What are your ideas regarding environmental protection, the use of land and water, the use of resources etc ?

First of all.. my principle idea behind my proposals for natural conservation is the idea of stewardship. A Christian idea that we human beings are responsible for the world, and we should take care of it as it was given to Man by God. I base myself on the same principle. We human beings have the intellectual and moral capacity to create a civilization and for that we have used nature and there is inherently nothing wrong with that -- however we should not seek to destroy our resources and to destroy nature but we should seek to preserve and nourish it.

First of all is overpopulated. 16 and a half million people crammed into the space of around two, two-and-a-half times, the state of Rhode Island. This is bound to go wrong. Given that Rhode Island has around 5 million inhabitants.. you will see the problem and this of course is not helped by the fact that the Netherlands has the highest density of motorways in Europe and around 7.5 million cars in total and that we have some of the biggest ports in Europe, one of the biggest airports and are located at a stone's throw from the Ruhr Area in Germany and similar industrial zones in the Southern Netherlands a.k.a Belgium and have some industry of our own.

I suppose that if we would have less inhabitants - around 8 to 9.5 million we could begin cleaning up the country. One of the important problems is what we Dutch call horizonvervuiling - I am not sure whether there is an English equivalent but it could be translated as horizon pollution meaning that there are a lot of places in this country where there is no more pure landscape.. there is always a railway, a motorway, windmills or tower blocks somewhere on the horizon and industrial parts are now cluttering lands around motorways added to that is light pollution: there are places in this country where it never gets really dark and this of course has adverse affects on both plants, animals and human beings.

So.. what to do: first of all.. the country is so small that a national land-use plan should be made and when we are at the lower population rate should we begin with combining important railways and motorways and decommissioning or downgrading the rest of the motorways and new industry parks should be established at the edges of the city, preferably on top of motorways (which can be put in a tunnel) so the space can be combined. Lighting at rural motorways or rural roads should be diminished and only bridges, crossings, narrow places, corners, tunnels, slip roads and motorway junctions (and of course roads alongside canals and/or dikes) should remain lit and the same of course goes for pedestrian lanes and bike lanes in rural areas. At the aforementioned places the lighting can be replaced by LED lights which gave a more stable light and are slightly more efficient. The rest can be replaced with cat's eyes.

(I will write more a.s.a.p)