The ancient city of Mieza is a stone’s throw away from Naoussa, in the fertile land just below the city. It has since been cultivated and new settlements have been established, but it does not let Naoussa’s residents forget its importance as a prominent Macedonian city during the time of Alexander the Great. When a new country road was being built in 1954 the largest and one of the most impressive Macedonian tombs was discovered – the Tomb of Judgment. So far 4 tombs have been discovered in the Mieza region. Their design, colours and relics tell us much about how the Macedonians viewed life, death and themselves.

Very close by to the tombs is the ancient amphitheatre pictured here, as well as the ancient gymnasium, due to be properly excavated soon.

Aristotle's School
Where a future king was educated to rule the world

It’s amazing that we can really get a glimpse so far back to the very birth of ideas itself, ideas that form the bedrock of western civilisation. This is exactly what you can do at this part of ancient Mieza. Stand in the very place where Alexander the Great learnt wisdom from Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers ever to walk the Earth.The world knows the Macedonian contribution to world history, but what is exciting here is that Macedonian history is still being uncovered, discovered and made sense of, right now. Greek and international archaeologists have set about excavating ancient Mieza and are uncovering a city that is the most consistent city to Homer’s community setting anywhere in the Greek world.

Vergina - The palace and tombs of the kings
It feels like you're walking on the set of an Indiana Jones movie

Behind the very door in this picture laid the remains of Philip II, King of Macedon, widely credited for uniting the Macedonian tribes and preparing the way for his son, Alexander the Great, to conquer the known world and write this significant chapter of global history.

Imagine being the first to have entered this shrine, seeing all the great king's treasures that had not seen the light of day for over two millennia. And what secrets it housed. It’s a discovery as large and as significant as any.

Dion - The sacred place of the ancient Macedonians

Dion, meaning “of Zeus” is on the foothills of Mount Olympus, home of the gods. It is the place where they would seek divine guidance and blessing for all that they did and offer thanks for their victories. On the eve of his infamous campaign across Asia in 334 BC, Alexander the Great assembled his army to perform great sacrifices in order to gain the gods’ blessings. Take a trip there yourself and uncover what kind of belief system Alexander and his fellow Macedonians were really empowered and inspired by.

Mount Olympus (2918m), seen here, is an incredible mountain to climb with beautiful views and forest paths and streams. It has well marked paths and overall is not too difficult, although care must be taken especially towards the top. There are many well organised and equipped shelters of various sizes where you can stay overnight and eat at reasonable rates.

The capitol of an empire

Pella was the most grandiose city of the Macedonia Kingdom. Its agora, or town square, was by far the largest in the region - something that you can still see for yourself. It was the birth place and capital of both Phillip II and his son, Alexander the Great. If you want to know how ancient Macedonians managed their affairs, ruled and lived at their best, Pella is the place to visit.

The archeological site and museum are world class and much has been preserved so that you can step back in time and feel what life was like then.

Images in the link I'm on my cellphone I'm bored to upload pictures here.