* “The negroes from Africa have received from Nature no intelligence that rises above the foolish. The difference between the two races is thus a substantial one: it appears to be just as great in respect of the faculties of the mind as in color.” – Immanuel Kant – 1764.

* "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666)"
* Don't bet on it being a co-incidence, but the average IQ of Black Africans is 66.6 (IQ and the wealth of nations)

* "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people ... I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race" Abraham Lincoln 1858

* "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

* Martin Luther King said whites should judge blacks BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER and not by the colour of their skins. And I entirely agree with him..!!!

* "Once blacks take power, they do not like to live with a minority whose success highlights their own failure." Jared Taylor (Amren)

* "I tell the truth not to convince those who do not know it, but to defend those that do" - William Blake

* A mixture of 10% shit and 90% ice-cream improves the flavour of shit whilst completely ruining the ice-cream, and making shit palatable is essentially what multi-culturalism is all about..!

* "There is only one good, KNOWLEDGE; and one evil, IGNORANCE" - Socrates

* "The negroes from Africa have received from Nature no intelligence that rises above the foolish. The difference between the 2 races is thus a substantial one: it appears to be just as great in respect of the faculties of the mind as in colour" Immanuel Kant 1764

* The white race is smart enough to create the most just and prosperous societies the world has ever known, but stupid enough to think that other races can do the same.

* "It’s incredible that any white sends aid to Africa when Africans are anti-white racists" Mfonobong Nsehe

* At some point it doesn’t matter what your enemy’s point of view is. You just have to understand he is your enemy, he can’t be reasoned with, and he means you harm.

* It has been said that "INTEGRITY is the first fundamental of prosperity". But almost anyone who has worked with Africans for any length of time knows that this human quality is virtually non-existent amongst them, and this is a fundamental reason why the idea of civilised black society is impossible

* “The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the obviously untrue” - HL Mencken

* If you’re not a liberal at 20 you have NO HEART - if you’re still a liberal at 30 you have NO HEAD.!

* "When I am the weaker, I ask you for my freedom, because compassion is the white man's principle. But when I am the stronger, I take away your freedom, because tyranny is the black mans principle"

* the degree of sympathy whites feel for blacks is in inverse proportion to their experience with them.

* Educating genetically stupid people, like most blacks, is a shameful waste of resources. It doesn´t make them intelligent but simply enables them to sound more intelligent, and if they then gain power such people can be extremely dangerous.

* “Idealism increases in direct proportion to ones distance from the problem” - John Galsworthy

* “The worst form of INEQUALITY is to try to make unequal things equal” - Aristotle (384-322BC)

* "South Africa is a not a nation of 80% blacks with 20% whites, but one of 20% whites with 80% blacks" - Jean Raspail. (“Camp of the Saints”). Even though now SA is <10% whites with 90% blacks, this profound truth still applies.

* "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" in a NUTSHELL... A person with genuine qualifications doesn’t need AA....Therefore, those who demand AA are obviously NOT QUALIFIED..! To offer AA to a GENUINELY QUALIFIED applicant would be an insult to his ability and integrity. Acceptance of AA is therefore an admission of FAILURE and INFERIORITY..! AA is thus for LOSERS only..!”

* "…the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them". Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821

* "... the lofty idea of `the war on racism' has become a hideously false ideology, where "anti-racism" will be for the 21st century what communism was for the 20th...a source of violence." Alain Finkelkraut

* Blacks have long since learned how to manipulate the white man by exploiting his compassionate nature and his sense of fair play, whilst having absolutely no intention of practicing the same virtues in return.

* “CIVILISATION" (from the Latin 'civis') pertains to people who create cities and are well-adjusted to city life. Besides being incapable of creating cities or behaving in a “civilized” fashion, whenever blacks occupy human-built cities they predictably destroy them with their malignant presence. They are therefore the antithesis of “civilized”.

* “If your skin is black you can be forgiven for anything.” Ian Douglas Smith (PM of Rhodesia 1964-79)

* IVORY COAST - When once asked by a reporter "how many whites do you have?", Francophone black President Houphouet-Boigny proudly replied - "I have 40,000 now and I hope to have 80,000 in a few years time”. Under HP's enlightened rule, the economic success of Cote D'Ivoire was widely touted by naive Western liberals as "self-evident proof that Black-ruled countries could be successful". After HB's death in 1993 "his" whites saw the writing on the wall and began leaving in droves, whereupon Cote D'Ivoire soon disintegrated into chaos.

* “Men and women are 99.99 percent identical genetically but no one suggests that men and women are identical”.

* "The outcome of elections is not decided by the voters, but by those who count the votes" Josef Stalin

* A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul (GB Shaw)

* “Africans like to think that all white men carry a sack of money to distribute amongst them” - Ghanaian , Lomo Togo (1991)

* "...sullen peoples - HALF DEVIL and HALF CHILD” - from "The White Mans Burden". Rudyard Kipling was a very observant man, and this sage remark of his pretty well explains why blacks do the terrible and insanely stupid things they do.