My results:
Your cephalic index is: 85.5 (hyperbrachycephalic)
Your height/length index is: 64.6 (hypsicephalic)
Your height/breadth index is: 75.6 (tapeinocephalic)
Your facial index is: 100 (hyperleptoprosopic)
Your upper facial index is: 58 (leptene)
Your nasal index is: 70 (mesorrhine)
Your estimated endocranial volume is: 1329 cc (euencephalic)
Your estimated brain weight is: 1220 gr

Your classification is Mediterranoid (using Euclidean distance), Alpinoid (using Mahalanobis distance), and Mediterranoid (using Cosine similarity).

According to Euclidean Distance:

You are metrically closest to Plate 35, Figure 3 (distance = 5)
You are metrically furthest from Plate 5, Figure 1 (distance = 54)

According to Mahalanobis Distance:

You are metrically closest to Plate 35, Figure 3 (distance = 2)
You are metrically furthest from Plate 5, Figure 1 (distance = 141)

According to Cosine Similarity:

You are metrically closest to Plate 35, Figure 3 (similarity = 0.74)
You are metrically furthest from Plate 26, Figure 3 (similarity = -0.742)

Don't know what all that means, just got Mediterranean and Alpinoid out of that. Anyone know of any of other racial calculators that does not require a blood test?