Moscow attracts migrant criminals

23,000 crimes in Moscow last year committed newcomers. Such statistics have led to the main investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to agency staff, in 2012, increased serious and very serious crimes. However, this statistic does not share the guests of the capital: among them, both migrants and those who came from other Russian regions. Details of the material correspondent "Vesti FM" Sergei Dikov. Every eighth murder and rape of every three - the crimes, the statistics are those visitors. Traditionally leads the list of crimes and offenses Southern and Eastern administrative district. The police added to them more area space of three stations. Moscow has always attracted those who violate the criminal code, says the chairman of the Trade Union Coordinating Council Moscow police Mikhail Pashkin. In the capital, traditionally converge financial flows. In this fight the newcomer crime difficult. At least there is no comprehensive police base, which would be used across the country. "There are Schipachev - came, stole and left for a month somewhere in the Moscow region to the country or to the country to live. Then came back." On tour "so-called, with a very hard fight, if there is no common system across the country," - explains Pashkin. Visitors - a broad concept, but police statistics it does not specify. Only reports that the number of serious and very serious crimes. Who among criminals more - migrants coming to work, or from other parts of the Russians, who decided to stay in the capital - dry numbers do not explain. Criminals who come from neighboring countries, still less than the Russians, I'm sure the chairman of the international alliance "Labor Migration" Nicholas Kurdyumov. While it is expected that this number could increase. Illegal migrants are not wanted in Russia after the crisis began. But as the number of visitors to overcome it without documents in Moscow will inevitably grow. "The reduction is due to the very unsettled part of the migrants. Reuregulirovannaya And now this, or, as they say, the illegal part of migrants increases. Naturally this reuregulirovannaya part of labor migration that's most susceptible to these violations, because they live in different conditions and are forced to hide. Well and the set of any other situations arise, "- commented Kurdyumov. 23,000 crimes - it's a grand total of all visitors to the capital last year. Law enforcement agencies report to disclose three hundred murders and 120 cases of serious bodily injury resulting in death. Former employees suggest that the statistics can be improved. If, for example, increase the number of crews patrol. But so far none of these solutions did not accept. - "Vesti FM" on page