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Thread: Advice to go on a Diet

  1. #51
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    There's nothing wrong with fats. in fact, you should probably eat a lot of fat in the morning, it will keep you satiated and will keep hunger at bay.

    You can also use appetite suppressants like hoodia gordoni or Adderal.

    This way you're not thinking about food all the time.

    Then just eat lots of salads, lean proteins (whey, chicken, turkey, etc.) and keep your calorie intake low.
    Do lots of cardio... but diet is the most important thing.

    Calories in => calories out. You can lose weight just by manipulating your caloric intake

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    utting down on carbs can be hard. I've been eating pasta like an Italian since I was five years old so I know what you mean Chocolate isn't as bad as you think - try dark chocolate instead. I think it tastes better. Butter is better than margarine, it's not as heavily processed.

  3. #53
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    The rule number one is to eat healthy. Sticking to some strange diets that restrict you from certain kinds of food will give you a short lasting effect and eventually when you'll start to eat normally again you'll gain all the lost weight back + you'll end up weighting more than you did when you started to diet. Trust me, I've gone trough it.

    What helps me is counting calories. A lot of people don't like doing it, but they still somehow manage to eat healthy and stay fit, but it's my way to control my weight and there are many different methods how to stick to your diet.

    Of course there are some foods that I avoid, like different sweets, but I do eat something sweet if I really want to and again I just try to stick to the calorie amount that I allow myself to eat every day. I don't eat anything fried, but occasionally when I'm eating out or visiting someone I get to eat fried potatoes or meat. I definitely avoid eating junk food. It's important to avoid flavoured drinks like different juices and the same goes to carbonated drinks, like cola, ect.

    It's advisable to replace meat with veggies, but it doesn't mean that you can't eat any meat at all. I usually prefer white meat, like chicken, usually boiled since it's the healthiest way how to eat it or fish. I really love tuna, I try to eat it at least once a week. I don't eat any kinds of sausages, because you never know what they put in them, they're definitely not healthy.

    I drink 3.5% milk, eat the fattiest yogurts because imo the real stuff is the best, but again, I eat reasonable amounts of them, for example, every morning I start with a 10% greek yogurt, 250 grams, it doesn't make you fat.
    You can try making different salads form veggies or adding meat to them, just better avoid adding mayonnaise or any kind of souse. Sometimes I add lemon essence to my salad. I don't use any spices, including salt and sugar, never. I've heard there are some spices that help to lose weight, but I honestly don't bother myself with that, since the whole picture is what matters and not some 'magical' component of your daily diet.

    It's really extremely important to plan your meals! If you don't do that, you'll end up 'cheating' and you'll gain weight eventually. It's also really important to eat at least three times a day, don't skip any meals. I try to stick to the plan where I eat breakfast, than I have a snack between breakfast and lunch, usually a banana, because it gives me that feeling of satiety, then I have lunch, it's the main meal of my day. Usually I treat myself with something sweet after the lunch, like a sweet jelly or a pudding. Between lunch and dinner I rarely have any snacks, but if I do, I choose some kind of a fruit. I try to keep the dinner simple and light. I might eat a salad with cottage cheese.

    I've been a bit obsessed with organic food. I always check all the ingredients and if I see at least one 'E' I just don't buy it. Some of the stuff they put in food can make you fat and sick as well.

    Basically you can eat everything, what matters is how much you eat and how the food has been prepared.

    At the beginning it might seem really hard, but it really gets easier and easier with time. I'll admit that I have my 'bad days' too, but again one day eating bad will never win over a month eating healthy. ;p

    p.s. I don't have any support at all and I've fought a lot about this with my close ones, but at the end of the day it's your life, your choices.
    Last edited by Didriksson; 03-01-2013 at 01:42 PM.

  4. #54
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    if losing fat is your only goal then there are no specific foods that will make you fat..the only thing that makes you fat is a caloric surplus you can still eat ice cream and pizza and still lose fat as long as it in moderation...just go on a caloric defecit and you will lose fat plain and simple

  5. #55
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    It was hard for me too, always have been big (also in structure and length, not only fat), surrounded with a family that eats alot and loves junk, I couldn't do it. But as food is the second best pleasure, I only lost weight and felt good those times when I was really physically active. I think some people might cut down on the amount food, others like me just need to focus on eating better food, and working out more I lost 10 kg in 3 months when I did an internship, just because it was hard work, carrying wine boxes and deliver them all days among with walking all over the region for trying to sell wine to restaurants.

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