Kerkyrei (Corfiots) are stereotyped as far worse than Athenians and even worse than Mykonians and Rhodians

In Corfu I know from guys who went to work as chefs there and grooms who bring food in rooms that Corfiots are very stingy and many have end up being hospitalized cause their Corfiot bosses hired mafia men to beat them so they won't ask for their money

Corfu is a country inside a country and Corfiots have nothing in common with all the rest of Greece

In Kavala and Alexandroupoli you will see older and younger people kind, generous and hospitable ready to help you and offer you food just cause they met you and you're foreigner. Corfiots are stingy and sneaky and very unpleasant. At least Ipirotes (Epirots) won't hire a mafia man to beat their employees and they're more Greek in their lifestyle and way of enjoying life. Sadly Epirus it's a region very neglected by all Greek governments so you won't find to do many things.

In Chios island it's very safe just like in Mytilene none is unsafe with Middle Easterns. When I go to Kavala I have never experience problem with no Middle Eastern refugee on the contrary I know fellow Greeks who were hospotilized by Greek Corfiot hotel owners and restaurant owners