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Thread: Social-Engineering: Destruction of Traditional Family, Religion, Eugenics and Abortions.

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    Post Social-Engineering: Destruction of Traditional Family, Religion, Eugenics and Abortions.

    Atheist Mega Churches Growing, Teens Can't Buy Sudafed But Plan B OK, 75% Writers Self Censor

    "..And the angle of the sun changed it all .."

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    Veteran Member Breedingvariety's Avatar
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    America Is The Loneliest Country In The World – Is It Because We’ve Abandoned The Traditional Family Structure?

    Back in the 1960s, the “sexual revolution” fundamentally changed the way that millions of Americans viewed sex and love. By throwing out all of the old boundaries, many Americans believed that they would ultimately be able to have more sex and more love. Today, this manifests itself in a ”hookup culture” that is constantly being promoted as “healthy” in our popular music, in our television shows and in our movies. But instead of this “hookup culture” resulting in more sex and more love, most Americans are discovering that it leads to just the opposite. We have become a nation of desperately lonely people that have very few real ties to others.

    In addition, most Americans spend precious little time attending social gatherings of any sort these days. Church attendance is at historic lows, and most people don’t take the time or the effort to get involved in other types of social groups.

    In a desperate attempt for human love and interaction, an increasing number of Americans have turned to social networking websites such as Facebook to fill that void. Other Americans deal with their loneliness by recklessly indulging in food, drugs, gambling, shopping or other addictions. We are a fundamentally unhappy nation.

    Just consider what the consequences of “free love” and the “hookup culture” have been for America:
    *Today, an all-time low 44.2 percent of Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket are married.
    *According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all Americans that are at least 18 years old are currently married. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all U.S. adults were married.
    *In 1970, the average woman had her first child when she was 21.4 years old. Now the average woman has her first child when she is 25.6 years old.
    *Approximately one out of every three children in the United States lives in a home without a father.
    *For women under the age of 30 living in the United States today, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

    And our young people are no longer taught to value marriage. Instead, they are told to put off marriage and to go out and “have some fun”. This message is constantly being reinforced by popular culture.

    Is America the loneliest country in the world because we’ve abandoned the traditional family structure?

    Some comments:
    The lack of family structure is part of it. But there is something far more basic, that has died in this Country. The dog eat dog business attitude, the money is the most important thing attitude,and the I come before everyone else attitude, All these things killed this precious concept. What is it? Trust. You can not have a good marriage, or friendship without it.

    John Doe:
    71 percent of young men between the ages of 18 to 34 in America are not interested in marriage:
    71% of young men in America do not want to get married
    I guess feminism killed marriage.

    We have been brainwashed for so long that people no longer act in a manner that leads to successful marriage. I've never been one to sleep around, but if you don't, you'll be like me and not have sex for years at a time. Men only want sex, and if you're not willing to jump in bed on the first few dates, you will absolutely have no male contact at all, because they'll go elsewhere. Men don't have to try to get to know you as a person when there's another girl getting plastered and having sex that very night. For men, getting married is akin to Russian roulette b/c of the punishing divorce laws. As a woman, you have to realize that there's a super high chance that this man will leave you for someone younger (it's so easy with online dating and no morality) and that you'll be a single mother whether you like it or not. The hard part is finding someone who's not brainwashed and is willing to create and maintain a family and friendship with you. Good luck finding that!

    Like K said. It is all about money. You have to practically buy friendship in America and you also have to act like this society wants you to act or you become an outcast. You lose on every front if you decide to be who you were meant to be. It is sad that we cannot be who we were born to be instead of what the American culture has set for us to be. It is sad that people in this place have decided to judge one another based on stupid crap like social status or race. It is also sad that the only thing that people want out of a relationship now is sex. It makes you want to run from relationships because that is all that matters or how much money you have. I am very tired of this society and now I prefer to be alone without friends or relationships because all those things have become so dead in America and not even worth my time. It always leads to loneliness in this place that we call America that is no longer America anymore!

    More than one child has found themselves calming down with their nose on a refrigerator!
    The culture of "ME FIRST" is causing a lot of what is going on today. The material person first. Until these ME FIRST people realise what it is really all about nothing will change.
    One of my grandchildren is without a father in the home. His mother is raised as a psychology class would raise you. She was a material girl. Still is in many ways. She doesn't know the Bible like I would like her to. There is a lot of wisdom in Proverbs. That is how I conduct business in my home. I got her at 18 when it was far too late to do much with her. She lived without marriage with a person for over 3 years. When she got pregnant the man left.
    She is raising the child on her own. We help whenever we can. She doesn't like the rules in my home much. I hope she opens her eyes one day and finds out the wisdom in Proverbs.
    Most women get in this situation by not obeying the rules in the good book. The rule is no sex, no living together, until you have made a commitment. That means marriage. Most women never learn that basic rule. So they end up with one or more children in their lives trying to be both mother and father at the same time.
    The significant other in their lives often walks out.

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    ~ WHITE LIVES MATTER ~ SilverKnight's Avatar
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    True but tragic..

    Me and my wife are the few ones our age marry and not breaking up like maniacs (together 2+ years)
    "..And the angle of the sun changed it all .."

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