Have you ever met someone and/or saw someone that was so attractive they were ugly? I'm not sure if this makes sense. They have so many traits of a beautiful person jawline, chin, nice cheeks, great lips, great eyes etc but it's almost like it's to much so it makes the unattractive? I'm moderately attractive but I've always thought maybe I wanted to tweak something maybe such as the bit of roundness on the tip of my nose "though when I ask anyone they don't see it and tell me im crazy to think I need anything tweaked". I saw a movie with Zak Efron and thought he looked not great after the things he did. he changed things that are conventionally attractive but together on him they made him look weird. Then there's this model Jordan Barrett who literally looks like an alien because his proportions too perfect. Then all these females making their lips huge and they have the prefect face , with no lines and wrinkles but they look odd. But this happens without surgery too. Some women are ugly because they are too symmetrical. I know that sounds weird but it's happening a lot lately. What do Y'all think?