Quote Originally Posted by Black Swan View Post

But why would Obama do that, what are his reasons?
And you make it like Israel and USA are on different sides, while that is impossible.
obama support our enemies and this not our interest at all.

this what the egyptians thinking about obama

Egypt: Sisi Accuses Obama Administration of Disregarding Egyptian Popular Will

In his first interview since the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi last month, Defense Minster General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi sharply criticized the US response, accusing Obama administration of disregarding the Egyptian popular will and of providing insufficient support amid threats of a civil war.

"You left the Egyptians. You turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won't forget that," said an indignant Gen. Sisi, speaking of the US government. "Now you want to continue turning your backs on Egyptians?"

Like many pro-military Egyptians, Sisi appeared angry that the United States has not fully endorsed what he described as "a free people who rebelled against an unjust political rule."

Sisi said that US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel calls him "almost every day" but that US President Obama has not called since Morsi's ouster.

"The US administration has a lot of leverage and influence with the Muslim Brotherhood, and I would really like the US administration to use this leverage with them to resolve the conflict," Sisi said.

Sisi said he had recognized problems with Morsi from the day he was inaugurated. The president, Sisi said, was "not a president for all Egyptians, but a president representing his followers and supporters."

"The idea that gathers them together is not nationalism, it is not patriotism, it is not a sense of a country," he said.
