometimes. But , I wouldn't Jump too far in disregarding afghans, we are more similar than you think . Anyways take care man

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avicenna View Post
    Given how the media portrays afghans I don't blame you or anyone in turkey for thinking like that . Hell, even afghans in the west think like that sometimes. But , I wouldn't Jump too far in disregarding afghans, we are more similar than you think . Anyways take care man
    I believe you. When I said feeling indifferent, I meant that neither I let the Media brainwash me but also I don’t have any romanticized ideas about a nation. Don't know if this will make any sense, but I think countries are both closer and different from each other at the same time.

    But anyway, agree with you, and I like you as a poster.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilus View Post
    Learn some genetics. Turks are very much native to anatolia, It is the kurds that are not. They were imported by a crazy ass sultan and more recently there have been millions of Kurdish refugees from the Iraq wars.
    Oh really? Someone whose ethnicity is "Turkic" supposedly is more native than a 100% West Asian group.

    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilus View Post
    Lets continue being native. Most Jews are not native to Israel, they just have a claim based on religion. Palestinians are native and so they can be any religion and it belongs there.

    What kind of Jew are you? European or a real one? I bet you are not a Jew at all but a troll. We get that a lot here.
    You're not native at all. You're less native than the most European admixed Jew and here's why: Just compare your DNA with the Hittites and you'll understand where you originate from. Our claim is not based on religion at all, it's based on genetics and origins. Arabs originate from Arabia and this region was never Arab in history before ~650 CE (and you know why it became Arab obviously, hint: Islam), Israel was inhabited by Jews, Lebanon by Phoenicians, Syria by Assyrians/Syriacs, etc. I am a Jew that originates from Latvia and Russia, so I am an Ashkenazi, but my DNA is completely different from the countries I was born into due to my Semitic origins. The closest populations to me according to GEDMatch: Samaritans, Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Cypriots, Italians, Greeks, so East Med in general. We're not Khazars or European converts like your country thinks, we're simply the most indigenous living beings to Israel, okay? Did ancient Judeans/Israelites have names like Ahmed/Ahmet or Muhammad/Mehmet? No, their names were just like modern-day Jews. You might say "Jooz are too light compared to Middle Easterners, so they're not native, bla bla bla" well, my friend, modern-day Middle Eastern Muslims are barely Middle Eastern genetically, they're heavily mixed with Africans and Arabs, and in Turks case mixed with Central Asians. The only natives to this region are the Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslims because they did not mix with other ethnicities/invaders as Muslims did. Non-Muslim Middle Easterners are just as light as Jews, that's coming from my experience with Druze. Oh, I forgot to tell you: Did Anatolians prior to Muslim invasion speak Turkish or Greek? Greek. What about in here, in Israel, what did the people speak? Arabic? No. They spoke Aramaic/Hebrew. You're the invader dear Turk, and you know it well. Muslims like you sticking for one another doesn't change anything nor make you Middle Eastern, you're all just invaders.

    Go back to Mongolia, love!
    Last edited by David24; 06-22-2021 at 11:01 AM.

  6. #136
    Veteran Member Sora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avicenna
    afgan enişteniz hangi etnik kökenden?
    Türkmen. Indeed Turkey has many Turkic villages which their peoples came from Afghanistan, Tajikistan or East Turkistan(Xinjiang) 3 or 4 decades ago. Because of this, they love Kenan Evren(he was a coup plotter president of Turkey at 80s) very much due to he took them into Turkey as they offered to come here, while local people mostly hate him to death.

    He is married to my cousin and their 5-year-old son looks extremely East Asian, even more than his dad

    Quote Originally Posted by Hektor12
    Burada da var biraz, biz de zaten elde tüfekle sokaklarda avlamıyoruz. Ben de bütün Afganları kastetmiyorum, hepimizin çok sevdiği Ulupamir köyündeki Türkler de Afganistan'dan geldi mesela. Ama şu gerçek ordaki halkın ezici çoğunluğu hardcore şeriatçı ve talibanı destekliyor. Hani buradaki akp'nin %90 oy alan ve silahlı olanı gibi. Arada %10 da yanıyor tabi ama kimin umurunda olur, dünyanın çalışma mantığına aykırı.

    Şunun için diyorum, Afganlar bize daha yakın, avrupa ile alakamız yok diye bir söylem çok ters. "İyi Afganlar da var" denilebilir, o kabul. Ama yarım asırdır AB'ye ha girdik ha gireceğiz diye heyecanlanan, Eurovision geri gelecek diye kalbi duracak gibi olan bir millet için avrupayla alakamız pek yok demek zorlama dahi diyemem tamamen mantıksız bir laf.

    Bari Euro 2021 hezimetinin üzerine söylemeseydin, hani böyle defolup gidelim geri ortadoğuya gibisinden oldu. (:
    Anladım, ben de biraz duygusallaşıp abarttım, özür dilerim bunun için. Ama gerçekten de duygusal bir anıma denk gelmişti

    Ben sadece şunu demek istedim; Tamam, Asya'nın %99'undan daha fazla alakamız var Avrupa'yla ama %100 bir bağımız yok Avrupa'yla. Zamanında kıtanın yarısını yönettik, halklarıyla kaynaştık, tarzlarından etkilendik ama hiçte %100 Avrupalı değiliz sizlerin iddia ettiği gibi. Özellikle ülkemiz topraklarının %97'si Asya kıtasında, kültürel + hayat tarzı + zihniyet olarak Avrupa'dan çok Asya'ya yakınız(tabi Ege kıyılarını ve Trakya'yı bilemem), o çok sevdiğimiz Avrupalılar da bizi kendilerinden olarak kabul etmiyor ve hatta biz Türkleri terrörist ve işgalci olarak görüyorlar. Eğer Avrupa'yla alakamız varsa en çok Balkanlar'la ve biraz da Doğu Avrupa'yla alakamız var, onun dışında diğer taraflarla bağımız 0. Acı ama maalesef gerçek bunlar. Abim Avrupa'nın merkezinde, Almanya'da yaşıyor ve o da aynı şeyleri söylüyor.

    Mesela bizde nasıl hükümeti sevmeyen (çoğunluk olmasa da) önemli kesim varsa, Afganlar'da da Taliban denen pisliği sevmeyen birçok insan var. Özellikle oradaki Türkmen, Özbek, Hazara ve Tacik halklar hepten nefret ediyorlar o pislik terör örgütünden, hatta Peştunlar bile (güya "Peştun milliyetçisi" ya Taliban!). Taliban da zamanında oradaki birçok insanın beyinini yıkamış(özellikle erkeklerin), şu an Çin'in Uygur Türkleri'ne o "toplama kamplarında"(!) yaptığı gibi, hatta yıllardır yaptıkları Hazara soykırımını saymıyorum bile! Ama yeni nesil Afganlar daha umut verici ve o terrör örgütünden dolayı dinden soğumuş durumdalar. Sana ve hepinize Afganistan'ın 60lar-70lerdeki fotoğraflarına göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim. Güzelim renkli bir cenneti ateş çukuruna dönüştürmüşler! Afgan asıllı Amerikalı yazar Khalid Hosseini'nin "Uçurtma Avcısı" kitabını alıp okumanızı tavsiye ederim, Emir ve Hüseyin adlarında Afganistan'ın altın çağlarında çocuk olan iki yol arkadaşının hayatlarını ve kaderlerini anlatıyor. Okuduğumda aşırı duygulanmıştım Gerçek bir hikaye, yazık oldu o iki güzelim çocuğa...
    Ask Sora:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Maul
    Good observation Sheikh

  7. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by David24 View Post
    Oh really? Someone whose ethnicity is "Turkic" supposedly is more native than a 100% West Asian group.

    You're not native at all. You're less native than the most European admixed Jew and here's why: Just compare your DNA with the Hittites and you'll understand where you originate from. Our claim is not based on religion at all, it's based on genetics and origins. Arabs originate from Arabia and this region was never Arab in history before ~650 CE (and you know why it became Arab obviously, hint: Islam), Israel was inhabited by Jews, Lebanon by Phoenicians, Syria by Assyrians/Syriacs, etc. I am a Jew that originates from Latvia and Russia, so I am an Ashkenazi, but my DNA is completely different from the countries I was born into due to my Semitic origins. The closest populations to me according to GEDMatch: Samaritans, Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Cypriots, Italians, Greeks, so East Med in general. We're not Khazars or European converts like your country thinks, we're simply the most indigenous living beings to Israel, okay? Did ancient Judeans/Israelites have names like Ahmed/Ahmet or Muhammad/Mehmet? No, their names were just like modern-day Jews. You might say "Jooz are too light compared to Middle Easterners, so they're not native, bla bla bla" well, my friend, modern-day Middle Eastern Muslims are barely Middle Eastern genetically, they're heavily mixed with Africans and Arabs, and in Turks case mixed with Central Asians. The only natives to this region are the Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslims because they did not mix with other ethnicities/invaders as Muslims did. Non-Muslim Middle Easterners are just as light as Jews, that's coming from my experience with Druze. Oh, I forgot to tell you: Did Anatolians prior to Muslim invasion speak Turkish or Greek? Greek. What about in here, in Israel, what did the people speak? Arabic? No. They spoke Aramaic/Hebrew. You're the invader dear Turk, and you know it well. Muslims like you sticking for one another doesn't change anything nor make you Middle Eastern, you're all just invaders.

    Go back to Mongolia, love!
    You wish Turks should go back to Mongolia? By this logic, people of European descent should go back to Pontic-Caspian steppes, all the Afro-Asiatics should go back to Jordan. In short, if you go enough far in the history, everybody is a migrant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by David24 View Post
    Oh really? Someone whose ethnicity is "Turkic" supposedly is more native than a 100% West Asian group.

    You're not native at all. You're less native than the most European admixed Jew and here's why: Just compare your DNA with the Hittites and you'll understand where you originate from. Our claim is not based on religion at all, it's based on genetics and origins. Arabs originate from Arabia and this region was never Arab in history before ~650 CE (and you know why it became Arab obviously, hint: Islam), Israel was inhabited by Jews, Lebanon by Phoenicians, Syria by Assyrians/Syriacs, etc. I am a Jew that originates from Latvia and Russia, so I am an Ashkenazi, but my DNA is completely different from the countries I was born into due to my Semitic origins. The closest populations to me according to GEDMatch: Samaritans, Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, Cypriots, Italians, Greeks, so East Med in general. We're not Khazars or European converts like your country thinks, we're simply the most indigenous living beings to Israel, okay? Did ancient Judeans/Israelites have names like Ahmed/Ahmet or Muhammad/Mehmet? No, their names were just like modern-day Jews. You might say "Jooz are too light compared to Middle Easterners, so they're not native, bla bla bla" well, my friend, modern-day Middle Eastern Muslims are barely Middle Eastern genetically, they're heavily mixed with Africans and Arabs, and in Turks case mixed with Central Asians. The only natives to this region are the Christians, Jews, and other non-Muslims because they did not mix with other ethnicities/invaders as Muslims did. Non-Muslim Middle Easterners are just as light as Jews, that's coming from my experience with Druze. Oh, I forgot to tell you: Did Anatolians prior to Muslim invasion speak Turkish or Greek? Greek. What about in here, in Israel, what did the people speak? Arabic? No. They spoke Aramaic/Hebrew. You're the invader dear Turk, and you know it well. Muslims like you sticking for one another doesn't change anything nor make you Middle Eastern, you're all just invaders.

    Go back to Mongolia, love!
    Listen you Zionist fool, you don't belong in Palestine . Jews who are native to Palestine are more than welcome to live in their homeland , but seeing Zionists who look more like Jerry than Yaquv makes me laugh .

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