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Thread: The jihad times

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graus View Post
    Seriously IM, America used some sexually humiliating interrogation techniques but they used them against insurgents, who deserve worse in my humble opinion. But its in no way the same as rape. And while rape does happen, its punished accordingly and not endorsed as a legitimate tactic of war, like you muslim heroes do.
    Exactly. Show us your sources; otherwise, don't say anything.
    Last edited by Smaland; 12-15-2012 at 03:55 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smaland View Post
    ok i dont want to be rude to americans, because i really love USA and it is my dream Country. but i think they are injust to iraquis and their enemies in General. dont you know what they did in Vietnam? they do similar in iraq, and im sure rape in iraq by american soldiers happens frequently. i Picture american soldiers as being average american guys who grew up with gang bang porn and drugs, and killer Video games and who have a playground now in the warzone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tropicalslavic View Post
    As a woman I find those pretty curly haired tan Mediterranean men with muscular asses hard enough to resist. I can't imagine how much worse this would be if I was a man.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vrhbosnian Vanguard View Post
    And that is where our faiths truly diverge. Punishment is only in the hands of the God, He needs no help from his creations to do that.

    My God has inspired these words, while yours bathed in the blood of the innocents.
    You are obsessed with Amalekites or what?
    From religious point of view:
    Christians believe that God chose a certain people (Jews) from which a Messiah will be born, Christ, a savior of humanity. God protected them through out centuries. Amalekites were administering a terror over Jews for several hundred years. They were warned many times and after generation over generations they simply continued to administer terror over Jews. Amalekites were also people engaged in zoophilia, incest and child sacrifices. In order for Christ to be born, who was meant to be a far more important for Humanity Jews were ordered to take care of them this time (or Amalekites would take care of them).

    First of all you are becoming very annoying citing the Old Testament all the time and second of all this, the most darkest part of the Old Testament is not worse than Qur'an where it says that Muslims have to kill Jews and Christians.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquiring Mind View Post
    ok i dont want to be rude to americans, because i really love USA and it is my dream Country. but i think they are injust to iraquis and their enemies in General. dont you know what they did in Vietnam? they do similar in iraq, and im sure rape in iraq by american soldiers happens frequently. i Picture american soldiers as being average american guys who grew up with gang bang porn and drugs, and killer Video games and who have a playground now in the warzone.
    I think this is quite exaggerating

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    Jews also like raping it seems :
    U.S. rabbi arrested for raping girl 10 years ago

    NEW YORK - U.S. Marshals arrested a rabbi outside of his synagogue in Chandler, Arizona, for his alleged involvement in a rape case that occurred 10 years ago.

    Rabbi Bryan Bramley, 45, was arrested outside Temple Beth Shalom Synagogue Tuesday morning by the Child Predator Apprehension Team of the U.S. Marshals and detectives with the New York Police Department.

    Bramley is accused of raping a 7-year-old girl in March 2000 in New York City.

    The alleged rape occurred at the home of Bramley's family while the victim was spending the night. The Bramley's lived in New York during his rabbinical studies.

    The victim didn't report the incident until August 2009, when she was 17-years-old.

    This is the second time in recent months a rabbi has been linked to a sex crime. Earlier this month, Brooklyn rabbi Baruch Lebovits
    was convicted of sexual assault against a child.

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    District Court sentences former President Moshe Katsav to seven years in prison, two years of probation for rape, indecent acts, sexual harassment and obstruction of justice. Defendant also ordered to pay compensation to two complainants. 'The court must send a clear message,' judge says

    The sentence was given four years and eight months after Katsav turned to then Attorney General Menachem Mazuz complaining that A. from the President's Residence was blackmailing him.

    Judges George Karra and Miriam Sokolov were in agreement and Judith Shevach was in the minority.

    She said four years and a larger sum of compensation for the complainants would have sufficed.

    Katsav will begin his prison sentence on May 8. The court also ordered Katsav to pay NIS 100,000 (roughly $28,300) to A. from the Tourism Ministry and NIS 25,000 (roughly $7,000) to L. from the President's Residence.

    Katsav interrupted the judges after the reading of the sentence and cried out "It's a lie" and got up from his seat and approached the judges. "You're wrong. The girls know they lied. They know," he said. "They mock the verdict. She knows she lied."

    Shevach stated that "the media's premature judging of the defendant placed him in a weak starting point."

    Katsav bowed his head and cried as Shevach said "the public's judging was a direct continuation of pathetic statements made by the attorney general, witnesses who were interviewed freely and boundaries which were crossed." Katsav then turned to the judges as did his sons and called out: "It's all lies, it’s not true."

    'Rape among most serious offences' [Raping Jews that is]

    Katsav arrived at the court accompanied on Tuesday morning by his attorneys Zion Amir and Avigdor Feldman and members of his family.

    Dozens of reporters, protestors and rape crisis center activists gathered outside the court.

    "Rape is one of the most serious offences in the statute book," Justice George Karra stated at the beginning of the hearing, adding that for this reason the court must send a clear message."

    He further added: "Having acknowledged the harm caused to the defendant we nevertheless could not withdraw the charges but mitigate the sentence which would have much harsher otherwise. We must not forget the defendant is not the victim but the one who caused harm."

    He further added: "The defendant committed the crime and must bear the punishment as any other man." He rejected the claims the rapes were not brutal.

    Karra said Katsav abused his position as president and stressed the severity of the fact the offences were committed while the defendant served in a public post.

    Repeating the State's statement he said: "The defendant is a symbol. The fact that Katsav committed the acts while serving in a high-ranking post is reason to judge him severely." The defense claimed that the media sentenced the former president in a field trial.

    Earlier in the hearing, Karra stated "Rape hurts and ruins a person's soul. Sexual harassment trampled the dignity of the complainants."

    He noted that the State Prosecutor's Office motioned to sentence Katsav to considerable time in prison and accuse him of moral turpitude.

    At one point Katsav interrupted the judges and said: "Let them release the protocols. This isn't a Bolshevik regime."

    He later said: "Sir, you made a mistake. You didn't allow me to bring in witnesses. You let malice win. You shut me up. Did you allow me to defend myself?

    Last December, Katsav was convicted of two instances of rape and one forceful indecent act against A. of the Tourism Ministry, one indecent act and sexual harassment of L., of the President's Residence, and sexual harassment of H., also of the President's Residence.

    On Monday it was reported that A., a former employee at the President's Residence whose complaint was withdrawn from the indictment against Katsav, will file a claim for punitive damages amounting to several million shekels next week.

    'Court should send message'

    Complainant A. from the Tourism Ministry, who was raped by Katsav twice, told her associates Monday, "I am not vengeful, but I think the court should send a message. Regardless of how many years he spends in prison, (Katsav) will always be a villain.

    "The number of years (sentence) is not the issue here, but the harsh verdict, which proved that Katsav committed these despicable acts and raped me," she said.

    It appears Katsav will not go to prison immediately, regardless of the sentence, as his attorneys have struck an agreement with Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein allowing the former president a month and a half to prepare for his prison term. The court is expected to agree to these terms.

    In addition, Katsav can appeal to the Supreme Court within 45 days. An appeal, however, will not delay the start of his prison term.

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    So it seems they have no problem with raping in israel :Rapist Must Marry the Victim
    Question: Is it true that if a man rapes a girl he is obliged by the Torah to marry her?!

    Answer: It’s true…but the rapist is ONLY obligated to marry his victim IF she wants him to – in other words, the law is entirely in her interest and for her benefit: in case she finds herself unable to attract any better choices for marriage. I would imagine that such victims would have only made that choice under very unusual circumstances!

    With regards,
    Rabbi Boruch Clinton

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    In reply to the question about a rapist having to marry his victim, your Rabbi says that this only applies if she wants to marry him. Please could you tell me what verse in the bible mentions that the woman has any say in the matter. It may be that I am reading false translations, but I can only find mention of compensation to her father.

    The source for the law that a rape victim (or, if she is underage, her father) has the right to refuse marriage with the rapist is the Gemara Kesuvos 39b which understands the words “To him she will be a wife” (Deut. 22:19) as requiring her consent. These words actually refer to a previous law but are extended to apply to rape victims as well.

    With regards,
    Rabbi Boruch Clinton

    Is the “previous law” referred to in your answer based on any Biblical text, or are we again in the realm of the Gemara? Also I read on the web an article on these verses which claimed, and gave Hebrew quotes, that there is more than one word used for rape in the Bible, and the Deut 22 word refers to what would now be described as date rape

    Sorry, I wasn’t clear enough. The previous law was Deut. ch. 22, verses 13-19 (the law of a husband who slanders his new wife, falsely claiming that she wasn’t a virgin). The words “To him she will be a wife” are actually part of that section. The oral law actually extends them to the rape victim mentioned in verse 26.

    I’m afraid I can’t see any likely reference to “date-rape” in these verses. Verses 22-24 clearly refer to consensual adulterous relations, while the presumption of verses 25-27 is “simple” rape (i. e., the girl played no active role in the crime).

    Hope this helps… BC

    Comment by ATR — November 18, 2010 @ 9:26 pm

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