I wanted to add that it seems impossible to me that Roma are average 90 - 65% European. It would make them on average inbetween Mullatos and Quadroons, But just take a look at Obama or a regular Quadroon for that matter. They are much lighter then Africans. Shouldnt Gypsies be much lighter then Southasians? Gypsy Skin Colour is that of a average Southasian. Also you might say their Features are European but I dont see it. They have exotic ethnic Features especially large dark eyes etc.

Their genetic Profile certain doesnt match their Looks. ButlerKing asked if the racial perception of Gypsies as Non-Whites might Change. My Answer is not in the next few Generations. Only if they mix so much with Europeans in the next Century so they might appear as Whiter. But not in their current State.