Quote Originally Posted by vbnetkhio View Post
bam or vcf files? with filtering or without?

try without filtering, or with a different version of the genotype build (for example hg_g1k_v37 instead of the normal hg19) and try with both kinds of filter (chr1, chr2 or 1,2..)
Filter produces vcf (330 000 lines, 44.6 Mb), that produces 0 snps in DNA Kit Studio. The same is for all reference human genotypes with filtering.
Without filtering produces vcf (130 000 000 lines, 15 Gb), but I cannot download it (after downloading 3-5 Gb of the file a message appears that the disk is full, although the disk is actually full of free space).
Also I cannot upload into usegalaxy big bam or fastq files (>5 Gb).