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Thread: Finnish Independence Party

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    Default Finnish Independence Party

    Programme objective of the Independence Party

    The objective of the Independence Party is a society based on equality, that is humane and just, and will provide the means of living for the future generations as well.

    1. The independence of Finland must be restored by breaking out of the European Union, which is guided by financial forces.

    2. Our own currency, the Finnish mark, must be retained. Our own foreign currency reserves and our own, independent monetary policy must be restored.

    3. Finland must have an independent control of it´s borders.

    4. Everyone must have a constitutional right to work. The working week must be shortened to 35 hours.

    5. The economy must be controlled. The markets must serve the people, not the other way around.The escape of capital out of Finland must be stopped. The sale of state businesses must be stopped.

    6. The whole country must be kept inhabited. The self-sufficiency in foodstuffs, the functionality of family farms and the vitality of the countryside must be preserved.

    7. Hiring new employees must be made easier by removing the side expenses of work. The lost revenue must be collected on the basis of production.

    8. The value added tax (VAT) in groceries must be removed. The low limit to the duty of paying VAT must be raised to annual business turnover of 100 000 euro.

    9. A basic income system must be put in place, which is socially just, and makes an adequate income possible in all circumstances of life, and, at the same time, encourages to be active.

    10. The oppression of the pensioners must be stopped. There has to be a minimum pension of 700 euros without any tax and a maximum pension also.

    11. An adequate level of income must be assured for families with children. Also a possibility to choose between taking care of the children at home and public child care must be provided.

    12. Basic education and possibilities for further education must be equally taken care of, taking into account the different interests and needs of pupils and students.

    13. The services for the elderly and the handicapped, and health care services, must be assured.

    14. Decent cost housing as well as safe and comfortable surroundings must be assured for all Finns.

    15. The differences in income levels must be reduced. Annual income under 10 000 euro must be made tax exempt. The economies of communes must be assured by a change in the state-aid system. Capital gains income must be progressively taxed.

    16. The situation of the over-debted, and their guarantors, must be improved.

    17. The energy services of Finland must be based on native, renewable sources of energy, increased efficiency, and the saving of energy.

    18. All political parties must be treated equally. Party financing must be made public.

    19.Aconstitutional court of justice must be introduced to control that the constitution is followed.

    20. Finland must be kept out of military alliances and international conflicts by following a consistent and reliable policy of neutrality.

    Election program
    The election program of the Independence party
    (Accepted at the party congress 2006.07.16)

    The independence and neutrality of our country must be brought back

    1. The upholding of our national independence has traditionally been considered as the most central goal for the political activity. Now it has, however, been given up and our country has grown humble to the authority of the EU.

    Our people must get back the national independence, which belongs to it. This includes an independent finance- and economic policy and a returning of our own currency and a liberation from the authority of the European Central Bank.

    This requires a loosening from the EU. It can be realised by a decision of the Parliament. A loosening from the Union does not cause Finland any payments but it releases our country from constantly growing payments to the EU.

    The relation between Finland and the EU can be organised by separate trade- and other agreements, such as Switzerland has done or as a first step return to the situation, in which our country was before joining the EU, that is getting back to the EEA-agreement like Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

    A membership in NATO must be averted

    2) A membership in NATO is dangerous for the security of our country and must therefore be averted. Finland must not join any military alliance or send our soldiers outside our own boarders other than to peacekeeping operations accepted by the the United Nations or the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

    Finland must maintain good relations with all countries, especially our neighbour countries by practising a non-aligned and neutral foreign- and security policy. At the same time we must take care of the needs of our defence, which is based on general national service. The Finnish army should be armed with defence- not offensive weapons.

    A national referendum must be taken into use

    3) A binding national and communal referendum must be taken into use in our country to realise a democratic system. It must be arranged if a decision made by the Parliament, the government or the communal council is, according to a reliable opinion poll, contrary to that of the majority of the enfranchised citizens.

    From party domination to democracy

    4) The parties must be returned to their original function, that is to work as a channel for democracy. Therefore the democracy in the parties must be strengthened for instance by including a paragraph in the party law, according to which the chairman has to be elected through a membership voting.

    The party support, which spoils politics, must be abandoned in its present form. The parties must be guaranteed equal possibilities to activity. To eliminate the corruption the financing and accountancy of the parties must be stipulated as public. The proposition of weakening the position of the president, who is chosen by a direct election of the people and who is above the political parties, must be rejected.

    The constitutional legal certainty must be guaranteed

    5) The committee for constitutional law of the Parliament has badly failed in its duty to control how our constitution and the legal certainty of the people are followed. A politically independent constitutional court must be appointed to carry out this task.

    The citizens must have the possibility of bringing both breaking of the constitution and the injustice they have suffered because of the public administration authorities to a trying by the constitutional court.

    The citizens must get the decisions and other acts of the public administration and the courts to a fee that covers the electrostatic copy costs.

    The basic service for the citizens and the communal democracy must bee guaranteed

    6) The basic service arranged by the local authority must be guaranteed by changes in the system of state subsidy and by lifting the portions to be financed by the state to the level where they where before the depression, during which they were divided in half. This makes it possible to increase the means of health care and geriatric care and at the same time to raise the salaries of the nursing staff. Forcing to consolidation of municipalities must be rejected. Municipal district councils must be founded in bigger cities and to communes, which have been formed as a result of consolidation of municipalities. Their duty is to realise close-range democracy, to decide on matters of their own municipal district and to give comments on proposals concerning the city plan of their own municipal district.

    A sane social market economy instead of speculation capitalism

    7) A sane social market economy must be set in instead of te speculation capitalism, which is realised on the conditions of great capitalists. A sane social market economy is based on fairness, on protection of the position of weaker people and a free entrepreneurship. By means of this so called third way, which is placed between socialism and capitalism, our country can be developed to a welfare state, which realises societal democracy and fairness, a country, which all citizens can experience as a pleasant and safe home.

    The moving of Finnish enterprises to foreign countries and the discontinuation of jobs can be stopped by regulations, which concern capital export from the country and by tax allowances, which support enterprises and by independently realised acts of regional policy, which are forbidden by the EU.

    All kinds of speculation must be prevented by an appreciable legislation of our own. Now this is not possible because of the meticulous directives of the EU, which often are both stupid and inadequate for Finland. The so called tax of Tobin, with which taxes on capital transfers to foreign countries are collected and which prevents speculation, must be taken into use in our country.

    Fairness into income distribution

    8) The amount of poor people in Finland has, as a result of the EU policy increased to 600.000. The bread queues have doubled in a short time.

    Equality between men and woman must be realised also by an equal pay. Income disparities must be deducted and the situation of impecunious people must be made better. Incomes under 12.000 euro per annum must be duty-free. In addition the situation of low-income people must be improved by a considerable lowering of the added value tax on food from the present 17 % or by abolishing it.

    Stop the oppression of retired persons

    9) The incomes of retired persons have been lagged behind the wage trend because of the so called folded pension index. Because of this persons with a small pension income live on the hunger line. This must be adjusted.

    Small pensions must be considerably lifted and a minimum pension, which guarantees an adequate livelihood must be taken into use. The use of the folded pension index must be abandoned and the buying power of the pensions lifted to what it was before the folding pension index was taken into use.

    An upper limit must be put to oversized pensions.

    Social fairness instead of acquisitiveness

    10) The situation of those who live on labour market support, daily unemployment benefit and the minimum competencies of the parents allowance as well as of those who live on home care subsidy or relative care allowance is as bad as that of the persons with a a small pension income. The beurocratic system of the income security for the unemployed must be simplified.

    The parent´s allowance ande relative care allowance must be raised. A pension security must be arranged for those, who take care of their children at home.

    A new social class, the short term workers, has been formed on the labour market. This consists of citizens wit so called non typical or temporary short-term jobs. Their position on the labour market must hastily be improved.

    A selected basic income system, which encourages to activity in all situations must be realised to eliminate the poverty problem. The system would include for instance pensioners with small incomes, those who now live on the unemployment security and different social benefits and also students and short-term workers. This would not be any expensive citizen income- or citizen salary system, in which support would be paid also to rich people. The system would decrease the great need of social personnel and would mean saving of public expenses.

    In a selective system of basic income the beneficiaries would be monthly paid a basic income of a certain amount. In addition to this the beneficiary can get earned income duty free to a certain level and no tax would be levied until a certain amount of income.

    The livelihood of families with children must be guaranteed

    12) The livelihood of sole supporter families and other families with children must not remain under the poverty line.

    The parents must have a possibility of free choosing of either a communal day care or a domiciliary care of their children as equal alternatives. The care payments must be reasonable. The size of the day care groups must not be enlarged.

    The grievances in the health care must be redressed

    The structures of the health care must be organised again in a way, which abolishes the existing competition between health care centres upheld by separate communes and central hospitals owned by several communes together. The present situation means that a part of the people, who need care, don´t get it.

    The patients must get quicker to operations and other kind of care. The health care system must get doctors and other health care personnel by increasing student places in accordance with the need and by improving the wage conditions.

    The charges of health care centres, out-patient departments and hospitals must be kept reasonable. The health care system must even more invest in preventive
    health care, such as information about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise as well as about the adverse consequences of smoking and use of alcohol and drugs.

    Elderly people and invalids must be taken care of

    14) We must not on any grounds bring down the level of the care of elderly people and invalids. Old people must get the home-help service they need and a possibility of moving to intensified service housing or institutional care. The charges for care and service must be kept adequate.

    Free service for veterans

    15) Health care, rehabilitation and travelling with public vehicles must be free.

    Work must be arranged to all unemployed people

    16) The public administration, that is the state and the communes, are obliged to look after that all unemployed people get a work. In order to realise this, a new system for employment subsidy must be created. At least a minimum wage laid down by law, must be paid for the work and this wage must give an adequate livelihood.

    A paragraph about the right to all citizens to get a work must be included in our constitution. The realization of this paragraph is possible when employment policy is lead by the general interest of our national economy, not by the interests of large enterprises and large-scale investors as in EU-Finland.

    Not until the unemployment of the young is eliminated from our country, is it justifiable to talk about the need of foreign workers. In the use of foreign labour force, Finnish terms of employment must be followed. This makes it possible to make sure, that Finnish workers are not discriminated by dumping the salaries of foreign workers.

    A legal certainty agent must be appointed to control the realization of the civic rights of the unemployed.

    A moderate-priced accommodation for all

    17) The unduly risen prices of accommodation and other housing costs must be reduced as follows:

    Instead of a housing policy, which is realised on the conditions of the producers and the banks we have to take into use a housebuilding realised on the conditions of the needers and at the same time the payers.

    The competition in housebuilding and renewal must be increased and scrutinized whether and how corruption influences the decisions by which building grounds and renewal jobs are given to certain favourites.

    When communes sell or lease building grounds, same transparency must be follow as in public purchases.

    The present crofter system, which binds the needers of accommodation to the bank must be abolished. A system for financing and lending, which satisfies at first hand the needs of them, who need an apartment or a house must be realised.

    Housing loans from the state and communes will be increased and the interest will be decreased. The communes will be obliged to hand over a certain part of the estates, which they have sold or leased to a self-lead or self-driven housebuilding of the inhabitants. Disproportionate rents will be averted by putting communal and regional upper limits for them.

    The inhabitants will be given real possibilities to influence matters that concern their housing by developing a system of tenant democracy.

    The hinders for entrepreneurship must be abolished

    18) To improve small-scaled entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship generally and to create new jobs, the supplementary contributions of the employers must be abolished and the equivalent amount collected by fairer means, on the basis of the volume of the production. Thus labor-intensive enterprises would not be in a poorer situation than capital-intensive enterprises.

    To improve the upcoming and conditions for small-scaled industry value added tax should not be collected at all from a turnover under 100.000 euro per annum.

    The transfer of a firm to a descendant must be made easier.

    The sale of enterprises owned by the state, that is the citizens, must stop. The living conditions on rural areas and development areas mut be improved by means of regional policy.

    19) The whole country must be kept inhabited. We have to realise a regional policy, which advances the business life and the cultural life of development areas. All parts of the country must be kept in the network of public traffic. As regards road- and railroad network, we have to take care of the whole country, also the condition and building of local roads in the outlying districts.

    The Finnish peasant must get his freedom back

    20) The existing of private families´ small-scaled cultivation and the production of clean and healthy food must be guaranteed in Finland. The goal, which is to be set, is to get back the self-sufficiency, that we have lost as a result of the EU-policy. No land tax must be levied on farming- or forest economy ground. We have to hinder a transition of farming- an forest economy ground into the hands of foreigners.

    The import of genetic manipulated food and raw material must be forbidden.

    The flayers of the fatherland into responsibility for their doings

    21) As a result of the EU-policy there has been a social redistribution in our country and our citizens are divided into two groups, which are on the one hand
    an upper class, which has became rich at the expense of the majority of the people on the other hand the rest of the people.

    While the present government and parliament have favoured the rich upper class by giving them tax relieves and advantages, they have carried on with the same policy of cutting allocations to health care and geriatric care, and many other activities, which are important to the majority of the people, which they started during the depression of the 1990s. They have done this, although the national product of Finland is bigger than ever.

    Because of this EU-policy the network of roads and railways in our country is crumbling. The post and the railways have been made companies. The Road office have changed into a public utility. As a result of this their standard of service has got worse. The Finnish army and other national departments have been reorganized and their activities have been endorsed to capitalistic companies through competitive biddings. Garnisons are closed and military refreshers are deducted to a fraction of what they were before referring to the lack of allowances. There seem to be enough money only for the steadily growing payments to EU.

    The decision makers are striving for savings with so called abundance programs of the state by cutting down the staff expenditure for instance by not employing new employees instead of them, who have retired. This is leading to a situation, which is not durable for instance in the police forces, the judicial system and universities.

    During the time of EU the employees domination burden of work and uncertainty about the future and the insecurity, in which this results, have constantly increased.

    The present situation can be improved only if the MP:s, who are responsible for it, will not be chosen into the new Parliament and new members are chosen in their place, persons, who serve the people of Finland and not EU and the upper class, which supports it.

    Criminality must be averted by border guarding

    22) Boarder guarding is a right, which belongs to an independent country and it must be brought back to all our boarders so we can improve the efficiency of the control and thereby prevent drug import and other criminality and strengthen the security of our people.

    Fairness into taxation

    23) A return to a socially fair Finnish welfare state necessitates a renewal of the taxation by following means:

    Besides earned incomes and pension incomes also capital incomes must be taxed progressively, whereby the tax rate of small capital incomes is decreased and that of the big ones increase from what is the case for the moment.

    The taxation of earned incomes and pension incomes must be milder than the taxation of capital incomes. Medical expenses and health care expenses inclusive the costs of medicines and dental care as well as transport-to-work expenses and interest charges of housing loans should be accepted as completely deductible in the taxation. To improve the livelihood of people with small incomes, the added value tax on food should be brought down. It should be completely eliminated from bread, milk and fruits and vegetables, which are important for the health.

    Capital transfer tax should be collected only from that part of the estate, which goes over 200.000 euro. The possibilities of taking into use a progression, which eases the taxation of people with small incomes and people with a middle-income also in the local taxation, must be found out.

    The decision of the Parliament to abolish property tax, must be taken into a new consideration. It is possible to raise the lower limit for collecting property tax, but it must still be collected from owners with grate properties.

    The upper limit for land tax must be considerably lowered. This tax should not be levied for farming- and forest economy ground.

    The taxation of the labor-intensive enterprises must be eased by changing the system to a taxation, which is based on the production.

    The collecting of value added tax must be abolished for a turnover below
    100.000 euro.

    People with excessive indebtedness must get help

    24) The situation of people with excessive indebtedness and that of their guarantors must be improved. The banks´right to realize the pledge when a private person or enterprise gets into financial difficulties or when or when the pledge is decreasing in value, must be limited by law. A new phenomenon on the loan market is internet banks, which grant short term loans at usurious interests. Such charging of interests of even above hundreds of percents per annum must be forbidden by law.

    TV licence fees must be abolished

    25) The collecting of TV licence fees should be abolished like radio license fees and the activities of the broadcasting company should be financed from tax assets.

    The use of TV and radio as a means of propaganda must be averted by an act, according to which a person, who is employed as a reporter, must not have belonged to any party in two preceding years before the beginning of the employment relationship.

    A condition, according to which all political parties, which accept democracy and equality between the citizens, must be equally treated, must be included in the concession of every TV- and radio channel.

    For a sustainable development and a clean environment

    26) Striving for a constant economic growth is detrimental, because it positively destroys the basis natural resources. Instead of a constant economic growth a central goal should be an ecologically sustainable development and balance. An economy, which is based on them, is for the benefit of the citizens, the whole human race and the nature.

    The standpoint, according to which economic growth is a solution to a large unemployment, is wrong. It does not decrease unemployment but increases it if the growth is based on a more effective automated production.

    The Natura 2000 protection program should be interrupted and the program be taken into a new consideration. This should happen by taking account of the justified advantages of the landowners. This includes also amends for the losses.

    We must not compromise about the healthiness and comfort of the housing environment and working environment. The preserving of parks and green areas must be ensured by a clear-speaking ordinance.

    The share of electric track traffic of all transports must be increased.

    We must realise a protection- and treatment program for forests, by which we can guarantee both a good treatment of economic forests and and ecological forest economic aspects. The protection of the forests must be realised by taking into account the advantages of both forest owners and the society.

    The actions of forestry companies with prejudice to forest owners as a dominating cartel must be averted.

    Licences for uranium- and other health damaging mining activity must be abandoned.

    Domestic renewable energy sources into use

    27) The energy supply of our country should be mainly based on domestic, renewable energy sources, a more effective use of energy and on saving energy.

    The strain caused to the nature environment must be decreased. Moderate-priced public transport should be developed and increased by making contributions to a change-over to a pollutant-free production and by fining for pollution emission.

    A placing of foreign nuclear waste in our country must be averted.

    The power of the Finish people is in education

    28) The resources and the preconditions for creating activity of universities and other academies and educational institutions as well as those of scientists and artists must be guaranteed. We ought to collect the same charges from foreign students that Finnish students have to pay abroad.

    The needs of basic education, further education and adult education must be equally satisfied in different parts of the country. The plans of abandoning academies should be given up.
    The size of group of pupils at primary schools and high schools as well as the length of the way to school should be moderate.

    Teaching of the knowledge of society and arts subjects must be increased. The textbook on history and social studies must be based on the truth an not on accompaniment of the standpoints, which political the power holders represent.
    Confessional religious education must maintain in the curriculum of the schools.
    Library services must be taken care of all over the country by enlarging the allocations to libraries. Self-motivated culture-, avocation- , sports- and exercise of the citizens must also be supported.

    The international goals of the Independence party

    1) In the UN and other international organisations Finland must actively and independently work for abolishing of poverty and for realising fairness and international equality.

    2) Non-affiliation and neutrality are necessary conditions to make parties of international conflicts trust our country enough. Without that trust it is not possible to act as an arbitrator in international conflicts. As long as our country is a member of the EU this is not possible, unlike what it was in the 1970s, when Finland arranged the Conference on security and Cooperation in Europe.

    3) Finland must participate in the work for abolishing the problem of poverty in the developing countries and for solving the refugee problem.

    In refugee policy our country has to act independently and in accordance with international agreements.

    The immigration policy must be based on that the immigrants come here to get their livelihood by their own work an to become integrated in the Finnish society. To make the integration process easier and to prevent exclusion, the teaching of the Finnish language and customs must be increased.

    Immigrants, who are guilty of serious crimes and convicted for them and who haven´t got the Finnish nationality, must be banished from our country and if possible, be sent to pay their penalties in the country of their departure.

    Finland must for its own part work for the rejecting of the change in climate for example by getting into use renewable energy resources instead of fossil energy.

    5) In the international cooperation Finland must work for a situation, in which all countries are both admitted the right to and obliged to care for food production and as far as possible for self-sufficiency as regards to food. This is necessary for decreasing and abolishing starvation and poverty in the world.
    Translation Lena Wiksten

    Basic- and general program
    The basic- and general program of the Independence party

    The independence party bases its´ activities on the values of freedom, equality, fairness, democracy and Christian solidarity. Central aspirations and aims of the independence party are:

    1. The realization of the acts of the Finnish constitution, according to which Finland is a fully authorized and independent republic, where the highest power, the authority of the state, belongs to the people as well as the realization of the international liberty of action in practice and the developing of a broad international interaction and cooperation, which are based on equality between the nations.

    2. The defending and strengthening of civil rights, freedom and equality.

    3. The elimination of the privileged position of the power of the political parties, which has drawn away from the people, the strengthening of democracy and the realization of a citizen society.

    4. The elimination of unemployment, the guaranteeing of the preconditions for full employment and the guaranteeing of all employees´rights, the realization of same salary for men and women and a basic income system, the setting of the peoples´ general interest ahead private economic exercise
    of power and the returning of uncontrolled capital streams under the control of the society.

    5. The developing of the Nordic welfare state, which has been realized in Finland and of the health care and social security.

    6. The developing of he society based on a kind of social market economy, which is democratically controlled and in which especially small and medium-sized industry are encouraged.

    7. The equal developing of the position of different areas, lines of business and citizen groups, the maintenance of a living country side and the guaranteeing of agriculture and forestry, that fit the Finnish conditions and the guaranteeing of food autarky.

    8. The demolishment of beurocracy, monopolies and cartels and the decentralization of the centralized decision-making power and the realization of a fair distribution of income.

    9. To keep the nature and environment vital, clean and enjoyable.

    10. The fighting against corruption and economic and other criminality and the guaranteeing of social peace.

    11. The guaranteeing of the possibilities for basic education, further education and updating training and a free and multifaceted developing of the Finnish culture.

    12. The realization of a neutral foreign policy and security policy and an independent policy of defence, which is based on a firm wish for national defence, on a sufficient ability of defence and on autarky.

    Program for international cooperation
    The program for international cooperation of the Independence party

    (accepted at the party congress 2006.07.16)

    The dominant and the only acceptable ideology for the European Union according to the constitution of EU is a capitalism, which is based on free competition and unlimited power of capital. In practice this has lead to the larger capital owners´ ascendancy and to the fact that the greatest companies have either destroyed or bought the smaller enterprises or put them under their control. In the prevailing conditions of the EU capitalism the leading political parties and political decision makers have submitted to realise the right wing social development policy in accordance with finance and capital power holders as their humble underlings.

    The Independence party has been founded to defend the Finnish people´s right to national independence, social equality between citizens and a democratic social market economy, which emphasises fairness and support for the weaker. This kind of social market economy, which is based on democracy and social fairness and which has been abandoned by the money- and capital power ruled EU and the political parties, which support it, must be taken to the basis for both the Finnish social policy and international economic and political cooperation.

    The joining of Finland to the EU has made our country to a dependent part of of the union and because of this dependence our country haven´t got freedom of international activity anymore. In the EU Finland is also bound to the growing militarisation of the union and to its´ involvement in international conflicts.

    From the perspective of our people´s benefit and future the Independence party considers it necessary to bring back sovereignty in economic, finance-, trade- foreign- and security policy to our country. Not until this lost national independence is brought back, it is possible for Finland to stay outside international conflicts and for its´own part advance world peace and international cooperation, that is useful for all participants.

    In order to hide the consequences of their own activities the Finnish leaders give an untrue picture about the EU and about our country´s position in the EU claiming that the the union is an organ for cooperation between independent states. The countries, which are put under the control of the EU are neither independent nor equal. The vote of the small member states is only a poor fraction of the large states´vote. As a matter of fact Finland can´t influence the decisions of the union and can´t either at all participate international cooperation as an independent activator. In reality our country hasn´t any longer got an independent foreign-, security- or foreign trade policy of its´own. It is the European Union that decides on them as well as it decides on the contents of most of the new laws in our country, which controls the life of the citizens and in the Union Finland, like other small member states, is in the position of a silent partner in a company. The only right conclusion in this situation is to get loose from the EU and to arrange the relations with it by a separate agreement, which is based on the sovereignty and national independence of our country and an economic cooperation, which is mainly based on free trade.

    A loosening from the EU requires only a decision, which the Parliament makes with a single majority. Not even this has been told to the people by the authority of the state, though the committee lead by Seppo Tiitinen, which examined the judicial relations between the EU and Finland wrote this fact into its´ committee report in the year 1994. The committee did namely express, that as you don´t decide on joining the EU in the constitutional order of enactment, you can also leave the organisation by a single majority decision of the Parliament.

    Therefore it is extremely important that those citizens, who want to bring back the sovereignty and independence of our country give their vote in the general election to the candidates of those parties, who have committed them selves in their programs to work for a loosening from the EU and a returning of the national independence of our country by parliamentary means.

    When these goals have been achieved, the international relations of our country must be organized as follows:

    Finland takes part in the international cooperation, in accordance with its´own constitution, as a truly independent and free republic, where the highest power, the authority of the state, belongs to the people, which is represented by the Parliament.

    In the international society Finland acts as a neutral country and practises an active policy of neutrality, which is based on an independent foreign-, security- and defence policy and on building good and equal relations with all countries.

    The relations to the EU and other states will be arranged on former agreements about free trade and cooperation, which are still valid.

    When Finland may decide on its´ foreign policy itself, the possibilities to an economic cooperation with Russia come open, a cooperation in which for instance the oil- and natural gas resources of the Barents Sea could be taken advantage of, and which the membership in the EU now hinders.

    In the global policy there will appear, in addition to existing conflicts, new conflicts and bipartitions, where the parties are for example Russia, China and some other Asian countries, the United States of America and the European Union. As an independent and neutral country Finland has got a possibility of standing outside disputes, crisis and trade wars caused by these conflicts and bipartitions and of acting actively in the UN and other international organisations to achieve solutions, which strengthen cooperation and a peace building conciliatory spirit.

    Is this as good as it gets in Finland?

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    As good as it gets in the world FA.

    This is the best:

    6. The whole country must be kept inhabited. The self-sufficiency in foodstuffs, the functionality of family farms and the vitality of the countryside must be preserved.

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    All of this sounds good. This is very close to true nationalism, where concrete ideas about freedom and independence are made pivotal to the movement.

    No usual racialist-voelkisch wanking.

    The only thing I am a little bit suspicious about is a too marked bent towards socialism and planned economy.

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