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    1-因为自古中国音调有12个,平民阶级只能用4个,考虑到其他 的8个被隐藏的音调具有凌驾与4个平民音调的声波能量,也就是一开始,4个平民音调本身就被被隐藏的8个音 调给压制,思想的传播就这样自上而下的灌输下来了。

    2-既然我们平民所有的音调是不全的,那么我们可以怀疑一切以平民音调谱写的道教经书与孔子经典都是一种洗脑与 不完全的知识。

    3-道教的修行是错误的,因为,为什么在音调这个最基础的语言构造上面隐藏起来,却给了我们完全的修仙之法呢? 是不是??搞不好真正的神或仙根本不是这样练成的,因为没有完全的语言能力!!

    4-没有完全的语言能力就如同动物的叫声对比人类的语言,无论你怎么说所能表达的意义内涵都是固定 ,思想范畴也是固定的,所以行为模式也是可以预测的和固定的,如此以来我们就容易被控制。

    5-我们需要重新定义我们的文字系统。我们当前的文字系统,也就是中文系统是不完全的,而且被有意修剪与劣化的 一个奴隶语言系统。

    修仙体制虽有很多值得借鉴的概念,但是又很强的排外性和缺乏多元性,不像印度教一样能够孕育出佛教这样伟大 的宗教,连犹太教都能够孕育出基督教,而道教一直以来就是一家独大,而且长期没有内部的改革,哪怕是朝代更 迭三千年,而道教的思想却很少有很大的变化,哪怕是思想有变化,比如王阳明,但是在普遍性的实践上也是缺乏 实质性的改变。特别是修行的核心是没有任何变化,知行合一并没有得到有意义的实践,否则进步还不仅仅是这一 点,实践带来的思想进步不可能没有给后世带来更加明显的变化。思想通过实践会产生更多的思想,如此形成良好 的循环,所以思想的进步是不可能停下或者被遮蔽的,出现倒退就只能说思想还没有足够的进步而已。中国道家, 儒家都讲究一个仙,智,自然,但是缺乏释迦牟尼这样的贯彻之心,什么都点到为止,自欺欺人,半途而废,要么 就是自我意识的无限膨胀,在中庸的自我中永远沉沦。我是反对修仙,但不与其敌对,只是说,我自己不会去修, 也不建议去修,但不会说修仙是错的,也许实际上存在一种概念,连错都算不上,如果中庸就是满足于不错就好, 或者说,没有人提毛病就好,或者说一切都刚刚好就OK 了,这样真的是顺其自然吗?这样真的是自然吗?这真的是所谓 天性吗?我可以肯定一切,所以,我有权否定一切,我只要这个权力就好了,其他的都不需要。

    Mr BananaComeback, good job, I love your videos. This is a comment for a brilliant man, I am trying to reorganize my foundations of a new chinese language, so far it is still very crude so a bit ashamed to translate them here, just hope chinese people can notice something obstructive elements in their so called traditional cultures which have been taken for granted for so long, now need to be taken into question.
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-06-2023 at 07:51 AM.

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    A Criticism against Mediocrity/对中庸思想的批判。

    Mediocity is not even wrong, not even wrong, people, this catch word is synonym for indifference. Indifference is not wrong, but not even wrong, it is below what is wrong or right. But when comes to commitment, which has no moderation, could also be neither wrong nor right, but it is above what is wrong or right. What is wrong or right? can it be universal ? not necessarily, what about oneself would think about it yourself, do you really do it out of your belief or just your own excuse for something or someone else or yourself? This is the concept that " As long as people can think on their own, everything will be alright.“ You just never ever think while you do something, no, do not even need to think, but never feel too. What is the real difference between Buddhism and Taoism? Buddha denies everything not for affirming anything, but for vindication of everything, this is beyond what is real or fake, right or wrong. Mediocrity can never be consistent, or example, Taoism also maintains that the physical world is vain but why would they choose to be a demigod after all? why would they want to be immortal? This is logically a confusion. Also, atheists say there is no God, but they mostly build larger monuments to leaders or try to clutch onto some corpses never let go. This is mediocrity, not even wrong, a terrible situation of a universe of indifference, indifference toward everything, everyone, and oneself and ultimately finds deception everywhere and blame everyone else.

    Mediocrity-中庸 has been a tenet in chinese traditional ethical teachings from like Confucianism and Taoism, called as The Way of Mediocrity--中庸之道, sometimes also called as The Middle Way, that is to believe that not to pursue for the extreme but settle down for a point of equilibrium of everything. Sounds reasonable, but as usual, this principle when put into practice, it has become a method for personal ambitions in profit and gain. In reality, it is an ugly principke trust me, just shows how scientifically sound ideas would corrupt a faithless society with specious "truth". As one migh suspect the validity of this translation into mediocrity from chinese, but in the issue of evil and good, chinese 中庸 does maintain a middle way, the English official translation is even called "The Golden Mean"!! a man walks the path of the Golden Mean, yeww. The 中庸 ideology is compiled by Confucius into a complete pamphlet《中庸》,where he states: 仲尼曰:“君子中庸,小人反中庸。君子之中庸也,君子而时中。小人之中庸也,小人而无忌惮也。 ”--A good man walk the path of "the golden mean", a bad man/cretin walks against the golden mean, because the good man always balances himself between differences, as the bad man are presumtuous. A kind of ethic tells people to "golden mean" his conduct, but Confucius did not know about the golden mean in math sense, this is a modern chinese official translation. The real translation is "mediocrity", in literal and practical senses, trust me. It actually means the path of balance and calculation. In real life, it becomes a tenet of mediocrity, to settle down for the grey area for comfort. Another statement from the same analect: "中也者,天下之大本也;和也者,天下之达道也。致中和,天地位焉,万物育焉"。--The middle way, the way of the quintessence of the world; the balance, the expressway to the world. To walk the way of middleness and balance, to be situated in the center of the world, to achieve everything. Trust my translation, I bring out the real mood and the practical meaning of the statements. Some chinese chinese classical teachings are really ugly, just check out the Book of Lord Shang, the mood is the same but the latter book is so brazen lleaving no space for euphemism in translation so the full content is brought out directly. Someone who really understand chinese language will know my translation is contextually correct.

    中国人自古就以中庸标榜自己,标榜独特的文化精神,但是慢慢在历史的长河中,迷失了自己,越来越看不清自己 ,要么自大,要么自卑,最后是感到无论怎么做都不对,别人都看不起自己,自己也越来越埋怨世界,最后走入自 我封闭的死胡同。这就是中庸的后果,中庸的本质是什么? 并不光光是恰如其分那么简单,世界上的万物,有多少是我们真正了解的,我们过早的对他们下了判决书的同时, 把自己供奉在神坛上面自己骗自己几千年了。这就是中国思想精神面貌的真面目,什么都自以为是的恰如其分,其 实是满足自己的幻想把了,只要没有人说不对就行,只要不被批评就行,只要不犯错就行,这个对错是谁来决定? 你吗?还是爸爸妈妈,还是领导?还是路人?? 你们一种在意谁 眼睛?口口声声说没有神,却举步维艰,步步为营,只为维护面子,那一点点“连错都算不上”的所谓个人的形象 。这样的中庸,虽然连错的算不上,因为那是比对错都要原始和低级,不敢挑战自己,不敢真正去独立思考,瞻前 顾后,找借口最后是以“中庸”的牌坊标榜自己,然后用群体意识来正当化自己。是不是你们?这样的中庸,是冷 漠的外衣,实际上就是一种无形的冷漠,躲藏在他人的冷漠中的冷漠,一个可怕的冷漠之宇宙,一个对他人,对世 界,对自己的冷漠。所以,不要在那什么中华文化,中华民族等堂皇 借口在掩饰自己的冷漠与无知了。追求真理,孰能无过,我是人,是人之子,以凡人之身,求证凡人之道,我无无 他,世界为家,不好吗?思想都端正不过来,还整天摇头晃脑的阅读经典还是国外名著,也不是白读了吗?先正心 ,正理,再修仙吧,也许到那个时候,你们就不想修仙了。
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-06-2023 at 12:23 PM.

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    Against the Obfuscation by mediocre ideas in the right path.中庸思想对光明思想的扭曲与诋毁式的解读

    有一个非洲的成语:谎言有千变万化的形式,但真理没有。这句话来开启我的这次帖子很有意义。我发现谎言与真 理有时候真的很相似,比如说佛教里面所说的中间路线,很多中国人就说这个和儒家的中庸是一样的,但是佛祖所 说的中间路线指的是在当时印度教盛行 极度苦行和极度奢侈而言,教导当时的民众要适可而止。然而儒家的中庸则是好坏不分,自我中心式的中庸为人, 本质就是明哲保身。这类的相似的情况还有:虚无主义和佛教的万物皆空,黑格尔的辩证和马克思的辩证,反帝国 主义和共产主义,古生物演变和进化论,佛教的自我超越变成了某些人口中的无神论等等。。。有些人就是张口就 歪曲别人的思想,不仅仅没有很好得解读而且还矮化了,丑化了,我看了真的无语。以为非数学的概念就可以随便 说说,可以不尊重,因为自己认定了无神论就可以对其他所有的概念做无神论式解读。这恰恰说明了无神论者们基 本上都是不求甚解和傲慢的,自己也只是内心迷信科学对科学其实也是一知半解,就自以为代表了科学。甚至也许 有人会认为这样的两手解读是事物的本质要求的,就像阴阳两面一样,什么事都有阴阳两面,但事实上者只是一个 理解的起点高低的问题,低起点 理解往往就是离不开为批判而批判,寄生在他人的缺点上面证明自己的意义,比如虚无主义就是一味地批评有神论 ,虽然有神论也持有万物皆空的想法,虚伪主义嘴巴上也认可这个观念,但是主要是针对宗教本身和人类的观念本 身,对于他们自身的攻击和暴力却没有丝毫的反思。所以说他们起点低,所以一切的善恶对他们来说也是不存在的 ,对于在高地的人来说,需要对自己的行为进行反思,所以善恶也是模糊的,然而,这并不能称为混淆两者的借口 ,不能把小人的混淆视听糊弄成高尚者的本质问题,以及成为小人们自我圆谎的借口。

    低起点的视点往往来自于一个中庸的观点,长期缺乏自知自明,容易被他人的高观点左右而进入自我否定的怪圈, 要跳出这样的怪圈,就需要否定高观点的代表人,进而不得不歪曲所有来自高观点的概念。所以中庸思想,其实就 是一个反实践的实践,有意图地在自己宣称的理想视点下降低实际的实践目标,同时再利用批判和斗争来转移注意 力,以此来达成其他的低观点目标,比如说自身政权的稳固问题。知行合一在中庸的思想下不仅仅是没有实践,反 而是被反向地去实践了,任何的在中庸思想下的理念都是这样的命运,最终都被化整为零,成为空头支票和徒有虚 名的所谓文化传承,这就是中庸主义的有害之处。

    虽然善恶难分,但善恶的确存在,并非如道教认为的,“非善非恶是本心”,本心是无知的,无知并非纯洁的状态 。我们要通过实践,反思,忏悔,获得宽恕,可以知晓纯洁的意义。所以,觉醒把,世界上没有任何人有义务告诉 你真相,除了你自己。

    再来,同样的概念放到不同的实践环境下面会产生完全不同的意义,特别是这种实践环境的最基本的意图。在那些 为攻击而攻击的视点,无论什么样的理论都能够变成他们自我欺骗的借口,而那些专注提升自身的人 来说,正面 意义也会获得不断的更新与成长。而视点地的人永远困在别人的矛盾里面无法自拔,比如说你们总是说西方的中世 纪黑暗,但是这是基督教施行苦行的时期而已,其实在艺术和哲学上成就是非常大的,西方苦了骂,西方富了也骂 ,你们有认真去了解一下中世纪吗? 了解他人也为了更好了解自己。可以说西方也好,富裕的沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋也好,都配得上他们富裕的生活,因 为他们为了当前的生活付出的东西不是一般人想象的到的,这才是最可怕的,我们不知道别人真正富裕的地方,也 不知道自己真正贫穷的地方,导致我们永远无法真正的富裕起来。

    An African proverb says: Lie has many variations but truth none. This teaching starts my criticism here perfectly. Make sure that the false lie can always confuse people with the right paths. For example, Buddhism has a law of "The Middle Way", also in chinese traditional teachings, there is a similar concept of "the Middleness“,in translation of the chinese "中庸“ by the mood and practical context is "The Balance", the difference is that Buddhism is a faith teaching in living between extravagance and ascetism, Shakyamuni was against extreme asceticism and extravagance of Hinduism, and taught people to live in moderate comfort; whereas chinese teaching teaches how to act and behave in a balance between good and evil, between differences. Superfacially they sound the same but quintessentially, they have totally different spirits behind, Buddhist Middle Way is rather rational and compassional, but the chinese teaching calculative, manipulative. How can a man behave so point to point in balance with things in view?you tell me this is a good man or a man of hypocritical sophistication? Very similar ideas put into different practical contexts, they are totally different in the moti and thus ethically quite opposite to each other.

    More examples from anti-imperialism, commonwealth become twisted to fit communist theories, paleoanthropology and Darwinism, Hegelian dialectic and marxist dialectic, treating transcendental Buddhism as atheism, treating Christ as an ordinary man because in Bible Jesus call himself the Son of Man, Nihilism and Vanity of the world. They all seem similar superfacially but practically they are irreconcilably incompatible. There is a trend of deprciation of ideas, by misfitting the ideas into a different practicaly context while still using the same terminologies, thus deceiving people as if they are the same or logically inducible and relevant, or showing a certain historical developmental order. Some could mistake them as the two different ways of truth, like two hands of God. No, never think about that, because it is about the order of truth, not on the same level of awareness, the higher order awarenss is always by believers, like Hegel; the lower the atheists, the lower awareness always twists every good idea to fit their practical reality which is hopeless a chaos and backwardness. This just show mere good ideas can not elevate evil people, you can not talk people into the right path. This lower awareness I attribute to the mentality of mediocrity, a kind of awarenss of parasite which parasitizes upon others as an excuse for ones own miseries and ignorance. For example communism has to use the west as an necessary enemy; atheists have to exploit the scandals of the church; marxists have to always criticize for criticism`s sake, this is why they are of the lower order and not on the hands of God`s way. (Global Warming can also be one of this category, concern for environment twisted into a manipulated show of capitalist interests.)

    Therefore mediocrity in practice itself is anti-pragmatical pragmatism, because it actually refrains from practicing what they claim by intentionally practice below their promises in order to achieve their mediocre goals of survival and deceiving people. A pragmatism that is anti-pragmatical, a practical deception. Why? because all ideals need commitment not mediocrity, mediocrity depreciates and ruins everything that is good and wonderful.

    The practical reality to exercise the idea is also found upon the foundamental motivation, the lower order motivation is aways about self-justification, and the higher is always about self-improvement. I know the western world has underwent some very hard phases of developments, like in Middle Ages, which was not really a dark age in philosophy but in extreme social welfare. The commies never settle down for a consistent standard not to criticize the west, when they practice ascetic life, they call it a dark age, when they are rich, commies call it corrupt. The wealth of the west is well deserved so is the wealth of Saudi Arabia and UAE, because I know how much they actually have paid for this and this is still not their true goal.
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-06-2023 at 03:10 PM.

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    中庸思想是对所有理想的违背与虚化。All great ideas become neutralized, nullified by mediocritism.

    走出中庸,有没有先前的哪个哲学家说过?有的告诉我。我要提出完全自己构思的理论,但是也欢迎更早的类似学 说。走出中庸就是要切实地实践真理,实践的过程要讲究公正,自我透明,不要自己骗自己,否则就是走回了中庸 的老路了。中庸来自于低观点的思维,那就是自我中心,自欺欺人,小聪明式的圆滑世故,包括对自己的要求也是 。那就是在切实的实践上,严格要求自己,严格拷问自己,不妥协。慢慢地,就能够走出自己的路子了,走出了自 己的路子,就是走出了中庸了。

    说起来简单,但目前必须这么说,在这里我不会夹杂太多的个人信仰。个人信仰是个人信仰,有需要就另外开贴, 虽然实践与信仰相关,但这个相关点过于庞大现在写不过来,就先从最基本的实践伦理入手了。中国要一点点去改 变,哪怕是一点点的真实的改变也会成为伟大的希望的,一点点的改变就是未来造福子孙们巨大的温暖的太阳。但 目前来说,这样的改变似乎是最不可能的,那么一来,第二条路就是完全改造中文,从文字的根本下手了,再来对 中庸思想进行完全的批判,我这样批判还远远不够。还需要从历史上进行一对一的针对性批判。

    理想所谓理想,就容不得打折扣,这才叫理想,所以理想与中庸本身就是绝对的不可相容,必然地,中庸思想指导 下的一切优秀的概念和思想必然被中和掉,这种以中庸思想去中和一切进步思想的发展模式很好的解释了为什么中 国能够同化那么多的新旧思想和民族,绝不是什么包容性,而是出于对思想的诋毁和无效化,在一个共同的地起点 的平台上获得所谓的共存基础而已。这也可以解释为什么中国改革开放能够成功,但是文化道德与可持续的环境基 础却越来越差,因为中国能够抛弃所有的理念原则,去为一个切实的现实利益服务,这样的做法,恐怕全世界只有 中国做得到,而且在中庸思想的掩盖下,还能借用各种各样的文化外衣,当然了,也是劣化的,全部劣化,也就是 说,所有的人类思想,只有能够被劣化到一定的程度就可以共存。这就是真正的所谓中国特色,一个世界的思想垃 圾桶,看起来很丰富,很饱满,实际上就是一堆没有经过处理的混乱不堪的垃圾堆,唯有垃圾桶本身值钱,那就是 经济本位,用垃圾思想和文化标签来填充的一个虚荣的经济泡沫。那么如果能够很好地处理,还是会变成可用之才 ,但是目前 的指导思想会允许我们这么做吗?

    我甚至是怀疑,中国的道教,易经八卦,儒家很可能都是古代世界文化遗产的劣化产物,也是抄袭自西方和世界各 国的玄学知识然后进行剪辑,劣化,再贴上自己的标签。但是这是个人的猜测,我认为就算是来自对世界文化的剪 辑也好,如果能够重新利用,就是我们的。从捡垃圾做起来,也没有什么不好,但是不要自欺欺人说中华文化是绝 对的原创,世界上没有那个先进的民族只有原创的核心文化。不虚心就谈不上进步。当然目前中国的现实是,在一 个最基本的生活保障上,人民获得了一定的生活希望,这一点还是要肯定的。但是不能以此为理由继续为中庸开脱 ,因为中国的传统文化千年理几乎没有进步是事实,这样下去,哪怕是为了维持最低限度的生活希望,中国人民恐 怕要不断付出难以想象的代价才可以,如此以来,中国人民会只能永远被禁锢在最低限度的生活基础上,无法真正 的发展出新思想,没有新思想,生活的代价就永远让人民无法真正地自由生活和思考。中庸思想统治下的思想也没 有真正的文化意义也自然算不上我们真正的文化遗产。所以,只有走出中庸才能真正拥有属于自己的文化特质,反 中庸任重道远,不可以过度乐观也不要放弃和悲观。

    我对中庸下的药物是:不要骗自己,真正地去实践自己的理想!!拒绝活在别人眼里,大胆拥抱理想,让理想带着 你远走高飞,永不回头!!

    The tenet of mediocrity seems to be the root of the cultural stagnation of China as the caste system is for India. I have shown that mediocrity not only stays a passive quality but it alse takes attack upon all inventions of genius. I would compared to the society of India, a population segregated into castes among the diverse races of primitive conditions, however in a good way of coexistence, a coexistence on terms of mutual depreciation. A rel form of cultural communism exists under the surface of ethnic and idoelogical diversity, where every individual identity must be dumbed down to coexist with the rest. Mediocritism in China does this in ideological ways, it dumbs down ideas and religions for chinese people to coexist in spite of differences, and boasts it as a strength of the political institutions. Like China claims to open to Christianity, Buddhism, capitalism, and all the ideas, but actually all in these ripoff forms which would slowly degenerate into "harmless" cultural labels convenient for communists to boast about their "cultural unity and diversity".

    This is the secret of adaptability of chinese culture to foreign cultures, however, not to say there is only bad things in China, it is sure that the most foundamental good is present as a result of the western struggle between its own dilemmas of good and evil(this is a China seen through the western eye!), as China would depreciate the good as well as the evils of the world . A lesser evil is always the best excuse for mediocrity, but wise people will never settle for it, rather would decisively kick it aside like a piece of misplaced boulder on the way of express transportation to the real growing up and national development.
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-06-2023 at 05:29 PM.

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    中庸之道的背后 是巨大的人文与资源的浪费,换来了所谓的大道与自以为是的世界的最大公约数的平衡点。The carnival of the stupid mass.

    我承认中国目前或许是做到了这一点,也就是成为世界不同思想的平衡点,取得了这个最大公约数的一席之地。但 这并不是因为什么中庸的智慧,而是在世界的发展过程中,同样的和其他国家一样经历巨大的挑战,也付出了同样 多的甚至的更多的代价,才换来了自己的 一席之地,这个最大公约数并不是中国特有的,其实世界各国都子这个最大公约数上占有一定的比例,只是中国人 自以为是地认为这个最大公约数是中国特有的立场,因为自己的付出最多。这个在心理上不断地压迫中国人的心灵 ,让中国人的认同感产生割裂,进而产生了一种不移民不爱国的离奇现象。总而言之,中国只不过是在国际舞台上 ,以巨大的代价去换来一个与其他各国平等地分享世界最大公约数的立场的权利,然而,中国人却为了这个公约数 只属于中国人这个幻觉去更多地牺牲自己,又以此来教化其他国家,让其他国家也来认同这一点,同 时也招致 了他人的反感,我在这里批判,因为这并不是什么值得包庇的文化特质,而是一种历史遗留的精神疾病,全民性的 精神疾病。

    我们要知道,无论你现在是富裕还是小康或贫困,现在的生活对中国人所有人来说都是来之不易的,非常之不易, 中国人不了解自己的历史,和当下,时常被误导为因为领导人的智慧,所以自己的福分是一种恩赐,一种幸运,却 完全不知道作为人民的一分子,全体人民付出了多么巨大的代价,这个代价并不是任何领导人能够负担得起的,你 们自己的付出,你们自己却无法去获得一个正确的历史观念和对当下的理解。这样的历史观对于中国人来说是非常 致命的,你们把一切都托付给了领导人,不知不觉的把自己的一切,自己的灵魂全盘托付给了一些完全配不上的势 力,结果永远是一场空,历史对你们拥有不会有任何的进步。

    我也看 了看当前网上对中庸之道的各种视频,对中庸之道的解读多种多样,唯独没有联系历史现实来审视,也许孔子在论 述中庸之道的时候,用词的模凌两可本身就是要引发出各种矛盾的解读,在这些矛盾解读的瞎子摸象中,其真正的 实践意义早就影响了现实和你我,那就是把所有中国人都束缚在一个历史的怪圈里面。对于中庸之道的历史现实意 义就是一个中国式的历史虚无主义,把人民故意的困在永久的残酷的生存斗争中,不断地牺牲,不断地消磨作为人 类的精神光辉直到最后的历史记忆被抹消掉,然后在世界斗争的废墟当中,去担任一个全人类失败的象征,在一个 新的谎言下扮演愚人众的加西莫多式的愚人王,也是徒有虚名的王,是一个被嘲笑,被鄙视,被可怜的对象,然后 在乌合之众的包围中一起进行疯狂和愚昧的狂欢。

    愚昧的狂欢,愚民的狂欢节,中庸,共产主义,资本主义,都是这个被谎言操作下狂欢的面具,面具底下隐藏的才 是真正的人性,才是你我的真面目:愚昧,无知,绝望,又只能跟着他人歇斯底里似的一起笑,一起 哭!!!

    The carnival of the stupid mass, this world is. Mediocritism, communism, capitalism, all but convenient masques for this masquerade of the hopeless people, under the masques, the real human faces of hysterical laughs, cryings, howlings. China, believes they have occupied the central path of the balance of the world, but in reality, this is a well worn and shared path by all the rest of the world, and chinese people have to pay a lot to support their own illusion that this path belong to themself only, and also pay to the flatterers to play up the necessary drama. Ah !! Quasimodo from China, the king of the carnival TODAY, of this temporal drama even pays for the sit of a buffoon king !!

    Whatever chinese people enjoy today, is not due to any wisdom of the people or leader, but rather, we simply pay for this, we have paid an huge amount of price that is forgotten and intentionally surpressed in our memories. Because the payment and the income do not agree, but in stead of a proper return, we have the illusion corroborated by everyone that China occupies the path of balance, and this is a chinese path. Mediocritism is the generator of illusions, especially for China, do not be misled by multiple interprettions, because all these interpretations from China never interprete it in a historical and practical context, how this ideology actually shaped chinese history is the real content of it, and this is what I am showing here.
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-07-2023 at 01:28 AM.

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    觉醒吧,中国人 !!!!世界上不存在什么中庸之道!!

    你们的中庸之道,是幻觉中的幻觉,谎言中的谎言,如果世界的大道是中庸,那么这个大道本身就是世界,世界本 身就不属于任何人。
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-07-2023 at 11:34 AM.

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    Why "中庸" should be translated into mediocrity not moderation or the Golden Mean. 为什么中庸不能翻译成调和,中和或者谦虚。

    首先,这个中庸是被当作天道和自然之道,谦逊作为人的伦理,强加到大自然身上就很奇怪,何况作为天道来说, 首先,作为人,谦逊是正确的,当年什么时候变成了天道了?什么时候变成自然之道了??再来,中庸的重点是中 字,这个庸是用来强调”中“这个概念而存在的,所以在《中庸》一书中,产生了以中为核心的其补充概念,比如 ”中和“和”中道“,真实万变不离其中啊!!所以,这个中才是重点,如果把道教上升到信仰层次,就不可避免 地与善恶之分挂钩,那么中和,中道,中庸就变成了在善恶当中不选边,明哲保身的概念。何况,这个道字,在中 国是有宗教意义的。这么一来,就成为了在善恶中不选边的宗教,也许有人会说独善其身啊,真理不外求啊,是的 ,但是善恶绝不是一个人的事情,你不是神,所以无论是个人的善恶都会影响他人,真理内求,但行为必须公平的 实践,是的,在阳光下实践给世人和神看,既然实践,是人就有对有错,有善有恶,无论是多么地难解难分也绝对 不是模糊善恶的借口。如此一来,中庸就没有了节制和调和的意义了。和谐虽然是自然之道,但人类要达成与万物 和谐,绝不是通过中庸能够获得的,因为大自然的和谐不是单单有人类完成的,人类也达不到万物的和谐中心,从 科学上就不可能是事情,中庸和谐作为自然之道在实际上的实践中就是个伪命题,这样的和谐是自欺欺人,所以中 庸就是贬义上的中庸完全没有错,也就是英文的 mediocrity !!

    再来去翻翻中文网页里面:不善不恶,中庸。这样的对中庸的理解就印证了我对中庸在宗教背景下的解读,不选边 站,哪怕是所谓的讲究善心,也是逻辑混乱,本质就是独善其身的伪善而已。善恶之事,与天地同伟大,必然光明 正大,所有虚伪和邪恶必无所遁形,神为此而复活,审判世界,凡人岂能在善恶当中取巧?这根本就 是歪门邪道。

    In English translation pages, 中庸 is translated as "moderation", and the path of 中庸:中庸之道 as the golden mean. How presumptuous is this? First, during the time of Confucius, chinese did not have the idea of the Golden Mean, and this idea is totally philosophically and logically irrelevant with the idea of 中庸。I have to tell you too that the translation of 中庸 as moderation is wrong, because moderation is a human sense of moral, not a rule of the natural world. When applied unto different subject, as either an example or means of practice, you will get totally different meaning, imagine, applying "moderation" onto nature as a law of morality, this is exactly the sense chinese get from 中庸:"Nature is about moderation, moderation is the nature`s path, therefore according to the law of Taoism, people should follow the path of nature and moderation." Sounds strange right? First, how a person can apply human morals onto nature and call them as nature`s way? remember,
    moral senses not scientific nor rationalistic. Chinese classical philosophy has a lot of such cases of strange imposition of human senses onto nature even heaven while not euphemizing them but subjugating them.

    In the sense of imposition onto nature, the law comes back to humans and Confucius call it nature and heaven`s mandate to follow the path of moderation. If you just call it mediocrity, the whole logic will be more clear and consistent. Also, this 中庸 concept in practice applies to the sense of justice, in the tract of 《中庸》,Confucius emphasizes on the word “中”, the middleness and balance, and formulates corollary terminologies of "中和“, ”中道“ under the precept of '中庸”, the former means middleness and harmony or balance, the latter means the middle path. Do not get fooled by the word of harmony, because you must get the word "middleness" first, it is the whole spirit of 中庸,it is also why we have 中庸 not 中和 as the term of the concept. Obviously, the word middleness is to be taken as a precondition for harmony, it means not taking parts. This is very important, so forth, we can understand the word :庸, and why 庸 has to be combined with 中 to be the whole core of this concept, 庸 means mediocrity and ordinary in chinese, in exact moods, trust me. So combined with "中“ the middleness, you get the perfect sense of mediocrity: taking middleness between parts, literally not taking parts, and be still like ordinary and mediocre, as if nothing happens. You tell me another name than mediocrity, can you call it moderation? moderation means self-control, in terms of humility; but 中庸 emphasizes on the middle path of nature and "everything", which subliminally means the sense of justice. Taking no parts in the sense of justice!! You call it moderation !!

    Remember the word "道”,in China it does not only means the path of man or nature but also the path of heaven!! and Taoism means the religion of "道“, and there is a subsumption of ”中庸” into "中道“, which can be interpreted as either the Middle Path and the religion of the middle path. You know religion has to do with good and evil and all conscientious matters. So you know why it is to be exactly translated as mediocrity not moderation. Path, is a matter of selection, of decision making, between the matters, moderation is a way of conduct, let alone this path in the middle way is to be considered as a religion. A religion between good and evil within the balance of all the great matters humanity ever have, yet, you call it moderation??
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-07-2023 at 06:53 AM.

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    从原神看文化输出和对文化的反思/ A Reflection on Genshin Impact as a cultural phenomenon. No Translation, only for people who understand chinese.

    最近看了一些有关诺斯替主义的视频,因为原神世界的流行,有人就挖了原神世界观中的诺斯替主义。我也感到很 好奇,因为一个自称无神论的国家会以有神论背景的诺斯替主义为基础创造出成功的文化产品。但是我本人对于这 样的产品当作一次成功的文化输出持有一个很谨慎的态度,因为虽然说是经济上的成功,但是要真正转化为文化上 的成功,还是有很多的问题的。比如好莱坞过去的成功大家都有目共睹,然后如果以经济成功作为衡量标准的话, 主机游戏,电脑游戏早就超过了电影了。那么好莱坞作为文化成功我们该怎么去定义,这是一个不得不长期思考和 研究的问题,中国借着原神一炮而红,这背后也有厂商在文化宣传上的努力,以前腾讯的王者荣耀虽然也是世界性 的大游戏,但是并没有从众多的游戏中脱颖而出,因为人物角色没有世界性的魅力,世界观没有独创性,游戏的文 化内涵不够。所以说,原神的成功,自然也包含了一部分的文化因素了。然而,这样的成功,还是必须冷静地去看 待,我们要如何看待文化与经济的关系变得越来越重要,因为文化是必须在经济大环境下维持自己的神圣和绝对的 独立才能被看成是文化,否则就模糊不清了。对于文化产品必须是生产力强大以后才能够输出的概念是不认同的, 只是文化的输出方式会改变而已,文化输出的本质就是文化交流,这一点无论是在什么样的经济和生产背景下都是 不变的。所以当我们在创造文化新元素的同时,更加要思考文化的本质是什么,我不认为有任何人能够给文化下一 个绝对的定义,本身这样的无形的魅力就是文化的本质,拒绝任何绝对的定义。文化这个概念,如果用英文的cu lture来做一个对应的话,那就是西塞罗最先提出的,那么说来,文化相对与文明,作为一个独立的概念比文 明更晚一点点,很有趣的小知识。文明:civilization, 来自古希腊时代,大家都知道 的。西塞罗当时提出的"culture“的时候,拿耕田种植来作为对人性的开发,从而得出了这个词语,因为 原词的拉丁文和英文就差一个字母e-a,就没有必要引用原文的了。那么近代对文化的解读更加深刻得多也是多视角的,例如我从一则网页上看到的, 就不说哪个了,免得导致被封,给出了四个细致的定义: 1-包容性的社会概念,比如共同分享的意识和价值观;2--社会框架,比如影响每个人成长的社会机构,价值体系;3-对话,这个是我最想说的,指的是同一个文化圈内的不同个体,不同体制的相互间对话,就是实际意义上的语言对 话和表达,这个很有意思,因为可以拓展到国际交流和不同文化区域间的交流;4-认同,就是英文的identity, 那就是共同的认同感,归属感,对一个 整体与这个整体下的所有组成个体的都算。

    但是最后,我还是想大道至简得引用甘地的话:“A nation`s culture resides in the heart and the soul of its people."--"一个民族的文化产生与这个民族所有人民的心灵与灵魂。“

    我自己 观点呢?其实就是借鉴了以上和更多人的观点以后得出:从实践上看的话,我们要分清买卖关系和文化性产出的关 系,那就是不能全部拿经济成功来衡量文化,比如说,买来的东西有多少能够算是文化产出 成分?这个道理和卖出去的东西也一样的,卖出去的东西有多少真正算是文化的一部分呢?换句话来说,就是文化 独立,这个独立,好比主权独立,个人人权独立,思想独立,文化也必须拥有某种程度上的独立:经济独立,主权 独立,甚至是自我意识独立,让文化本身就如同有意识的生命体一样去攻城略地,(当然了,是精神意义上的)。 同时也拥有自己的文化格调,就像不同的人格一样。所以如果把经济目标和文化目标融合,就必须考虑这个背景下 的文化本质性,对文化本质不断地进行反思,改进,不断地让文化内涵丰富也要让文化内涵作为独立的生命体,最 终必须要把文化体系从经济概念和价值中完全独立出来,或者说文化必须凌驾与经济关系上,才能算是真正的文化 精髓。

    再来,就是对诺斯替背景 回复,感觉吧,是否原神可以看成中国人的一个隐藏思维的表达呢?我自己就是属于诺斯替思流的人,但是最终的 世界观和原神不太一样,原神讲的是人类和半神对一个绝对天理的探究和自我决策(比起动不动就革 命 的概念好吧),这个想法相当了不起的。至少打从心里还是认为有神的存在,或者说有某种超越人类的未知存在。 光是这一点就让我觉得很好了。

    我认为/相信每个人都是被被某种巨大的力量推动着,这是一种祝福也是一个挑战。我们所想的也许和真理完全不一样也是 有可能的,总之,不要随便自大就好,请相信我,妄自菲薄比自大好得多。

    我在提出一个新概念,那就是我们远东给地区根本不是亚洲,亚洲是古典希腊人对近东地区的称呼,远东不如叫太 平洲: Pacifica, 有和平缔造者 意思。欧洲自称欧罗巴/Europe, 然而我们却用他们给我们的称谓Asia 而不是我们自己 的叫法是不行的,虽然都是广义上的东方世界,但是还是应该有自己的文化圈独立称谓。

    Asia a name refered to the Near East by the ancient greeks, not necessarily means the far east.
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-12-2023 at 05:32 AM.

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    我个人的诺斯替构造体系/My Own Gnosticist construct, no translation unless requested. I am busy recently, no time for these translation works.

    刚刚说了,我的诺斯替的最终世界观和原神不一样,这个是很自然的每个人的最终世界观都不一样。这个最终世界 观不是普通的世界观,比如世俗观念下的政治和经济乃至科学观点,最终世界观指的是对于自身乃至全人类和全宇 宙的存在意义的看法。很明显,原神里面的对天理的反抗就是一种存在意义的论述了。我的诺斯替主义有个前提, 那就是每个人,或者说每个有生命的个体的背后都有一个宇宙级的力量在运作,也就是说,每个人,每个生命体都 是一个巨大的宇宙机制中的齿轮,丝丝相扣,完美契合,所有的事件都是拥有无穷意义的事件。我们的思维就是来 自于这个宇宙机制,每个人都是这个宇宙机制的思维产物,神,就是这个机制的守护者,当然了,也有这个机制的 破坏者。但是最终神都将胜利,破坏者都被消灭,人类生存的意义不过就是在这个破坏者和神的斗争中争取属于自 己的认同空间而已,超脱世界本质就是修复机制的一个部分,走向神的领域。神与佛是同一奥义下的认知系统,都 是维护者,然而维护也不是单纯地修复,神与佛的奥义就在这里,维护的同时也向更加深奥的奥义之领域拓展,也 就是跳出轮回的领地,实际上就是进入修复与创造的新领域,这个领域是无论如何都无法探知的,连神也不知道的 领域,所以神与佛也是认知上隔离,彼此都不能探知彼此,但方向却是一样的。所以人类的对天理的探知和反抗, 实际上就是在反抗这个被破坏与创造的法则所束缚住的自己以及最终做出的答案,要选择破坏还是创造,虽然人类 的答案可能是多种多样,要么有很多理由,没有第三选择,都是冥冥之中选择了其中之一而不自知而已。也就是说 ,破坏有很多种形式,创造也有很多种,可以说都是无数种,人类的理由什么的都是一种幻觉而已。

    这就是我的诺斯替终极世界观,而且还不是全部,只是开篇而已,更加深刻的内容我是不会分享的, 到此为止了。


    Identity: 人家说是身份,我翻译成认同。现在很多的翻译缺乏那个文化反响,那种在表面意义下面的文化感触。用我的翻译 ,大家会更好理解。
    Ontology: 我翻译为认知体系。目前官方的翻译是本体论,根本就是错的,为什么呢?上面讨论语言的时候就说了,官方的翻 译有意弯曲,从而达到控制中文语言作为思想载体的的表达力,从而限制我们的思考能力。还有就是说,目前很多 外文的中文官方翻译都有歪曲原意或者阉割剪辑的情况,大家要留意。我给大家的,是我最精华的思想之一,当然 了,还远远不是我思想的主力军。


    奥义:终极的伦理,神与神,佛与佛,众神与众神,众佛与众佛之间的基础伦理。奥义中又无中生有地诞生无数种 奥义,既可知又不可知,无中生有也是其一奥义。
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-12-2023 at 07:22 AM.

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    我用中文发的贴子,就是中国 的思想,真正的中国特色,就没有翻译。新思想不能一股脑拿出来,一点点地来。我还是第一次说出自己的诺斯替 构造,虽然只是皮毛。每个人都拥有同样深奥的世界观只是没有开发出来而已,这就是文化的体现把,cultu re=self-cultivation--自我发掘,自我探知,内在求索。
    Last edited by Hexachordia; 01-12-2023 at 07:14 AM.

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