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Thread: The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom Photos Ever

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    Default The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom Photos Ever

    The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom Photos Ever

    Each spring, Japan’s landscape is host to a spectacular array of pink colors that seems to take over the entire country.

    Yes, with the warm weather that spring brings comes the blooming of cherry blossoms or sakura, those beautifully delicate pink flowers grown on trees particularly associated with Japan.

    You can never grow tired of the stunning display that they bring to any space, the blush-toned hues of the petals consistently creating scenes that are nothing short of amazing.

    But, you don’t have to fly all the way to Japan to be in awe of the sakuras’ pink floral beauty; we’re just as big of fans of the flowers as you are and have a collection here of some of the most beautiful cherry blossom photos taken in Japan this year. Gaze away!

    Cherry blossoms can be found in several locations throughout the world, but they’re specifically very culturally important in Japan. With the help of the Japanese Meteorological Agency, the public is able to track the blooming of the blossoms each year and never fail to do so.

    They keep track on the sakura front (or sakura zensen), which is basically an imaginary flower blooming line that travels from south to north, signifying the sakura blossoming season. It starts in January in Okinawa and slowly makes it way up to Kyoto and Tokyo by the end of March or beginning of April.

    After that, the cherry blossoms begin to bloom in areas of higher altitudes, reaching Hokkaido a few weeks later. Tracking the cherry blossoms is a big deal to many locals, and plenty of people hold flower-viewing parties at parks, shrines, and temples with family and friends. You can even track the blooming with the sakura calendar.

    Cherry blossoms are also tied to the custom of picnicking underneath the blooming sakura trees, a practice which is known as Hanami. Originally, Hanami was only limited to those of elite statuses, but, today, anyone is free to enjoy lunch underneath a gorgeous sakura tree.

    Cherry blossoms are also deeply imbedded in Japanese history; in the past, the flowers were used to promote Japanese spirit, particularly during World War II, and, during colonial enterprises, Imperial Japan would often plant cherry trees in occupied territory, signifying that it was then Japanese space. You can find sakuras in many pieces of ancient Japanese art, this history having a great impact on contemporary Japan.

    Today, cherry blossoms are still featured in art works as well as many other things, like dishware, pop songs, and kimonos.

    However, clearly these trees are not just culturally significant, but also incredibly beautiful. The blossoms look stunning anywhere, from gardens and mountains to cities and castles, and there are plenty of photos here that prove it. Each shot provides a perfect example of the delicate beauty of cherry blossoms, captivating enough to take command of any type of scenery.

    You can see them a lining stream, almost creating a pink tunnel that cascades over the trickling waters below. They’re littered amongst rolling fields, their blossoms producing a whimsical and almost fantasy-like display. Even when placed in an urban landscape, they provide a fantastic contrast against the tower high rise buildings.

    You can’t say that these photos of cherry blossoms aren’t anything but miraculous. The only thing that would make them better is if you were there to see them in person yourself.


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    Japanese Cherry Blossom Trees

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