" Zeitgeist"..
per definitionem "the way/ feeling of life during a certain epoch /time . .
From german" Zeit" = time ; "Geist " = spirit...

"Spirit of the times", if you will.
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Zeitgeist can mean many things , actually . .

The stand of knowledge/ progress , the fashion of the day , political stand etc . .

.. how would you define / call the current Zeitgeist.. ?

.. you know, during the last years more and more people have come out and claimed that we are living in the alleged 'end times '.. You probably have witnessed some of the hype..

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In the broad sense, what do you think about "today's world "?...

.. do you ever yearn for another time.. ?

Or something thereabouts..?

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As for me, I'm going to go into the lion's den and say that quite frankly I believe the world-situation was hardly ever as loaded as it is today..

( I probably won't have to elaborate on that more, you know what I mean.. )

.. well, except maybe for the 80s . . .

Why do I say 80s..? Well , it was the final phase of the Cold War , many people were scared etc . .

. . eventually it all lead to people like Gorbartschow reforming the East from within..

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By the way, I myself am vintage '81.. So more or less still' small ' in the 80s lol..

But in retrospect I can say that this was definitely the case . .

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So.. how do you view 'the world today ' ?

.. what's the current Zeitgeist ?

Yours truly

- a child of the 80s

Cold Fire.

or :St. Elmo's Fire..


.. little joke to maybe lift up from this intense world we live in