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Thread: "Story of O" by Pauline Reage

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    Default "Story of O" by Pauline Reage

    Published in French by Jean-Jacques Pauvert, Story of O is a tale of female submission about a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, O, who is blindfolded, chained, whipped, branded, pierced, made to wear a mask, and taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. Despite her harsh treatment, O grants permission beforehand for everything that occurs, and her permission is consistently sought.

    At the beginning of the story, O's lover, René, brings her to the château of Roissy, where she is trained to serve the men of an elite group. After this first period of training is finished, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to Sir Stephen, a more dominant master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. While her vain friend and lover, Jacqueline, is repulsed by O's chains and scars, O herself is proud of her condition as a willing slave. During the summer, Sir Stephen decides to move O to Samois, an old mansion solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive a branding and a labia piercing with rings marked with Sir Stephen's initials and insignia. At the climax, O appears as a slave, nude but for an owl-like mask, before a large party of guests who treat her solely as an object.

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    Default The Story of O

    The Story of O

    by Pauline Réage

    This novel, sexually explicit without being crude, is indeed the story of O, a woman whose love for a man leads her to increasingly submissive behavior - allowing herself to be sexually used, violently beaten, and physically mutilated, which releases her independence of thought, and eventually causes her to abandon her individual identity. As O's submission deepens and becomes more extreme, the novel simultaneously deepens its thematic explorations of the relationship between surrender and freedom, the nature and demands of love, and the spiritual aspects of sexual desire.

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    Default Part I: The Lovers of Roissy

    Part I: The Lovers of Roissy

    Her lover one day takes O for a walk in a section of the city where they never go - the
    Montsouris Park. After they have taken a stroll in the park, and have sat together side by side on
    the edge of a lawn, they notice, at one corner of the park, at an intersection where there are never
    any taxis, a car which, because of its meter, resembles a taxi.

    "Get in," he says.

    She gets in. It is autumn, and coming up to dusk. She is dressed as she always is: high heels, a
    suit with a pleated skirt, a silk blouse, and no hat. But long gloves which come up over the
    sleeves of her jacket, and in her leather handbag she has her identification papers, her compact,
    and her lipstick.

    The taxi moves off slowly, the man still not having said a word to the driver. But he pulls down
    the shades of the windows on both sides of the car, and the shade on the back window. She has
    taken off her gloves, thinking he wants to kiss her or that he wants her to caress him. But instead
    he says:

    "Your bag's in your way; let me have it."

    She gives it to him. He puts it out of her reach and adds:

    "You also have on too many clothes. Unfasten your stockings and roll them down to above your
    knees. Here are some garters."

    By now the taxi has picked up speed, and she has some trouble managing it; she's also afraid the
    driver may turn around. Finally, though, the stockings are rolled down, and she's embarrassed to
    feel her legs naked and free beneath her silk slip. Besides, the loose garter-belt suspenders are
    slipping back and forth.

    "Unfasten your garter belt," he says, "and take off your panties."

    That's easy enough, all she has to do is slip her hands behind her back and raise herself slightly.
    He takes the garter belt and panties from her, opens her bag and puts them in, then says:

    "You shouldn't sit on your slip and skirt. Pull them up behind you and sit directly on the seat."

    The seat is made of some sort of imitation leather, which is slippery and cold: it's quite an
    extraordinary sensation to feel it sticking to your thighs. Then he says:

    "Now put your gloves back on."

    The taxi is still moving along at a good clip, and she doesn't dare ask why Rene just sits there
    without moving or saying another word, nor can she guess what all this means to him - having
    her there motionless, silent, so stripped and exposed, so thoroughly gloved, in a black car going
    God knows where. He hasn't told her what to do or what not to do, but she's afraid either to cross
    her legs or press them together. She sits with gloved hands braced on either side of her seat.

    "Here we are," he says suddenly. Here we are: the taxi stops on a lovely avenue, beneath a tree -
    they are plane trees - in front of some sort of small private home which can be seen nestled
    between the courtyard and the garden, the type of small private dwelling one finds along the
    Faubourg Saint-Germain. The street lamps are some distance away, and it is still fairly dark
    inside the car. Outside it is raining.

    "Don't move," Rene says. "Sit perfectly still."

    His hand reaches for the collar of her blouse, unties the bow, then unbuttons the blouse. She
    leans forward slightly, thinking he wants to fondle her breasts. No. He is merely groping for the
    shoulder straps of her brassiere, which he snips with a small penknife. Then he takes it off. Now,
    beneath her blouse, which he has buttoned back up, her breasts are naked and free, as is the rest
    of her body, from waist to knee.

    "Listen," he says. "Now you're ready. This is where I leave you. You're to get out and go ring the
    doorbell. Follow whoever opens the door for you, and do whatever you're told. If you hesitate
    about going in, they'll come and take you in. If you don't obey immediately, they'll force you to.
    Your bag? No, you have no further need for your bag. You're merely the girl I'm furnishing. Yes,
    of course I'll be there. Now run along."

    Another version of the same beginning was simpler and more direct: the young woman, dressed
    in the same way, was driven by her lover and an unknown friend. The stranger was driving, the
    lover was seated next to the young woman, and it was the unknown friend who explained to the
    young woman that her lover had been entrusted with the task of getting her ready, that he was
    going to tie her hands behind her back, unfasten her stockings and roll them down, remove her
    garter belt, her panties, and her brassiere, and blindfold her. That she would then be turned over
    to the chateau, where in due course she would be instructed as to what she should do. And, in
    fact, as soon as she had been thus undressed and bound, they helped her to alight from the car
    after a trip that lasted half an hour, guided her up a few steps and, with her blindfold still on,
    through one or two doors. Then, when her blindfold was removed, she found herself standing
    alone in a dark room, where they left her for half an hour, or an hour, or two hours, I can't be
    sure, but it seemed forever. Then, when at last the door was opened and the light turned on, you
    could see that she had been waiting in a very conventional, comfortable, yet distinctive room:
    there was a thick rug on the floor, but not a stick of furniture, and all four walls were lined with
    closets. The door had been opened by two women, two young and beautiful women dressed in
    the garb of pretty eighteenth-century chambermaids: full skirts made out of some light material,
    which were long enough to conceal their feet; tight bodices, laced or hooked in front, which
    sharply accentuated the bust line; lace frills around the neck; half-length sleeves. They were
    wearing eye shadow and lipstick. Both wore a close-fitting collar and had tight bracelets on their

    I know it was at this point that they freed O's hands, which were still tied behind her back, and
    told her to get undressed, they were going to bathe her and make her up. They proceeded to strip
    her till she hadn't a stitch of clothing left, then put her clothes away neatly in one of the closets.

    She was not allowed to bathe herself, and they did her hair as at the hairdresser's, making her sit
    in one of those large chairs which tilts back when they wash your hair and straightens back up
    after the hair has been set and you're ready for the dryer. That always takes at least an hour.
    Actually it took more than an hour, but she was seated on this chair, naked, and they kept her
    from either crossing her legs or bringing them together. And since the wall in front of her was
    covered from floor to ceiling with a large mirror, which was unbroken by any shelving, she could
    see herself, thus open, each time her gaze strayed to the mirror.

    When she was properly made up and prepared - her eyelids pencilled lightly; her lips bright red;
    the tip and halo of her breasts highlighted with pink; the edges of her nether lips rouged; her
    armpits and pubis generously perfumed, and perfume also applied to the furrow between her
    thighs, the furrow beneath her breasts, and to the hollows of her hands - she was led into a room
    where a three-sided mirror, and another mirror behind, enabled her to examine herself closely.
    She was told to sit down on the ottoman, which was set between the mirror, and wait. The
    ottoman was covered with black fur, which pricked her slightly; the rug was black, the walls red.
    She was wearing red mules. Set in one of the walls of the small bedroom was a large window,
    which looked out onto a lovely, dark park. The rain had stopped, the trees were swaying in the
    wind, the moon raced high among the clouds.

    I have no idea how long she remained in the red bedroom, or whether she was really alone, ad
    she surmised, or whether someone was watching her through a peephole camouflaged in the
    wall. All I know is that when the two women returned, one was carrying a dressmaker's tape
    measure and the other a basket. With them came a man dressed in a long purple robe, full at the
    shoulders. When he walked the robe flared open, from the waist down. One could see that
    beneath his robe he had on some sort of tights, which covered his legs and thighs but left the sex
    exposed. It was the sex that O saw first, when he took his first step, then the whip, made of
    leather thongs, which he had stuck in his belt. Then she saw that the man was masked by a black
    hood - which concealed even his eyes behind a network of black gauze - and, finally, that he was
    also wearing fine black kid gloves.

    Using the familiar tu form of address, he told her not to move and ordered the women to hurry.
    The woman with the tape then took the measurements of O's neck and wrists. Though on the
    small side, her measurements were in no way out of the ordinary, and it was easy enough to find
    the right-sized collar and bracelets, in the basket the other woman was carrying. Both collar and
    bracelets were made of several layers of leather (each layer being fairly thin, so that the total was
    no more than the thickness of a finger). They had clasps, which functioned automatically like a
    padlock when it closes, and they could be opened only by means of a small key. Imbedded in the
    layers of leather, directly opposite the lock, was a snugly fitting metal ring, which hallowed one
    to get a grip on the bracelet, if one wanted to attach it, for both collar and bracelets fit the arms
    and neck so snugly - although not so tight as to be the least painful - that it was impossible to slip
    any bond inside.

    So they fastened the collar and bracelets to her neck and wrists, and the man told her to get up.
    He took her place on the fur ottoman, called her over till she was touching his knees, slipped his
    gloved hand between her thighs and over her breasts, and explained to her that she would be
    presented that same evening, after she had dined alone.

    She did in fact dine by herself, still naked, in a sort of little cabin where an invisible hand passed
    the dishes to her through a small window in the door. Finally, when the dinner was over, the two
    women came for her. In the bedroom, they fastened the two bracelet rings together behind her
    back. They attached a long red cape to the ring of her collar and draped it over her shoulders. It
    covered her completely, but opened when she walked, since, with her hands behind her back, she
    had no way of keeping it closed. One woman preceded her, opening the doors, and the other
    followed, closing them behind her. They crossed a vestibule, two drawing rooms, and went into
    the library, where four men were having coffee. They were wearing the same long robes as the
    first, but no masks. And yet O did not have time to see their faces or ascertain whether her lover
    was among them (he was), for one of the men shone a light in her eyes and blinded her.
    Everyone remained stock still, the two women flanking her and the men in front, studying her.
    Then the light went out; the women left. But O was blindfolded again. Then they made her walk
    forward - she stumbled slightly as she went - until she felt that she was standing in front of the
    fire around which the four men were seated: she could feel the heat, and in the silence she could
    hear the quiet crackling of the burning logs. She was facing the fire. Two hands lifted her cape,
    two others - after having checked to see that her bracelets were attached - descended the length
    of her back and buttocks. The hands were not gloved, and one of them penetrated her in both
    places at once, so abruptly that she cried out. Someone laughed. Someone else said:

    "Turn her around, so we can see the breasts and the belly."

    They turned her around, and the heat of the fire was against her back. A hand seized one of her
    breasts, a mouth fastened on the tip of the other. But suddenly she lost her balance and fell
    backward (supported by whose arms?), while they opened her legs and gently spread her lips.
    Hair grazed the insides of her thighs. She heard them saying that they would have to make her
    kneel down. This they did. She was extremely uncomfortable in this position, especially because
    they forbade her to bring her knees together and because her arms pinioned behind her forced her
    to lean forward. Then they let her rock back a bit, as nuns are wont to do.

    "You've never tied her up?"

    "No, never."

    "And never whipped her?"

    "No, never whipped her either. But as a matter of fact..."

    It was her lover speaking.

    "As a matter of fact," the other voice went on, "if you do tie her up from time to time, or whip
    her just a little, and she begins to like it, that's no good either. You have to get past the pleasure
    stage, until you reach the stage of tears."

    Then they made O get up and were on the verge of untying her, probably in order to attach her to
    some pole or wall, when someone protested that he wanted to take her first, right there on the
    spot. So they made her kneel down again, this time with her bust on an ottoman, her hands still
    tied behind her, with her hips higher than her torso. Then one of the men, holding her with both
    his hands on her hips, plunged into her belly. He yielded to a second. The third wanted to force
    his way into the narrower passage and, driving hard, made her scream. When he let her go,
    sobbing and befouled by tears beneath her blindfold, she slipped to the floor, only to feel
    someone's knees against her face, and she realized that her mouth was not to be spared. Finally
    they let her go, a captive clothed in tawdry finery, lying on her back in front of the fire. She
    could hear glasses being filled and the sound of the men drinking, and the scraping of chair.
    They put some more wood on the fire. All of a sudden they removed her blindfold. The large
    room, the walls of which were lined with bookcases, was dimly lit by a single wall lamp and by
    the light of the fire, which was beginning to burn more brightly. Two of the men were standing
    and smoking. Another was seated, a riding crop on his knees, and the one leaning over her
    fondling her breast was her lover. All four of them had taken her, and she had not been able to
    distinguish him from the others.

    They explained to her that this was how it would always be, as long as she was in the chateau,
    that she would see the faces of those who violated or tormented her, but never at night, and she
    would never know which ones had been responsible for the worst. The same would be true when
    There was no question of using it that night. On the contrary, they wanted to hear her scream;
    and the sooner the better. The pride she mustered to resist and remain silent did not long endure:
    they even heard her beg them to untie her, to stop for a second, just for a second. So frantically
    did she writhe, trying to escape the bite of the leashes, that she turned almost completely around,
    on the near side of the pole, for the chain which held her was long and although quite solid, was
    fairly slack. As a result, her belly and the front of her thighs were almost as marked as her
    backside. They made up their minds, after in fact having stopped for a moment, to begin again
    only after a rope had been attached first to her waist, then to the pole. Since they tied her tightly,
    to keep her waist snug to the pole, her torso was forced slightly to one side, and this in turn
    caused her buttocks to protrude in the opposite direction. >From then on the blows landed on
    their target, unless aimed deliberately elsewhere. Given the way her lover had handed her over,
    had delivered her into this situation, O might have assumed that to beg him for mercy would
    have been the surest method for making him redouble his cruelty, so great was his pleasure in
    extracting, or having the others extract, from her this unquestionable proof of his power. And
    indeed he was the first to point out that the leather whip, the first they had used on her, left
    almost no marks (in contrast to the whip made of water-soaked cords, which marked almost upon
    contact, and the riding crop, which raised immediate welts), and thus allowed them to prolong
    the agony and follow their fancies in starting and stopping. He asked them to use only the whip.

    Meanwhile, the man who liked women only for what they had in common with men, seduced by
    the available behind which was straining at the bonds knotted just below the waist, a behind
    made all the more enticing by its efforts to dodge the blows, called for an intermission in order to
    take advantage of it. He spread the two parts, which burned beneath his hands, and penetrated -
    not without some difficulty - remarking as he did that the passage would have to be rendered
    more easily accessible. They all agreed that this could, and would, be done.

    When they untied the young woman, she staggered and almost fainted, draped in her red cape.
    Before returning her to the cell she was to occupy, they sat her down in an armchair near the fire
    and outlined for her the rules and regulations she was to follow during her stay in the chateau and
    later in her daily life after she had left it (which did not mean regaining her freedom, however).
    Then they rang. The two young women who had first received her came in, bearing the clothes
    she was to wear during her stay and tokens by which those who had been hosts at the chateau
    before her arrival and those who would be after she had left, might recognize her. Her outfit was
    similar to theirs: a long dress with a full skirt, worn over a sturdy whalebone bodice gathered
    tightly at the waist, and over a stiffly starched linen petticoat. The low-cut neck scarcely
    concealed the breasts which, raised by the constricting bodice, were only lightly veiled by the
    network of lace. The petticoat was white, as was the lace, and the dress and bodice were a sea-
    green satin. When O was dressed and resettled in her chair beside the fire, her pallor accentuated
    by the color of the dress, the two young women, who had not uttered a word, prepared to leave.
    One of the four friends seized one of them as she passed, made a sign for the other to wait, and
    brought the girl he had stopped back toward O. He turned her around and, holding her by the
    waist with one hand, lifted her skirt with the other, in order to demonstrate to O, he said, the
    practical advantages of the costume and show how well designed it was. He added that all one
    needed to keep the skirts raised was a simple belt, which made everything that lay beneath
    readily available. In fact, they often had the girls go about in the chateau or the park either like
    this, or with their skirts tucked up in front, waist high. They had the young woman show O how
    she would have to keep her skirt: rolled up several turns (like a lock of hair rolled in a curler) and
    secured tightly by a belt, either directly in front, to expose the belly, or in the middle of the back,
    to leave the buttocks free. In either case, skirt and petticoat fell diagonally away in large,
    cascading folds of intermingled material. Like O, the young woman's backside bore fresh welt
    from the riding crop. She left the room.

    Here is the speech they then delivered to O:

    "You are here to serve your masters. During the day, you will perform whatever domestic duties
    are assigned to you, such as sweeping, putting back the books, arranging flowers, or waiting on
    table. Nothing more difficult than that. But at the first word or sign from anyone you will drop
    whatever you are doing and ready yourself for what is really your one and only duty: to lend
    yourself. Your hands are not your own, nor are your breasts, nor, most especially, any of your
    bodily orifices, which we may explore or penetrate at will. You will remember at all times - or as
    constantly as possible - that you have lost all right to privacy or concealment, and as a reminder
    of this fact, in our presence you will never close your lips completely, or cross your legs, or press
    your knees together (you may recall you were forbidden to do this the minute you arrived). This
    will serve as a constant reminder, to you as well as to use, that your mouth, your belly, and your
    backside are open to us. You will never touch your breasts in our presence: the bodice raises
    them toward us, that they may be ours. During the day you will therefore be dressed, and if
    anyone should order you to lift your skirt, you will lift it; if anyone desires to use you in any
    manner whatsoever, he will use you, unmasked, but with this one reservation: the whip. The
    whip will be used only between dusk and dawn. But besides the whipping you receive from
    whoever may want to whip you, you will also be flogged in the evening, as punishment for any
    infractions of the rules committed during the day: for having been slow to oblige, for having
    raised your eyes and looked at the person addressing you or taking you - you must never look
    any of us in the face. If the costume we wear in the evening - the one I am now wearing - leaves
    our sex exposed, it is not for the sake of convenience, for it would be just as convenient the other
    way, but for the sake of insolence, so that your eyes will be directed there upon it and nowhere
    else, so that you may learn that there resides your master, for whom, above all else, your lips are
    intended. During the day, when we are dressed in normal attire and you are clothed as you are
    now, the same rules will apply, except that when requested you will open your clothes, and then
    close them again when we have finished with you. Another thing: at night you will have only
    your lips with which to honor us - and your wide-spread thighs - for your hands will be tied
    behind your back and you will be naked, as you were a short while ago. You will be blindfolded
    only to be maltreated and, now that you have seen how you are whipped, to be flogged. And yes,
    by the way: while it is perfectly all right for you to grow accustomed to being whipped - since
    you are going to be every day throughout your stay - this is less for our pleasure than for your
    enlightenment. How true this is may be shown by the fact that on those nights when no one
    desires you, you will wait until the valet whose job it is comes to your solitary cell and
    administers what you are due to receive but we are not in the mood to mete out. Actually, both
    this flogging and the chain - which when attached to the ring of your collar keeps you more or
    less closely confined to your bed several hours a day - are intended less to make you suffer,
    scream, or shed tears than to make you feel, through this suffering, that you are not free but
    fettered, and to teach you that you are totally dedicated to something outside yourself. When you
    leave here, you will be wearing on your third finger an iron ring, which will identify you. Bu
    then you will have learned to obey those who wear the same insignia, and when they see it they
    will know that beneath your skirt you are constantly naked, however comely or commonplace
    your clothes may be, and that this nakedness is for them. Should anyone find you in the least
    intractable, he will return you here. Now you will be shown to your cell."

    While there were talking to O, the two women who had come to dress her had been standing on
    either side of the stake where she had been whipped, without touching it, as though it terrified
    them, or as though they had been forbidden to touch it (which was more likely); when the man
    had finished, they came over to O, who realized that she was supposed to get up and follow
    them. She therefore got up, gathering her skirts in her arms to keep from tripping, for she was not
    used to long dresses and did not feel steady on the mules with thick soles and very high heels
    which only a thick satin strip, of the same green as her dress, kept from slipping off her feet. As
    she bent down she turned her head. The women were waiting, the men were no longer looking at
    her. Her lover, seated on the floor leaning against the ottoman over which she had been thrown at
    the beginning of the evening, with his knees raised and his elbows on his knees, was toying with
    the leather whip. As she took her first step to join the women, her skirt grazed him. He raised his
    head and smiled, calling her by her name, and he too stood up. Softly her caressed her hair,
    smoothed her eyebrows with the tip of his finger, and softly kissed her on the lips. In a loud
    voice, he told her that he loved her. O, trembling, was terrified to notice that she answered "I
    love you," and that it was true. He pulled her against him and said: "Darling, sweetheart," kissed
    her on the neck and the curve of the cheek; she had let her head fall on his shoulder, which was
    covered by the purple robe. Very softly this time he repeated to her that he loved her, and very
    softly added: "You're going to kneel down, cress me, and kiss me," and he pushed her away,
    signaling to the women to move aside so he could lean back against the console. He was tall, but
    the table was not very high and his long legs, sheathed in the same purple as his robe, were bent.
    The open rope stiffened from beneath like drapes, and the top of the console table slightly raised
    his heavy sex and the light fleece above it. The three men approached. O knelt down on the rug,
    her green dress in a corolla around her. Her bodice squeezed her; her breasts whose nipples were
    visible, were at the level of her lover's knees. "A little more light," said one of the men. As they
    were adjusting the lamp so that the beam of light would fall directly on his sex and on his
    mistress's face, which was almost touching it, and on her hands which were caressing him from
    below, Rene suddenly ordered: "Say it again: 'I love you.'" O repeated "I love you," with such
    delight that her lips hardly dared brush the tip of his sex, which was still protected by its sheath
    of soft flesh. The three men, who were smoking, commented on her gestures, on the movement
    of her mouth closed and locked on the sex she had seized, as it worked its way up and down, on
    the way tears streamed down her ravaged face each time the swollen member struck the back of
    her throat and made her gag, depressing her tongue and causing her to feel nauseous. It was this
    same mouth which, half gagging on the hardened flesh which filled it, murmured again: "I love
    you." The two women had taken up positions to the right and left of Rene who had one arm
    around each of their shoulders. O could hear the comments made by those present, , but through
    their words she strained to hear her lover's moans, caressing him carefully, slowly , and with
    infinite respect, the way she knew pleased him. O felt that her mouth was beautiful, since her
    lover condescended to thrust himself into it, since he deigned publicly to offer caresses to it,
    since, finally, he deigned to discharge in it. She received as a god is received, she heard him cry
    out, heard the others laugh, and when she had received it she fell, her face against the floor. The
    two women picked her up, and this time they led her away.
    she was whipped, except that they wanted her to see herself being whipped, and so this once she
    would not be blindfolded. They, on the other hand, would don their masks, and she would no
    longer be able to tell them apart.

    Her lover had helped her to her feet, still wrapped in her red cape, made her sit down on the arm
    of an easy chair near the fire, so that she could hear what they had to tell her and see what they
    wanted to show her. Her hands were still behind her back. They showed her the riding crop,
    which was long, black, and delicate, made of thin bamboo encased in leather, the kind one sees
    in the windows of better riding equipment shops; the leather whip, which the first man she had
    seen had been carrying in his belt, was long and consisted of six lashes knotted at the end. There
    was a third whip of fairly thin cords, each with several knots at the end: the cords were quite
    stiff, as though they had been soaked in water, which in fact they had, as O discovered, for they
    caressed her belly with them and nudged open her thighs, so that she could feel how stiff and
    damp the cords were against the tender, inner skin. Then there were the keys and steel chains on
    the console table. Along one entire wall of the library, halfway between floor and ceiling, ran a
    gallery which was supported by two columns. A hook was imbedded in one of them, just high
    enough for a man standing on tiptoe, with his arms stretched above his head, to reach. They told
    O, supporting her shoulders, and the other in the furrow of her loins, which burned so she could
    hardly bear it, they told her that her hands would be untied, but merely so that they could be
    fastened anew, a short while later, to the pole, using these same bracelets and one of the steel
    chains. They said that, with the exception of her hands, which would be held just above her head,
    she would thus be able to move and see the blows coming: that in principle she would be
    whipped only on the thighs and buttocks, in other words between her waist and knees, in the
    same region which had been prepared in the car that had brought her here, when she had been
    made to sit naked on the seat; but that in all likelihood one of the four men present would want to
    mark her thighs with the riding crop, which makes lovely long deep welts which last a long time.
    She would not have to endure all this at once; there would be ample time for her to scream, to
    struggle, and to cry. They would grant her some respite, but as soon as she had caught her breath
    they would start in again, judging the results not from her screams or tears but from the size and
    color of the welts they had raised. They remarked to her that this method of judging the
    effectiveness of the whip - besides being equitable - also made it pointless for the victims to
    exaggerate their suffering in an effort to arouse pity, and thus enabled them to resort to the same
    measures beyond the chateau walls, outdoors in the park - as was often done - or in any ordinary apartment or hotel room, assuming a gag was used (such as the one they produced and showed
    her there on the spot), for the gag stifled all screams and eliminates all but the most violent
    moans, while allowing tears to flow without restraint.

    The mules banged on the red tiles of the hallway, where doors succeeded doors, discreet and
    clean, with tiny locks, like the doors of the rooms in big hotels. O was working up the courage to
    ask whether each of these rooms was occupied, and by whom, when one of her companions,
    whose voice she had not yet heard said to her:

    "You're in the red wing, and your valet's name is Pierre."

    "What valet?" said O, struck by the gentleness of the voice. "And what's your name?"


    "Mine is Jeanne," said the second.

    "The valet is the one who has the keys," the first one went on, "the one who will chain and
    unchain you, who will whip you when you are to be punished and when the others have no time
    for you."

    "I was in the red wing last year," Jeanne said. "Pierre was there already. He often came in at
    night. The valets have the keys and the right to use any of us in the rooms of their section."

    O was about to ask what kind of person this Pierre was, but she did not have time to. As they
    turned a corner of the hallway, they made her halt before a door similar in all respects to the
    others: on a bench between this and the following door she noticed a sort of thick-set, ruddy
    peasant, whose head was practically clean shaved, with small black eyes set deep in his skull and
    rolls of flesh on his neck. He was dressed like the valet in some operetta: a shirt whose lace frills
    peeked out from beneath his black vest, which itself was covered by a red jacket of the kind
    called a spencer. He had black breeches, white stockings, and patent-leather pumps. He too was
    carrying a leather-thonged whip in his belt. His hands were covered with red hair. He took a
    master key from his vest pocket, ushered the three women in, and said:

    "I'm locking the door. Ring when you've finished."

    The cell was quite small, and actually consisted of two rooms. With the hall door closed, they
    found themselves in an antechamber which opened into the cell proper; in this same wall, inside
    the room itself, was another door which opened into the bathroom. Opposite the doors there was
    the window. Against the left wall, between the doors and the window, stood the head of a large
    square bed, which was very low and covered with furs. There was no other furniture, no mirror.
    The walls were bright red, and the rug black. Andree pointed out to O that the bed was less a bed
    than a mattressed platform covered with a black, longhaired imitation fur material. The pillow,
    hard and flat like the mattress, was of the same reversible material. The only object on any of the
    walls was a thick, gleaming steel ring which was set at about the same height above the bed as
    the hook in the stake had been above the floor of the library; from it descended a long steel chain
    directly onto the bed, its links forming a little pile, the other end being attached at arm's length to
    a pad-locked hook, like a drapery pulled back and held in place by a curtain loop.

    "We have to give you your bath," Jeanne said. "I'll unfasten your dress."

    The only peculiar features of the bathroom were the Turkish-type toilet, located in the corner
    nearest the door, and the fact that every inch of wall space was covered with mirrors. Jeanne and
    Andree did not allow O to go in until she was naked. They put her dress away in the closet next
    to the washbasin, where her mules and red cape already were, and remained with her, so that
    when she had to squat down over the porcelain pedestal she found herself surrounded by a whole
    host of reflections, as exposed as in the library when unknown hands had taken her by force.

    "Wait until it's Pierre," said Jeanne, "and you'll see."

    "Why Pierre?"

    "When he comes to chain you, he may make you squat."

    O felt herself turn pale. "But why?" she said.

    "Because you have to," Jeanne replied. "But you're lucky."

    "Why lucky?"

    "Was it your lover who brought you here?"

    "Yes," O said.

    "They'll be a lot harder with you."

    "I don't understand...."

    "You will very soon. I'm ringing for Pierre. We'll come and get you tomorrow morning."

    Andree smiled as she left and Jeanne, before following her, caressed the tips of O's breasts. O,
    completely taken aback, remained standing at the foot of the bed. With the exception of the
    collar and leather bracelets, which the water had stiffened when she had bathed and were tighter
    than before, O was naked.

    "Behold the lovely lady," said the valet as he entered. And he seized both her hands. He slipped
    one of the bracelet hooks into the other, so that her wrists were tightly joined, then clipped both
    these hooks to the ring of the necklace. Thus her hands were joined as in an attitude of prayer, at
    the level of her neck. All that remained to be done was to chain her to the wall with the chain that
    was lying on the bed, and was attached to the ring above. He unfastened the hook by which the
    other end was attached and pulled on it in order to shorten it. O was forced to move to the head
    of the bed, where he made her lie down. The chain clicked in the ring, and was so tight that the
    young woman could do no more than move from one side of the bed to the other or stand up on
    either side of the headboard. Since the chain tended to shorten the collar, that is, pull it
    backward, and her hands tended to pull it forward, and equilibrium was established, with her
    joined hands lying on her left shoulder and her head bending in that direction as well. The valet
    pulled the black cover up over O, but not before he had lifted her legs for a moment and pushed
    them back toward her chest, to examine the cleft between her thighs. He did not touch her
    further, did not say a word, turned out the light, which was a bracket lamp on the wall between
    the two doors, and went out.

    Lying on her left side, alone in the darkness and silence, hot beneath her two layers of fur, of
    necessity motionless, O tried to figure out why there was so much sweetness mingled with the
    terror in her, or why her terror seemed itself so sweet. She realized that one of the things that
    most distressed her was the fact that she had been deprived of the use of her hands; not that her
    hands could have defended her (and did she really want to defend herself?), but had they been
    free they would at least have made the gesture, have made an attempt to repel the hands which
    seized her, the flesh which pierced her, to protect her loins from the whip. O's hands had been
    taken away from her; her body beneath the fur was inaccessible to her. How strange it was not to
    be able to touch one's own knees, or the hollow of one's own belly. The lips between her legs,
    her burning lips were forbidden her, and perhaps they were burning because she knew they were
    open to the first comer: to the valet Pierre, if he cared to enter. She was surprised that the
    whipping she had received had left her so untroubled, so calm, whereas the thought that she
    would probably never know which of the four men had twice taken her from behind, and
    whether it was the same man both times, and whether it had been her lover, quite distressed her.
    She turned over slightly on her stomach, recalling that her lover loved the furrow between her
    buttocks which, except for this evening (if it had been he), he had never penetrated. She hoped it
    had been he; would she ask him? Ah, never! Again she saw the hand which in the car had taken
    her garter belt and panties, and had stretched the garters so that she could roll her stockings down
    to above her knees. The memory was so vivid that she forgot her hands were bound and made
    the chain grate. And why, if she took the memory of the torture she had gone through so lightly,
    why did the very idea , the very word or sight of a whip make her heart beat wildly and her eyes
    close with terror? She did not stop to consider whether it was only terror; she was overwhelmed
    with panic: they would pull on her chain and haul her to her feet on the bed, and they would
    whip her, with her belly glued to the wall they would whip her, whip her, the word kept turning
    in her head. Pierre would whip her, Jeanne had said he would. You're lucky, Jeanne had
    repeated, they'll be a lot harder on you. What had she meant by that? She no longer felt anything
    but the collar, the bracelets, and the chain; her body was drifting away. She fell asleep.

    In the wee hours of the night, just before dawn when it is darkest and coldest, Pierre reappeared.
    He turned on the light in the bathroom, leaving the door open so that a square of light fell on the
    middle of the bed, on the spot where O's slender body was curled, making a small mound
    beneath the cover, which silently he pulled back. Since O was sleeping on her left side, her face
    to the window and her legs slightly drawn up, the view she offered him was that of her white
    flanks, which seemed even whiter against the black fur. He took the pillow from beneath her
    head and said politely:

    "Would you lease stand up," and when she was on her knees, a position she managed by pulling
    herself up with the chain, he gave her a hand, taking her by the elbows so that she could stand up
    straight with her face to the wall. The square of light on the bed, which was faint, since the bed
    was black, illuminated her body, but not his gestures. She guessed, but could not see, that he was
    undoing the chain to rehook it to another link, so that it would remain taut, and she could feel it
    growing tighter. Her feet, which were bare, were solidly planted on the bed. Nor was she able to
    see that he had in his belt not the leather whip but the black riding crop similar to the one they
    had hit her with while she was tied to the stake, but they had only used it twice on her and had
    not hit her hard. She felt Pierre's left hand on her waist, the Mattress gave a little as, to steady
    himself, he put his right foot on it. At the same time as she heard a whistling noise in the semi-
    darkness, O felt a terrible burning across her back, and she screamed. Pierre flogged her with all
    his might. He did not wait for her screams to subside, but struck her again four times, being
    careful each time to lash her above or below the preceding spot, so that the traces would be all
    the clearer. Even after he had stopped she went on screaming, and the tears streamed down into
    her open mouth.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 04:49 PM.

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    Default Part I: The Lovers of Roissy - continued...

    "Please be good enough to turn around," he said, and since she, who was completely distracted,
    failed to obey, he took her by hips without letting go of his riding crop, the handle of which
    brushed against her waist. When she was facing him, he moved back slightly and lowered his
    crop on the front of her thighs as hard as he could. The whole thing had lasted five minutes.
    When he had left, after having turned out the light and closed the bathroom door, O was left
    moaning in the darkness, swaying back and forth along the wall at the end of her chain. She tried
    to stop moaning and to immobilize herself against the wall, whose gleaming percale was cool on
    her tortured flesh, as day slowly began to break. The tall window, toward which she was turned,
    for she was leaning on one hip, was facing the east. It extended from floor to ceiling and except
    for the drapes - of the same red material as that on the wall - which graced it on either side and
    split into stiff folds below the curtain loops which held it, had not curtains. O watched the slow
    birth of pale dawn, trailing its mist among the clusters of asters outside at the foot of her window,
    until finally a poplar tree appeared. The yellow leaves from time to time fell in swirls, although
    there was no wind. In front of the window, beyond the bed of purple asters, there was a lawn, at
    the end of which was a pathway. It was broad daylight by now, and O had not moved for a long
    time. A gardener appeared on the path, pushing a wheelbarrow. The iron wheel could be heard
    squeaking over the gravel. If he had come over to rake the leaves that had fallen in among the
    asters, the window was so tall and the room so small and bright that he would have seen O
    chained and naked and the marks of the riding crop on her thighs. The cuts were swollen, and
    had formed narrow swellings much darker in color than the red of the walls. Where was her lover
    sleeping, the way he loved to sleep on quiet mornings? In what room, in what bed? Was he
    aware of the pain, the tortures to which he had delivered her? Was he the one who had decided
    what they would be? O recalled the prisoners she had seen in engravings and in history books,
    who also had been chained and whipped many years ago, centuries ago, and had died. She did
    not wish to die, but if torture was the price she had to pay to keep her lover's love, then she only
    hoped he was pleased that she had endured it. All soft and silent she waited, waited for them to
    bring her back to him.

    None of the women had the keys to any locks, neither the locks to the doors nor the chains, the
    collars or bracelets, but every man carried a ring of three sets of keys, each of which, in the
    various categories, opened all the doors or all the padlocks, or all the collars. The valets had them
    too. But in the morning the valets who had been on the night shift were sleeping, and it was one
    of the masters or another valet who came to open the locks. The man who came into O's cell was
    dressed in a leather jacket and was wearing riding breeches and boots. She did not recognize
    him. First he unlocked the chain on the wall, and O was able to lie down on the bed. Before he
    unlocked her wrists, he ran his hands between her thighs, the way the first man with mask and
    gloves, whom she had seen in the small red drawing room, had done. It may have been the same
    one. His face was bony and fleshless, with that piercing look one associates with the portraits of
    the Huguenots, and his hair was gray. O met his gaze for what seemed to be an endless time and,
    suddenly freezing, she remembered it was forbidden to look at the masters above the belt. She
    closed her eyes, but it was too late, and she heard him laugh and say, as he finally freed her

    "There will be a punishment for that after dinner."

    He said something to Jeanne and Andree who had come in with him and were standing waiting
    on either side of the bed, after which he let. Andree picked up the pillow, which was on the floor,
    and the blanket that Pierre had turned down toward the foot of the bed when he had come to
    whip O, while Jeanne wheeled, toward the head of the bed, a serving table which had been
    brought into the hallway and on which were coffee, milk, sugar, bread, croissants, and butter.

    "Hurry up and eat," said Andree. "It's nine o'clock. Afterward you can sleep till noon, and when
    you hear the bell it will be time to get ready for lunch. You'll bathe and fix your hair. I'll come to
    make you up and lace up your bodice."

    "You won't be on duty till afternoon," Jeanne said. "In the library: you'll serve the coffee and
    liqueur and tend the fire."

    "And what about you?" O said.

    "We're only supposed to take care of you during the first twenty-four hours of your stay. After
    that you're on your own, and will have dealings only with the men. We won't be able to talk to
    you, and you won't be able to talk to us either.":

    "Don't go," O said. "Stay a while longer and tell me..." But she did not have time to finish her
    sentence. The door opened; it was her lover, and he was not alone. It was her lover, dressed the
    way he used to when he had just gotten out of bed and lighted the first cigarette of the day; in
    striped pajamas and a blue dressing gown, the wool robe with the padded silk lapels which they
    had picked out together a year before. And his slippers were worn, she would have to buy him
    another pair. The two women disappeared with no other sound except the rustling of silk as they
    lifted their skirts (all the skirts were a trifle long and trailed on the ground) - on the carpet the
    mules could not be heard.

    O, who was holding a cup of coffee in her left hand and a croissant in the other, was seated
    cross-legged, or rather half-cross-legged, on the edge of the bed, one of her legs dangling and the
    other tucked up under her. She did not move, but her cup suddenly began to shake in her hand,
    and she dropped the croissant.

    "Pick it up," Rene said. They were his first words.

    She put the cup down on the table, picked up the partly eaten croissant, and put it beside the cup.
    A fat croissant crumb still lay on the rug, beside her bare foot. This time Rene bent down and
    picked it up. Then he sat down near O, pulled her back down onto the bed and kissed her. She
    asked him if he loved her. He answered: "Yes, I love you!" then got to his feet and made her
    stand up too, softly running the cool palms of his hands, then his lips, over the welts.

    Since he had come in with her lover, O did not know whether or not she could look at the man
    who had entered with him and who, for the moment, had his back to them and was smoking a
    cigarette near the door. What followed was not of a nature to reassure her.

    "Come over here so we can see you," her lover said, and having guided her to the foot of the bed,
    he pointed out to his companion that he had been right, and he thanked him, adding that it would
    only be fair for him to take O first if he so desired.

    The unknown man, whom she still did not dare to look at, then asked her, after having run his
    hand over her breasts and down her buttocks, to spread her legs.

    "Do as he says," said Rene, who was holding her up. He too was standing, and her back was
    against him. With his right hand he was caressing one breast, and his other was on her shoulder.
    The unknown man had sat down on the edge of the bed, he had seized and slowly parted,
    drawing the fleece, the lips which protected the entrance itself. Rene pushed her forward, as soon
    as he realized what was wanted from her, so that she would be more accessible, and his right arm
    slipped around her waist, giving him a better grip.

    This caress, to which she never submitted without a struggled and which always filled her with
    shame, and from which she escaped as quickly as she could, so quickly in fact that she had
    scarcely had a chance to be touched, this caress which seemed a sacrilege to her, for she deemed
    it sacrilege for her lover to be on his knees, feeling that she should be on hers, she suddenly felt
    that she would not escape from it now, and she saw herself doomed. For she moaned when the
    alien lips, which were pressing upon the mound of flesh whence the inner corolla emanates,
    suddenly inflamed her, left her to allow the hot tip of the tongue to inflame her even more; she
    moaned even more when the lips began again: she felt the hidden point harden and rise, that
    point caught in a long, sucking bite between teeth and lips, which did not let go, a long soothing
    bite which made her gasp for breath. She lots her footing and found herself again lying on the
    bed, with Rene's mouth on her mouth; his two hands were pinning her shoulders to the bed,
    while two other hands beneath her knees were raising and opening her legs. Her own hands,
    which were beneath her back (for when Rene had propelled her toward the unknown man he had
    bound her wrists together by clipping the wristbands together), were grazed by the sex of the
    man who was caressing himself in the furrow of her buttocks before rising to strike hard into the
    depths of her belly. At the first stroke she cried out, as though it had been the lash of a whip, then
    again at each new stroke, and her lover bit her mouth. The man tore himself abruptly away from
    her and fell back on the floor, as though struck by lightning, and he too gave a cry.

    Rene freed O's hands, lifted her up, and lay her down beneath the blanket on the bed. The man
    got up, Rene escorted him to the door. In a flash, O saw herself released, reduced to nothing,
    accursed. She had moaned beneath the lips of the stranger as never her lover had made her moan,
    cried out under the impact of a stranger's member as never her lover had made her cry out. She
    felt debased and guilty. She could not blame him if he were to leave her. But no, the door was
    closing again, he was staying with her, he was coming back, lying down beside her beneath the
    cover, he was slipping into her moist, hot belly and, still holding her in this embrace, he said to

    "I love you. When I'll also have given you to the valets, I'll come in one night and have you
    flogged till you bleed."

    The sun had broken through the mist and flooded the room. But only the midday bell woke them

    O was at a loss what to do.

    Her lover was there, as close, as tenderly relaxed and surrendered as he was in the bed in that
    low-ceilinged room to which, almost every night since they had begun living together, he came
    to sleep with her. It was a big, mahogany, English-style four-Oposter bed, without the awning,
    and the posters at the head were taller than those at the foot. He always slept on her left, and
    whenever he awoke, even were it in the middle of the night, his hands inevitably reached down
    for her legs. This is why she never wore anything but a nightgown or, if she had on pajamas,
    never put on the bottoms. He did so now; she took that hand and kissed it, without ever daring to
    ask him for anything. But he spoke. Holding her by the collar, with two fingers slipped in
    between the neck and collar, he told her it was his intention that henceforth she should be shared
    by him and those of his choosing, and by those whom he did not know who were connected to
    the society of the chateau, shared as she had been the previous evening. That she was dependent
    on him, and on him alone, even though she might receive orders from persons other than himself,
    whether he was present or absent, for as a matter of principle he was participating in whatever
    might be demanded of or inflicted on her, and that it was he who possessed and enjoyed her
    through those into whose hands she had been given, by the simple fact that he had given her to
    them. She must greet them and submit to them with the same respect with which she greeted
    him, as though they were so many reflections of him. Thus he would possess her as a god
    possesses his creatures, whom he lays hold of in the guise of a monster or a bird, of an invisible
    spirit or a state of ecstasy. He did not wish to leave her. The more he surrendered her, the more
    he would hold her dear. The fact that he gave her was to him a proof, and ought to be one for her
    as well that she belonged to him: one can only give what belongs to you. He gave her only to
    reclaim her immediately, to reclaim her enriched in his eyes, like some common object which
    had been used for some divine purpose and has thus been consecrated. For a long time he had
    wanted to prostitute her, and he was delighted to feel that the pleasure he was deriving was even
    greater than he had hoped, and that it bound him to her all the more, as it bound her to him, all
    the more so because, through it, she would be more humiliated and ravaged. Since she loved
    him, she could not help loving whatever derived from him. O listened and trembled with
    happiness, because he loved her, all acquiescent she trembled. He doubtless guessed it, for he
    went on:

    "It's because it's easy for you to consent that I want from you what it will be impossible for you
    to consent to, even if you agree ahead of time, even if you say yes now and imagine yourself
    capable of submitting. You won't be able not to revolt. Your submission will be obtained in spite
    of you, not only for the inimitable pleasure that I and others will derive from it, but also that you
    will be made aware of what has been done to you."

    O was on the verge of saying that she was his slave and that she bore her bonds cheerfully. He
    stopped her.

    "Yesterday you were told that as long as you are in the chateau you are not to look a man in the
    face of speak to him. The same applies to me as well: with me you shall remain silent and obey. I
    love you. Now get up. From now on the only times that you will open your mouth here in the
    presence of a man will be to cry out or to caress."

    So O got up. Rene remained lying on the bed. She bathed and arranged her hair. The contact of
    her bruised loins with the tepid water made her shiver, and she had to sponge herself without
    rubbing to keep from reviving the burning pain. She made up her mouth but not her eyes,
    powdered herself and, still naked but with lowered eyes, came back into the room.

    Rene was looking at Jeanne, who had come in and was standing at the head of the bed, she too
    with her head bowed, unspeaking. He told her to dress O. Jeanne took the bodice of green satin,
    the white petticoat, the dress, the green mules and having hooked up O's bodice in front, began to
    lace it up tight in the back. The bodice was long and stiff, stoutly whaleboned as during the
    period when wasp waists were in style, with gussets to support the breasts. The more the bodice
    was tightened, the more the breasts were lifted, supported as they were by the gussets, and the
    nipples displayed more prominently. At the same time, the constriction of the waist caused her
    stomach to protrude and her backside to arch out sharply. The strange thing was that this armor
    was very comfortable and to a certain extent restful. It made you stand up very straight, but it
    made you realize - why, it was hard to tell unless it was by contract - the freedom, or rather the
    unavailability, of that part of the body left unrestricted. The full skirt and the trapezoid-shaped
    neckline running from the base of the neck to the tips of the breasts and across the full length of
    the bosom seemed to the girl to be less a protective outfit than an instrument designed to provoke
    or present. When Jeanne had tied the laces in a double knot, O took her dress from the bed. It
    was a one-piece dress, with the petticoat attached to the skirt like a detachable lining, and the
    bodice, cross-laced in front and tied in the back, was thus able to follow more or less the delicate
    contours of her bosom, depending on how tightly the bodice was laced. Jeanne had laced it very
    tight, and through the open door O was able to see herself reflected in the mirror, slim and lost in
    the green satin which billowed at her hips, as a hoop skirt would have done. The two women
    were standing side by side. Jeanne reached out to smooth a wrinkle in the green dress, and her
    breasts stirred in the lace fringes of her bodice, breasts whose tips were long and the halos
    brown. Her dress was of yellow faille.

    Rene, who had come over to the two women, said to O: "Watch." And to Jeanne: "Lift your
    dress." With both hands she raised the crackling silk and the crinoline which lined it, revealing as
    she did a golden belly, gleaming thighs and knees, and a tight black triangle. Rene put his hand
    on it and slowly explored, and with the other excited the nipple of one breast.

    "Merely so you can see," he said to O.

    O saw. She saw his ironic but attentive face, his eyes carefully watching Jeanne's half-open
    mouth and her neck, which was thrown back, tightly circled by the leather collar. What pleasure
    was she giving him, yes she, that this girl or any other could not?

    "That hadn't occurred to you?" he added.

    No, that had not occurred to her. She had collapsed against the wall, between the two doors, her
    arms hanging limp. There was no longer any need to tell her to keep quiet. How could she have
    spoken? Perhaps he was touched by her despair. He left Jeanne and took her in his arms, calling
    her his love and his life, saying over and over again that he loved her. The hand he was caressing
    her neck with was moist with the odor of Jeanne. And so? The despair that had overwhelmed her
    slowly ebbed: he loved her, ah he loved her. He was free to enjoy himself with Jeanne, or with
    others, he loved her. "I love you," he had whispered to her ear, "I love you," so softly it was
    scarcely audible. "I love you." He did not leave until he saw that her eyes were clear and her
    expression calm, contented.

    Jeanne took O by the hand and let her out into the hallway. Their mules again made a resounding
    noise on the tile floor, and again they found a valet seated on a bench between the doors. He was
    dressed like Pierre, but it was not Pierre. This one was tall, dry, and had dark hair. He preceded
    them and showed them into an antechamber where, before a wrought-iron door that stood
    between two tall green drapes, two other valets were waiting, some white dogs with russet spots
    lying at their feet.

    "That's the enclosure," Jeanne murmured. But the valet who was walking in front of them heard
    her and turned around. O was amazed to see Jeanne turn deathly pale and let go of her hand, let
    go of her dress which she was holding lightly with her other hand, and sink to her knees on the
    black tile floor - for the antechamber was tiled in black marble. The two valets near the gate
    burst out laughing. One of them came over to O and politely invited her to follow him, opened a
    door opposite the one she had just entered, and stood aside. She heard laughter and the sound of
    footsteps, then the door closed behind her. She never - no, never - learned what had happened,
    whether Jeanne had been punished for having spoken, and if so what the punishment had been,
    or whether she had simply yielded to a caprice on the part of the valet, or whether in throwing
    herself on her knees she had been obeying some rule or trying to move the valet to pity, and
    whether she had succeeded. During her initial stay in the chateau, which lasted two weeks, she
    only noted that, although the rule of silence was absolute, it was rare that they did not try and
    break it while they were alone with the valets, either being taken to or from some place in the
    chateau, or during meals, especially during the day. It was as though clothing gave them a
    feeling of assurance which nakedness and nocturnal chains, and the master's presence, destroyed.
    She also noticed that, whereas the slightest gestures which might have been construed as an
    advance toward one of the masters seemed quite naturally inconceivable, the same was not true
    for the valets. They never gave orders, although the courtesy of their requests was as implacable
    as an order. They had apparently been enjoined to punish to the letter infractions of the rules
    which occurred in their presence, and to punish them on the spot. Thus, on three occasions, O
    saw girls who were caught talking thrown to the floor and whipped - once in the hallway leading
    to the red wing, and twice again in the fectory they had just entered. So it was possible to be
    whipped in broad daylight, despite what they had told her the first evening, as though what
    happened with the valets did not count and was left to their discretion.

    Daylight made their outfits look strange and menacing. Some valets wore black stockings and, in
    place of the red jacket and white ruffled shirt, a soft wide-sleeved shirt of red silk, gathered at the
    neck and with the sleeves also gathered at the wrists. It was one of these valets who, on the eight
    day at noon, his whip already in his hand, made a buxom blonde named Madeleine, who was
    seated not far from O, get up off her stool. Madeleine, whose bosom was all milk and roses, had
    smiled at him and spoken a few words so quickly that O had missed them. Before he had time to
    touch her she was on her knees, her hand, so white against the black silk, lightly stroking the still
    dormant sex, which she took out and brought to her half-opened mouth. That time she was not
    whipped. And since he was then the only monitor in the refectory, and since he closed his eyes as
    he accepted the caress, the other girls began talking. So it was possible to bribe the valets. But
    what was the use? If there was one rule to which O had trouble submitting, and indeed never
    really submitted to completely, it was the rule forbidding them to look men in the face -
    considering that the rule applied to the valets as well, O felt herself in constant danger, so
    compelling was her curiosity about faces, and she was in fact whipped by both the valets, not, in
    truth, each time they noticed her doing (for they took some liberties with instructions, and
    perhaps cared enough about the fascination they exercised not to deprive themselves, by too
    strict or efficacious an application of the rules, of the gazes which would leave their face or
    mouth only to return to their sex, their whips, and their hands, and then start in all over again),
    but only when in all probability they wanted to humiliate her. No matter how cruelly they treated
    her when they had made up their minds to do so, she none the less never had the courage, or the
    cowardice, to throw herself at their knees, and though she submitted to them at times she never
    tempted or urged them on. As for the rule of silence, it meant so little to her that, except in the
    case of her lover, she did not once break it, replying by signals whenever another girl would take
    advantage of their guards' momentary distraction to speak to her. This was generally during
    meals, which were taken in the room into which they had been ushered, when the tall valet
    accompanying them had turned around to Jeanne. The walls were black and the stone floor was
    black, the long table, of heavy glass, was black too, and each girl had a round stool covered with
    black leather on which to sit. They had to lift their skirts to sit down, and in so doing O
    rediscovered, the moment she felt the smooth, cold leather beneath her thighs, that first moment
    when her lover had made her take off her stockings and panties and sit in the same manner on the
    back seat of the car. Conversely, after she had left the chateau and, dressed like everyone else
    except for the fact that beneath her innocuous suit or dress she was naked, whenever she had to
    lift her petticoat and skirt to sit down beside her lover, or beside another, were it on the seat of a
    car or the bench of a cafe, it was the chateau she rediscovered, breasts proffered in the silk
    bodices, the hands and mouths to which nothing was denied, and the terrible silence. And yet
    nothing had been such a comfort to her as the silence, unless it was the chains. The chains and
    the silence, which should have bound her deep within herself, which should have smothered her,
    strangled her, on the contrary freed her from herself. What would have become of her if she had
    been granted the right to speak and the freedom of her hands, if she had been free to make a
    choice, when her lover prostituted her before his own eyes? True, she did not speak as she was
    being tortured, but can moans and cries be classed as words? Besides, they often stilled her by
    gagging. Beneath the gazes, beneath the hands, beneath the sexes that defiled her, the whips that
    rent her, she lost herself in a delirious absence from herself which restored her to love and
    perhaps, brought her to the edge of death. She was anyone, anyone at all, any one of the other
    girls, opened and forced like her, girls whom she saw being opened and forced, for she did see it,
    even when she was not obliged to have a hand in it.

    Thus, less than twenty-four hours after her arrival, during her second day there, she was taken
    after the meal into the library, there to serve coffee and tend the fire. Jeanne, whom the black-
    haired valet had brought back, went with her, as did another girl named Monique. It was this
    same valet who took them there and remained in the room, stationed near the stake to which O
    had been attached. The library was still empty. The French doors faced wet, and in the vast,
    almost cloudless sky the autumn sun slowly pursued its course, its rays lighting, on a chest of
    drawers, an enormous bouquet of sulphur colored chrysanthemums which smelled of earth and
    dead leaves.

    "Did Pierre mark you last night?" the valet asked O.

    She nodded that he had.

    "Then you should show it," he said. Please roll up your dress."

    He waited till she had rolled her robe up and behind, the way Jeanne had done the evening
    before, and till Jeanne had helped her fasten it there. Then he told her to light the fire. O's
    backside up to her waist, her thighs, her slender legs, was framed in the cascading folds of green
    silk and white linen. The five welts had turned black. The fire was ready on the hearth, all O had
    to do was ignite the straw beneath the kindling, which leaped into flame. Soon the branches of
    apple wood caught, then the oak logs, which burned with tall, crackling, almost colorless flames
    which were almost invisible in the daylight, but which smelled good. Another valet entered and
    placed a tray filled with coffee cups on the console, from which the lamp had been removed,
    then left the room. O went over near the console, while Monique and Jeanne remained standing
    on either side of the fireplace.

    Just then two men came in, and the first valet in turn left the room. O thought she recognized one
    of the men from his voice, one of those who had forced her the previous evening, the one who
    had asked that her rear be made more easily accessible. As she poured the coffee into the small
    black and gold cups, which Monique handed around with the sugar, she stole a glance at them.
    So it was this thin, blond boy, a mere stripling, with an English air about him. He was speaking
    again; now she was certain. The other man was also fair, thick set with a heavy face. Both of
    them were seated in the big leather armchairs, their feet near the fire, quietly smoking and
    reading their papers, paying no more heed to the women than if they had not been there. Now
    and then the rustle of a paper was heard, or the sound of coals falling on the hearth. From time to
    time O put another long on the fire. She was seated on a cushion on the floor beside the wood
    basket, Monique and Jeanne, also on the floor, across from her. Their flowing skirts overlapped
    one another. Monique's skirt was a dark red. Suddenly, but only after an hour had elapsed, the
    blond boy called Jeanne, then Monique. He told them to bring the ottoman (it was the same
    ottoman on which O had been spread-eagled the night before). Monique did not wait for further
    instructions, she kneeled down, bent over, her breasts crushed against the first and holding both
    corners of the ottoman in her hands. When the young man had Jeanne lift the red skirt, she did
    not stir. Jeanne was then obliged to undo his clothing - and he gave her the order in the most
    churlish manner - and take between her hands that sword of flesh which had so cruelly pierced O
    at least once. It swelled and stiffened beneath the closed palm, and O saw these same hands,
    Jeanne's tiny hands, spreading Monique's thighs, into the hollow of which, slowly and in short
    spasms which made her moan, the lad plunged.

    The other man, who was watching in silence, motioned to O to approach and, without taking his
    eyes off the spectacle, topped her forward over one arm of his chair - and her raised skirt gave
    him an unhindered view of her backside - and seized her womb with his hand.

    It was in this position that Rene found her when, a minute later, he opened the door.

    "Please don't let me disturb you," he said, and he sat down on the floor, on the same cushion
    where O had been sitting beside the fire before she had been called. He watched her closely, and
    smiled every time the hand which was holding her probed and returned, seizing both front and
    rear apertures at once and working deeper and deeper as they opened further, wrenching from her
    a moan which she could no longer restrain.

    Monique had long since gotten back to her feet; Jeanne was fiddling with the fire in place of O.
    She brought Rene a glass of whisky, and he kissed her hand as she handed it to him, then drank it
    down without taking his eyes off O.

    The man who was still holding her then said:

    "Is she yours?"

    "Yes," Rene replied.

    "James is right," the other went on, "she's too narrow. She has to be widened."

    "Not too much, mind you," said James.

    "Whatever you say," Rene said, getting to his feet. "You're a better judge than I." And he rang.

    For the next eight days, between dusk when her stint in the library came to an end and that hour
    of the night - which was generally eight or ten o'clock - when she was returned to her cell, in
    chains and naked beneath her red cape, O wore an ebonite shaft simulating an erect male
    member which was inserted behind and held in place by three small chains connected to a leather
    belt around her hips, in such a way that the internal movements of her muscles could not expel it.
    One little chain followed the furrow of her buttocks, the two others the fold on either side of the
    belly's triangle, in order not to prevent anyone from penetrating that side if need be.

    When Rene had rung, it was to have the coffer brought in which contained, or one of whose
    compartments contained, an assortment of small chains and belts, and whose other held a variety
    of these shafts, ranging from the very thin to the very thick. They all had one feature in common,
    namely that they flared at the base, to make it impossible for them to slide up inside the body, an
    accident which might have produced the opposite effect from that desired, that is it might have
    allowed the ring of flesh to tighten up again, whereas the purpose of the shaft was to distend it.
    Thus quartered, and quartered each day a little more, for James, who made her kneel down, or
    rather lie prone, to watch while Jeanne or Monique, or whichever girl happened to be there,
    fastened the shaft that he had chosen, each day chose a thicker one. At the evening meal, which
    the girls took together in the same refectory, after their bath, naked and powdered O still wore it,
    and everyone could see that she was wearing it, because of the little chains and the belt. It was
    only removed, by the valet, when he came to chain her to the wall for the night if no one had
    asked for her, or, if someone had, when he locked her hands behind her if he had to take her to
    the library. Rare were the nights when someone did not appear to make use of this passage thus
    rapidly rendered as easy as, though still narrower than, the other. After eight days there was no
    longer any need for an instrument, and O's lover told her that he was happy she was now doubly
    open and that he would make certain she remained so. At the same time, he warned her that he
    was leaving and that she would not see him during the last seven days that she was to spend in
    the chateau, before he came back to pick her up and take her back to Paris.

    "But I love you," he added, "I do love you. Don't forget me."

    Oh, how could she forget him! He was the hand that blindfolded her, the whip wielded by the
    valet Pierre, he was the chain above her head, the unknown man who came down on her, and all
    the voices which gave her orders were his voice. Was she growing weary? No. By dint of being
    defiled and desecrated, it seems that she must have grown used to outrages, by dint of being
    caressed, to caresses, if not to the whip by dint of being whipped. A terrible surfeit of pain and
    pleasure should have by slow degrees cast her upon benumbing banks, into a state bordering on
    sleep or somnambulism. On the contrary. The bodice which held her straight, the chains which
    kept her submissive, her refuge of silence - these may have been responsible in part - as was the
    constant spectacle of girls being handed over and used as she was and, even when they were not,
    the spectacle of the constantly available bodies. Also the spectacle and the awareness of her own
    body. Daily and, so to speak, ceremoniously soiled with saliva and sperm, she felt herself
    literally to be the repository of impurity, the sink mentioned in the Scriptures. And yet those
    parts of her body most constantly offended, having become less sensitive, at the same time
    seemed to her to have become more beautiful and, as it were, ennobled: her mouth closed upon
    anonymous members, the tips of her breasts constantly fondled by hands, and between her
    quartered thighs the twin, contiguous paths wantonly ploughed. That she should have been
    ennobled and gained in dignity through being prostituted was a source of surprise, and yet
    dignity was indeed from within, and her bearing bespoke calm, while on her face could be
    detected the serenity and imperceptible smile that one surmises rather than actually sees in the
    eyes of hermits.

    When Rene had informed her that he was leaving, night had already fallen. O was naked in her
    cell, and was waiting for them to come and take her to the refectory. As for her lover, he was
    dressed as usual, in a suit he wore every day in town. When he took her a suit he wore every day
    in town. When he took her in his arms, the rough tweed of his clothes irritated the tips of her
    breasts. He kissed her, lay her down on the bed, lay down beside her and, tenderly and slowly
    and gently, took her, alternating between the two tracks open to him, before finally spilling
    himself into her mouth, which he then kissed again.

    "Before I leave," he said, "I would like to have you whipped, and this time I'll ask your
    permission. Do you agree?"

    She agreed to it.

    "I love you," he repeated. "Ring for Pierre."

    She rang. Pierre chained her hands above her head, to the chain of the bed. When she was thus
    bound, her lover kissed her again, standing beside her on the bed. Again he told her that he loved
    her, then he got down off the bed and nodded for Pierre. He watched her struggle, so fruitlessly;
    he listened to her moans swell and become cries. When her tears flowed, he sent Pierre away.
    She still found the strength to tell him again that she loved him. Then he kissed her drenched
    face, her gasping mouth, undid her bonds, laid her down, and left.

    To say that O began to await her lover the minute he left her is a vast understatement: she was
    henceforth nothing but vigil and night. During the day she was like a painted countenance,
    whose skin is soft and mouth is meek and - this was the only time she abided by the rule - whose
    eyes were constantly lowered. She made and tended the fire, poured and offered the coffee and
    liqueurs, lighted the cigarettes, she arranged the flowers and folded the newspapers like a young
    girl in her parents' living room, so limpid with her open neck and leather collar, her tight bodice
    and prisoner's bracelets, that all it took for the men whom she was serving was to order her to
    remain by their sides while they were violating another girl to make them want to violate her as
    well; which doubtless explains why she was treated worse than before. Had she sinned? Or had
    her lover left her so that the very people to whom he had loaned her would feel freer to dispose
    of her? In any case, the fact remains that on the second day following his departure as, at
    nightfall, she had just undressed and was looking in the bathroom mirror at the almost vanished

    welts made by Pierre's riding crop on the front of her thighs, Pierre entered. There were still two
    hours before dinner. He told her that she would not dine in the common room and said to get
    ready, pointing to the Turkish toilet in the corner, over which she had to squat, as Jeanne had
    warned her she would in the presence of Pierre. All the while she remained there he stood
    contemplating her, she could see him in the mirrors, and see herself, and was incapable of
    holding back the water which escaped from her body. He waited then until she had bathed and
    powdered herself. She was going to get her mules and red cape when he stopped her and added,
    fastening her hands behind her back, that there was no need to, but that she should wait a
    moment for him. She sat down on a corner of the bed. Outside it was storming, a tempest of cold
    rain and wind, and the poplar tree near the window swayed back and forth beneath the gusts.
    From time to time a pale wet leaf would splatter against the windowpanes. It was as dark as in
    the middle of the night, although the hour of seven had not yet struck, for autumn was well
    advanced and the days were growing shorter.

    When Pierre returned, he was carrying the same blindfold with which he had blindfolded her the
    first evening. He also had a long chain, which made a clanking noise, a chain similar to the one
    fastened to the wall. O had the impression that he couldn't make up his mind whether to put the
    blindfold or the chain on her first. She was gazing out at the rain, not caring what they wanted
    from her, thinking only that Rene had said he would come back, that there were still five days
    and five nights to go, and that she had no idea where he was or whether he was alone and, if he
    was not alone, who he was with. But he would come back. Pierre had laid the chain on the bed
    and, without interrupting O's daydream, had covered her eyes with the blindfold of black velvet.
    It was slightly rounded below the sockets of her eyes, and fitted the cheekbones perfectly,
    making it impossible to get the slightest peek or even to raise the eyelids. Blessed darkness like
    unto her own night, never had O greeted it with such joy, blessed chains that bore her away from

    Pierre fastened the chain to the ring in her collar and invited her to follow him. She got up, felt
    herself being pulled forward, and walked. Her bare feet were icy cold on the tiles, and she
    gathered she was following the hallway of the red wing; then the ground which was still as cold,
    became rough underfoot: she was walking on a stone floor, made of sandstone or granite. Twice
    the valet made her stop, she heard the sound of a key in a lock, of a lock being turned and
    opened, then locked again. "Careful of the steps," said Pierre, and she went down a staircase, and
    once she stumbled. Pierre caught her around the waist. He had never touched her except to chain
    or beat her, but here he was now forcing her down onto the cold steps, which she tried to grasp
    with her bound hands to keep from slipping, and he was talking her breasts. His mouth moved
    from one to the other, and as he pressed against her, she could feel him slowly rising. He did not
    help her up until he had taken his pleasure with her. Damp and trembling with cold, she finally
    descended the last steps and heard another door open, which she went through and immediately
    felt a thick rug beneath her feet. There was another slight tug on the chain, then Pierre's hands
    were loosing her hands and untying her blindfold: she was in a round, vaulted room which was
    very small and low: the walls and arches were of unplastered stone, and the joints in the masonry
    were visible. The chain which was attached to her collar was fastened to the wall by an eye-bolt
    opposite the door, which was set about three feet above the floor and allowed her to move no
    more than two steps forward. There was neither a bed nor anything that might have served as a
    bed, nor was there any blanket, only three or four Moroccan-type cushions, but they were out of
    reach and clearly not intended for her. Within reach, however, in the niche from which emanated
    the little light which lighted the room, was a wooden tray on which were some water, fruit, and
    bread. The heat from the radiators, which had been installed along the base of the walls and set
    into the walls themselves to form around the entire room a sort of burning plinth, was none the
    less insufficient to overcome the odor of earth and mud which is the odor of ancient prisons and
    in old chateaux, of uninhabited dungeons. In that hot semi-darkness, into which no sound
    intruded, O soon lost all track of time. There was no longer any day or night, the light never went
    out. Pierre, or some other valet - it hardly mattered which - replaced the water, fruit, and bread
    on the tray whenever it was gone, and took her to bathe in a nearby dungeon. She never saw the
    men who came in, for each time a valet preceded them to blindfold her eyes, and removed it only
    after they had left. She also lost track of them, of who they were and how many there were, and
    neither her soft hands nor her lips blindly caressing were ever able to identify who they were
    touching. At times there were several, more often only one, but each time, before they came near
    her, she was made to kneel down facing the wall, the ring of her collar fastened to the same eye-
    bolt to which the chain was attached, and whipped. She placed her palms against the wall and
    pressed her face against the back of her hands, to keep from scratching it against the stones; but
    scraped her knees and her breasts on them. Thus she lost track of the tortures and screams which
    were smothered by the vault. She waited. Suddenly time no longer stood still. In her velvet night
    her chain was no unfastened. She had been waiting for three months, three days, or ten days, or
    ten years. She felt herself being wrapped in a heavy cloth, and someone taking her by the
    shoulders and knees, lifting and carrying her. She found herself in her cell, lying under the black
    fur cover, it was early afternoon, her eyes were open, her hands free, and Rene was sitting beside
    her, stroking her hair.

    "You must get dressed now," he said, "we're leaving."

    She took a hasty bath, he brushed her hair, handed her powder and lipstick to her. When she
    returned to her cell, her suit, her blouse, her slip, her stockings, and her shoes were on the foot of
    the bed, as were her gloves and handbag. There was even the coat she wore over her suit when
    the weather turned brisk, and a square silk scarf to protect her neck, but no garter belt or panties.
    She dressed slowly, rolling her stockings down to just above her knees, and she did not put on
    her suitcoat because it was very warm in her cell. Just then, the man who had explained on the
    first evening what would be expected of her, came in. He unlocked the collar and bracelets that
    had held her captive for two weeks. Was she freed of them? Or did she have the feeling that
    something was missing? She said nothing, scarcely daring to run her hands over her wrists, not
    daring to lift them to her throat.

    Then he asked her to choose, from among the exactly identical rings which he showed to her in a
    small wooden box, the one which fit her left ring finger. They were strange iron rings, banded
    with gold inside, and the signet was wide and as massive as that of an actual signet ring, but it
    was convex, and for design bore a three-spoked wheel inlaid in gold, with each spoke spiraling
    back upon itself like the solar wheel of the Celts. The second ring she tried, though a trifle snug,
    fit her exactly. It was heavy on her hand, and the gold gleamed as though furtively in the dull
    gray of the polished iron. Why iron, and why gold, and this insignia she did not understand? It
    was impossible to talk in this room draped in red, where the chain was still on the wall above the
    bed, where the black, still rumpled cover was lying on the floor, this room into which the valet
    Pierre might emerge, was sure to emerge, absurd in his opera outfit, in the dull light of

    She was wrong, Pierre did not appear. Rene had her put on the coat to her suit, and her long
    gloves, which covered the bottom of her sleeves. She took her scarf, her bag, and carried her coat
    over her arm. The heels of her shoes made less noise on the hallway floor than had her mules, the
    doors were closed, the antechamber was empty. O was holding her lover by the hand. The
    stranger who was accompanying them opened the wrought-iron gates which Jeanne had said
    were the enclosure, which was now no longer guarded by valets or dogs. He lifted one of the
    green velvet curtains and ushered them both through. The curtains fell back into place. They
    heard the gate closing. They were alone in another antechamber which looked onto the lawn. All
    there was left to do was descend the steps leading down from the stoop, before which O
    recognized the car.

    She sat down next to her lover, who took the wheel and started off. After they had left the
    grounds, through the porte-cochere that was wide open, he stopped a few hundred meters farther
    on and kissed her. It was on the outskirts of a small, peaceful town, which they crossed through
    as they continued on their route. O was able to read the name on the road sign: Roissy.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 04:50 PM.

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    Part II: Sir Stephen

    The apartment where O lived was situated on the He Saint-Louis, under the eaves of an old house
    which faced south and overlooked the Seine. All the rooms, which were spacious and low, had
    sloping ceilings, and the two rooms at the front of the house each opened onto a balcony set into
    the sloping roof. One of them was O's room; the other, in which bookshelves filled one wall from
    floor to ceiling on either side of the fireplace, served as a living room, a study, and even as a
    bedroom in case of necessity. Facing the two windows was a big couch, and there was a large
    antique table before the fireplace. It was here that they dined whenever the tiny dining room,
    which faced the interior courtyard and was decorated with dark green serge, was really too small
    to accommodate the guests. Another room, which also looked onto the courtyard, was Rene's,
    and it was here that he dressed and kept his clothes. O shared the yellow bathroom with him; the
    kitchen, also yellow, was tiny. A cleaning woman came in every day. The flooring of the rooms
    overlooking the courtyard was of red tile, those antique hexagonal tiles which in old Paris hotels
    are used to cover the stairs and landings above the second story. Seeing them again gave O a
    shock and made her heart beat faster: they were the same tiles as the ones in the hallways at
    Roissy. Her room was small, the pink and black chintz curtains were closed, the fire was glowing
    behind the metallic screen, the bed was made, the covers turned back.

    "I bought you a nylon nightgown," Rene said. "You've never had one before."

    Yes, a white pleated nylon nightgown, tailored and tasteful like the clothing of Egyptian
    statuettes, an almost transparent nightgown was unfolded on the edge of the bed, on the side
    where O slept. O tied a thin belt around her waist, over the elastic waistband of the nightgown
    itself, and the material of the gown was so light that the projection of the buttocks colored it a
    pale pink. Everything - save for the curtains and the panel hung with the same material against
    which the head of the bed was set, and the two small armchairs upholstered with the same chintz
    - everything in the room was white: the walls, the fringe around the mahogany four-poster bed,
    and the bearskin rug on the floor. Seated before the fire in her white nightgown, O listened to her

    He began by saying that she should not think that she was now free. With one exception, and that
    was that she was free not to love him any longer, and to leave him immediately. But if she did
    love him, then she was in no wise free. She listened to him without saying a word, thinking how
    happy she was that he wanted to prove to himself - it mattered little how - that she belonged to
    him, and thinking too that he was more than a little naive not to realize that this proprietorship
    was beyond any proof. But did he perhaps realize it and want to emphasize it merely because he
    derived a certain pleasure from it? She gazed into the fire as he talked, but he did not, not daring
    to meet her eyes. He was standing, pacing back and forth. Suddenly he said to her that, for a
    start, he wanted her to listen to him with her knees unclasped and her arms unfolded, for she was
    sitting with her knees together and her arms folded around them. So she lifted her nightgown
    and, on her knees, or, rather, squatting on her heels in the manner of the Carmelites or the
    Japanese women, she waited. The only thing was, since her knees were spread, she could feel the
    light, sharp pricking of the white fur between her half-open thighs; he came back to it again: she
    was not opening her legs wide enough. The word "open" and the expression "opening her legs"
    were, on her lover's lips, charged with such uneasiness and power that she could never hear them
    without experiencing a kind of internal prostration, a sacred submission, as though a god, and not
    he, had spoken to her. So she remained motionless, and her hands were lying palm upward
    beside her knees, between which the material of her nightgown was spread, with the pleats

    What her lover wanted from her was very simple: that she be constantly and immediately
    accessible. It was not enough for him to know that she was: she was to be so without the slightest
    obstacle intervening, and her bearing and clothing were to bespeak, as it were, the symbol of that
    availability to experienced eyes. That, he went on, meant two things. The first she knew, having
    been informed of it the evening of her arrival at the chateau: that she must never cross her knees,
    as her lips had always to remain open. She doubtless thought that this was nothing (that was
    indeed what she did think), but she would learn that to maintain this discipline would require a
    constant effort on her part, an effort which would remind her, in the secret they shared between
    them and perhaps with a few others, of the reality of her condition, when she was with those who
    did not share the secret, and engaged in ordinary pursuits.

    As for her clothes, it was up to her to choose them, or if need be to invent them, so that this semi-
    undressing to which he had subjected her in the car on their way to Roissy would no longer be
    necessary: tomorrow she was to go through her closet and sort out her dresses, and do the same
    with her underclothing by going through her dresser drawers. She would hand over to him
    absolutely everything she found in the way of belts and panties; the same for any brassieres like
    the one whose straps he had had to cut before he could remove it, any full slips which covered
    her breasts, all the blouses and dresses which did not open up the front, and any skirts too tight to
    be raised with a single movement. She was to have other brassieres, other blouses, other dresses
    made. Meanwhile, was she supposed to visit her corset maker with nothing on under her blouse
    or sweater? Yes, she was to go with nothing on underneath. If someone should notice, she could
    explain it any way she liked, or not explain it at all, whichever she preferred, but it was her
    problem and hers alone. Now, as for the rest of what he still had to teach her, he preferred to wait
    for a few days and wanted her to be dressed properly before hearing it. She would find all the
    money she needed in the little drawer of her desk. When he had finished speaking, she murmured
    "I love you" without the slightest gesture. It was he who added some wood to the fire, lighted the
    bedside lamp, which was of pink opaline. Then he told O to get into bed and wait for him, that he
    would sleep with her. When he came back, O reached over to turn out the lamp: it was her left
    hand, and the last thing she saw before the room was plunged into darkness was the somber
    glitter of her iron ring. She was lying half on her side: her lover called her softly by name and,
    simultaneously, seizing her with his whole hand, covered the nether part of her belly and drew
    her to him.

    The next day, O, in her dressing gown, had just finished lunch alone in the green dining room -
    Rene had left early in the morning and was not due home until evening, to take her out to dinner
    - when the phone rang. The phone was in the bedroom, beneath the lamp at the head of the bed.
    O sat down on the floor to answer it. It was Rene who wanted to know whether the cleaning
    woman had left. Yes, she had just left, after having served lunch, and would not be back till the
    following morning.

    "Have you started to sort out your clothes yet?" Rene said.

    "I was just going to start," she answered, "but I got up late, took a batch, and it was noon before I
    was ready."

    "Are you dressed?"

    "No, I have on my nightgown and my dressing gown."

    "Put the phone down, take off your robe and your nightgown."

    O obeyed, so startled that the phone slipped from the bed where she had placed it down onto the
    white rug, and she thought she had been cut off. No, she had not been cut off.

    "Are you naked?" Rene went on.

    "Yes," she said. "But where are you calling from?"

    He ignored her question, merely adding:

    "Did you keep your ring on?"

    She had her ring on.

    Then he told her to remain as she was until he came home and to prepare, thus undressed, the
    suitcase of clothing she was to get rid of. Then he hung up.

    It was past one o'clock, and the weather was lovely. A small pool of sunlight fell on the rug,
    lighting the white nightgown and the corduroy dressing gown, pale green like the shells of fresh
    almonds, which O had let slip to the floor when she had taken them off. She picked them up and
    went to take them into the bathroom, to hang them up in a closet. On her way, she suddenly saw
    her reflection in one of the mirrors fastened to a door and which, together with another mirror
    covering part of the wall and a third on another door, formed a large three-faced mirror: all she
    was wearing was a pair of leather mules the same green as her dressing gown - and only slightly
    darker than the mules she wore at Roissy - and her ring. She was no longer wearing either a
    collar or leather bracelets, and she was alone, her own sole spectator. And yet never had she felt
    more totally committed to a will which was not her own, more totally a slave, and more content
    to be so.

    When she bent down to open a drawer, she saw her breasts stir gently. It took her almost two
    hours to lay out on her bed the clothes which she then had to pack away in the suitcase. There
    was no problem about the panties; she made a little pile of them near one of the bedposts. The
    same for her brassieres, not one would stay, for they all had a strap in the back and fastened on
    the side. And yet she saw how she could have the same model made, by shifting the catch to the
    front, in the middle, directly beneath the cleavage of the breasts. The girdles and garter belts
    posed no further problems, but she hesitated to add to the pile the corset of pink satin brocade
    which laced up in the back and so closely resembled the bodice she had worn at Roissy. She put
    it aside on the drawer. That would be Rene's decision. He would also decide about the sweaters,
    all of which went on over the head and were tight at the neck, therefore could not be opened. But
    they could be pulled up from the waist and thus bare the breasts. All the slips, however, were
    piled on her bed. In the dresser drawer there still remained a flounce and fine Valenciennes lace,
    which was made to be worn under a pleated sun skirt of black wool which was too sheer not to
    be transparent. She would need other half-length slips, short, light-colored ones. She also
    realized that she would either have to give up wearing sheath dresses or else pick out the kin of
    dress that buttoned all the way down the front, in which case she would also have to have her
    slips made in such a way that they would open together with the dress. As for the petticoats, that
    was easy, the dresses too, but what would her dressmaker say about the underclothes? She would
    explain that she wanted a detachable lining, because she was cold-blooded. As a matter of fact,
    she was sensitive to the cold, and suddenly she wondered how in the world she would stand the
    winter cold when she was dressed so lightly?

    When she had finally finished, and had kept from her entire wardrobe only her blouses, all of
    which buttoned down the front, her black pleated skirt, her coats of course, and the suit she had
    worn home from Roissy, she went to prepare tea. She turned up the thermostat in the kitchen; the
    cleaning woman had not filled the wood basket for the living-room fire, and O knew that her
    lover liked to find her in the living room beside the fire when he arrived home in the evening.
    She filled the basket from the woodpile in the hallway closet, carried it back to the living-room
    fireplace, and lighted the fire. Thus she waited for him, curled up in a big easy chair, the tea tray
    beside her, waited for him to come home, but this time she waited, the way he had ordered her
    to, naked.

    The first difficulty O encountered was in her work. Difficulty is perhaps an exaggeration.
    Astonishment would be a better term. O worked in the fashion department of a photography
    agency. This meant that it was she who photographed, in the studios where they had to pose for
    hours on end, the most exotic and prettiest girls whom the fashion designers had chosen to model
    their creations.

    They were surprised that O had postponed her vacation until this late in the fall and had thus
    been away at a time of year when the fashion world was busiest, when the new collections were
    about to be presented. But that was nothing. What surprised them most was how changed she
    was. At first glance, they found it hard to say exactly what was changed about her, but none the
    less they felt it, and the more they observed her, the more convinced they were. She stood and
    walked straighter, her eyes were clearer, but what ws especially striking was her perfection when
    she was in repose, and how measured her gestures were.

    She had always been a conservative dresser, the way girls do whose work resembles that of men,
    but she was so skillful that she brought it off; and because the other girls - who constituted her
    subjects - were constantly concerned, both professionally and personally, with clothing and
    adornments, they were quick to note what might have passed unperceived to eyes other than
    theirs. Sweaters worn right next to the skin, which gently molded the contours of the breasts -
    Rene had finally consented to the sweaters - pleated skirts so prone to swirling when she turned:
    O wore them so often it was a little as though they formed a discreet uniform.

    "Very little-girl like," one of the models said to her one day, a blond, green-eyed model with
    high Slavic cheekbones and the olive complexion that goes with it. "But you shouldn't wear
    garters," she added. "You're going to ruin your legs."

    This remark was occasioned by O, who, without stopping to think, had sat down somewhat
    hastily in her presence, and obliquely in front of her, on the arm of a big leather easy chair, and
    in so doing had lifted her skirt. The tall girl had glimpsed a flash of naked thigh above the rolled
    stocking, which covered the knee but stopped just above it.

    O had seen her smile, so strangely that she wondered what the girl had been thinking at the time,
    or perhaps what she had understood. She adjusted her stockings, one at a time, pulling them up to
    tighten them, for it was not as easy to keep them tight this way as it was when the stockings
    ended at mid-thigh and were fastened to a garter belt, and answered Jacqueline, as though to
    justify herself:

    "It's practical."

    "Practical for what?" Jacqueline wanted to know.

    "I dislike garter belts," O replied.

    But Jacqueline was not listening to her and was looking at the iron ring.

    During the next few days, O took some fifty photographs of Jacqueline. They were like nothing
    she had ever taken before. Never, perhaps, had she had such a model. Anyway, never before had
    she been able to extract such meaning and emotion from a face or body. And yet all she was
    aiming for was to make the silks, the furs, and the laces more beautiful by that sudden beauty of
    an elfin creature surprised by her reflection in the mirror, which Jacqueline became in the
    simplest blouse, as she did in the most elegant mink. She had short, thick, blond hair, only
    slightly curly, and at the least excuse she would cock her head slightly toward her left shoulder
    and nestle her cheek against the upturned collar of her fur, if she were wearing fur. O caught her
    once in this position, tender and smiling, her hair gently blown as though by a soft wind, and her
    smooth, hard cheekbone snuggled against the gray mink, soft and gray as the freshly fallen ashes
    of a wood fire. Her lips were slightly parted, and her eyes half-closed. Beneath the gleaming,
    liquid gloss of the photograph she looked like some blissful girl who had drowned, she was pale,
    so pale. O had the picture printed with as little contrast as possible. She had taken another picture
    of Jacqueline with she found even more stunning: back lighted, it portrayed her bare-shouldered,
    with her delicate head, and her face as well, enveloped in a large-meshed black veil surmounted
    by an absurd double aigrette whose impalpable tufts crowned her like wisps of smoke; she was
    wearing an enormous robe of heavy brocaded silk, red like the dress of a bride in the Middle
    Ages, which came down to below her ankles, flared at the hips and tight at the waist, and the
    armature of which traced the outline of her bosom. It was what the dress designers called a gala
    gown, the kind no one ever wears. The spike-heeled sandals were also of red silk. And all the
    time Jacqueline was before O dressed in that gown and sandals, and that veil which was like the
    premonition of a mask, O, in her mind's eye, was completing, was inwardly modifying the
    model: a trifle here, a trifle there - the waist drawn in a little tighter, the breasts slightly raised -
    and it was the same dress as at Roissy, the same dress that Jeanne had worn, the same smooth,
    heavy, cascading silk which one takes by the handful and raises whenever one is told to ... Why
    yes, Jacqueline was lifting it in just that way as she descended from the platform on which she
    had been posting for the past fifteen minutes. It was the same rustling, the same crackling of
    dried leaves. No one wears these gala gowns any longer? But they do. Jacqueline was also
    wearing a gold choker around her neck, and on her wrists two gold bracelets. O caught herself
    thinking that she would be more beautiful with leather collar and leather bracelets. And then she
    did something she had never done before: she followed Jacqueline into the large dressing room
    adjacent to the studio, where the models dressed and made up and where they left their clothing
    and make-up kits after hours. She remained standing, leaning against the doorjamb, her eyes
    glued to the mirror of the dressing table before which Jacqueline, without removing her gown,
    had sat down. The mirror was so big - it covered the entire back wall, and the dressing table itself
    was a simple slab of black glass - that she could see Jacqueline's and her own reflection, as doing
    the aigrettes and the tulle netting. Jacqueline removed the choker herself, her bare arms lifted
    like two handles; a touch of perspiration gleamed in her armpits, which were shaved (Why? O
    wondered, what a pity, she's so fair), and O could smell the sharp delicate, slightly plantlike odor
    and wondered what perfume Jacqueline ought to wear - what perfume they would make her
    wear. Then Jacqueline unclasped her bracelets and put them on the glass slab, where they made a
    momentary clanking sound like the sound of chains. Her hair was so fair that her skin was
    actually darker than her hair, a grayish beige like fine-grained sand just after the tide has gone
    out. On the photograph, the red silk would be black. Just then, the thick eyelashes, which
    Jacqueline was always reluctant to make up, lifted, and in the mirror O met her gaze, a look so
    direct and steady that, without being able to detach her own eyes from it, she felt herself slowly
    blushing. That was all.

    "I'm sorry," Jacqueline said, "I have to undress."

    "Sorry," O murmured, and closed the door.

    The next day she took home with her the proofs of the shots she had made the day before, not
    really knowing whether she wanted, or did not want, to show them to her love, with whom she
    had a dinner date. She looked at them as she was putting on her make-up at the dressing table in
    her room, pausing to trace on the photographs with her finger the curve of an eyebrow, the
    suggestion of a smile. But when she heard the sound of the key in the front door, she slipped
    them into the drawer.

    For two weeks, O had been completely outfitted and ready for use, and could not get used to
    being so, when she discovered one evening upon returning from the studio a note from her lover
    asking her to be ready at eight to join him and one of his friends for dinner. A car would stop by
    to pick her up, the chauffeur would come up and ring her bell. The postscript specified that she
    was to take her fur jacket, that she was to dress entirely in black {entirely was underlined), and
    was to be at pains to make up and perfume herself as at Roissy.

    It was six o'clock. Entirely in black, and for dinner - and it was mid-December, the weather was
    cold, that meant black silk stockings, black gloves, her pleated fan-shaped skirt, a heavy-knit
    sweater, with spangles or her short jacket of faille. It was padded and quilted in large stitches,
    close fitting and hooked from neck to waist like the tight-fitting doublets that men used to wear
    in the sixteenth century, and if it molded the bosom so perfectly, it was because the brassiere was
    built into it. It was lined of the same faille, and its slit tails were hip-length. The only bright foil
    were the large gold hooks like those on children's snow boots which made a clicking sound as
    they were hooked or unhooked from their broad flat rings.

    After she had laid out her clothes on her bed, and at the foot of the bed her black suede shoes
    with raised soles and spiked heels, nothing seemed stranger to O than to see herself, solitary and
    free in her bathroom, meticulously making herself up and perfuming herself, after she had taken
    her bath, as she had done at Roissy. The cosmetics she owned were not the same as those used at
    Roissy. In the drawer of her dressing table she found some face rouge - she never used any -
    which she utilized to emphasize the halo of her breasts. It was a rouge which was scarcely visible
    when first applied, but when darkened later. At first she thought she had put on too much and
    tried to take a little off with alcohol - it was very hard to remove - and started all over: a dark
    peony pink flowered at the tip of her breasts. Vainly she tried to make up the lips which the
    fleece of her loins concealed, but the rouge left no mark. Finally, among the tubes of lipstick she
    had in the same drawer, she found one of those kiss proof lipsticks which she did not like to use
    because they were too dry and too hard to remove. There, it worked. She fixed her hair and
    freshened her face, then finally put on the perfume. Rene had given her, in an atomizer which
    released a heavy spray, a perfume whose name she didn't know, which had the odor of dry wood
    and marshy plants, a pungent, slightly savage odor. On her skin the spray melted, on the fur of
    the armpits and belly it ran and formed tiny droplets.

    At Roissy, O had learned to take her time: she perfumed herself three times, each time allowing
    the perfume to dry. First she put on her stockings, and high heels, then the petticoat and skirt,
    then the jacket. She put on her gloves and took her bag. In her bag were her compact, her
    lipstick, a comb, her key, and ten francs. Wearing her gloves, she took her fur coat from the
    closet and glanced at the time at the head of her bed: quarter to eight. She sat down diagonally on
    the edge of the bed and, her eyes riveted to the alarm clock, waited without moving for the bell
    to ring. When she heard it at last and rose to leave, she noticed in the mirror above her dressing
    table, before turning out the light, her bold, gentle, docile expression.

    When she pushed open the door of the little Italian restaurant before which the car had stopped,
    the first person she saw, at the bar, was Rene. He smiled at her tenderly, took her by the hand,
    and turning toward a sort of grizzled athlete, introduced her tin English to Sir Stephen H. O was
    offered a stool between the two men, and as she was about to sit down Rene said to her in a half-
    whisper to be careful not to muss her dress. He helped her to slide her skirt out from under her
    and down over the edges of the stool, the cold leather of which she felt against her skin, while
    the metal rim around it pressed directly against the furrow of her thighs, for at first she had dared
    only half sit down, for fear that if she were to sit down completely she might yield to the
    temptation to cross her legs. Her skirt billowed around her. Her right heel was caught in one of
    the rungs of the stool, the tip of her left foot was touching the floor. The Englishman, who had
    bowed without uttering a word, had not taken his eyes off her, she saw that he was looking at her
    knees, her hands, and finally at her lips - but so calmly and with such precise attention, with such
    self-assurance, that O felt herself being weighed and measured as the instrument she knew full
    well she was, and it was as though compelled by his gaze and, so to speak, in spite of herself that
    she withdrew her gloves: she knew that he would speak when her hands were bare - because she
    had unusual hands, more like those of a young boy than the hands of a woman, and because she
    was wearing on the third finger of her left hand the iron ring with the triple spiral of gold. But no,
    he said nothing, he smiled: he had seen the ring.

    Rene was drinking a martini, Sir Stephen a whisky. He nursed his whisky, then waited till Rene
    had drunk his second martini and O the grapefruit juice that Rene had ordered for her,
    meanwhile explaining that if O would be good enough to concur in their joint opinion, they
    would dine in the room downstairs, which was smaller and less noisy than the one on the first
    floor, which was simply the extension of the bar.

    "Of course," O said, already gathering up her bag and gloves which she had placed on the bar.

    Then, to help her off the stool, Sir Stephen offered her his right hand, in which she placed hers,
    he finally addressing her directly by observing that she had hands that were made to wear irons,
    so becoming was iron to her. But as he said it in English, there was a trace of ambiguity in his
    words, leaving one in some doubt as to whether he was referring to the metal alone or whether he
    were not also, and perhaps even specifically, referring to iron chains.

    In the room downstairs, which was a simple white-washed cellar, but cool and pleasant, there
    were in fact only four tables, one of which was occupied by guests who were finishing their
    meal. On the walls had been drawn, like a fresco, a gastronomical and tourist map of Italy, in
    soft, ice cream colors: vanilla, raspberry, and pistachio. It reminded O that she wanted to order
    ice cream for dessert, with lots of almonds and whipped cream. For she was feeling light and
    happy, Rene's knee was touching her knee beneath the table, and whenever he spoke she knew he
    was talking for her ears alone. He too was observing her lips. They let her have the ice cream,
    but not the coffee. Sir Stephen invited O and Rene to have coffee at his place. They all dined
    very lightly, and O realized that they had been careful to drink very little, and had kept her from
    virtually drinking at all: half a liter of Chianti for the three of them. They had also dined very
    quickly: it was barely nine o'clock.

    "I sent the chauffeur home," said Sir Stephen. "Would you drive, Rene. The simplest thing would
    be to go straight to my house."

    Rene took the wheal. O sat beside him, and Sir Stephen was next to her. The car was a big Buick,
    there was ample room for three people in the front seat.

    After the Alma intersection, the Cours la Reine was visible because trees were bare, and the
    Place de la Concorde sparkling and dry with, above it, the sort of sky which promises snow, but
    from which snow has not yet fallen. O heard a little click and felt the warm air rising around her
    legs: Sir Stephen had turned on the heater. Rene was still keeping to the Right Bank of the Seine,
    then he turned at the Pont Royal to cross over to the Left Bank: between its stone yokes, the
    water looked as frozen as the stone, and just as black. O thought of hematites, which are black.
    When she was fifteen her best friend, who was then thirty and with whom she was in love, wore
    a hematite ring set in a cluster of tiny diamonds. O would have liked a necklace of those black
    stones, without diamonds, a tight-fitting necklace, perhaps even a choker. But the necklaces that
    were given to her now - no they were not given to her - would she exchange them for the
    necklace of hematites, for the hematites of the dream? She saw again the wretched room where
    Marion had taken her, behind the Turbigo intersection, and remembered how she had untied -
    she, not Marion - her two big schoolgirl pigtails when Marion had undressed her and laid her
    down on the iron bed. How lovely Marion was when she was being caressed, and it's true that
    eyes can resemble stars; hers looked like quivering blue stars.

    Rene stopped the car. O did not recognize the little street, one of the cross streets which joins the
    rue de l'Universite and the rue de Lille.

    Sir Stephen's apartment was situated at the far end of a courtyard, in one wing of an old private
    mansion, and the rooms were laid out in a straight line, one opening into the next. The room at
    the very end was also the largest, and the most reposing, furnished in dark English mahogany
    and pale yellow and gray silk drapes.

    "I shan't ask you to tend the fire," Sir Stephen said to O, "but this sofa is for you. Please sit down,
    Rene will make coffee. I would be most grateful if you would hear what I have to say."

    The large sofa of light-colored Damascus silk was set at right angles to the fireplace, facing the
    windows which overlooked the garden and with its back to those behind, which looked onto the
    courtyard. O took off her fur and lay it over the back of the sofa. When she turned around, she
    noticed that her lover and her host were standing, waiting for her to accept Sir Stephen's
    invitation. She set her bag down next to her fur and unbuttoned her gloves. When, would she
    ever learn, and would she ever learn, a gesture stealthy enough so that when she lifted her skirt
    no would notice, so that she could forget her nakedness, her submission? Not, in any case, as
    long as Rene and that stranger were staring at her in silence, as they were presently doing.
    Finally she gave in. Sir Stephen stirred the fire, Rene suddenly went behind the sofa and, seizing
    O by the throat and the hair, pulled her head down against the couch and kissed her on the
    mouth, a kiss so prolonged and profound that she gasped for breath and could feel her loins
    melting and burning. He let her go only long enough to tell her that he loved her, and then
    immediately took her again. O's hands, overturned in a gesture of utter abandon and defeat, her
    palms upward, lay quietly on her black dress that spread like a corolla around her. Sir Stephen
    had come nearer, and when at last Rene let her go and she opened her eyes, it was the gray,
    unflinching gaze of the Englishman which she encountered.

    Completely stunned and bewildered, as she still was, and gasping with joy, she none the less was
    easily able to see that he was admiring her, and that he desired her. Who could have resisted her
    moist, half-open mouth, with its full lips, the white stalk of her arching neck against the black
    collar of her pageboy jacket, her eyes large and clear, which refused to be evasive? But the only
    gesture Sir Stephen allowed himself was to run his fingers over her eyebrows, then over her lips.
    Then he sat down facing her on the opposite side of the fireplace, and when Rene had also sat
    down in an armchair, he began to speak.

    "I don't believe Rene has ever spoken to you about his family," he said. "Still, perhaps you do
    know that his mother, before she married his father, had previously been married to an
    Englishman, who had a son from his first marriage. I am that son, and it was she who raised me,
    until she left my father. So Rene and I are not actually relatives, and yet, in a way, we are
    brothers. That Rene loves you I have no doubt. I would have known even if he hadn't told me,
    even if he hadn't made a move: all one has to do is to see the way he looks at you. I know too
    that you are among those girls who have been to Roissy, and i imagine you'll be going back
    again. In principle, the ring you're wearing gives me the right to do with you what I will, as it
    does to all those men who know its meaning. But that involves merely a fleeting assignation, and
    what we expect from you is more serious. I say 'we' because, as you see, Rene is saying nothing:
    he prefers to have me speak for both of us.

    "If we are brothers, I am the eldest, ten years older than he. There is also between us a freedom
    so absolute and of such long standing that what belongs to me has always belonged to him, and
    what belongs to him has likewise belonged to me. Will you agree to join with us? I beg of you to,
    and I ask you to swear to it because it will involve more than your submission, which I know we
    can count on. Before you reply, realize for a moment that I am only, and can only be, another
    form of your lover: you will still have only one master. A more formidable one, I grand you, than
    the men to whom you were surrendered at Roissy, because I shall be there every day, and besides
    I am fond of habits and rites...." (This last phrase he uttered in English.)

    Sir Stephen's quit, self-assured voice rose in an absolute silence. Even the flames in the fireplace
    flickered noiselessly. O was frozen to the sofa like a butterfly impaled upon a pin, a long pin
    composed of words and looks which pierced the middle of her body and pressed her naked,
    attentive loins against the warm silk. She was no longer mistress of her breasts, her hands, the
    nape of her neck. But of this much she was sure: the object of the habits and rites of which he
    had spoken were patently going to be the possession of (among other parts of her body) her long
    thighs concealed beneath the black skirt, her already opened thighs.

    Both men were sitting across from her. Rene was smoking, but before he had lighted his cigarette
    he had lighted one of those black-hooded lamps which consumes the smoke, and the air, already
    purified by the wood fire, smelled of the cool odors of the night.

    "Will you give me an answer, or would you like to know more?" Sir Stephen repeated.

    "If you give your consent," Rene said, "I'll personally explain to you Sir Stephen's preferences."

    "Demands," Sir Stephen corrected.

    The hardest thing, O was thinking, was not the question of giving her consent, and she realized
    that never for a moment did either of them dream that she might refuse; nor for that matter did
    she. The hardest thing was simply to speak. Her lips were burning and her mouth was dry, all her
    saliva was gone, an anguish both of fear and desire constricted her throat, and her new-found
    hands were cold and moist. If only she could have closed her eyes. But she could not. Two gazes
    talked her eyes, gazes from which she could not - and did not desire to - escape. They drew her
    toward something she thought she had left behind for a long time, perhaps forever, at Roissy. For
    since her return, Rene had taken her only by caresses, and the symbol signifying that she
    belonged to anyone who knew the secret of her ring had been without consequence: either she
    had not met anyone who was familiar with the secret, or else those who had remained silent - the
    only person she suspected was Jacqueline (and if Jacqueline had been at Roissy, why wasn't she
    also wearing the ring? Besides, what right did Jacqueline's knowledge of this secret give her over
    O, and did it, in fact give her any?). In order to speak, did she have to move? But she could not
    move of her own free will - an order from them would immediately have made her get up, but
    this time what they w anted from he was not blind obedience, acquiescence to an order, they
    wanted her to anticipate orders, to judge herself a slave and surrender herself as such. This, then,
    is what they called her consent. She remembered that she had never told Rene anything but "I
    love you" or "I'm yours." Today it seemed that they wanted her to speak and to agree to,
    specifically and in detail, what till now she had only tacitly consented to.

    Finally she straightened up and, as though what she was going to say was stifling her, unfastened
    the top hooks of her tunic, until the cleavage of her breasts was visible. Then she stood up. Her
    hands and her knees were shaking.

    "I'm yours," she said at length to Rene. "I'll be whatever you want me to be."

    "No," he broke in, "ours. Repeat after me: I belong to both of you. I shall be whatever both of
    you want me to be."

    Sir Stephen's piercing gray eyes were fixed firmly upon hers, as were Rene's, and in them she
    was lost, slowly repeating after him the phrases he was dictating to her, but like a lesson of
    grammar, she was transposing them into the first person.

    "To Sir Stephen and to me you grand the right..." The right to dispose of her body however they
    wished, in whatever place or manner they should choose, the right to keep her in chains, the right
    to whip her like a slave or prisoner for the slightest failing or infraction, or simply for their
    pleasure, the right to pay no heed to her pleas and cries, if they should make her cry out.

    "I believe," said Rene, "that at this point Sir Stephen would like me to take over, both you and I
    willing, and have me brief you concerning his demands."

    O was listening to her lover, and the words which he had spoken to her at Roissy came back to
    her: they were almost the same words. But then she had listened snuffled up against him,
    protected by a feeling of improbability, as though it were all a dream, as though she existed only
    in another life, and perhaps did not really exist at all. Dream or nightmare, the prison setting, the
    lavish party gowns, men in masks: all this removed from her own life, even to the point of being
    uncertain how long it would last. There, at Roissy, she felt the way you do at night, lost in a
    dream you have had before and are now beginning to dream all over again: certain that it exists
    and certain that it will end, and you want it to end because you're not sure you'll be able to bear
    it, and you also want it to go on so you'll know how it comes out. Well the end was here, where
    she least expected it (or no longer expected it at all) and in the form she least expected
    (assuming, she was saying to herself, that this really was the end, that there was not actually
    another hiding behind this one, and perhaps still another behind the next one). The present end
    was toppling her from memory into reality and, besides, what had only been reality in a closed
    circle, a private universe, was suddenly about to contaminate all the customs and circumstances
    of her daily life, but on her and within her, now no longer satisfied with signs and symbols - the
    bare buttocks, bodices that unhook, the iron ring - but demanding fulfillment.

    It was true that Rene had never whipped her, and the only difference between the period of their
    relationship prior to his taking her to Roissy and the time elapsed since her return was that now
    he used both her backside and mouth the way he formerly had used only her womb (which he
    continued to use). She had never been able to tell whether the floggings she had regularly
    received at Roissy had been administered, were it only once, by him (whenever there was any
    question about it, that is when she herself had been blindfolded or when those with whom she
    was dealing were masked), but she tended to doubt it. The pleasure he derived from the spectacle
    of her body bound and surrendered, struggling vainly, and of her cries, was doubtless so great
    that he could not bear the idea of lending a hand himself and thus having his attention distracted
    from it. It was as though he were admitting it, since he was now saying to her, so gently, so
    tenderly, without moving from the deep armchair in which he was half reclining with his legs
    crossed, he was saying how happy he was that she was handing herself 'over to, the commands
    and desires of Sir Stephen. Whenever Sir Stephen would like her to spend the night at his place,
    or only an hour, or if he should want her to accompany him outside Paris or, in Paris itself, to
    join him at some restaurant or for some show, he would telephone her and send his car for her -
    unless Rene himself came to pick her up. Today, now, it was her turn to speak. Did she consent?
    But words failed her. This willful assent they were suddenly asking her to express was the
    agreement to surrender herself, to say yes in advance to everything to which she most assuredly
    wanted to say yes but to which her body said no, at least insofar as the whipping was concerned.
    As for the rest, if she were honest with herself, she would have to admit to a feeling of both
    anxiety and excitement caused by what she read in Sir Stephen's eyes, a feeling too intense for
    her to delude herself, and as she was trembling like a leaf, and perhaps for the very reason that
    she was trembling, she knew that she was waiting more impatiently than he for the moment
    when he would place his hand, and perhaps his lips, upon her. It was probably up to her to hasten
    the moment. Whatever courage, or whatever surge of overwhelming desire she may have had,
    she felt herself suddenly grow so weak as she was about to reply that she slipped to the floor, her
    dress in full bloom around her, and in the silence Sir Stephen's hollow voice remarked that fear
    was becoming to her too. His words were not intended for her, but for Rene. O had the feeling
    that he was restraining himself from advancing upon her, and regretted his restraint. And yet she
    avoided his gaze, her eyes fixed upon Rene, terrified lest he should see what was in her eyes and
    perhaps deem it as a betrayal. And yet it was not betrayal, for if she were to weigh her desire to
    belong to Sir Stephen against her belonging to Rene, she would not have had a second's
    hesitation: the only reason she was yielding to this desire was that Rene had allowed her to and,
    to a certain extent, given her to understand that he was ordering her to. And yet there was still a
    lingering doubt in her mind as to whether Rene might not be annoyed to see her acquiesce too
    quickly or too well. The slightest sign from him would obliterate it immediately. But he made no
    sign, confining himself to ask her for the third time for an answer. She mumbled:

    "I consent to whatever you both desire," and lowered her eyes toward her hands, which were
    waiting unclasped in the hollows of her knees, then added in a murmur: "I should like to know
    whether I shall be whipped...."

    There was a long pause, during which she regretted twenty times over having asked the question.
    Then Sir Stephen's voice said slowly:

    "From time to time."

    Then O heard a match being struck and the sound of glasses: both men were probably helping
    themselves to another round of whisky. Rene was leaving O to her own devices. Rene was
    saying nothing.

    "Even if I agree to it now," she said, "even if I promise now, I couldn't bear it."

    "All we ask you to do is submit to it, and if you scream or moan, to agree ahead of time that it
    will be in vain," Sir Stephen went on.

    "Oh, please, for pity's sake, not yet!" said O, for Sir Stephen was getting to his feet, Rene was
    following suit, he leaned down and took her by the shoulders.

    "So give us your answer," he said. "Do you consent?"

    Finally she said that she did. Gently he helped her up and, having sat down on the big sofa, made
    her kneel down alongside him facing the sofa, on which reclined her outstretched arms, her bust,
    and her head. Her eyes were closed, and an image she had seen several years before flashed
    across her mind: a strange print portraying a woman kneeling, as she was, before an armchair.
    The floor was of tile, and in one corner a dog and child were playing. The woman's skirts were
    raised, and standing close beside her was a man brandishing a handful of switches, ready to whip
    her. They were all dressed in sixteenth-century clothes, and the print bore a title which she found
    disgusting: Family Punishment.

    With one hand, Rene took her wrists in a viselike grip, and with the other lifted her skirts so high
    that she could feel the muslin lining brush her cheek. He caressed her flanks and drew Sir
    Stephen's attention to the two dimples that graced them, and the softness of the furrow between
    her thighs. Then with that same hand he pressed her waist, to accentuate further her buttocks, and
    ordered her to pen her knees wider. She obeyed without saying a word. The honors Rene was
    bestowing upon her body, and Sir Stephen's replies, and the coarseness of the terms the men
    were using so overwhelmed her with a shame as violent as it was unexpected that the desire she
    had felt to be had by Sir Stephen vanished and she began to wish for the whip as a deliverance,
    for the pain and screams as a justification. But Sir Stephen's hands pried open her again, caressed
    her until she moaned. She was vanquished, undone, and humiliated that she had moaned.

    "I leave you to Sir Stephen," Rene then said. "Remain the way you are, he'll dismiss you when he
    sees fit."

    How often had she remained like this at Roissy, on her knees, offered to one and all? But then
    she had always had her hands bound together by the bracelets, a happy prisoner upon whom
    everything was imposed and from whom nothing was asked. Her it was through her own free
    will that she remained half naked, whereas a single gesture, the same that would have sufficed to
    bring her back to her feet, would also have sufficed to cover her. Her promise bound her as much
    as had the leather bracelets and chains. Was it only the promise? And however humiliated she
    was, or rather because she had been humiliated, was it not somehow pleasant to be esteemed
    only for her humiliation, for the meekness with which she surrendered, for the obedient way in
    which she opened?

    With Rene gone, Sir Stephen having escorted him to the door, she waited thus alone, motionless,
    feeling more exposed in the solitude and more prostituted by the wait than she had ever felt
    before, when they were there. The gray and yellow silk of the sofa was smooth to her cheek;
    through her nylon stockings she felt, below her knees, the thick wool rug, and along the full
    length of her left thigh, the warmth from the fireplace hearth, for Sir Stephen had added three
    logs which were blazing noisily. Above a chest of drawers, an antique clock ticked so quietly
    that it was only audible when everything around was silent. O listened carefully, thinking how
    absurd her position was in this civilized, tasteful living room. Through the Venetian blinds could
    be heard the sleepy rumbling of Paris after midnight. In the light of day, tomorrow morning,
    would she recognize the spot on the sofa cushion where she had laid her head? Would she ever
    return, in broad daylight, to this same living room, would she ever be treated in the same way

    Sir Stephen was apparently in no hurry to return, and O, who had waited so submissively for the
    strangers of Roissy to take their pleasure, now felt a lump rise in her throat at the idea that in one
    minute, in ten minutes, he would again put his hands on her. But it was not exactly as she had
    imagined it.

    She heard him open the door and cross the room. He remained for some time with his back to the
    fire, studying O, then in a near whisper he told her to get up and then sit back down. Surprised,
    almost embarrassed, she obeyed. He courteously brought her a glass of whisky and a cigarette,
    both of which she refused. Then she saw that he was in a dressing gown, a very conservative
    dressing gown of gray homespun - a gray that matched his hair. His hands were long and dry and
    his flat fingernails, cut short, were very white. He caught her staring, and O blushed: these were
    indeed the same hands which had seized her body, the hands she now dreaded, and desired. But
    he did not approach her.

    "I'd like you to get completely undressed," he said. "But first simply undo your jacket, without
    getting up."

    O unhooked the large gold hooks and slipped her close-fitting jacket down over her shoulders;
    then she put it at the other end of the sofa, where her fur, her gloves, and her bag were.

    "Caress the tips of your breasts, ever so lightly," Sir Stephen said then, before adding: "You must
    use a darker rouge, yours is too light."

    Taken completely aback, O fondled her nipples with her fingertips and felt them stiffen and rise.
    She covered them with her palms.

    "Oh, no!" Sir Stephen said.

    She withdrew her hands and lay back against the back of the couch: her breasts were heavy for
    so slender a torso, and, parting, rose gently toward her armpits. The nape of her neck was resting
    against the back of the sofa, and her hands were lying on either side of her hips. Why did Sir
    Stephen not bend over, bring his mouth close to hers, why did his hands not move toward the
    nipples which he had seen stiffen and which she, being absolutely motionless, could feel quiver
    whenever she took a breath. But he had drawn near, had sat down across the arm of the sofa, and
    was not touching her. He was smoking, and a movement of his hand - O never knew whether or
    not it was voluntary - flicked some still-warm ashes down between her breasts. She had the
    feeling he wanted to insult her, by his disdain, his silence, by a certain attitude of detachment.
    Yet he had desired her a while ago, he still did now, she could see it by the tautness beneath the
    soft material of his dressing gown. Then let him take her, if only to wound her! O hated herself
    for her own desire, and loathed Sir Stephen for the self-control he was displaying. She wanted
    him to love her, there, the truth was out: she wanted him to be chafing under the urge to touch
    her lips and penetrate her body, to devastate her if need be, but not to remain so calm and self-
    possessed. At Roissy, she had not cared in the slightest whether those who had used her had any
    feeling whatsoever: they were the instruments by which her lover derived pleasure from her, by
    which she became what he wanted her to be, polished and smooth and gentle as a stone. Their
    hands were his hands, their order his order. But not here. Rene had turned her over to Sir
    Stephen, but it was clear that he wanted to share her with him, not to obtain anything further
    from her, nor for the pleasure of surrendering her, but in order to share with Sir Stephen what
    today he loved most, as no doubt in days gone by, when they were young, they had shared a trip,
    a boat, a horse.

    And today, this sharing derived the meaning from Rene's relation to Sir Stephen much more than
    it did from his relation to her. What each of them would look for in her would be the other's
    mark, the trace of the other's passage. Only a short while before, when she had been kneeling
    half-naked before Rene, and Sir Stephen had opened her thighs with both his hands, Rene had
    explained to Sir Stephen why O's buttocks were so easily accessible, and why he was pleased
    that they had been thus prepared: it was because it had occurred to him that Sir Stephen would
    enjoy having his preferred path constantly at his disposal. He had even added that, if Sir Stephen
    wished, he would grant him the sole use of it.

    "Why, gladly," Sir Stephen had said, but he had remarked that, in spite of everything, there was a
    risk that he might rend O.

    "O is yours," Rene had replied, "O will be pleased to be rent."

    And he had leaned down over her and kissed her hands.

    The very idea that Rene could imagine giving up any part of her left O stunned. She had taken it
    as the sign that her lover cared more about Sir Stephen than he did about her. And too, although
    he had so often told her that what he loved in her was the object he had made of her, her absolute
    availability to him, his freedom with respect to her, as one is free to dispose of a piece of
    furniture, which one enjoys giving as much as, and sometimes even more than, one may enjoy
    keeping it for oneself, she realized that she had not believed him completely.

    She saw another sign of what could scarcely be termed anything but a certain deference or
    respect toward Sir Stephen, in the fact that Rene, who so passionately loved to see her beneath
    the bodies or the blows of others beside himself, whose look was one of constant tenderness, of
    unflagging gratitude whenever he saw her mouth open to moan or scream, her eyes closed over
    tears, had left her after having made certain, by exposing her to him, by opening her as one opens
    a horse's mouth to prove that it is young enough, that Sir Stephen found her beautiful enough or,
    strictly speaking, suitable enough for him, and vouchsafed to accept her. However offensive and
    insulting his conduct may have been, O's love for Rene remained unchanged. She considered
    herself fortunate to count enough in his eyes for him to derive pleasure from offending her, as
    believers give thanks to God for humbling them.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 04:52 PM.

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    Default Part II: Sir Stephen - continued...

    But, in Sir Stephen, she thought she detected a will of ice and iron, which would not be swayed
    by desire, a will in whose judgement, no matter how moving and submissive she might be, she
    counted for absolutely nothing, at least till now. Otherwise why should she have been so
    frightened? The whip at the valets' belt at Roissy, the chains borne almost constantly had seemed
    to her less terrifying than the equanimity of Sir Stephen's gaze as it fastened on the breasts he
    refrained from touching. She realized to what extent their very fullness, smooth and distended on
    her tiny shoulders and slender torso, rendered them fragile. She could not keep them from
    trembling, she would have had to stop breathing. To hope that this fragility would disarm Sir
    Stephen was futile, and she was fully aware that it was quite the contrary: her proffered
    gentleness cried for wounds as much as caresses, fingernails as much as lips. She had a
    momentary illusion: Sir Stephen's right hand, which was holding his cigarette, grazed their tips
    with the end of his middle finger and, obediently, they stiffened further. That this, for Sir
    Stephen, was a game, or the guise of a game, nothing more, or a check, the way one checks to
    ascertain whether a machine is functioning properly, O had no doubt.

    Without moving from the arm of his chair, Sir Stephen then told her to take off her skirt. O's
    moist hands made the hooks slippery, and it took her two tries before she succeeded in undoing
    the black faille petticoat under her skirt.

    When she was completely naked, her high-heeled patent-leather sandals and her black nylon
    stockings rolled down flat above her knees, accentuating the delicate lines of her legs and the
    whiteness of thighs, Sir Stephen, who had also gotten to his feet, seized her loins with one hand
    and pushed her toward the sofa. He had her kneel down, her back against the sofa, and to make
    her press more tightly against it with her shoulders than with her waist, he made her spread her
    thighs slightly. Her hands were lying on her ankles, thus forcing her belly ajar, and above her
    still proffered breasts, her throat arched back.

    She did not dare look Sir Stephen in the face, but she saw his hands undoing his belt. When he
    had straddled O, who was still kneeling, and had seized her by the nape of her neck, he drove
    into her mouth. It was not the caress of her lips the length of him he was looking for, but the
    back of her throat. For a long time he probed, and O felt the suffocating gag of flesh swell and
    harden, its slow repeated hammering finally bringing her to tears. In order to invade her better,
    Sir Stephen ended by kneeling on the sofa, one knee on each side of her face, and there were
    moments when his buttocks rested on O's breast, and in her heart she felt her womb, useless and
    scorned, burning her. Although he delighted and reveled in her for a long time, Sir Stephen did
    not bring his pleasure to a climax, but withdrew from her in silence and rose again to his feet,
    without closing his dressing gown.

    "You are easy, O," he said to her. "You love Rene, but you're easy. Does Rene realize that you
    covet and long for all the men who desire you, that by sending you to Roissy or surrendering you
    to others he is providing you with a string of alibis to cover your easy virtue?"

    "I love Rene," O replied.

    "You love Rene, but you desire me, among others," Sir Stephen went on.

    Yes, she did desire him, but what if Rene, upon learning it, were to change? All she could do was
    remain silent and lower her eyes: even to have looked Sir Stephen directly in the eyes would
    have been tantamount to a confession.

    Then Sir Stephen bent down over her and, taking her by the shoulders, made her slide down onto
    the rug. Again she was on her back, her legs raised and doubled up against her. Sir Stephen, who
    had sat down on the part of the couch against which she had just been leaning, seized her right
    knee and pulled her toward him. Since she was facing the fireplace, the light from the nearby
    hearth shed a fierce light upon the double, quartered furrow of her belly and rear. Without
    loosing his grip, Sir Stephen abruptly ordered her to caress herself, without closing her legs.
    Startled, O meekly stretched her right hand toward her loins, where her fingers encountered the
    ridge of flesh - already emerging from the protective fleece beneath, already burning - where her
    belly's fragile lips merged.

    But her hand recoiled and she mumbled:

    "I can't."

    And in fact she could not. The only times she had ever caressed herself furtively had been in the
    warmth and obscurity of her bed, when she slept alone, but she had never tried to carry it to a
    climax. But later she would sometimes come upon it in her sleep and would wake up
    disappointed that it had been so intense and yet so fleeting.

    Sir Stephen's gaze was persistent. She could not bear it, and repeating "I can't," she closed her

    What she was seeing in her mind's eye, what she had never been able to forget, what still filled
    her with the same sensation of nausea and disgust that she had felt when she had first witnessed
    it when she was fifteen, was the image of Marion slumped in the leather armchair in a hotel
    room, Marion with one leg sprawled over one arm of the chair and her head half hanging over
    the other, caressing herself in her, O's, presence, and moaning. Marion had related to her how she
    had one day caressed herself this way in her office when she had thought she was alone, and her
    boss had happened to walk in and caught her in the act.

    O remembered Marion's office, a bare room with pale green walls, with the north light filtering
    in through dusty windows. There was only one easy chair, intended for visitors, facing the table.

    "Did you run away?" O had asked.

    "No," Marion had answered, "he asked me to begin all over again, but he locked the door, made
    me take off my panties, and pushed the chair over in front of the window."

    O had been overwhelmed with admiration - and with horror - for what she took to be Marion's
    courage, and had steadfastly refused to fondle herself in Marion's presence and sworn that she
    never would, in anyone's presence. Marion had laughed and said:

    "You'll see. Wait till your lover asks you to."

    Rene never had asked her to. Would she have obeyed? Yes, of course she would, but she would
    also have been terrified at the thought that she might see Rene's eyes filling with the same
    disgust that she had felt for Marion. Which was absurd. And since it was Sir Stephen, it was all
    the more absurd; what did she care whether Sir Stephen was disgusted? But no, she couldn't. For
    the third time she murmured:

    "I can't."

    Though she uttered the words in almost a whisper, he heard them, let her go, rose to his feet,
    closed his dressing gown, and ordered O to get up.

    "Is this your obedience?" he said.

    Then he caught both her wrists with his left hand, and with his right he slapped her on both sides
    of the face. She staggered, and would have fallen had he not held her up.

    "Kneel down and listen to me," he said. "I'm afraid Rene's training leave a great deal to be

    "I always obey Rene," she mumbled.

    "You're confusing love and obedience. You'll obey me without loving me, and without my
    loving you."

    With that, she felt a strange inexplicable storm of revolt rising within her, silently denying in the
    depths of her being the words she was hearing, denying her promises of submission and slavery,
    denying her own agreement, her own desire, her nakedness, her sweat, her trembling limbs, the
    circles under her eyes. She struggled and clenched her teeth with rage when, having made her
    bend over, with her elbows on the floor and her head between her arms, her buttocks raised, he
    forced her from behind, to rend her as Rene had said he would.

    The first time she did not cry out. He went at it again, harder now, and she screamed. She
    screamed as much out of revolt as of pain, and he was fully aware of it. She also knew - which
    meant that in any event she was vanquished - that he was pleased to make her cry out. When he
    had finished with her, and after he had helped her to her feet, he was on the point of dismissing
    her when he remarked to her that what he had spilled in her was going to seep slowly out, tinted
    with the blood of the wound he had inflicted on her, that this wound would burn her as long as
    her buttocks were not used to him and he was obliged to keep forcing his way. Rene had
    reserved this particular use of her to him, and he certainly intended to make full use of it, she had
    best have no illusions on that score. He reminded her that she had agreed to be Rene's slave, and
    his too, but that it appeared unlikely that she was aware - consciously aware - of what she had
    consented to. By the time she had learned, it would be too late for her to escape.

    Listening, O told herself that perhaps it would also be too late for him to escape becoming
    enamored of her, for she had no intention of being quickly tamed, and by the time she was he
    might have learned to love her a little. For all her inner resistance, and the timid refusal she had
    dared to display, had one object and one object alone: she wanted to exist for Sir Stephen in
    however modest a way, in the same way she existed for Rene, and wanted him to feel something
    more than desire for her. Not that she was in love, but because she clearly saw that Rene loved
    Sir Stephen in that passionate way boys love their elders, and she sensed that he was ready, if
    need be, to sacrifice her to any and all of Sir Stephen's whims, in an effort to satisfy him. She
    knew with an infallible intuition that that Rene would follow Sir Stephen's example and emulate
    his attitude, and that if Sir Stephen were to show contempt for her Rene would be contaminated
    by it, no matter how much he loved her, contaminated in a way he had never been, or had
    dreamed of being, by the opinions and example of the men at Roissy. This was because at
    Roissy, with regard to her, he was the master, and the opinions of all the men there to whom he
    gave her derived from and depended on his own. Here he was not the master any longer. On the
    contrary, Sir Stephen was Rene's master, without Rene's being fully aware of it, which is to say
    that Rene admired him and wanted to emulate him, to compete with him, and why he had given

    O to him: this time it was apparent that she had been given with no strings attached. Rene would
    probably go on loving her insofar as Sir Stephen deemed that she was worth the trouble and
    would love her himself. Till then, it was clear that Sir Stephen would be her master and,
    regardless of what Rene might think, her only master, in the precise relationship of master to
    slave. She did not expect any pity from him; but could she not hope to wrest some slight feeling
    of love from him?

    Sprawled in the same big armchair next to the fire, which he had been occupying before Rene'
    departure, he had left her standing there naked and told her to await his further orders. She had
    waited without saying a word. Then he had got to his feet and told her to follow him. Still naked,
    except for her high-heeled sandals and black stockings, she had followed him up a flight of stairs
    which went from the ground-floor landing, and entered a small bedroom, a room so tiny there
    was only space enough for a bed in one corner and a dressing table and chair between the bed
    and window. This small room communicated with a larger room, which was Sir Stephen's, with a
    common bathroom between.

    O washed and wiped herself - the towel was faintly stained with pink - removed her sandals and
    stockings, and crawled in between the cold sheets. The curtains of the window were open, but
    the night was dark.

    Before he closed the door between their rooms, after O was already in bed, Sir Stephen came
    over to her and kissed her fingertips, as he had done when she had slipped down her stool in the
    bar and he had complimented her on her iron ring. Thus, he had thrust his hands and sex into her,
    ransacked and ravaged her mouth and rear, but condescended only to place his lips upon her
    fingertips. O wept, and did not fall asleep until dawn.

    The following day, a little before noon, Sir Stephen's chauffeur drove O home. She had
    awakened at ten, an elderly mulatto servant had brought her a cup of coffee, prepared her bath,
    and given her her clothes, except for her fur wrap, her gloves, and her bag, which she had found
    on the living-room couch when she had gone downstairs. The living room was empty, the
    Venetian blinds were raised, and the curtains were open. Through the window opposite the
    couch, she could see a garden green and narrow as an aquarium, planed in nothing but ivy, holly,
    and spindle hedges.

    As she was putting on her coat, the mulatto servant told her that Sir Stephen had left, and handed
    her an envelope on which there was nothing but her initial; the white sheet inside consisted of
    two lines: "Rene phoned that he would come by for you at the studio at six o'clock," signed with
    and S and with a postscript: "The riding crop is for your next visit."

    O glanced around her: on the table, between the two chairs in which Sir Stephen and Rene had
    been sitting the evening before, there was a long, slender, leather riding crop near a vase of
    yellow roses. The servant was waiting at the door. O put the letter in her bag and left.

    So Rene had phoned Sir Stephen, and not her. Back home, after having taken off her clothes, and
    having had lunch in her dressing gown, she still had plenty of time to freshen her make-up and
    rearrange her hair, and to get dressed to go to the studio, where she was due at three o'clock. The
    telephone did not ring; Rene did not call her. Why? What had Sir Stephen told him? How had
    they talked about her? She remembered the words they both had used in her presence, their
    casual remarks concerning the advantages of her body with respect to the demands of theirs.
    Perhaps it was merely that she was not used to this kind of vocabulary in English, but the only
    French equivalents she could find seemed utterly base and contemptible to her. It was true that
    she had been passed from hand to hand as often as were the prostitutes in the brothels, so why
    should they treat her otherwise? "I love you, I love you, Rene," she repeated, softly calling to
    him in the solitude of her room, "" love you, do whatever you want with me, but don't leave me,
    for God's sake, don't leave me."

    Who pities those who wait? They are easily recognized: by their gentleness, by their falsely
    attentive looks - attentive, yes, but to something other than what they are looking at - by their
    absent-mindedness. For three long hours, in the studio where a short, plump red-haired model
    whom O did not know and who was modeling hats for her, O was that absent-minded person,
    withdrawn into herself by her desire for the minutes to hasten by, and by her own anxiety.

    Over a blouse and petticoat of red silk she had put on a plaid skirt and a short suede jacket. The
    bright red of her blouse beneath her partly opened jacket made her already pale face seem even
    paler, and the little red-haired model told her that she looked like a femme fatale. "Fatal for
    whom?" O said to herself.

    Two years earlier, before she had met and fallen in love with Rene, she would have sworn: "Fatal
    for Sir Stephen", and have added: "and he'll know it too." But her love for Rene and Rene's love
    for her had stripped her of all her weapons, and instead of providing her with any new proof of
    her power, had stripped her of those she had previously possessed. Once she had been indifferent
    and fickle, someone who enjoyed tempting, by a word or gesture, the boys who were in love with
    her, but without giving them anything, then giving herself impulsively, for no reason, once and
    only once, as a reward, but also to inflame then even more and render a passion she did not share
    even more cruel. She was sure that they loved her. One of them had tried to commit suicide;
    when he had been released from the hospital where they had taken him, she had gone to his
    place, had stripped naked, and forbidding him to touch her, had lain down on his couch. Pale
    with pain and passion, he had stared at her silently for two hours, petrified by the promise he had
    made. She had never wanted to see him again. It wasn't that she took lightly the desire she
    aroused. She understood it, or thought she understood, all the more so because she herself felt a
    similar desire (or so she thought) for her girl friends, or for young strangers, girls she
    encountered by chance. Some of them yielded to her, and she would take them to some discreet
    hotel with its narrow hallways and paper-thin walls, while others, horrified, spurned her. But
    what she took - or mistook - to be desire was actually nothing more than the thirst for conquest,
    and neither her tough-guy exterior nor the fact that she had had several lovers - if you could call
    them lovers - nor her hardness, nor even her courage was of any help to her when she had met
    Rene. In the space of a week she learned fear, but certainty; anguish, but happiness. Rene threw
    himself at her like a pirate at his prisoner, and she reveled in her captivity, feeling on her wrists,
    her ankles, feeling on all her members and in the secret depths of her heart and body, bonds less
    visible than the finest strands of hair, more powerful than the cables the Lilliputians used to tie
    up Gulliver, bonds her lover loosened or tightened with a glance. She was no longer free? Yes!
    Thank God, she was no longer free. But she was light, a nymph on clouds, a fish in water, lost in
    happiness. Lost because these fine strands of hair, these cables which Rene held, without
    exception in his hand, were the only network through which the current of life any longer flowed
    into her.

    This was true to such a degree that when Rene relaxed his grip upon her - or when she imagined
    he had - when he seemed distracted, when he left her in a mood which she took to be
    indifference of let some time go by without seeing her or replying to her letters and she assumed
    that he no longer cared to see her and was on the verge of ceasing to love her, then everything
    was choked and smothered within her. The grass turned black, day was no longer day nor night
    any longer night, but both merely infernal machines which alternately provided, as part of her
    torture, periods of light and darkness. Cool water made her nauseous. She felt as though she were
    a statue of ashes - bitter, useless, damned - like the salt statues of Gomorrah. For she was guilty.
    Those who love God, and by Him are abandoned in the dark of night, are guilty because they are
    abandoned. They cast back into their memories, searching for their sins. She looked back,
    hunting for hers. All she found were insignificant acts of kindness or self-indulgence, which
    were not so much acts as an innate part of her personality, such as arousing the desires of men
    other than Rene, men she noticed only to the extent that the love Rene gave her, the certainty of
    belonging to Rene, made her happy and filled her cup of happiness to overflowing, and insofar as
    her total submission to Rene rendered her vulnerable, irresponsible, and all her trifling acts - but
    what acts? For all she had to reproach herself with were thoughts and fleeting temptations. Yet,
    he was certain that she was guilty and, without really wanting to, Rene was punishing her for a
    sin he knew nothing about (since it remained completely internal), although Sir Stephen had
    immediately detected it: her wantonness.

    O was happy that Rene had had her whipped and had prostituted her, because her impassioned
    submission would furnish her lover with the proof that she belonged to him, but also because the
    pain and shame of the lash, and the outrage inflicted upon her by those who compelled her to
    pleasure when they took her, and at the same time delighted in their own without paying the
    slightest heed to hers, seemed to her the very redemption of her sins. There had been embraces
    she had found foul, hands that had been an intolerable insult on her breasts, mouths which had
    sucked on her lips and tongues like so many soft, vile leeches, and tongues and sexes, viscous
    beasts which, caressing themselves at her closed mouth, at the double furrow before and behind,
    which she had squeezed tight with all her might, had stiffened her with disgust and kept her
    stiffened so long that it was all the whip could do to unbend her, but she had finally yielded to
    the blows and opened, with disgust and abominable servility. And what if, in spite of that, Sir
    Stephen was right? What if she actually enjoyed her debasement? In that case, the baser she was,
    the more merciful was Rene to consent to make O the instrument of his pleasure.

    As a child, O had read a Biblical text in red letters on the white wall of a room in Wales where
    she had lived for two months, a text such as the Protestants often inscribe in their houses:


    No, O told herself now, that isn't true. What is fearful is to be cast out at the hands of the living
    God. Every time Rene postponed, or was late to, a rendezvous with her, as he had done today -
    for six o'clock had come and gone, as had six-thirty - O was prey to a dual feeling of madness
    and despair, but for nothing. Madness was nothing, despair for nothing, nothing was true. Rene
    would arrive, he would be there, nothing was changed, he loved her but had been held up by a
    staff meeting or some extra work, he had not had time to let her know; in a flash, O emerged
    from her airless chamber, and yet each of these attacks of terror would leave behind, somewhere
    deep inside her, a dull premonition, a warning of woe: for there were also times when Rene
    neglected to let her know when the reason for the delay was a game of golf or a hand of bridge,
    or perhaps another face, for he loved O but he was free, sure of her and fickle, so fickle. Would a
    day of death and ashes not come, a day in the long string of other days which would give the nod
    to madness, a day when the gas chamber would reopen? Oh, let the miracle continue, let me still
    be touched by grace, Rene don't leave me! Each day, O did not look, nor did she care to look,
    any further than the next day and the day after; nor, each week, any further than the following
    week. And for her every night with Rene was a night which would last forever.

    Rene finally arrived at seven, so happy to see her again that he kissed her in front of the
    electrician who was repairing a floodlight, in front of the short, red-haired model who was just
    coming out of the dressing room, and in front of Jacqueline, whom on one expected, who had
    come in suddenly on the heels of the other model.

    "What a lovely sight," Jacqueline said to O. "I was just passing. I wanted to ask you for the last
    shots of me you took, but I gather this isn't the right moment. I'll be on my way."

    "Mademoiselle, please don't go," Rene called after her, without letting go of O, whom he was
    holding around the waist, "please don't go!"

    O introduced them: Jacqueline, Rene; Rene, Jacqueline.

    Piqued, the red-haired model had gone back into her dressing room, the electrician was
    pretending to be busy. O was looking at Jacqueline and could feel Rene's eyes following her
    gaze. Jacqueline was wearing a ski outfit, the kind that only movie stars who never go skiing
    wear. Her black sweater accentuated her small, widely spaced breasts, her tight-fitting ski pants
    did the same for her long, winter-sports-girl legs. Everything about her looked like snow: the
    bluish sheen of her gray sealskin jacket was snow in the shade; the hoar-frost reflection of her
    hair and eyelashes, snow in sunlight. She had on lipstick whose deep red shaded almost to
    purple, and when she smiled and lifted her eyes till they were fixed on O, O said to herself that
    no would could resist the desire to drink of that green and moving water beneath the silvery
    lashes, to rip off her sweater to lay his hands on the fairly small breasts. There, you see: no
    sooner had Rene returned than, completely reassured by his presence, she recovered her taste for
    others and for herself, her zest for life.

    They left together, all thee of them. On the rue Royale the snow, which had been falling in large
    flakes for two hours, fell now in eddies of thin little flakes for two hours, fell now in eddies of
    thin little white flies which stung the face. The rock salt scattered on the sidewalk crunched
    beneath their feet and melted the snow, and O felt the icy breath it emitted rising along her legs
    and fastened on her naked thighs.

    O had a fairly clear idea of what she was looking for in the young women she pursued. It wasn't
    that she wanted to give the impression she was vying with men, nor that she was trying to
    compensate by her manifest masculinity for a female inferiority which she in no wise felt. It's
    true that when she was twenty she had caught herself courting the prettiest of her girl friends by
    doffing her beret, by standing aside to let her pass, and by offering a hand to help her out of a
    taxi. In the same vein, she would not tolerate not paying whenever they had tea together in some
    pastry shop. She would kiss her hand and, if she had a chance, her mouth, if possible in the
    street. But these were so many affectations she paraded for the sake of scandal, displayed much
    more from childishness than from conviction. On the other hand, her penchant for the sweetness
    of sweetly made-up lips yielding beneath her own, for the porcelain or pearly sparkle of eyes
    half-closed in the half-light of couches at five in the afternoon, when the curtains are drawn and
    the lamp on the fireplace mantel lighted, for the voices that say: "Again, oh, please, again...," for
    the marine odor clinging to her fingers: this was a real, deeply-rooted taste. And she also enjoyed
    the pursuit just as much. Probably not for the pursuit itself, however amusing or fascinating it
    might be, but for the complete sense of freedom she experienced in the act of hunting. She, and
    she alone, set the rules and directed the proceedings (something she never did with men, or only
    in a most oblique manner). She initiated the discussions and set the rendezvous, the kisses came
    from her too, so much so that she preferred not to have someone kiss her first, and since she had
    first had lovers she almost never allowed the girl whom she was caressing to return her caresses.
    As much as she was in a hurry to behold her girlfriend naked, she was equally quick to find
    excuses why she herself should not undress. She often looked for excuses to avoid it, saying that
    she was cold, that it was the wrong time of the month for her. And, what is more, rare was the
    woman in whom she failed to detect some element of beauty. She remembered that, just out of
    the lycee, she had tried to seduce an ugly, disagreeable, constantly ill-natured little girl for the
    sole reason that she had a wild mop of blonde hair which, by its unevenly cut curls, created a
    forest of light and shade over a skin that, while lusterless, had a texture which was soft, smooth,
    and totally flat. But the little girl had repelled her advances, and if one day pleasure had ever
    lighted up the ungrateful wench's face, it had not been because of O. For O passionately loved to
    see faces enveloped in that mist which makes them so young and smooth, a timeless youth that
    does not restore childhood but enlarges the lips, widens the eyes the way make-up does, and
    renders the iris sparkling and clear. In this, admiration played a larger part than pride, for it was
    not her handiwork which moved her: at Roissy she had experienced the same uncomfortable
    feeling in the presence of the transfigured face of a girl possessed by a stranger. The nakedness
    and surrender of the bodies overwhelmed her, and she had the feeling that her girlfriends, when
    they simply agreed to display themselves naked in a locked room, were giving her a gift which
    she could never repay in kind. For the nakedness of vacations, in the sun and on the beaches,
    made no impression on her - not simply because it was public but because, being public and not
    absolute, she was to some extent protected from it. The beauty of other women, which with
    unfailing generosity she was inclined to find superior to her own, nevertheless reassured her
    concerning her own beauty, in which she saw, whenever she unexpectedly caught a glimpse of
    herself in a mirror, a kind of reflection of theirs. The power she acknowledged that her
    girlfriends had over her was at the same time a guarantee of her own power over men. And what
    she asked of women (and never returned, or ever so little), she was happy and found it quite
    natural that men should be eager and impatient to ask of her. Thus was she constantly and
    simultaneously the accomplice of both men and women, having, as it were, her cake and eating it
    too. There were times when the game was not all that easy. That O was in love with Jacqueline,
    no more and no less than she had been in love with many others, and assuming that the term "in
    love" (which was saying a great deal) was the proper one, there could be no doubt. But why did
    she conceal it so?

    When the buds burst open on the poplar tree along the quays, and daylight, lingering longer,
    gave lovers time to sit for a while in the gardens after work, she thought she had at last found the
    courage to face Jacqueline. In winter, Jacqueline had seemed too triumphant to her beneath her
    cool furs, too iridescent, untouchable, inaccessible. And Jacqueline knew it. Spring put her back
    into suits, flat-heeled shoes, sweaters. With her short Dutch bob, she finally resembled those
    fresh school girls whom O, as a lycee student herself, used to grab by the wrists and drag silently
    into an empty cloakroom and push back against the hanging coats. The coats would tumble from
    the hangars. Then O would burst out laughing. They used to wear uniform blouses of raw cotton,
    with their initials embroidered in red cotton on their breast pockets. Three years later, three
    kilometers away, Jacqueline had worn the same blouses in another lycee. It was by chance that O
    learned that one day when Jacqueline was modeling some high-fashion dresses and said with a
    sigh that, really, if only they had had as pretty dresses at school, they would have been much
    happier there. Or if they had been allowed to wear the jumper they gave you, without anything
    on underneath. "What do you mean, without anything on?" O said. "Without a dress, naturally,"
    Jacqueline replied. To which O began to blush. She could not get used to being naked beneath
    her dress, and any equivocal remark seemed to her to be an allusion to her condition. It did no
    good to keep on repeating to herself that one is always naked beneath one's clothes. No, she felt
    as naked as that woman from Verona who went out to offer herself to the chief of the besieging
    army in order to free her city: naked beneath a coat, which only needed to be opened a crack. It
    also seemed to her that, like the Italian, her nakedness was meant to redeem something. But
    what? Since Jacqueline was sure of herself, she had nothing to redeem; she had no need to be
    reassured, all she needed was a mirror. O looked at her humbly, thinking that the only flowers
    one could offer her were magnolias, because their waxen whiteness is sometimes infused with a
    pink glow. As winter waned, the pale tan that gilded Jacqueline's skin vanished with the memory
    of the snow. Soon, only camellias would do. But O was afraid of making a fool of herself with
    these melodramatic flowers. On day she brought a big bouquet of blue hyacinths, whose odor is
    overwhelming, like that of tuberoses: oily, cloying, clinging, exactly the odor camellias ought to
    have but don't. Jacqueline buried her Mongolian nose in the warm, stiff-stemmed flowers, her
    small nose and pink lips, for she had been wearing a pink lipstick for the past two weeks, and not
    red any longer.

    "Are they for me?" she said, the way women do who are used to receiving gifts.

    Then she thanked O and asked her if Rene were coming for her. Yes, he was coming, O said.
    He's coming, she repeated to herself, and it will be for him that Jacqueline will lift her icy, liquid
    eyes for a second, those eyes which never look at anyone squarely, as she stands there falsely
    motionless, falsely silent. No on would need to tech her anything: neither to remain silent nor
    now to keep her hands unclenched at her sides, nor indeed how to arch her head halfback. O was
    dying to seize a handful of that too blonde hair at the nape of the neck, and pull her docile head
    all the way back, to run at least her finger over the line of her eyebrows. But Rene would want to
    do it too. She was fully aware why she, once so daring and bold, had become so shy, why she
    had wanted Jacqueline for two months without betraying it by the least word or gesture, and
    giving herself lame excuses to explain her timidity. It was not true that Jacqueline was
    intangible. The obstacle was not in Jacqueline, it lay deep within O herself, its roots deeper than
    anything she had ever before encountered. It was because Rene was leaving her free, and
    because she loathed her freedom. Her freedom was worse than any chains. Her freedom was
    separating her from Rene. She could have taken Jacqueline by the shoulders any number of times
    and without saying a word, pinned her against the wall with her two hands, the way a butterfly is
    impaled; Jacqueline would not have moved, and probably not even done so much as smile. But O
    was henceforth like those wild animals which have been taken captive and either serve as decoys
    for the hunter or, leaping forward only at the hunter's command, head off the game for him.

    It was she who sometimes leaned back against a wall, pale and trembling, stubbornly impaled by
    her silence, bound there by her silence, so happy to remain silent. She was waiting for more than
    permission, since she already had permission. She was waiting for an order. It cam to her not
    from Rene, but from Sir Stephen.

    As the months went by since the day Rene had given her to Sir Stephen, O was terrified to note
    the growing importance Sir Stephen was assuming in her lover's eyes. Moreover, she realized at
    the same time that, in this matter, she was perhaps mistaken, imagining a progression in the fact
    or the feeling where actually the only progression had been in the acknowledgment of this fact or
    the admission of this feeling. Be that as it may, she had been quick to note that Rene chose to
    spend with her those nights, and only those nights, following those she had spent with Sir
    Stephen (Sir Stephen keeping her the whole night only when Rene was away from Paris). She
    also noticed that when Rene remained for one of those evenings at Sir Stephen's he would never
    touch O except to make her more readily available or an easier offering to Sir Stephen, if she
    happened to be struggling. It was extremely rare for him to stay, and he never did unless at Sir
    Stephen's express request. Whenever he did, he remained fully dressed, as he had done the first
    time, keeping quiet, lighting one cigarette after another, adding wood to the fire, serving Sir
    Stephen something to drink - but not drinking himself. O felt that he was watching her the way a
    lion trainer watches the animal he trained, careful to see that it performs with complete
    obedience and thus does honor to him, but even more the way a prince's bodyguard or a bandit's
    second-in-command keeps an eye on the prostitute he has gone down to fetch in the street. The
    proof that he was indeed yielding to the role of servant or acolyte resided in the fact that he
    watched Sir Stephen's face more closely than he did hers - and beneath his gaze O felt herself
    stripped of the very voluptuousness in which her features were immersed: for this sensual
    pleasure Rene paid obeisance, expressed admiration and even gratitude to Sir Stephen, who had
    engendered it, pleased that he had deigned to take pleasure in something he had given him.

    Everything would probably have been much simpler if Sir Stephen had liked boys, and O did not
    doubt that Rene, who was not so inclined, still would have readily granted to Sir Stephen both
    the slightest and the most demanding of his requests. But Sir Stephen only liked women.

    O realized that through the medium of her body, shared between them, they attained something
    more mysterious and perhaps more acute, more intense than an amorous communion, the very
    conception of which was arduous but whose reality and force she could not deny. Still, why was
    this division in a way abstract? At Roissy, O had at the same time ad in the same place, belonged
    both to Rene and to other men. Why did Rene, in Sir Stephen's presence, refrain not only from
    taking her, but from giving her any order? (All he ever did was pass on Sir Stephen's.) She asked
    him why, certain beforehand of the reply.

    "Out of respect," Rene replied.

    "But I belong to you," O had said.

    "You belong to Sir Stephen first."

    And it was true, at least in the sense that when Rene had surrendered her to his friend the
    surrender had been absolute, that Sir Stephen's slightest desired took precedence over Rene's
    decisions as far as she was concerned, and even over her own. If Rene had decided that they
    would dine together and go to the theater, and Sir Stephen happened to phone an hour before he
    was to pick up O, Rene would come by for her at the studio as agreed, but only to drive her to Sir
    Stephen's door and leave her there. Once, and only once, O had asked Rene to please ask Sir
    Stephen to change the day, because she so much wanted to go with Rene to a party to which they
    were both invited. Rene had refused.

    "My sweet angel," he had said, "you mean you still haven't understood that you no longer belong
    to me, that I'm not longer the master who's in charge of you?"

    Not only had he refused, but he had told Sir Stephen of O's request and, in her presence, asked
    him to punish her harshly enough so that she would never again dare even to conceive of
    shirking her duties.

    "Certainly," Sir Stephen had replied.

    The scene had taken place in the little oval room with the inlaid floor, in which the only piece of
    furniture was a table encrusted with mother-of-pearl, the room adjoining the yellow and gray
    living room. Rene remained only long enough to betray O and hear Sir Stephen's reply. Then he
    shook hands with him, smiled at O, and left. Through the window, O saw him crossing the
    courtyard; he did not turn around; she heard the car door slam shut, the roar of the motor, and in
    a little mirror imbedded in the wall she caught a glimpse of her own image: she was white with
    fear and despair. Then, mechanically, when she walked past Sir Stephen, who opened the living-
    room door for her and stood back for her to pass, she looked at him: he was as pale as she. In a
    flash, she was absolutely certain that he loved her, but it was a fleeting certainty that vanished as
    fast as it had come. Although she did not believe it and chided herself for having thought of it,
    she was comforted by it and undressed meekly, on a mere signal from him. Then, and for the
    first time since he had been making her come two or three times a week, and using her slowly,
    sometimes making her wait for an hour naked without coming near her, listening to her entreaties
    without ever replying, for there were times when she did beg and beseech, enjoining her to do
    the same things always at the same moments, as in a ritual, so that she knew when her mouth
    was supposed to caress him and when, on her knees, her head buried in the silken sofa, she
    should offer him only her back, which he now possessed without hurting her, for the first time,
    for in spite of the fear which convulsed her - or perhaps because of that fear - she opened to him,
    in spite of the chagrin she felt at Rene's betrayal, but perhaps too because of it, she surrendered
    herself completely. And for the first time, so gentle were her yielding eyes when they fastened on
    Sir Stephen's pale, burning gaze, that he suddenly spoke to her in French, employing the familiar
    tu form:

    "I'm going to put a gag in your mouth, O, because I'd like to whip you till I draw blood. Do I
    have your permission?"

    "I'm yours," O said.

    She was standing in the middle of the drawing room, and her arms raised and held together by
    the Roissy bracelets, which were attached by a chain to a ring in the ceiling from which a
    chandelier had formerly hung, thrust her breasts forward. Sir Stephen caressed them, then kissed
    them, then kissed her mouth once, ten times. (He had never kissed her.) And when he had put on
    the gag, which filled her mouth with the taste of wet canvas and pushed her tongue to the back of
    her throat, the gag so arranged that she could scarcely clench it in her teeth, he took her by the
    hair. Held in equilibrium by the chain, she stumbled on her bare feet.

    "Excuse me, O," he murmured (he had never before begged her pardon), then he let her go, and

    When Rene returned to O's apartment after midnight, after having gone alone to the party they
    had intended to go to together, he found her in bed, trembling in the white nylon of her long
    nightgown. Sir Stephen had brought her home and put her to bed himself and kissed her again.
    She told Rene that. She also told him that she no longer had any inclination not to obey Sir
    Stephen, realizing full well that from this Rene would conclude that she deemed it essential, and
    even pleasant to be beaten (which was true; but this was not the only reason). What she was also
    certain of was that it was equally essential to Rene that she be beaten. He was as horrified at the
    idea of striking her - so much so that he had never been able to bring himself to do it - as he
    enjoyed seeing her struggle and hearing her scream. Once, in his presence, Sir Stephen had used
    the riding crop on her. Rene had forced O back against the table and held her there, motionless.
    Her skirt had slipped down; he had lifted it up. Perhaps he needed even more to know that while
    he was not with her, while he was away walking or working, O was writing, moaning, and crying
    beneath the whip, was asking for his pity and not obtaining it - and was aware that this pain and
    humiliation had been inflicted on her by the will of the lover whom she loved, and for his
    pleasure. At Roissy, he had had her flogged by the valets. In Sir Stephen he had found the stern
    master he himself was unable to be. The fact that the man he most admired in the world could
    take a fancy to her and take the trouble to tame her, only made Rene's passion all the greater, as
    O could plainly see. All the mouths that had probed her mouth, all the hands that had seized her
    breasts and her belly, all the members that had been thrust into her and so perfectly provided the
    living proof that she was indeed prostituted, had at the same time provided the proof that she was
    worthy of being prostituted and had, so to speak, sanctified her. But this, in Rene's eyes, was
    nothing compared to the proof Sir Stephen provided. Each time she emerged from his arms,
    Rene looked for the mark of a god upon her. O knew full well that if he had betrayed her a few
    hours before, it was in order to provoke new, and crueler, marks. And she also knew that, though
    the reasons for provoking them might disappear, Sir Stephen would not turn back. So much the
    worse. (But to herself she was thinking the exact opposite.) Rene impressed and overwhelmed,
    gazed for a long time at the thin body marked by thick, purple welts like so many ropes spanning
    the shoulders, the back, the buttocks, the belly, and the breasts, welt which sometimes
    overlapped and crisscrossed. Here and there a little blood still oozed.

    "Oh, how I love you," he murmured.

    With trembling hands he took off his clothes, turned out the light, and lay down next to O. She
    moaned in the darkness, all the time he possessed her.

    The welts on O's body took almost a month to disappear. In places where the skin had been
    broken, she still bore the traces of slightly whiter lines, like very old scars. If ever she were
    inclined to forget where they came from, the attitude of Rene and Sir Stephen were there to
    remind her.

    Rene, of course, had a key to O's apartment. He hadn't thought to give one to Sir Stephen,
    probably because, till now, Sir Stephen had not evinced the desire to visit O's place. But the fact
    that he had brought her home that night suddenly made Rene realize that this door, which only he
    and O could open, might be considered by Sir Stephen as an obstacle, a barrier, or as a restriction
    deliberately imposed by Rene, and that it was ridiculous to give him O if he did not at the same
    time give him the freedom to come and go at O's whenever he pleased. In short, he had a key
    made, gave it to Sir Stephen, and told O only after Sir Stephen had accepted it. She did not
    dream of protesting, and she soon discovered that, while she was waiting for Sir Stephen to
    appear, she felt incomprehensibly peaceful. She waited for a long time, wondering whether he
    would surprise her by coming in the middle of the night, whether he would take advantage of one
    of Rene's absences, whether he would come alone, or indeed whether he would even come at all.
    She did not dare speak about it to Rene.

    On morning when the cleaning woman had happened not to be there and O had gotten up earlier
    than usual and, at ten o'clock, was already dressed and ready to go out, she heard a key turning in
    the lock and flew to the door shouting: "Rene" (for there were times when Rene did arrive in this
    way and at this hour, and she had not dreamed it could be anyone but he). It was Sir Stephen,
    who smiled and said to her:

    "All right, why don't we call up Rene."

    But Rene, tied up at his office by a business appointment, would be there only in an hour's time.

    O, her heart pounding wildly (and she wondering why), watched Sir Stephen hang up. He sat her
    down on the bed, took her head in both his hands, and forced her mouth open slightly in order to
    kiss her. She was so out of breath that she might have slipped and fallen if he had not held her.
    But he did hold her, and straightened her up.

    She could not understand why her throat was knotted by such a feeling of anxiety and anguish,
    for, after all, what did she have to fear from Sir Stephen that she had not already experienced.

    He bade her remove all her clothes, and watched her, without saying a word, as she obeyed.
    Wasn't she, in fact, quite accustomed to his silence, as she was accustomed to waiting for him to
    decide what his pleasure would be? She had to admit she had been deceiving herself, and that if
    she was taken aback by the time and the place, by the fact that she had never been naked in this
    room for anyone except Rene, the basic reason for her being upset was actually still the same:
    her own self-consciousness. The only difference was that this self-consciousness was made all
    the more apparent to her because it was not taking place in some specific spot to which she had
    to repair in order to submit to it, and not at night, thereby partaking of a dream or of some
    clandestine existence in relation to the length of the day, as Roissy had been in relation to the
    length of her life with Rene. The bright light of a May day turned the clandestine into something
    public: henceforth the reality of the night and the reality of day would be one and the same.
    Henceforth - and O was thinking: at last. This is doubtless the source of that strange sentiment of
    security, mingled with terror, to which she felt she was surrendering herself and of which,
    without understand it, she had had a premonition. Henceforth there were no more hiatuses, no
    dead time, no remission. He whom one awaits is, because he is expected, already present, already
    present, already master. Sir Stephen was a far more demanding but also a far surer master than
    Rene. And however passionately O loved Rene, and he her, there was between them a kind of
    equality (were it only the equality of age) which eliminated in her any feeling of obedience, the
    awareness of her submission. Whatever he wanted of her she wanted too, solely because he was
    asking it of her. But it was as though he had instilled in her, insofar as Sir Stephen was
    concerned, his own admiration, his own respect. She obeyed Sir Stephen's orders as orders about
    which there was no question, and was grateful to him for having give them to her. Whether he
    addressed her in French or English, employed the familiar tu or the less personal vous form with
    her, she, like a stranger or a servant, never addressed him as anything but Sir Stephen. She told
    herself that the term "Lord" would have been more appropriate, if she had dared utter it, as he, in
    referring to her, would have been better advised to employ the word "slave." She also told herself
    that all was well, since Rene was happy loving in her Sir Stephen's slave.

    And so, her clothes neatly arranged at the foot of the bed, having again put on her high-heeled
    mules, she waited, with lowered yes, facing Sir Stephen, who was leaning against the window.
    Bright sunlight was streaming through the dotted muslin curtains and gently warmed her hips
    and thighs. She was not looking for any special effect, but it immediately occurred to her that she
    should have put on more perfume, she realized that she had not made up the tips of her breasts,
    and that, luckily, she had on her mules, for the nail polish on her toenails was beginning to peel
    off. Then she suddenly knew that what she was in fact waiting for in this silence, and this light,
    was for Sir Stephen to make some signal to her, or for him to order her to kneel down before
    him, unbutton him, and caress him. But no. Because she alone had been the one to whom such a
    thought had occurred, she turned scarlet, and as she was blushing she was thinking what a fool
    she was to blush: such modesty and shame in a whore!

    Just then, Sir Stephen asked O to sit down before her dressing table and hear what he had to say.
    The dressing table was not, properly speaking, a dressing table, but next to a low ledge set into
    the wall, on which were arranged brushes and bottles, a large Restoration swing-mirror in which
    O, seated in her low-slung chair, could see herself full length.

    Sir Stephen paced back and forth behind her as he talked; from time to time his reflection
    crossed the mirror, behind the image of O, but his was a reflection which seemed far away,
    because the silvering of the mirror was discolored and slightly murky.

    O, her hands unclasped and her knees apart, had an urge to seize the reflection and stop it, in
    order to reply more easily. For Sir Stephen, speaking in a clipped English, was asking question
    after question, the last questions O would ever have dreamed he would ask, even assuming he
    would ask any in the first place. Hardly had he begin, however, when he broke off to settle O
    deeper and farther back in the chair; with hr left leg over the arm of the chair and the other curled
    up slightly, O, in that bath of bright light, was then presented, to her own eyes and to Sir
    Stephen's as perfectly open as though an invisible lover had withdrawn from her and left her
    slightly ajar.

    Sir Stephen resumed his questioning, with a judge-like resolution and the skill of a father
    confessor. O did not see him speaking, and saw herself replying. Whether she had, since she had
    returned from Roissy, belonged to other men besides Rene and himself? No. Whether she had
    wanted to belong to any other she might have met? No. Whether she caressed herself at night,
    when she was alone? No. Whether she had any girl friends she caressed or who she allowed to
    caress her? No (the "no" was more hesitant). Any girlfriends she did desire? Well, there was
    Jacqueline, but "friend" was stretching the term. Acquaintance would be closer, or even chum,
    the way well-bred schoolgirls refer to each other in high-class boarding schools.

    Whereupon Sir Stephen asked her whether she had any photographs of Jacqueline, and he helped
    her to her feet so she could go and get them. It was in the living room that Rene, entering out of
    breath, for he had dashed up the four flights of stairs, came upon them: O was standing in front
    of the big table on which there shone, black and white, like puddles of water in the night, all of
    the pictures of Jacqueline. Sir Stephen, half-seated on the table, was taking them one by one as O
    handed them to him, and putting them back on the table; his other hand was holding O's womb.
    From that moment on, Sir Stephen, who had greeted Rene without letting go of her - in fact she
    felt his hand probe deeper into her - had ceased addressing her, and addressed himself to Rene.
    She thought she knew why: with Rene there, the accord between Sir Stephen and Rene
    concerning her was established, but apart from her, she was only the occasion for it or the object
    of it, they no longer had to question her, nor she to reply; what she had to do, and even what she
    had to be, was decided without her.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 04:53 PM.

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    Default Part II: Sir Stephen - continued...

    It was almost noon. The sun, falling directly on the table, curled the edges of the photographs. O
    wanted to move them and flatten them out to keep them from being ruined, but her fingers
    fumbled, she was on the verge of yielding to the burning probe of Sir Stephen's hand and
    allowing a moan to escape from her lips. She failed to hold it back, did in fact moan, and found
    herself sprawled flat on her back among the photographs, where Sir Stephen had rudely shoved
    her as he left her, with her legs spread and dangling. Her feet were not touching the floor; one of
    her mules slipped from her foot and dropped noiselessly onto the white rung. Her face was
    flooded with sunshine: she closed her eyes.

    Later, much later, she must have remembered overhearing the conversation between Sir Stephen
    and Rene, but at the time she was not struck by it, as though it did not concern her and,
    simultaneously, as though she had already experienced it before. And it was true that she had
    already experienced a similar scene, since the first time that Rene had taken her to Sir Stephen's,
    they had discussed her in the same way. But on that initial occasion she had been a stranger to
    Sir Stephen, and Rene had done most of the talking. Since then, Sir Stephen had made her submit
    to all his fantasies, had molded her to his own taste, had demanded and obtained from her, as
    something quite routine, the most outrageous and scurrilous acts. She had nothing more to give
    than hat he already possessed. At least so she thought.

    He was speaking, he who generally was silent in her presence, and his remarks, as well as Rene's
    revealed that they were renewing a conversation they often engaged in together, with her as the
    subject. It was a question of how she could best be utilized, and how the things each of them had
    learned from his particular use of her could best be shared. Sir Stephen readily admitted that O
    was infinitely more moving when her body was covered with marks, of whatever kind, if only
    because these marks made it impossible for her to cheat and immediately proclaimed, the
    moment they were seen, that anything went as far as she was concerned. For to know this was
    one thing, but to see the proof of it, and to see the proof constantly renewed, was quite another.
    Rene, Sir Stephen said, was perfectly right in wishing to have her whipped. They decided that
    she would be, irrespective of the pleasure they might derive from her screams and tears, as often
    as necessary so that some trace of the flogging could always be seen upon her.

    O, still lying motionless on her back, her loins still aflame, was listening, and she had the feeling
    that by some strange substitution Sir Stephen was speaking for her, in her place. As though he
    was somehow in her body and could feel the anxiety, the anguish, and the shame, but also the
    secret pride and harrowing pleasure that she was feeling, especially when she was alone in a

    crowd of strangers, of passers-by in the street, or when she got into a bus, or when she was at the
    studio with the models and technicians, and she told herself that any and all of these people she
    was with, if they should have an accident and have to be laid down on the ground or if a doctor
    had to be called, would keep their secrets, even if they were unconscious and naked; but not she:
    her secret did not depend upon her silence alone, did not depend on her alone. Even if she
    wanted to, she could not indulge in the slightest caprice - and that was indeed the meaning of one
    of Sir Stephen's questions - without immediately revealing herself, she could not allow herself to
    partake of the most innocent acts, such as playing tennis or swimming. That these things were
    forbidden her was a comfort to her, a material comfort, as the bars of the convent materially
    prevent the cloistered girls from belonging to one another, and from escaping. For this reason
    too, how could she run the risk that Jacqueline would not spurn her, without at the same time
    running the risk of having to explain the truth to Jacqueline, or at least part of the truth?

    The sun had moved and left her face. Her shoulders were sticking to the glossy surface of the
    photographs on which she was lying, and against her knee she could feel the rough edge of Sir
    Stephen's suitcoat, for he had come back beside her. He and Rene each took her by one hand and
    helped her to her feet. Rene picked up one of her mules. It was time for her to get dressed.

    It was during the lunch that followed, at Saint-Cloud on the banks of the Seine, that Sir Stephen,
    who had remained alone with her, began to question her once again. The restaurant tables,
    covered with white tablecloths, were arranged on a shaded terrace which was bordered by privet
    hedges, at the foot of which was a bed of dark red, scarcely opened peonies.

    Even before Sir Stephen could make a sign to her, O had obediently lifted her skirts as she sat
    down on the iron chair, and it had taken her bare thighs a long time to warm the cold iron. They
    heard the water slapping against the boats tied up to the wooden jetty at the end of the terrace. Sir
    Stephen was seated across from her, and O was speaking slowly, determined not to say anything
    that was not true. What Sir Stephen wanted to know was why she liked Jacqueline. Oh! That was
    easy: it was because she was too beautiful for O, like the full-sized dolls given to the poor
    children for Christmas, which they're afraid to touch. And yet she knew that if she had not
    spoken to her, and had not accosted her, it was because she really didn't want to. As she said this
    she raised her eyes, which had been lowered, fixed on the bed of peonies, and she realized that
    Sir Stephen was staring at her lips. Was he listening to what she was saying, or was he merely
    listening to the sound of her voice or watching the movement of her lips? Suddenly she stopped
    speaking, and Sir Stephen's gaze rose and intercepted her own. What she read in it was so clear
    this time, and it was so obvious to him that she had seen it, that now it was his turn to blanch. If
    indeed he did love her, would he ever forgive her for having noticed it? She could neither avert
    her gaze nor smile, nor speak. Had her life depended on it, she would have been incapable of
    making a gesture, incapable of fleeing, her legs would never have carried her. He would
    probably never want anything from her save her submission to his desire, as long as he continued
    to desire her. But was desire sufficient to explain the fact that, from the day Rene had handed her
    over to him, he asked for her and kept her more and more frequently, sometimes merely to have
    her with him, without asking anything from her?

    There he sat across from her, silent and motionless. Some businessmen, at a neighboring table,
    were talking as they drank a coffee so black and aromatic that the aroma was wafted all the way
    to their own table. Two well-groomed, contemptuous Americans lighted cigarettes halfway
    through their meal; the gravel crunched beneath the waters' feet - one of them came over to refill

    Sir Stephen's glass, which was three-quarters empty, but what was the point of wasting good
    wine on a statue, a sleepwalker? The waiter did not belabor the point.

    O was delighted to feel that if his gray, ardent gaze wandered from her eyes, it was to fasten on
    her breasts, her hands, before returning to her eyes. Finally she saw the trace of a smile appear on
    his lips, a smile she dared to answer. But utter a single word, impossible! She could barely

    "O..." Sir Stephen said.

    "Yes," O said, faintly.

    "O, what I'm going to speak to you about i have already discussed with Rene, and we're both in
    accord on it. But also, I..." He broke off.

    O never knew whether it was because, seized by a sudden chill, she had closed her eyes, or
    whether he too had difficulty catching his breath. He paused, the water was changing plates,
    bringing O the menu so she could choose the dessert. O handed it to Sir Stephen. A souffle? Yes,
    a souffle. It will take twenty minutes. All right, twenty minutes. The waiter left.

    "I need more than twenty minutes," Sir Stephen said.

    And he went on in a steady voice, and what he said quickly convinced O that one thing at least
    was certain, and that was, if he did love her, nothing would be changed, unless one considered
    this curious respect a change, this ardor with which he was saying to her: "I'd be most pleased if
    you would care to..." instead of simply asking her to accede to his requests. Yet they were still
    orders, and there was no question of O's not obeying them. She pointed this out to Sir Stephen.
    He admitted as much.

    "I still want your answer," he said.

    "I'll do whatever you like," O responded, and the echo of what she was saying resounded in her
    memory: "I'll do whatever you like," she was used to saying to Rene. Almost in a whisper, she
    murmured: "Rene..."

    Sir Stephen heard it.

    "Rene knows what I want from you. Listen to me."

    He was speaking English, but in a low, carefully controlled voice which was inaudible at the
    neighboring tables. Whenever the waiters approached their table, he fell silent, resuming his
    sentence where he had left off as soon as they had moved away. What he was saying seemed
    strange and out of keeping with this peaceful, public place, and yet what was strangest of all was
    that he could say it, and O hear it, so naturally.

    He began by reminding her that the first evening when she had come to his apartment he had
    given her an order she had refused to obey, and he noted that although he might have slapped her
    then, he had never repeated the order since that night. Would she grant him now what she had
    refused him then? O understood that not only must she acquiesce, but that he wanted to hear her
    say it herself, in her own words, say that she would caress herself any time he asked her to. She

    said it, and again she saw the yellow and gray drawing room, Rene's departure from it, her
    revulsion that first evening, the fire glowing between her open knees when she was lying naked
    on the rug. Tonight, in this same drawing room... No, Sir Stephen had not specified, and was
    going on.

    He also pointed out to her that she had never been possessed in his presence by Rene (or by
    anyone else), as she had been by him in Rene's presence (and at Roissy by a whole host of
    others). From this she should not conclude that Rene would be the only one to humiliate her by
    handing her over to a man who did not lover her - and perhaps derive pleasure from it - in the
    presence of a man who did. (He went on at such length, and with such cruelty - she soon would
    open her thighs and back, and her mouth, to those of his friends who, once they had met her,
    might desire her - that O suspected that this coarseness was aimed as much at himself as it was at
    her, and the only thing she remembered was the end of the sentence: in the presence of a man
    who did love her. What more did she want in the way of a confession?) What was more, he
    would bring her back to Roissy sometime in the course of the summer. Hadn't it ever struck her
    as surprising, this isolation in which first then, then he had kept her? They were the only men she
    saw, either together, or one after the other. Whenever Sir Stephen had invited people to his
    apartment on the rue de Poitiers, O was never invited. She had never lunched or dined at his
    place. Nor had Rene ever introduced her to any of his friends, except for Sir Stephen. In all
    probability he would continue to keep her in the background, for to Sir Stephen was henceforth
    reserved the privilege of doing as he liked with her. But she should not get the idea that she
    belonged to him that she would be detained more legally; on the contrary. (But what hurt and
    wounded O most was the realization that Sir Stephen was going to treat her in exactly the same
    way Rene had, in the same, identical way.) The iron and gold ring that she was wearing on her
    left hand - and did she recall that the ring had been chosen so tight-fitting that they had had to
    force it on her ring finger? She could not take it off - that ring was the sign that she was a slave,
    but one who was common property. It had been merely by chance that, since this past autumn,
    she had not met any Roissy members who might have noticed her irons, or revealed that they had
    noticed them.

    The word irons, used in the plural, which she had taken to be an equivocal term when Sir
    Stephen had told her that irons were becoming to her, had in no wise been equivocal; it had been
    a mode of recognition, a password. Sir Stephen had not had to use the second formula: namely,
    whose irons was she wearing? But if today this question were asked of O, what would she reply?
    O hesitated?

    "Rene's and yours," she said.

    "No," Sir Stephen said, "mine. Rene wants you to be answerable first of all to me."

    O was fully cognizant of this, why did she pretend she was not? In a short while, and in any case
    prior to her return to Roissy, she would have to accept a definitive mar, which would not absolve
    her from the obligation of being a common-property slave, Sir Stephen's and the traces of the
    floggings on her body, or the marks raised by the riding crop, if indeed they were inflicted again,
    would be discreet and futile compared to this ultimate mark. (But what would the mark be, of
    what would it consist, in what way would it be definitive? O, terrified and fascinated, was dying
    to know, she had to know immediately. But it was obvious that Sir Stephen was not yet ready to
    explain it. And it was true that she had to accept, to consent in the real sense of the term, for

    nothing would be inflicted upon her by force to which she had not already previously consented;
    she could refuse, nothing was keeping her enslaved except her love and her self-enslavement.
    What prevented her from leaving?) And yet, before this mark was imposed upon her, even before
    Sir Stephen became accustomed to flogging her, as had been decided by Rene and himself, to
    flogging her in such a way that the traces were constantly visible, she would be granted a
    reprieve - the time required for her to make Jacqueline submit to her. Stunned, O raised her head
    and looked at Sir Stephen. Why? Why Jacqueline? And if Jacqueline interested Sir Stephen, why
    was it in relation to O?

    "There are two reasons," Sir Stephen said. "The first, and least important, is that I would like to
    see you kiss and caress a woman."

    "But even assuming she gives in to me," cried O, "how in the world do you expect me to make
    her consent to your being present?"

    "That's the least of my worries," Sir Stephen said. "If necessary, by betrayal, and anyway, I'm
    counting on you for a great deal more than that, for the second reason why I want you to seduce
    her is that you're to be the bait that lures her to Roissy."

    O set down the cup of coffee she was holding in her hand, shaking so violently that she spilled
    the viscous dregs of coffee and sugar at the bottom of the cup. Like a soothsayer, she saw
    unbearable images in the spreading brown stain on the tablecloth: Jacqueline's glazed eyes
    confronting the valet Pierre; her flanks, doubtless as golden as her breasts, though O had never
    seen them, exposed to view below the folds of her long red velvet dress with its tucked-up skirt;
    her downy cheeks stained with tears and her painted mouth open and screaming, and her straight
    hair, in a Dutch bob along her forehead, straight as new-mown hay - no, it was impossible, not
    her, not Jacqueline.

    "No, it's out of the question," she said.

    "Of course it's not," Sir Stephen retorted. "How do you think girls are recruited for Roissy? Once
    you have brought her there, the matter will be completely out of your hands, and anyway, if she
    wants to leave, she can leave. Come along now."

    He had gotten suddenly to his feet, leaving the money for the bill on the table. O followed him to
    the car, climbed in, and sat down. Scarcely had they entered the Bois de Boulogne when he
    turned in to a side road, stopped the car in a narrow lane, and took her in his arms.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 05:03 PM.

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    Default Part III: Anne-Marie and the Rings

    Part III: Anne-Marie and the Rings

    O had believed, or wanted to believe, in order to give herself a good excuse, that Jacqueline
    would be uncommonly shy. She was enlightened on this score the moment she decided to open
    her eyes.

    The modest air Jacqueline assumed - closing the door to the mirrored make-up room where she
    dressed and undressed - was in fact clearly intended to inflame O, to instill in her the desire to
    force the door which, had it been left wide open, she would never have made up her mind to
    enter. That O's decision finally came from an authority outside herself, and was not the result of
    that basic strategy, could not have been further from Jacqueline's mind. At first O was amused by
    it. As she helped Jacqueline arrange her hair, for example, after Jacqueline had taken off the
    clothes she had posed in and was slipping into her turtle -neck sweater and the turquoise necklace
    the same color as her eyes, O found herself amazingly delighted at the idea that the very same
    evening Sir Stephen would be apprised of Jacqueline's every gesture - whether she had allowed
    O to fondle, through the black sweater, her small, well-spaced breasts, whether she had lowered
    her eyelids till those lashes, fairer than her skin, were touching her cheeks; whether she had
    sighed or moaned. When O embraced her, she became heavy, motionless and seemly expectant
    in her arms, her lips parted slightly and her hair cascaded back. O always had to be careful to
    hold her by both her shoulders and lean her up against the frame of a door or against a table.
    Otherwise she would have slipped to the floor, her eyes closed, without a sound. The minute O
    let go of her, she would again turn into ice and snow, laughing and distant, and would say:
    "You've got lipstick on me," and would wipe her mouth. It was this distant stranger that O
    enjoyed betraying by carefully noting - so as not to forget anything and be able to relate
    everything in detail - the slow flush of her cheeks, the smell of sage and sweat. Of Jacqueline it
    was impossible to say that she was forbearing or that she was on her guard. When she yielded to
    the kisses - and all she had so far granted O were kisses, which she accepted without returning -
    she yielded abruptly and, it seemed, totally, as though for ten seconds, or five minutes, she had
    become someone else. The rest of the time she was both coquettish and coy, incredibly clever at
    parrying an attack, contriving never to lay herself open either to a word or gesture, or even a look
    which would allow the victor to coincide with the vanquished or give O to believe that it was all
    that simple to take possession of her mouth. The only indication one had as a guide, the only
    thing that gave one to suspect troubled waters beneath the calm surface of her look was an
    occasional, apparently involuntary trace of a smile on her triangular face, similar to the smile of a
    cat, as fleeting and disturbing, and as uncertain, as a cat's. Yet it did not take O long to realize
    that this smile could be provoked by two things, and Jacqueline was totally unaware of either.
    The first was the gifts that were given to her, the second, any clear evidence of the desire she
    aroused - providing, however, that the person who desired her was someone who might be useful
    to her or who flattered her vanity. In what way was O useful to her? Or was it simply that O was
    an exception and that Jacqueline enjoyed being desired by O both because she took solace in O's
    manifest admiration and also because a woman's desire is harmless and of no consequence? Still
    in all, O was convinced that if, instead of bringing Jacqueline a mother-of-pearl brooch or the
    latest creation of Hermes' scarves on which I Love You was printed in every language under the
    sun, she were to offer Jacqueline the hundred or two hundred francs she seemed constantly to
    need, Jacqueline would have changed her tune about never having the time to have lunch or tea
    at O's place, or would have stopped evading her caresses. But of this O never had any proof. She
    had only barely mentioned it to Sir Stephen, who was chiding her for her slowness, when Rene
    stepped in. The five or six times that Rene had come by for O, when Jacqueline had happened to
    be there, the three of them had gone together to the Weber bar or to one of the English bars in the
    vicinity of the Madeleine; on these occasions Rene would contemplate Jacqueline with precisely
    the same mixture of interest, self-assurance, and arrogance with which he would gaze, at Roissy,
    at the girls who were completely at his disposal. The arrogance slid harmlessly off Jacqueline's
    solid, gleaming armor, and Jacqueline was not even aware of it. By a curious contradiction, O
    was disturbed by it, judging an attitude which she considered quite natural and normal for
    herself, insulting for Jacqueline. Was she taking up cudgels in defense of Jacqueline, or was it
    merely that she wanted her all to herself? She would have been hard put to answer that question,
    all the more so because she did not have her all to herself - at least not yet. But if she finally did
    succeed, she had to admit it was thanks to Rene. On three occasions, upon leaving the bar where
    they had given Jacqueline considerably more whisky than she should have drunk - her cheeks
    were flushed and shining, her eyes hard - he had driven her home before taking O to Sir

    Jacqueline lived in one of those lugubrious Passy lodging houses into which hordes of White
    Russians had piled immediately following the Revolution, and from which they had never
    moved. The entrance hall was painted in imitation oak, and on the stairway the spaces between
    the banisters were covered with dust, and the green carpeting had been worn down till it was
    threadbare in many places. Each time Rene wanted to come in - and to date he had never got
    beyond the front door - Jacqueline would jump out of the car, cry "not tonight" or "thanks so
    much," and slam the car door behind her as though she had suddenly been burned by some
    tongue of flame. And it was true, O would say to herself, that she was being pursued by fire. It
    was admirable that Jacqueline had sensed it, even though she had no concrete evidence of it as
    yet. At least she realized that she had to be on her guard with Rene, whose detachment did not
    seem to affect her in the slightest. (Or did it? And as far as seeming unaffected, two could play at
    that game, and Rene was a worthy opponent for her).

    The only time that Jacqueline let O come into the house and follow her up to her room, O had
    understood why she had so adamantly refused Rene permission to set foot in the house. What
    would have happened to her prestige, her black-and-white legend on the slick pages of the posh
    fashion magazines, if someone other than a woman like herself had seen the sordid lair from
    which the glorious creature issued forth every day? The bed was never made, at most the
    bedclothes were more or less pulled up, and the sheet which was visible was dirty and greasy, for
    Jacqueline never went to bed without massaging her face with cold cream, and she fell asleep too
    quickly to think of wiping it off. Sometime in the past a curtain had apparently partitioned off the
    toilet from the room: all that remained on the triangular shaped curtain rod were two rings and a
    few shreds of cloth. The color was faded from everything: from the rug, from the wallpaper
    whose pink and gray flowers were crawling upward like vegetation gone wild and become
    petrified on the imitation white trellis. One would have had to throw everything out and start
    again from scratch: scrape off the wallpaper, throw out the rug, sand the floors. But without
    waiting for that, one could in any case have cleaned off the dirt that, like so many strata, ringed
    the enamel of the basin, immediately wiped off and put into some kind of order the bottles of
    make-up remover and the jars of cream, cleaned up the powder box, wiped off the dressing table,
    thrown out the dirty cotton, opened the windows. But, straight and cool and clean and smelling
    of eau de Cologne and wild flowers, dirt-proof and impeccable, Jacqueline could not have cared
    less about her filthy room. What she did care about, however, what caused her no end of
    concern, was her family.

    It was because of her hovel, which O was frank enough to have mentioned to Rene, that Rene
    made a proposal which was to alter their lives, but it was because of her family that Jacqueline
    accepted. Rene's suggestion was that Jacqueline should come and live with O. "Family" was a
    gross misunderstatement: it was a clan, or rather a horde. Grandmother, mother, aunt, and even a
    maid - four women ranging in age from fifty to seventy, strident, heavily made up, smothered
    beneath onyx and their black silks, sobbing and wailing at four in the morning in the faint red
    light of the icons, with the cigarette smoke swirling thickly about them, four women drowning in
    the clicking of the tea glasses and the harsh hissing of a language Jacqueline would gladly have
    given half her life to forget - she was going out of her mind having to submit to their orders, to
    listen to them, merely having to see them. Whenever she saw her mother lifting a piece of sugar
    to her mouth before drinking her tea, Jacqueline would set down her own glass and retreat to her
    dry and dusty pigsty, leaving all three of them behind, her grandmother, her mother, and her
    mother's sister, with their hair dyed black, their closely knit eyebrows, and their wide, doelike,
    disapproving eyes - there in her mother's room which doubled as a living room, there where,
    besides, the fourth female, the maid, ended by resembling them. She fled, banging the doors
    behind her, and they called after her: "Choura, Choura, little dove," just as in the novels of
    Tolstoy, for her name was not Jacqueline. Jacqueline was her professional name, a name chosen
    to forget her real name, and with it this sordid but tender gynaeceum, and to set herself up in the
    French sun, in a solid world where there are men who do marry you and not disappear, as had the
    father she had never known, into the vast arctic wastes from which he had never returned. She
    took after him completely, she used to tell herself with a mixture of anger and delight, she had
    his hair and high cheekbones, his complexion and his slanting eyes. All she was grateful for to
    her mother was having given her this blond devil as a father, this demon whom the snows had
    reclaimed as the earth reclaims other men. What she resented was that her mother had forgotten
    him quickly enough to have given birth one fine day to a dark-complexioned little girl the issue
    of a short-lived liaison, her half-sister by an unknown father, whose name was Natalie. Now
    fifteen, Natalie only saw them during vacation. Her father, never. But he provided for Natalie's
    room and board in a lycee not far from Paris, and gave her mother a monthly stipend on which
    the three women and the maid - and even Jacqueline till now - had subsisted, albeit poorly, in an
    idleness which to them was paradise. Whatever remained from Jacqueline's earnings as a model,
    after she had bought her cosmetics and lingerie, and her shoes and dresses - all of which came
    from the top fashion houses and were, even after the discount she received as a model, frightfully
    expensive - was swallowed by the gaping maw of the family purse and disappeared, God only
    knows where.

    Obviously, Jacqueline could have chosen to have a lover to support her, and she had not lacked
    the opportunity. She had in fact had a lover or two, less because she liked them - not that she
    actually disliked them - than because she wanted to prove to herself that she was capable of
    provoking desire and inflaming a man to the point of love. The only one of the two - the second -
    who had been wealthy and made her a present of a very lovely pearl with a slight pink tint which
    she wore on her left hand, but she had refused to live with him, and since he had refused to marry
    her, she had left him, with no great regrets, merely relieved that she was not pregnant (she had
    thought she was, for several days had lived in a state of dread at the idea). No, to live with a
    lover was lose face, to forsake one's chances for the future, it was to do what her mother had
    done with Natalie's father, and that was out of the question.

    With O, however, it was quite another matter. A polite fiction made it possible to pretend that
    Jacqueline was simply moving in with a girl friend, with whom she was going to share all costs.
    O would be serving a dual purpose, both playing the role of the lover who supports, or helps to
    support, the girl he loves, and also the theoretically opposite role of providing a moral guarantee.
    Rene's presence was not official enough, really, to compromise the fiction. But who can say
    whether, behind Jacqueline's decision, that very presence might not have been the real
    motivation for her acceptance? The fact remained that it was left up to O, and to O alone, to
    present the matter to Jacqueline's mother. Never had O been more keenly aware of playing the
    role of traitor, of spy, never had she felt so keenly she was the envoy of some criminal
    organization as when she found herself in the presence of that woman, who thanked her for
    befriending her daughter. And at the same time, deep in her heart O was repudiating her mission
    and the reasons which had brought her there. Yes, Jacqueline would move in with her, but never,
    never would O acquiesce so completely to Sir Stephen as to deliver her into his hands. And yet!
    ... For no sooner had she moved into O's apartment, where she was assigned, at Rene's request,
    the bedroom he sometimes pretended to occupy (pretended, given that he always slept in O's big
    bed), than O, contrary to all expectations, was amazed to find herself obsessed with the burning
    desire to have Jacqueline at any price, even if attaining her goal meant handing her over to Sir
    Stephen. After all, she rationalized to herself, Jacqueline's beauty is quite sufficient protection
    for her, and besides, why should I get involved in it anyway? And what if she were to be reduced
    to what I have been reduced to, is that really so terrible? - scarcely admitting, and yet so
    overwhelmed to imagine, how sweet it would be to see Jacqueline naked and defenseless beside
    her, and like her.

    The week Jacqueline moved in, her mother having given her full consent, Rene proved to be
    exceedingly zealous, inviting them every other day to dinner and taking them to the movies
    which, curiously enough, he chose from among the detective pictures playing, tales of drug
    traffic and white slavery. He would sit down between them, gently hold hands with them both
    and not utter a word. But whenever there was a scene of violence, O would see him studying
    Jacqueline's face for the slightest trace of emotion. All you could see on it was a hint of disgust,
    revealed by the slight downward pout at the corners of her mouth.

    Afterward he would drive them home in his convertible, with the top down, and in the open car
    with the windows rolled down, the speed and the night wind flattened Jacqueline's generous head
    of blond hair against her cheeks and narrow forehead, and even blew it into her eyes. She would
    toss her head to smooth her hair back into place and would run her hand through it the way boys

    Once she had accepted the fact that she was living with O and that O was Rene's mistress, she
    consequently seemed to find Rene's little familiarities quite natural. It did not bother her in the
    least to have Rene come into her room under the pretense of looking for some piece of paper he
    had left there, and O knew that it was a pretense, for she had personally emptied the drawers of
    the big Dutch writing desk, with its elaborate pattern of inlay and its leather- lined leaf, which
    was always open, a desk so utterly unlike Rene. Why did he have it? Who had he gotten it from?
    Its weighty elegance, its light-colored woods were the only touch of wealth in the somewhat dark
    room which faced north and overlooked the courtyard and the steel gray of its walls and the cold,
    highly waxed surface of the floor provided a sharp contract with the cheerful rooms which faced
    the river. Well, there could be a virtue in that: Jacqueline would not be happy there. It would
    make it all the easier for her to agree to share the two front rooms with O, to sleep with O, as on
    the first day she had agreed to share the bathroom and kitchen, the cosmetics, the perfumes, the
    meals. In this, O was mistaken. Jacqueline was profoundly and passionately attached to anything
    that belonged to her - to her pink pearl, for instance - and completely indifferent to anything that
    was not hers. Had she lived in a palace, it would have interested her only if someone had told
    her: the palace is yours, and then proved it by giving her a notarized deed. She could not have
    cared less whether the gray room was pleasant or not, and it was not to get away from it that she
    climbed into O's bed. Nor was it to show her gratitude to O, for she in fact did not feel it, though
    O ascribed the feeling to her and was delighted to abuse it, or think she was abusing it.

    Jacqueline enjoyed pleasure, and found it both expedient and pleasant to receive it from a
    woman, in whose hands she was running no risk whatever.

    Five days after she had unpacked her suitcases, whose contents O had helped her sort out and put
    away, when for the third time Rene had brought them home about ten o'clock after having dined
    with them, and had then left (as he had both other times), she simply appeared, naked and still
    wet from her bath, in O's doorway and said to O:

    "You're sure he's not coming back?" and without even waiting for her answer, she slipped into
    the big bed. She allowed herself to be kissed and caressed, her eyes closed, not responding by a
    single caress; at first she moaned faintly, hardly more than a whimper, then louder, still louder,
    until finally she cried out. She fell asleep sprawled across the bed, her knees apart but her legs
    flat again on the bed, the upper part of her body slightly turned on one side, her hands open, her
    body bathed in the bright light of the pink lamp. Between her breasts a trace of sweat glistened.
    O covered her and turned out the light. When, two hours later, she took her again, in the dark,
    Jacqueline did not resist but murmured:

    "Don't wear me out completely, I have to get up early tomorrow."

    It was at this time that Jacqueline, in addition to her intermittent assignments as a model, began
    to engage in a more absorbing but equally unpredictable career: she was signed up to play bit
    parts in the movies. It was hard to tell whether she was proud of this or not, whether or not she
    considered this the first step in a career which might lead to her becoming famous. In the
    morning she would drag herself out of bed more in anger than with any show of enthusiasm,
    would take her shower, quickly make herself up, for breakfast would accept only the large cup of
    black coffee that O barely had time to make for her, and would let O kiss the tips of her fingers,
    responding with no more than a mechanical smile and an expression full of malice: O was soft
    and warm in her white vicuna dressing gown, her hair combed, her face washed, looking for all
    the world like someone who plans on going back to bed. And yet such was not the case. O had
    not yet found the courage to explain why to Jacqueline. The truth of the matter was that every
    day, when Jacqueline left for the film studio at Boulogne where her picture was being shot, at the
    same time as the children left for school and the white-collar workers for their offices, O, who in
    the past had indeed whiled away the morning in her apartment, also got dressed.

    "I'm sending you my car," Sir Stephen had said, "to drive Jacqueline to Boulogne, then it will
    come back to pick you up."

    Thus O found herself headed for Sir Stephen's place every morning when the sun along the way
    was still striking the eastern faces; the other walls were still cool in the shade, but in the gardens
    the shadows were already growing shorter.

    At the rue de Poitiers, the housework was still not finished. Norah, the mulatto maid, would take
    O into the small bedroom where, the first evening, Sir Stephen had left her alone to sleep and
    cry, wait till O had put her gloves, her bag, and her clothes on the bed, and then she would take
    them and put them away, in O's presence, in a closet to which she alone had the key. Then,
    having given O the patent-leather high-heeled mules which made a sharp clicking sound as she
    walked, Norah would precede her, opening the doors as they went, till they reached Sir Stephen's
    study, when she would stand aside to let O pass.

    O never got used to these preparations, and stripping in front of this patient old woman, who
    never said a word to her and scarcely looked at her, seemed to her as dangerous and formidable
    as being naked at Roissy in the presence of the valets there. On felt slippers, the old lady slipped
    silently by like a nun. As she followed her, O could not take her eyes off the twin points of her
    Madras kerchief and, every time she opened a door, off her thin, swarthy hand on the porcelain
    handle, a hand that seemed as hard as wood.

    At the same time, by a feeling diametrically opposed to the terror she inspired in her - a
    contradiction O was unable to explain - O experienced a kind of pride that this servant of Sir
    Stephen (and just what was her relation to Sir Stephen, and why had he entrusted her with this
    task as costume and make-up assistant for which she assumed so poorly suited?) was a witness to
    the fact that she too - like so many others, perhaps, whom she had guided in the same way, and
    why should she think otherwise? - was worthy of being used by Sir Stephen. For perhaps Sir
    Stephen did love her, without a doubt he did, and O sensed that the time was not far off when he
    would no longer be content to let her suspect it but would declare it to her - but to the very
    degree that his love and desire for her were increasing, he was becoming more completely, more
    minutely, and more deliberately exacting with her. Thus retained by his side for whole mornings,
    during which he sometimes scarcely touched her, waiting only to be caressed by her, she did
    whatever he wanted of her with a sentiment that must be qualified as gratitude, which was all the
    greater whenever his request took the form of a command. Each surrender was for her the pledge
    that another surrender would be demanded of her, and she acquitted herself of each as though of
    a duty performed; it was odd that she would have been completely satisfied by it, and yet she

    Sir Stephen's office, situated directly above the yellow and gray drawing room where he held
    sway in the evening, was smaller and had a lower ceiling. It contained neither settee nor sofa,
    only two regency armchairs upholstered in a tapestry with a floral pattern. O sat in one
    occasionally, but Sir Stephen generally preferred to keep her near at hand, at arm's length, and
    while he was busy with other things, to none the less have her seated on his desk, to his left. The
    desk was set at right angles to the wall, which allowed O to lean back against the shelves which
    contained some dictionaries and leather-bound phone books. The telephone was snug against her
    left thigh, and every time the phone rang she jumped it. It was she who picked up the receiver
    and answered, saying: "May I ask who's calling?" then either repeating the name out loud and
    passing the receiver to Sir Stephen, or, if he signaled to her, making some excuse for him.
    Whenever had a visitor, old Norah would announce him, Sir Stephen would have him wait long
    enough for Norah to conduct O back to the room where she had undressed and where, after Sir
    Stephen's visitor had left, she would come to fetch her again when Sir Stephen rang for her.

    Since Norah entered and left the study several times each morning, either to bring Sir Stephen
    his coffee or to bring in the mail, to open or draw the blinds or to empty the ashtrays, and since
    she alone had the right to enter and had been expressly instructed never to knock, and since,
    finally, she always waited in silence whenever she had something to say, until Sir Stephen spoke
    to her to ask her what it was she wanted, it so happened that on one occasion when Norah came
    into the room O was bent over the desk with her rear exposed, her head and arms against the
    leather top, waiting for Sir Stephen to impale her. She raised her head. If Norah had not glanced
    at her, and she invariably never did, that would have been the only movement O would have
    made. But this time it was obvious that Norah was trying to catch O's eye. Those black, beady
    eyes fastened on her own - and it was impossible for O to tell whether they bespoke indifference
    or not - those eyes set in a deeply furrowed, impassive face so bothered O that she made a
    movement to try and get away from Sir Stephen. He gathered what it was all about, and with one
    hand pinned her waist to the table, while prying her open with the other. She who was constantly
    striving to cooperate and do her best was now, quite involuntarily, tense and contracted, and Sir
    Stephen was obliged to force his way. Even when he had done so, she felt that the ring of her
    buttocks was tightening around him, and he had trouble forcing himself all the way into her. He
    withdrew only when he was certain he could come and go with ease. Then as he was on the point
    of taking her again, he told Norah to wait, and said that she could help O get dressed when he
    had finished with her. And yet, before he dismissed her, he kissed O tenderly on the mouth. It
    was that kiss which, several days later, gave her the courage to tell him that Norah frightened

    "I should hope so," he retorted. "And when you wear my mark and my irons, as I trust you soon
    will - if you will consent to it - you'll have much more reason to be afraid of her."

    "Why?" O asked, "and what mark and what irons? I'm already wearing this ring...."

    "That's completely up to Anne-Marie, to whom in fact I've promised to show you. We're going to
    pay her a visit after lunch. I trust you don't mind? She's a friend of mine, and you may have
    noted that, till now, I've refrained from ever introducing you to my friends. When Anne -Marie is
    finished with you, I'll give you genuine reasons for being afraid of Norah."

    O did not dare to pursue the matter any further. This Anne-Marie whom they had threatened her
    with intrigued her more than Norah. Sir Stephen had already mentioned her when they had
    lunched together at Saint-Cloud. And it was quite true that O knew none of Sir Stephen's friends,
    nor any of his acquaintances. In short, she was living in Paris, locked in her secret as though she
    had been locked in a brothel; the only persons who had the key to her secret, Rene and Sir
    Stephen, at the same time had the only key to her body. She could not help thinking that the
    expression "open oneself to someone," which meant to give oneself, for her had only this
    meaning, for she was in fact opening every part of her body which was capable of being opened.
    It also seemed to her that this was her raison d'etre and that Sir Stephen, like Rene, intended it
    should be, since whenever he spoke of his friends as he had done at Saint-Cloud, it was to tell
    her that those to whom he might introduce her would, needless to say, be free to dispose of her
    however they wished, if indeed they did. But in trying to visualize Anne-Marie and imagine what
    it might be that Sir Stephen expected from Anne-Marie as far as she, O, was concerned, O was
    completely at sea, and not even her experience at Roissy was of any help to her. Sir Stephen had
    also mentioned that he wanted to see her caress another woman: could that be it? (But he had
    specified that he was referring to Jacqueline....) No, it wasn't that. "To show you," he had just
    said. Indeed. But after she left Anne-Marie, O knew no more than before.

    Anne-Marie lived not far from the Observatoire in Paris, in an apartment flanked by a kind of
    large studio, on the top floor of a new building overlooking the treetops. She was a slender
    woman, the same age more or less as Sir Stephen, and her black hair was streaked with gray. Her
    eyes were such a deep blue they looked black. She offered O and Sir Stephen some coffee, a very
    strong bitter coffee which she served steaming hot in tiny cups, and which reassured O. When
    she had finished her coffee and got up from her chair to put down her empty cup on a coffee
    table, Anne-Marie seized her by the wrist and, turning to Sir Stephen, said:

    "May I?"

    "Please do," Sir Stephen said.

    Then Anne-Marie, who tell then had neither spoken to nor smiled at O, even to greet her or to
    acknowledge Sir Stephen's introduction, said to her softly, with a smile so tender one would have
    thought she were giving her a present:

    "Come, my child, and let me see your belly and backside, but better yet, why don't you take off
    all your clothes."

    While O obeyed, she lighted a cigarette. Sir Stephen had not taken his eyes off O. They left her
    standing there for perhaps five minutes. There was no mirror in the room, but O caught a vague
    reflection of herself in the black-lacquer surface of a screen.

    "Take off your stockings too," Anne-Marie said suddenly. "You see," she went on, "you
    shouldn't wear garters, you'll ruin your thighs." And with the tip of her finger she pointed to the
    spot just above O's knees where O rolled down her stockings around a wide elastic garter. There
    was in fact a faint mark on her leg.

    "Who told you to do that?"

    Before O had a chance to reply, Sir Stephen said:

    "The boy who gave her to me, you know him, Rene." And he added: "But I'm sure he'll come
    around to your opinion."

    "I'm glad to hear it," said Anne-Marie. "I'm going to give you some long, dark stockings, O, and
    a corset to hold them up. But it will be a whalebone corset, one that will be snug at the waist."

    When Anne-Marie had run a young blonde, silent girl had brought in some very sheer, black
    stockings and a tight-fitting corset of black nylon taffeta, reinforced and sustained by wide,
    close-set stays which curved in at the lower belly and above the hips. O, who was still standing,
    shifting her weight from one foot to the other, slipped on the stockings, which came to the top of
    her thighs. The young blonde helped her into the corset, which had a row of buckles along one of
    the busks on one side near the back. Like the bodices at Roissy, this one could be laced up as
    tightly or as loosely as desired, the laces being at the back. O fastened her stockings to the four
    garter-belt snaps in front and on the sides, then the girl set about lacing her up as tight as she
    could. O felt her waist and belly being pressed inward by the pressure of the stays, that in front
    descended almost to the pubis, which they left free, as they did her hips. The corset was shorter
    behind and left her rear completely free.

    "She'll be much improved," Anne -Marie said, speaking to Sir Stephen, "when her waist is a
    fraction of its present size. And what's more, if you're too pressed for time to have her undress,
    you'll see that the corset is no inconvenience. Now then, O, step over this way."

    The girl left: O went over to Anne-Marie, who was sitting in a low chair, a small easy chair
    upholstered in bright red velvet. Anne-Marie ran her hand lightly over her buttocks and then,
    toppling her over on an ottoman similar to the red velvet chair and ordering her not to move,
    seized both her nether lips.

    This is how they lift the fish at the market, O was thinking, by the gills, and how they pry open
    the mouths of horses. She also recalled that the valet Pierre, during her first evening at Roissy,
    had done the same to her after having fastened her in chains. After all, she was no longer
    mistress of her own fate, and that part of her of which she was least in control was most
    assuredly that half of her body which could, so to speak, be put to use independently of the rest.
    Why, each time that she realized this, as she - surprised was not really the right word - once
    again persuaded, why was she paralyzed each time by the same feeling of profound distress, a
    sentiment which tended to deliver her not so much into the hands of the person she was with as
    into the hands of him who had turned her over to alien hands, a sentiment which drew her closer
    to Rene when others were possessing her and which, here, was tending to draw her closer to
    whom? To Rene or to Sir Stephen? She no longer knew.... But that was because she did not want
    to know, for it was clear that she had belonged to Sir Stephen now for ... how long had it been?

    Anne-Marie had her stand up and put her clothes back on.

    "You can bring her to me whenever you like," she said to Sir Stephen. "I'll be at Samois
    (Samois... O had expected: Roissy. But if it did not mean Roissy; then what did it mean?) in two
    days time. That will be fine." (What would be fine?)

    "In ten days, if that suits you," Sir Stephen said, "at the beginning of July."

    In the car which was driving back home, Sir Stephen having remained behind at Anne-Marie's
    she remembered the statue she had seen as a child in the Luxembourg Gardens: a woman whose
    waist had been similarly constricted and seemed so slim between her full breasts and plump
    behind - she was leaning over limpid water, a spring which, like her, was carefully sculptured in
    marble, looking at her reflection - so slim and frail that she had been afraid the marble waist
    would snap. But if that was what Sir Stephen wanted...

    As for Jacqueline, she could handle her easily enough merely by telling her the corset was one of
    Rene's whims. Which brought O back to a train of thought she had been trying to avoid
    whenever it occurred to her, one which surprised her above all not to find more painful: why,
    since Jacqueline had moved in with her, had he made an effort not so much to leave her alone
    with Jacqueline, which she could understand, but to avoid being alone with O any more? July
    was fast approaching, and he would be going away and would not be coming to visit her at this
    Anne-Marie's where Sir Stephen was sending her; must she therefore resign herself to the fact
    that the only times she would see him would be those evenings when he was in the mood to
    invite Jacqueline and her, or - and she didn't know which of the two possibilities upset her most
    (since between them, at this point, there was something basically false, due to the fact that their
    relationship was so circumscribed) - on those occasional mornings when she was at Sir Stephen's
    and Norah ushered Rene in, after having announced his arrival? Sir Stephen always received
    him, invariably Rene kissed O, caressed the tips of her breasts, coordinated his plans with Sir
    Stephen for the following day - plans which never included O - and left. Had he given her to Sir
    Stephen so completely that he had ceased to love her? The thought threw O into such a state of
    panic that, mechanically, she got out of Sir Stephen's car in front of her house, instead of telling
    the chauffeur to wait, and after it had pulled away she had to dash off in search of a taxi. Taxis
    are few and far between on the quai de Bethune. O had to run all the way to the boulevard Saint-
    Germain, and still she had to wait. She was all out of breath, and in a sweat, because her corset
    made it hard for her to breathe, when a taxi finally slowed down at the corner of the rue
    Cardinal-Lemoine. She signaled to it, gave the driver the address of Rene's office, got in without
    knowing whether Rene would be there, and if he was, whether he would see her; it was the first
    time she had gone to his office.

    She was not surprised by the impressive building on a side street just off the Champs-Elysees, or
    by the American-style offices, but what did disconcert her was Rene's attitude, although he did
    receive her immediately. Not that he was aggressive or full of reproaches. She would have
    preferred reproaches, for he had never given her permission to come and disturb him at his
    office, and it was possible that she was creating a considerable disturbance for him. He dismissed
    his secretary, told her that he did not want to see anyone, and asked her to hold all calls. Then he
    asked O what was the matter.

    "I was afraid you didn't love me any longer," O said.

    He laughed. "All of a sudden, just like that?"

    "Yes, in the car coming back from..."

    "Coming back from where?"

    O remained silent.

    Rene laughed again:

    "But I know where you were, silly. Coming back from Anne -Marie's. And in ten days you're
    going to Samois. Sir Stephen just talked to me on the phone."

    Rene was seated in the only comfortable chain in the office, which was facing the table, and O
    had buried herself in his arms.

    "They can do whatever they want with me, I don't care," she murmured. "But tell me you still
    love me."

    "Of course I love you, darling," Rene said, "but I want you to obey me, and I'm afraid you're not
    doing a very good job of it. Did you tell Jacqueline that you belonged to Sir Stephen, did you
    talk to her about Roissy?"

    O assured him that she had not. Jacqueline acquiesced to her caresses, but the day she should
    learn that O...

    Rene stopped her from completing her sentence, lifted her up and laid her down in the chair
    where he had just been sitting, and bunched up her skirt.

    "Ah ha, so you have your corset," he said. "It's true that you'll be much more attractive when you
    have a smaller waistline."

    Then he took her, and it seemed to O that it had been so long since he had that, subconsciously,
    she realized she had begun to doubt whether he really desired her any longer, and in his act she
    saw proof of love.

    "You know," he said afterward, "you're foolish not to talk to Jacqueline. We absolutely need her
    at Roissy, and the simplest way of getting her there would be through you. Besides, when you
    come back from Anne-Marie's there won't be any way of concealing your true conditioning any

    O wanted to know why.

    "You'll see," Rene went on. "You still have five days, and only five days, because Sir Stephen
    intends to start whipping you again daily, five days before he sends you to Anne-Marie's and
    there will be no way for you to hide the marks. How will you ever explain them to Jacqueline?"

    O did not reply. What Rene did not know was that Jacqueline was completely egotistical as far as
    O was concerned, being interested in her solely because of O's manifest, and passionate, interest
    in her, and she never looked at O. If O were covered with welts from the floggings, all she would
    have to do would be to take care not to bathe in Jacqueline's presence, and to wear a nightgown.
    Jacqueline would never notice a thing. She had never noticed that O did not wear panties, and
    there was no danger she would notice anything else: the fact was that O did not interest her.

    "Listen to me," Rene went on, "there's one thing anyway I want you to tell her, and tell her right
    away, and that is that I'm in love with her."

    "Is that true?" O said.

    "I want her," Rene said, "and since you can't - or won't - do anything about it, I'll take charge of
    the matter myself and do what has to be done."

    "You'll never get her to agree to go to Roissy," O said.

    "I won't? In that case," Rene retorted, "we'll force her to."

    That night, after dark, when Jacqueline was in bed and O had pulled the covers back to gaze at
    her in the light of the lamp, after having said to her: "Rene's in love with you, you know" - for
    she had delivered the message and delivered it without delay - O, who a month before had been
    horrified at the idea of seeing this delicate wisp of a body scored by the lash, these narrow loins
    quartered, the pure mouth screaming, and the far down on her cheeks streaked with tear, O now
    repeated to herself Rene's final words and was happy.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 05:04 PM.

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    Default Part III: Anne-Marie and the Rings - continued...

    With Jacqueline gone and not due back until beginning of August, if they had finished shooting
    the film she was making, there was nothing further to keep O in Paris. July was around the
    corner, all the gardens in Paris were bursting with crimson geraniums, at noon all the shutters in
    town were closed, and Rene was complaining that he would have to make a trip to Scotland. For
    a moment O was hoping that he would take her along. But apart from the fact that he never took
    her anywhere to see his family, she knew that he would surrender her to Sir Stephen, if he were
    to ask for her.

    Sir Stephen announced that he would come for her the same day that Rene was flying to London.
    She was on vacation.

    "We're going down to Anne-Marie's," he said, "she's expecting you. Don't bother packing a
    suitcase, you won't need anything."

    Their destination was not the apartment near the Observatoire where O had first met Anne-
    Marie, but a low-lying two-story house at the end of a large garden, on the edge of the
    Fontanebleau Forest. Since that first day, O had been wearing the whalebone corset that Anne-
    Marie had deemed so essential: each day she had tightened it a little more, until now her waist
    was scarcely larger than the circle formed by her ten fingers.; Anne-Marie ought to be pleased.

    When they arrived it was two o'clock in the afternoon, the whole house was asleep, and the dog
    barked faintly when they rang the bell: a big, shaggy, sheepdog that sniffed at O's knees beneath
    her skirt. Anne -Marie was sitting under a copper beech tree on the edge of the lawn which , in
    one corner of the garden, faced the windows of her bedroom. She did not get up.

    "Her's O," Sir Stephen said. "You know what has to be done with her. When will she be ready?"

    Anne-Marie glanced at O. "You mean you haven't told her? All right, I'll begin immediately.
    You should probably allow ten days after it's over. I imagine you'll want to put the rings and
    monogram on yourself? Come back in two weeks. The whole business should be finished in two
    weeks after that."

    O started to ask a question.

    "Just a minute, O," Anne-Marie said, "go into the front bedroom over there, get undressed but
    keep your sandals on, and come back."

    The room, a large white bedroom with heavy purple Jouy print drapes, was empty. O put her
    bag, her gloves, and her clothes on a small chair near a closet door. There was no mirror. She
    went back outside and, dazzled by the bright sunlight, walked slowly back over in the shade of
    the beech tree. Sir Stephen was still standing in front of Anne-Marie, the dog at his feet. Anne-
    Marie's black hair, streaked with gray, shone as though she had used some kind of cream on it,
    her blue eyes seemed black. She was dressed in white, with a patent-leather belt around her
    waist, and she was wearing patent-leather sandals which revealed the bright red nail polish on the
    toenails of her bare feet, the same color polish she was wearing on her fingernails.

    "O," she said, "kneel down in front of Sir Stephen."

    O obliged, her arms crossed behind her back, the tips of her breasts quivering. The dog tensed, as
    though he were about to spring at her.

    "Down, Turk," Anne-Marie ordered. Then: "Do you consent, O, to bear the rings and monogram
    with which Sir Stephen desires you to be marked, without knowing how they will be placed upon

    "I do," O said.

    "All right then, I'm going to walk Sir Stephen to his car. Stay here."

    As Anne-Marie got up from her chaise lounge, Sir Stephen bent down and took O's breasts in his
    hands. He kissed her on the mouth and murmured:

    "Are you mine, O, are you really mine?" then turned and left her, to follow Anne-Marie. The
    gate banged shut, Anne-Marie was coming back. O, her legs folded beneath her, was sitting on
    her heels and had her arms on her knees, like an Egyptian statue.

    There were three other girls living in the house, all of whom had a bedroom on the second floor.
    O was given a small bedroom on the ground floor, adjoining Anne-Marie's. Anne-Marie called
    up to them to come down into the garden. Like O, all three of them were naked. The only
    persons in this gynaeceum - which was carefully concealed by the high walls and by closed
    shutters over the windows which overlooked a narrow dirt road - the only persons who wore
    clothes were Anne-Marie and the three servants: a cook and two maids, all of whom were older
    than Anne -Marie, three severe, dour women in their black alpaca skirts and stiffly starched

    "Her name is O," said Anne-Marie, who had sat down again. "Bring her over to me so I can get a
    better look at her." Two of the girls helped O to her feet: they were both brunettes, their hair as
    dark as their fleece below, and the nipples of their breasts were large and dark, almost purple.
    The other girl was a short, plump redhead, and the chalky skin of her bosom was crisscrossed by
    a terrifying network of green veins. The two girls pushed O till she was right next to Anne-
    Marie, who pointed to the three black stripes that showed on the front of her thighs and were
    repeated on her buttocks.

    "Who whipped you?" she asked. "Sir Stephen?"

    "Yes," O said.

    "When? And with what?"

    "Three days ago, with a riding crop."

    "Starting tomorrow, and for a month thereafter, you will not be whipped. But today you will, to
    mark your arrival, as soon as I've had a chance to examine you. Has Sir Stephen ever whipped
    you on the inside of your thighs, with your legs spread wide? No? It's true, men don't know how
    to. Well, we'll soon see. Show me your waist. Yes, it's much better!"

    Anne-Marie pressed O's waist to make it even more wasplike. Then she sent the redhead to fetch
    another corset and had them put it on her. It was also made of black nylon, but it was so stiffly
    whaleboned and so narrow that it looked for all the world like an extremely wide belt. It had no
    garter straps. One of the girls laced it up as tight as she could, with Anne-Marie lending her
    encouragement as she pulled on the laces as hard as she could.

    "This is dreadful," O said. "I don't know whether I can bear it."

    "That's the whole point," Anne-Marie said. "You're much, much lovelier than you were, but the
    problem was you didn't lace it tight enough. You're going to wear it this way every day. But tell
    me now, how did Sir Stephen prefer using you? I need to know."

    She had seized O's womb with her whole hand, and O could not reply. Two of the girls were
    seated on the lawn, the third, one of the brunettes, was seated on the foot of Anne-Marie's chaise

    "Turn her around for me, girls, so I can see her back," Anne-Marie said.

    She was turned around and bent over, and the hands of both girls vented her.

    "Of course," Anne-Marie went on, "there was no need for you to tell me. You'll have to be
    marked on the rear. Stand up. We're going to put on your bracelets. Colette, go get the box, and
    we'll draw lots to see who will whip you. Bring the tokens, Colette, then we'll go to the music

    Colette was the taller of the two dark-haired girls, the other's name was Claire; the short redhead
    was named Yvonne. O had not noticed till now that they were all wearing, as at Roissy, a leather
    collar and leather bracelets on their wrists. They were also wearing similar bracelets around their

    When Yvonne had chosen some bracelets that fit O and put them on her, Anne-Marie handed O
    four tokens and asked her to give one to each of the girls, without looking at the numbers on
    them. O handed out the tokens, the three girls each looked at theirs but said nothing, waiting for
    Anne-Marie to speak.

    "I have number two," Anne-Marie said. "Who has number one?"

    Colette had number one.

    "All right, take O away, she's all yours."

    Colette seized O's arms and joined her hands behind her back; she fastened the bracelets together
    and pushed O ahead of her. On the threshold of a French door that opened into a small wing
    which formed an L with the front of the house, Yvonne, who was leading the way, removed her
    sandals. The light entering through the French door revealed a room the far end of which formed
    a kind of raised rotunda; the ceiling, in the shape of a shallow cupola, was supported by two
    narrow columns set about six feet apart. This dais was about four steps high and, in the area
    between the columns, projected further into the room in a gentle arc. The floor of the rotunda,
    like that of the rest of the room, was covered with a red felt carpet. The walls were white, the
    curtains on the windows red, and the sofas set in a semicircle facing the rotunda were
    upholstered in the same red felt material as the carpet on the floor. In the rectangular portion of
    the room there was a fireplace which was wider than it was deep, and opposite the fireplace a
    large console-type combination record player and radio, with shelves of records on both sides.
    This was why it was called the music room, which communicated directly with Anne-Marie's
    bedroom via a door near the fireplace. The identical door on the other side of the fireplace
    opened into a closet. Aside from the record player and the sofas, the room had no furniture.

    While Colette had O sit down on the edge of the platform, which in this center portion between
    the columns made a vertical drop to the floor - the steps having been placed to the left and right
    of the columns - the two other girls, after first having closed the Venetian blinds a trifle, shut the
    French door. O was surprised to note that it was a double door, and Anne -Marie, who was
    laughing said:

    "That's so no one can hear you scream. And the walls are lined with cork. Don't worry, no one
    can hear the slightest thing that goes on in here. Now lie down."

    She took her by both shoulders and laid her back, then pulled her slightly forward. O's hands
    were clutching the edge of the platform - Yvonne having attached them to a ring set in the
    platform - and her buttocks were thus suspended in mid-air. Anne-Marie made her raise her legs
    toward her chest, then O suddenly felt her legs, still doubled-up above her, being pulled taut in
    the same direction: straps had been fastened to her ankle bracelets and thence to the columns on
    either side, while she lay thus between them on this raised dais exposed in such a way that the
    only part of her which was visible was the double cleft of her womb and her buttocks violently
    quartered. Anne-Marie caressed the inside of her thighs.

    "It's the most tender spot of the whole body," she said, "be careful not to harm it. Not too hard
    now, Colette."

    Colette was standing over her, astride her at the level of her waist, and in the bridge formed by
    her dark legs, O could see the tassels of the whip she was holding in her hand. As the first blows
    burned into her loins, O moaned. Colette alternated from left to right, paused, then started again.
    O struggled with all her might, she thought the straps would tear her limb from limb. She did not
    want to grovel, she did not want to beg for mercy. And yet, that was precisely what Anne-Marie
    intended wringing from her lips.

    "Faster," she said to Colette, "and harder."

    O braced herself, but it was no use. A minute later she could bear it no more, she screamed and
    burst into tears, while Anne -Marie caressed her face.

    "Just a second longer," she said, "and it will be over. Only five more minutes. She can scream for
    five minutes. It's twenty-five past, Colette. Stop when it's half past, when I tell you to."

    But O was screaming:

    "No, no, for God's sake don't!" screaming that she couldn't bear it, no, she couldn't bear the
    torture another second. And yet she endured it to the bitter end, and after Colette had left the
    little stage, Anne -Marie smiled at her.

    "Thank me," she said to O, and O thanked her.

    She knew very well why Anne-Marie had wanted, above all else, to have her whipped. That the
    female of the species was as cruel as, and more implacable than, the male, O had never doubted
    for a minute. But O suspected that Anne -Marie was less interested in making a spectacle of her
    power than she was in establishing between O and herself a sense of complicity. O had never
    really understood, but she had finally come to accept as an undeniable and important verity, this
    constant and contradictory jumble of her emotions: she liked the idea of torture, but when she
    was being tortured herself she would have betrayed the whole world to escape it, and yet when it
    was over she was happy to have gone through it, happier still if it had been especially cruel and
    prolonged. Anne-Marie had been correct in her assumptions both as to O's acquiescence and as
    to her revolt, and knew that her pleas for mercy were indeed genuine. There was still a third
    reason for what she had done, which she explained to O. She was bent on proving to every girl
    who came into her house, and who was fated to live in a totally feminine universe, that her
    condition as a woman should not be minimized or denigrated by the fact that she was in contact
    only with other women, but that, on the contrary, it should be heightened and intensified. That
    was why she required that the girls be constantly naked; the way in which O was flogged, as well
    as the position in which she was bound, had no other purpose. Today it was O who would remain
    for the rest of the afternoon - for three more hours - exposed on the dais, her legs raised and
    spread. Tomorrow it would be Claire, or Colette, or Yvonne, whom O would contemplate in tun.
    It was a technique much too slow and meticulous (as was the way the whip was wielded) to be
    used at Roissy. But O would see how efficient it was. Apart from the rings and the letters she
    would wear when she left, she would be returned to Sir Stephen more open, and more profoundly
    enslaved, than she had ever before thought possible.

    The following morning, after breakfast, Anne-Marie told O and Yvonne to follow her into the
    bedroom. From her writing desk she took a green leather coffer which she set on the bed and
    proceeded to open. Both girls squatted on their heels.

    "Hasn't Yvonne said anything to you about this?" Anne -Marie asked O.

    O shook her head. What was there for Yvonne to tell her?

    "And I know Sir Stephen didn't either. No matter. Anyway, here are the rings he wants you to

    The rings were of stainless steel, unburnished, the same dull finish as the gold-plated iron ring.
    They were oblong in shape, similar to the links of a heavy chain, the rounded metal being
    approximately as thick as the diameter of an oversized coloring pencil. Anne -Marie showed O
    that each ring was composed of two U-shaped halves, one of which fitted into the other.

    "This is only the test model," she said, "which can be removed after it's been inserted. The
    permanent model, you see, has a spring inside, and when you press on it, it locks into the female
    slot of the other half of the ring and cannot be removed, except by filing."

    Each ring was as long as two joints of the little finger and wide enough for the same little finger
    to slip through it. To each ring was suspended, like another ring, or as though to the supporting
    loop of an earring, a ring which was meant to hang parallel to the plane of the ear and form its
    extension, a round disk made of the same metal, whose diameter was the same size as the ring
    was long. On one of its faces, a triskelion in gold inlay; on the opposite face, nothing.

    "On the blank side will be your name, your title, and Sir Stephen's family and given names,"
    Anne-Marie said, "with below it, a design composed of a crossed whip and riding crop. Yvonne
    is wearing a disk just like it on her necklace, but yours will be worn on your loins."

    "But...," O ventured.

    "I know," Anne-Marie replied, "that's why I brought Yvonne along. Show yours, Yvonne."

    The red-haired girl rose to her feet and lay back on the bed. Anne-Marie spread her thighs and
    showed O that one of the nether lobes had been neatly pierced, halfway down and close to the
    base. The iron ring would just fit into it.

    "In a moment I'll pierce you, O," Anne-Marie said. "It's nothing really. What takes the longest is
    placing the clamps so as to be able to suture the outer and inner layers, attach the epidermis to
    the inner membrane. It's much easier to bear than the whip."

    "You mean to say you won't put me to sleep?" O cried, trembling.

    "Of course not," Anne-Marie replied. "You'll merely be tied a little more tightly than you were
    yesterday. That's really quite sufficient. Now come long."

    A week later, Anne-Marie removed the clamps and slipped on the test ring. It was lighter than it
    looked, for it was hollow, but still O could feel its weight. The hard metal, which was visibly
    piercing the flesh, looked like an instrument of torture. What would it be like when the weight of
    the second ring was added to it? This barbaric instrument would be immediately and glaringly
    apparent to the most casual glance.

    "Of course it will," Anne-Marie said, when O pointed this out to her. "But aren't you by now
    fully aware of what Sir Stephen wants? Anyone at Roissy or anywhere else, Sir Stephen or
    anyone else, even you in front of the mirror, anyone who lifts your skirts will immediately see
    his rings on your loins and, if you turn around, his monogram on your buttocks. You may
    possibly file the rings off one day, but the grand on your backside will never come off."

    "I thought it was possible to have tattoos removed," Colette said. (It was she who had tattooed,
    on Yvonne's white skin just above the triangle of her belly, the initials of Yvonne's master in
    ornate blue letters, like the letters you find on embroidery.)

    "O will not be tattooed," replied Anne-Marie.

    O looked at Anne-Marie. Colette and Yvonne were stunned, and said nothing. Anne-Marie was
    fumbling for her words.

    "Go ahead and say it," O said.

    "My poor dear girl, I just couldn't work up the courage to tell you: you're to be branded. Sir
    Stephen sent me the branding irons two days ago."

    "Branded?" Yvonne cried, "with a red-hot branding iron?"

    from the first day, O had shared in the life of the house. Idleness, absolute and deliberate idleness
    was the order of the day, interspersed with dull distractions. The girls were at liberty to walk in
    the garden, to read, draw, play cards, play solitaire. They could sleep in their rooms or sunbathe
    on the lawn. Sometimes two of them would chat, or they would talk together in pairs for hours
    on end, and sometimes they would sit at Anne -Marie's feet without uttering a word. Mealtimes
    were always the same, dinner was by candlelight, tea was served in the garden, and there was
    something absurd about the matter-of-fact way in which the two servants served these naked
    girls seated around a festive table.

    In the evening, Anne-Marie would designate one of them to sleep with her, sometimes the same
    one several nights in succession. She caressed her chosen partner and was by her caressed,
    generally toward dawn, and then she would immediately fall asleep, after having sent her partner
    back to her own room. The purple drapes, only half closed, tinted the dawning day mauve, and
    Yvonne used to say that Anne-Marie was as beautiful and haughty in receiving pleasure as she
    was unstinting in her demands. None of them had ever seen her naked. She would pull up or
    open slightly her white nightgown, but would not take it off. Neither the pleasure she may have
    tasted the previous night before nor her choice of partner the previous evening had the least
    influence on her decision the following afternoon, which was always determined by a drawing.
    At three in the afternoon, beneath the copper beech where the garden chairs were grouped about
    a round, white-marble table, Anne-Marie would bring out the token box. Each girl would take a
    token. Whoever drew the lowest number was then taken to the music room and arranged on the
    dais as O had been that first day. She then had to point to (save for O, who was exempted until
    her departure) Anne-Marie's right or left hand, in each of which she was holding a white or black
    ball. If she chose black, she was flogged; white, she was not. Anne-Marie never resorted to
    chicanery, even if chance condemned or spared the same girl several days in a row. Thus the
    torture of little Yvonne, who sobbed and cried out for her lover, was repeated four days running.
    Her thighs, like her breasts crisscrossed with a green network of veins, spread to reveal a pink
    flesh which was pierced by the thick iron ring, which had finally been inserted, and the spectacle
    was all the more striking because Yvonne was completely shaved.

    "But why?" O wanted to know, "and why the ring if you are already wearing a disk on your

    "He says I'm more naked when I'm shaved. The ring, I think the ring is to fasten me with."

    Yvonne's green eyes and her tiny triangular face reminded O of Jacqueline every time she looked
    at her. What if Jacqueline were to go to Roissy? Sooner or later, Jacqueline would end up here,
    would here be strapped on her back on this platform.

    "I won't," O would say, "I don't want to and I won't lift a finger to get her there. As it is, I've
    already said too much. Jacqueline's not the sort to be flogged and marked."

    But how admirably suited to blows and irons was little Yvonne how lovely it was to hear her
    moans and sighs, how lovely too to witness her body soaked with perspiration, and what a
    pleasure to wrest the moans and the sweat from her. For on two occasions Anne-Marie had
    handed O the thonged whip - both times the victim had been Yvonne - and told her to use it. The
    first time, for the first minute, she had hesitated, and at Yvonne's first scream, O had recoiled and
    cringed, but as soon as she had started in again and Yvonne's cries had echoed anew, she had
    been overwhelmed with a terrible feeling of pleasure, a feeling so intense that she had caught
    herself laughing in spite of herself, and she had found it almost impossible to restrain herself
    from striking Yvonne as hard as she could. Afterward she had remained next to Yvonne
    throughout the entire period of time she was kept tied up, embracing her from time to time. In
    some ways, she probably resembled Yvonne. At least one was led to suspect as much by the way
    Anne-Marie felt about them both. Was it O's silence, her meekness that endeared her to Anne-
    Marie? Scarcely had O's wounds healed than Anne-Marie remarked:

    "How I regret not to be able to whip you!... When you come back... But let's say no more about
    it. In any event, I'm going to open you every day."

    And, daily, when the girl who was in the music room had been untied, O would replace her until
    the bell rang for dinner. And Anne -Marie was right: it was true that during those two hours all
    she could think of was the fact that she was opened, and of the ring, hanging heavily from her
    (after one had been placed there) which, after they had inserted the second ring, weighed even
    more. She could think of nothing save her enslaved condition, and of the marks that went with

    One evening Claire had come in with Colette from the garden, come over to O and examined
    both sides of the rings.

    "When you went to Roissy," she said, "was it Anne -Marie who brought you there?"

    "No," O said.

    "It was Anne-Marie who brought me, two years ago. I'm going back there day after tomorrow."

    "But don't you belong to anyone?" O said.

    "Claire belongs to me," said Anne -Marie, appearing from nowhere. "Your master's arriving
    tomorrow, O. Tonight you'll sleep with me."

    The short summer night waxed slowly brighter until, toward four o'clock, daylight drowned the
    last stars. O, who was sleeping with her legs together, was awakened by Anne -Marie's hands
    probing between her thighs. But all Anne-Marie wanted was to awaken O, to have O caress her.
    Her eyes were shining in the half light, and her black hair, with the streaks of gray interspersed,
    was pushed up behind her on the pillow: only slightly curly, and cut quite short, it made her look
    like some mighty nobleman in exile, like some brave libertine. With her lips, O brushed the hard
    tips of her breasts, and her hand ran lightly over the valley of her belly. Anne-Marie was quick to
    yield - but not to O. The pleasure to which she opened her eyes wide, staring at the growing
    daylight, was an anonymous, impersonal pleasure of which O was merely the instrument. It
    made no difference whatever to Anne-Marie that O admired her face, smooth and glowing with
    renewed youth, her lovely panting lips, nor did she care whether O heard her moan when her lips
    and teeth seized the crest of flesh hidden in the furrow of her belly. She merely seized O by the
    hair to press her more closely to her, and only let her go in order to say to her:

    "Again, do it again."

    O had loved Jacqueline in the same way, had held her completely abandoned in her arms. She
    had possessed her; or at least she so thought. But the similarity of gestures meant nothing. O did
    not possess Anne -Marie. No one possessed Anne-Marie. Anne-Marie demanded caresses without
    worrying about what the person providing them might feel, and she surrendered herself with an
    arrogant liberty. Yet she was all kindness and gentleness with O, kissed her on the mouth and
    kissed her breasts, and held her close against her for an hour before sending her back to her own
    room. She had removed her irons.

    "These are your final hours here," she said, "you can sleep without the irons. The ones we'll put
    on you in a little while you'll never be able to take off."

    She had run her hand softly, and at great length, over O's rear, then had taken her into the room
    where she, Anne -Marie, dressed, the only room in the house where there was a three-sided
    mirror. She had opened the mirror so that O could see herself.

    "This is the last time you'll see yourself intact," she said. "Here, on this smooth rounded area is
    where Sir Stephen's initials will be branded, on either side of the cleft in your behind. The day
    before you leave I'll bring you back here for another look at yourself. You won't recognize
    yourself. But Sir Stephen is right. Now go and get some sleep, O."

    But O was too worried and upset to sleep, and when at ten the next morning Yvonne came to
    fetch her, O was trembling so that she had to help her bathe, arrange her hair, and put on her
    lipstick. She had heard the garden gate open; Sir Stephen was there.

    "Come along now, O," Yvonne said, "he's waiting for you."

    The sun was already high in the sky, not a breath of air was stirring in the leave of the beech tree,
    which looked as though it were made out of copper. The dog, overcome by the heat, was lying at
    the foot of the tree, and since the sun had not yet disappeared behind the main mass of foliage, its
    rays shot through the end of the only branch which, at this hour, cast a shadow on the table: the
    marble top was resplendent with bright, warm spots of light.

    Sir Stephen was standing, motionless, beside the table, Anne-Marie seated beside him.

    "Here she is," said Anne-Marie, when Yvonne had brought O before them, "the rings can be put
    on whenever you like, she's been pierced."

    Without replying, Sir Stephen took O in his arms, kissed her on the mouth and, lifting her
    completely off her feet, lay her down on the table and bent over her. Then he kissed her again,
    caressed her eyebrows and her hair and, straightening up, said to Anne-Marie:

    "Right now, if it's all right with you."

    Anne-Marie took the leather coffer which she had brought out with her and set down on a chair,
    and handed Sir Stephen the rings, which were unhooked, and on which were inscribed the names
    of O and Sir Stephen.

    "Any time," Sir Stephen said.

    Yvonne lifted O's knees, and O felt the cold metal as Anne -Marie slipped it into place. As she
    was slipping the second half of the ring into the first, she was careful to see that the side inlaid
    with gold was against her thigh, and the side which bore the inscription facing inward. But the
    spring was so tight that the prongs would not go in all the way. They had to send Yvonne to fetch
    the hammer. Then they made O sit up and lean over, with her legs spread, on the edge of the
    marble slab, which served as an anvil first for the one, then the other of the two links of the
    chain, while they hit the other end of the hammer to drive the prongs home. Sir Stephen looked
    on in silence. When it was over, he thanked Anne-Marie and helped O to her feet. It was then she
    realized that these new irons were much heavier than the ones she had been wearing temporarily
    for the past few days. But these were permanent.

    "And now your monogram, right?" Anne-Marie said to Sir Stephen.

    Sir Stephen nodded assent, and held O by the waist, for she was stumbling and looked as though
    she might fall. She was not wearing her black corset, but it had so molded her into the desired
    shape that she looked as though she might break, so slim was her waistline now. And, as a result,
    her hips and breasts seemed fuller.

    In the music room, into which Sir Stephen carried rather than led O, Colette and Claire were
    seated at the foot of the stage. When the others came in, they both got to their feet. On the stage
    was a big, round single -burner stove. Anne-Marie took the straps from the closet and had them
    tie O tightly around the waist and knees, her belly hard against one of the columns. They also
    bound her hands and feet. Consumed by fear and terror, O felt one of Anne -Marie's hands on her
    buttocks, indicating the exact spot for the irons, she heard the hiss of a flame and, in total silence,
    heard the windows being closed. She could not have turned her head and looked, but she did not
    have the strength to. One single, frightful stab of pain coursed through her, made her go rigid in
    the bonds and wrenched a scream from her lips, and she never knew who it was who had, with
    both branding irons at once, seared the flesh of her buttocks, nor whose voice had counted slowly
    up to five, nor whose hand had given the signal to withdraw the irons.

    When they unfastened her, she collapsed into Anne-Marie's arms and had time, before
    everything turned black around her and she completely lost consciousness, to catch a glimpse,
    between two waves of darkness, of Sir Stephen's ghastly pale face.

    Ten days before the end of July, Sir Stephen drove O back to Paris. The irons attached to the left
    lobe of her belly cleft, proclaiming in bold letters that she was Sir Stephen's personal property,
    came about a third of the way down her thigh and, at every step, swung back and forth between
    her legs like the clapper of a bell, the inscribed disk being heavier and longer than the ring to
    which it was attached. The marks made by the branding iron, about three inches in height and
    half that in width, had been burned into the flesh as though by a gouging tool, and were almost
    half an inch deep: the lightest stroke of the finger revealed them. From these irons and these
    marks, O derived a feeling of inordinate pride. Had Jacqueline been there, instead of trying to
    conceal from her the fact that she bore them, as she had tried to hide the traces of the welts raised
    by the riding crop which Sir Stephen had wielded during those last days before her departure, she
    would have gone running in search of Jacqueline, to show them to her. But Jacqueline was not
    due back for another week. Rene wasn't there. During that week, O, at Sir Stephen's behest, had
    several summer dresses made, and a number of evening gowns of a very light material. He
    allowed her only two models, but let her order variations on both: one with a zipper all the way
    down the front (O already had several like it), the other a full skirt, easy to lift, always with a
    corselet above, which came up to below the breasts and was worn with a high-necked bolero. All
    one had to do was remove the bolero and the shoulders and breasts were bare, or simply to open
    it if one desired to see the breasts. Bathing suits, of course, were out of the question; the nether
    irons would hang below the suit. Sir Stephen had told her that this summer she would have to
    swim naked whenever she went swimming. Beach slacks were also out. However, Anne-Marie,
    who was responsible for the two basic models of dresses, knowing where Sir Stephen's
    preference lay in using O, had proposed a type of slacks which would be supported in front by
    the blouse and, on both sides, have long zippers, thus allowing the back flap to be lowered
    without taking off the slacks. But Sir Stephen refused. It was true that he used O, when he did
    not have recourse to her mouth, almost invariably as he would have a boy. But O had had ample
    opportunity to notice that when she was near him, even when he did not particularly desire her,
    he loved to take hold of and tug at her fleece with his hand, to pry her open and burrow at length
    within. The pleasure O derived from holding Jacqueline in much the same way, moist and
    burning between her locked fingers, was ample evidence and a guarantee of Sir Stephen's
    pleasure. She understood why he did not want any extraneous obstacles set in the path of that

    Hatless, wearing practically no make-up, her hair completely free, O looked like a well-brought-
    up little girl, dressed as she was in her twirled stripe or polka dot, navy blue-and- white or gray-
    and-white pleated sun-skirts and the fitted bolero buttoned at the neck, or in her more
    conservative dresses of black nylon. Everywhere Sir Stephen escorted her she was taken for his
    daughter, or his niece, and this mistake was abetted by the fact that he, in addressing her,
    employed the tu form, wheras she employed the vous. Alone together in Paris, strolling through
    the streets to window shop, or walking along the quays, where the paving stones were dusty
    because the weather had been so dry, they evinced no surprise at seeing the passers-by smile at
    them, the way people smile at people who are happy.

    Once in a while Sir Stephen would push her into the recess of a porte-cochere, or beneath the
    archway of a building, which was always slightly dark and from which there rose the musty odor
    of ancient cellars, and he would kiss her and tell her he loved her. O would hook her heels over
    the sill of the porte-cochere out of which the regular pedestrian door had been cut. They caught a
    glimpse of a courtyard in the rear, with lines of laundry drying in the windows. Leaning on one
    of the balconies, a blonde girl would be staring fixedly at them. A cat would slip between their
    legs. Thus did they stroll through the Gobeline district, by Saint-Marcel, along the rue
    Mouffetard, to the area known as the Temple, and to the Bastille.

    Once Sir Stephen suddenly steered O into a wretched brothel-like hotel, where the desk clerk
    first wanted them to fill out the forms, but then said not to bother if it was only for an hour. The
    wallpaper in the room was blue, with enormous golden peonies, the window looked out onto a
    pit whence rose the odor of garbage cans. However weak the light bulb at the head of the bed,
    you could still see streaks of face powder and forgotten hairpins on the mantelpiece. On the
    ceiling above the bed was a large mirror.

    Once, but only once, Sir Stephen invited O to lunch with two of his compatriots who were
    passing through Paris. He came for her an hour before she was ready, and instead of having her
    driven to his place, he came to the quai de Bethune.

    O had finished bathing, but she had not done her hair or put on her make-up, and was not
    dressed. To her surprise, she saw that Sir Stephen was carrying a golf bag, though she saw no
    clubs in it. But she soon got over her surprise: Sir Stephen told her to open the bag. Inside were
    several leather riding crops, two fairly thick ones of red leather, two that were long and thin of
    black leather, a scourge with long lashes of green leather, each of which was folded back at the
    end to form a loop, a dog's whip made of a thick single lash whose handle was of braided leather
    and, last but not least, leather bracelets of the sort used at Roissy, plus some rope. O lad them
    outside by side on the unmade bed. No matter how accustomed she became to seeing them, no
    matter what resolutions she made about them, she could not keep from trembling. Sir Stephen
    took her in his arms.

    "Which do you prefer, O?" he asked her.

    But she could barely speak, and already could feel the sweat running down her arms.

    "Which do you prefer?" he repeated. "All right," he said confronted by her silence, "first you're
    going to help me."

    He asked for some nails, and having found a way to arrange them in a decorative manner, whips
    and riding crosses crossed, he showed O a panel of wainscoting between her mirror and the
    fireplace, opposite her bed, which would be ideal for them. He hammered some nails into the
    wood. There were rings on the ends of the handles of the whips and riding crops, by which they
    could be suspended from the nails, a system which allowed each whip to be easily taken down
    and returned to its place on the wall. Thus, together with the bracelets and the rope, O would
    have, opposite her bed, the complete array of her instruments of torture. It was a handsome
    panoply, as harmonious as the wheel and spikes in the painting of Saint Catherine, the martyr, as
    the nails and hammer, the crown of thorns, the spear and scourges portrayed in the paintings of
    the Crucifixion. When Jacqueline came back... but all this involved Jacqueline, involved her
    deeply. She would have to reply to Sir Stephen's question: O could not, he chose the dog whip

    In a tiny private dining room of the La Perouse restaurant, along the quays of the Left Bank, a
    room on the third floor whose dark walls were brightened by Watteau-like figures in pastel
    colors who resembled actors of the puppet theater, O was ensconced alone on the sofa, with one
    of Sir Stephen's friends in an armchair to her right, another to her left, and Sir Stephen across
    from her. She remembered already having seen one of the men at Roissy, but she could not recall
    having been taken by him. The other was a tall red-haired boy with gray eyes, who could not
    have been more than twenty-five. In two words, Sir Stephen told them why he had invited O, and
    what she was. Listening to him, O was once again astonished at the coarseness of his language.
    But then, how did she expect to be referred to, if not as a whore, a girl who, in the presence of
    men (not to mention the restaurant waiters who kept trooping in and out, since luncheon was
    being served) would open her bodice to bare her breasts, the tips of which had been reddened
    with lipstick, as they could see, as they could also see from the purple furrows across her milk-
    white skin that she had been flogged?

    The meal went on for a long time, and the two Englishmen drank a great deal. Over coffee, when
    the liqueurs had been served, Sir Stephen pushed the table back against the opposite wal and,
    after having lifted her skirt to show his friends how O was branded and in irons, left her to them.

    The man she had met at Roissy wasted no time with her: without leaving his armchair, without
    even touching her with his fingertips, he ordered her to kneel down in front him, take him and
    caress his sex until he discharged in her mouth. After which, he made her straighten out his
    clothing, and then he left.

    But the red-haired lad, who had been completely overwhelmed by O's submissiveness and meek
    surrender, by her irons and the welts which he had glimpsed on her body, took her by the hand
    instead of throwing himself upon her as she had expected, and descended the stairs, paying not
    the slightest heed to the sly smiles of the waiters and, after hailing a taxi, took her back to his
    hotel room. He did not let her go till nightfall, after having frantically plowed her fore and aft,
    both of which he bruised and belabored unmercifully, he being of an uncommon size and rigidity
    and, what is more being totally intoxicated by the sudden freedom granted him to penetrate a
    woman doubly and be embraced by her in the way he had seen ordered to a short while before
    (something he had never before dared ask of anyone).

    The following day, when O arrived at Sir Stephen's at two o'clock in answer to his summons, she
    found him looking older and his face careworn.

    "Eric has fallen head over heels in love with you, O," he told her. "This morning he called on me
    and begged me to grant you your freedom. He told me he wants to marry you. He wants to save
    you. You see how I treat you if you're mind, O, and if you are mine you have no right to refuse
    my commands; but you also know that you are always free to choose not to be mine. I told him
    so. He's coming back here at three."

    O burst out laughing. "Isn't it a little late?" she said. "You're both quite mad. If Eric had not come
    by this morning, what would you have done with me this afternoon? We would have gone for a
    walk, nothing more? Then let's go for a walk. Or perhaps you would not have summoned me this
    afternoon? In that case I'll leave...."

    "No," Sir Stephen broke in, "I would have called you, but not to go for a walk. I wanted..."

    "Go on, say it."

    "Come, it will be simpler to show you."

    He got up and opened a door in the wall opposite to the fireplace, a door identical to the one in
    his office.

    O had always thought that the door led into a closet which was no longer used. She saw a tiny
    bedroom, newly painted, and hung with dark red silk. Half of the room was occupied by a
    rounded stage flanked by two columns, identical to the stage in the music room at Samois.

    "The walls and ceiling are lined with cork, are they not?" O said. "And the door is padded, and
    you've had a double window installed?"

    Sir Stephen nodded.

    "But since when has all this been done?" O said.

    "Since you've been back."

    "Then why?..."

    "Why did I wait until today? Because I first wanted to hand you over to other men. Now I shall
    punish you for it. I've never punished you, O."

    "But I belong to you," O said. "Punish me. When Eric comes..."

    An hour later, when he was shown a grotesquely bound and spread-eagled O strapped to the two
    columns, the boy blanched, mumbled something and disappeared. O thought she would never see
    him again. She ran into him again at Roissy, at the end of September, and he had her consigned
    to him for three days in a row, during which he savagely abused and mistreated her.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 05:35 PM.

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    Default Part IV: The Owl

    Part IV: The Owl

    What O failed completely to understand now was why she had ever been hesitant to speak to
    Jacqueline about what Rene rightly called her true condition. Anne-Marie had warned her that
    she would be changed when she left Samois, but O had never imagined that the change would be
    so great. With Jacqueline back, more lovely and radiant than ever, it seemed natural to her to be
    no more reticent about revealing herself when she bathed or dressed than she was when she was
    alone. And yet Jacqueline was so disinterested in others, in anything that did not pertain directly
    to herself, that it was not until the second day after Jacqueline arrived back and by chance came
    into the bathroom just as O was stepping out of the tub, that O jingled her irons against the
    porcelain to draw her attention to the odd noise. Jacqueline turned her head, and saw both the
    disks hanging between her legs and the black stripes crisscrossing her thighs and breasts.

    "What in the world's the matter?" she said.

    "It's Sir Stephen," O replied. And she added, as thought it were something to be taken completely
    for granted: "Rene gave me to him, and he's had me pierced with his rings. Look." And as she
    dried herself with the bath towel she came over to Jacqueline, who was so staggered she had
    slumped onto the lacquered bathroom stool, close enough so that Jacqueline could take the disk
    in her hand and read the inscription; then, slipping down her bathrobe she turned around and
    pointed to the initials S and H engraved in her buttocks and said:

    "He also had me branded with his monogram. As for the rest, that's where I was flogged with a
    riding crop. He generally whips me himself, but he also has a Negro maid whip me."

    Dumbfounded, Jacqueline gazed at O. O burst out laughing and made as though to kiss her.
    Terror-stricken, Jacqueline pushed her away and fled into her own room. O leisurely finished
    drying herself, put on her perfume, and combed her hair. She put on her corset, her stockings, her
    mules, and when she opened the bathroom door she encountered Jacqueline's gaze in the mirror,
    before which she was combing her hair, without having the vaguest notion what she was doing.

    "Lace up my corset, will you?" she said. "You really do look astonished. Rene's in love with you,
    did he say anything about it?"

    "I don't understand," Jacqueline said. And she lost no time revealing what surprised her the most.
    "You look as though you were proud of it, I don't understand."

    "You will, after Rene takes you to Roissy. By the way, have you already slept with him?"

    Jacqueline's face turned a bright crimson, and she was shaking her head in denial with such little
    conviction that once again O burst out laughing.

    "You're lying, darling. Don't be an ass. You have every right in the world to sleep with him. And
    I might add that that's no reason to reject me. Come, let me caress you and I'll tell you all about

    Had Jacqueline been afraid that O's jealousy would explode in her face and then yield to her out
    of relief when it did not, or was it curiosity, did she want to hear the promised explanations, or
    was it merely because she loved the patience, the slowness, the passion of O's caresses? In any
    event, yield she did.

    "Tell me about it," she later said to O.

    "All right," O said. "But first kiss the tips of my breasts. It's time you got used to it, if you're ever
    to be of any use to Rene."

    Jacqueline did as she was bade, so well in fact that she wrested a moan from O.

    "Tell me about it," she said.

    O's tale, however faithful and clear it may have been, and notwithstanding the material proof she
    herself constituted, seemed completely mad to Jacqueline.

    "You mean you're going back in September?" she said.

    "After we've come back from the Midi," O said. "I'll take you, or Rene will."

    "To see what it's like, I wouldn't mind that," Jacqueline went on, "but only to see what it's like."

    "I'm sure that can be arranged," said O, though she was convinced of the contrary. But, she kept
    telling herself, if she could only persuade Jacqueline to enter the gates at Roissy, Sir Stephen
    would be grateful to her - and once she was in, there would be enough valets, chains, and whips
    to teach Jacqueline to obey.

    She already knew that the summer house that Sir Stephen had rented near Cannes on the Riviera,
    where she was scheduled to spend the month of August with Rene, Jacqueline, and him (and
    with Jacqueline's younger sister, whom Jacqueline had asked if she could bring along, not
    because she cared especially to have her but because her mother had been hounding her to obtain
    O's permission), she knew that her room, to which she was certain she could entice Jacqueline,
    who would be unable to refuse when Rene was away, was separated from Sir Stephen's bedroom
    by a wall that looked as though it was full but actually was not; the wall was decorated with a
    trompe l'oeil latticework which enabled Sir Stephen to raise a blind on his die and thus to see and
    hear as well as if he had been standing beside the bed. Jacqueline would be surrendering to Sir
    Stephen's gaze while O was caressing her, and by the time she found out it would be too late. O
    was pleased to think that she could deliver Jacqueline by an act of betrayal, because she had felt
    insulted at seeing Jacqueline's contempt for her condition as a flogged and branded slave, a
    condition of which O herself was proud.

    O had never been to the south of France before. The clear blue sky, the almost mirror-like sea,
    the motionless pines beneath the burning sun: everything seemed mineral and hostile to her. "No
    real trees," she remarked sadly to herself as she gazed at the fragrant thickets full of shrubs and
    bushes, where all the tones, and even the lichens, were warm to the touch. "The sea doesn't even
    smell like the sea," she thought. She blamed the sea for washing up nothing more than an
    occasional piece of wretched seaweed which looked like dung, she blamed it for being too blue
    and for always lapping at the same bit of shore. But in the garden of Sir Stephen's villa, which
    was an old farmhouse that had been restored, they were far from the sea. To left and right, high
    walls protected them from the neighbors; the servants' wing faced the entrance courtyard, while
    the side of the house overlooking the garden faced the east; O's bedroom was on this side, and
    opened directly onto a second story terrace. The tops of the tall black cypress trees were level
    with the overlapping hollow tiles which served as a parapet for the terrace, which was protected
    from the noon sun by a reed latticework. The floor of the terrace was of red tile, the same as the
    tiles in her bedroom. Aside from the wall which separated O's bedroom from Sir Stephen's - and
    this was the wall of a large alcove bounded by an archway and separated from the rest of the
    room by a kind of railing similar to the railings of stairways, with banisters of hand-carved wood
    - all the other walls were whitewashed. The thick white run on the tile floor was made of cotton,
    the curtains were of yellow-and- white linen. There were two armchairs upholstered in the same
    material, and some triple-layered Oriental cushions. The only furniture was a heavy and very
    handsome Regency bureau made of walnut, and a very long, narrow peasant table in light-
    colored wood which was waxed till it shone like a mirror. O hung her clothes in a closet.

    Jacqueline's little sister Natalie had been given a room near O's, and in the morning when she
    knew that O was taking a sunbath on the terrace, she came out and lay down beside her. She had
    snow-white skin, was a shade plump, but her features were none the less delicate and like her
    sister, she had slanting eyes, but hers were black and shining, which made her look Chinese. Her
    black hair was cut in straight bangs across her forehead, just above her eyebrows, and in the back
    was also cut straight, at the nape of the neck. She had firm, tremulous little breasts, and her
    adolescent hips were only beginning to fill out. She too had chanced upon O, and had taken her
    quite by surprise, one day when she had dashed out onto the terrace expecting to find her sister
    but found O instead, lying there alone on her stomach on the Oriental pillows. But what had
    shocked Jacqueline filled Natalie with envy and desire. She asked her sister about it. Jacqueline's
    replies, which were intended to shock and revolt young Natalie by repeating to her what O had
    related, in no wise altered Natalie's feelings. If anything, it accomplished the contrary. She had
    fallen in love with O. For more than a week she managed to keep it to herself, then late one
    Sunday afternoon she managed to be alone with O.

    The weather had been cooler than normal. Rene, who had spent part of the morning swimming,
    was asleep on the sofa of a cool room on the ground floor. Nettled at seeing that he should prefer
    to take a nap, Jacqueline had gone upstairs and joined O in her alcove. The sea and sun had
    already made her more golden than before: her hair, her eyebrows, her eyelashes, her nether
    fleece, her armpits, all seemed to be powdered with silver, and since she was not wearing any
    make-up, her mouth was the same color pink as the pink flesh between her thighs.

    To make sure that Sir Stephen could see Jacqueline in detail - and O thought to herself that if she
    were Jacqueline she would have guessed, or noticed, his invisible presence - O took pains to pull
    back her legs and keep them spread in the light of the bedside lamp which she had turned on. The
    shutters were closed, the room almost dark, despite the thin rays of light that spilled in where the
    wood was not snug. For more than an hour Jacqueline moaned to O's caressed, and finally, her
    breasts aroused, her arms thrown back behind her head while her hands circled the wooden bars
    of the headboard of O's Italian-style bed, she began to cry out when O, parting the lobes hemmed
    with pale hair, slowly began to bite the crest of flesh at the point between her thighs where the
    dainty, supple lips joined. O felt her rigid and burning beneath her tongue, and wrested cry after
    cry from her lips, with no respite, until she suddenly relaxed, the springs broken, and she lay
    there moist with pleasure. Then O sent her back to her room, where she fell asleep.

    Jacqueline was awake and ready, though, when Rene came for her at five o'clock to go sailing,
    with Natalie, in a small sailboat, as they had grown accustomed to doing. A slight wind usually
    came up at the end of the afternoon.

    "Where's Natalie?" Rene said.

    Natalie was not in her room, nor was she anywhere in the house. They went out to the garden
    and called her. Rene went as far as the thicket of scrub oak at the end of the garden; no one

    "Maybe she's already down at the inlet," Rene said, "or in the boat."

    They left without calling her any more.

    It was at that point that O, who was lying on the Oriental pillows on her terrace, glanced through
    the tile banisters, and saw Natalie running toward the house. She got up, put on her dressing
    gown - it was still so warm, even this late in the afternoon, that she was naked - and was tying
    her belt when Natalie erupted into the room like one of the Furies and threw herself at O.

    "She's gone," she shouted, "she's finally gone. I heard her, O, I heard you both, I was listening
    behind the door. You kiss her, you caress her. Why don't you caress me, why don't you kiss me?
    Is it because I'm dark, because I'm not pretty? She doesn't love you, O, but I do, I love you!" And
    she broke down and began to sob.

    "All right, fine," O said to herself.

    She eased the child into an armchair, took a large handkerchief from her bureau (it was one of
    Sir Stephen's), and when Natalie's sobs had subsided a little, wiped away her tears away. Natalie
    begged her forgiveness, kissing O's hands.

    "Even if you don't want to kiss me, O, keep me with you. Keep me with you always. If you had a
    dog, you'd keep him and take care of him. And even if you don't want to kiss me, but would
    enjoy beating me, you can beat me. But don't send me away."

    "Keep still, Natalie, you don't know what you're saying," O murmured, almost in a whisper.

    The child, slipping down and hugging O's knees, also replied in a near-whisper:

    "Oh, yes I do. I saw you the other morning on the terrace. I saw the initials, I saw the long black-
    and-blue marks. And Jacqueline has told me..."

    "Told you what?"

    "Where you've been, O, and what they did to you there."

    "Did she talk to you about Roissy?"

    "She also told me that you had been, that you are..."

    "That I was what?"

    "That you wear iron rings."

    "That's right," O said, "and what else?"

    "That Sir Stephen whips you every day."

    "That's correct," O repeated, "and he'll be here any second. So run along, Natalie."

    Natalie, without shifting position, raised her head to O, and O's eyes encountered her adoring

    "Teach me, O, please teach me," she started in again, "I want to be like you. I'll do anything you
    tell me. Promise me you'll take me with you when you go back to that place Jacqueline told me

    "You're too young," O said.

    "No, I'm not too young, I'm fifteen going on sixteen," she cried out angrily. "I'm not too young.
    Ask Sir Stephen," she said, for he had just entered the room.

    Natalie was granted permission to remain with O, and extracted the promise that she would be
    taken to Roissy. But Sir Stephen forbade O to teach her the least caress, not even a kiss on the
    lips, and also gave strict instructions that O was not to allow Natalie to kiss her. He had every
    intention of having her reach Roissy completely untouched by hands or lips. By way of
    compensation, what he did demand, since Natalie was loath to leave O, was that she not leave
    her a single moment, that she witness O caressing both Jacqueline and himself, that she be
    present when O yielded to him and when he whipped her, or when she was flogged by old
    Norah. The kisses with which O smothered her sister, O's mouth glued to her, made Natalie
    quiver with jealousy and hate. But glowering on the carpet in the alcove, at the foot of O's bed,
    like little Dinarzade at the foot of Scheherazade's bed, she watched each time that O, tied to the
    wooden balustrade, writhed and squirmed beneath the riding crop, saw O on her knees humbling
    receiving Sir Stephen's massive upright sex in her mouth, saw her, prostate, spread her own
    buttocks with both hands to offer him the after passage - she witnessed all these things with no
    other feelings but those of admiration, envy, and impatience.

    It was about this same time that a change took place in Jacqueline: perhaps O had counted too
    heavily both on Jacqueline's indifference and her sensuality, perhaps Jacqueline herself naively
    felt that surrendering herself to O was dangerous for her relations with Rene: but whatever the
    reason, she suddenly ceased coming to O. At the same time, she seemed to be keeping herself
    aloof from Rene, with whom, whoever, she was spending almost every day and every night. She
    had never acted as though she were in love with him. She studied him coldly, and when she
    smiled at him, her eyes remained cold. Even assuming that she was as completely abandoned
    with him as she was with O, which was quite likely, O could not help thinking that this surrender
    was superficial. Whereas Rene was head over heels in love with her, paralyzed by a love such as
    he had never known before, a worrisome, uncertain love, one he was far from sure was requited,
    a love that acts not, for fear of offending. He lived, he slept in the same house as Sir Stephen, the
    same house as O, he lunched, he dined, he went on walks with Sir Stephen, with O, he conversed
    with them both: he didn't see them, he didn't hear what they said. He saw, he heard, he talked
    through them, beyond them, and as in a dream when one tried to catch a departing train or clings
    desperately to the parapet of a collapsing bridge, he was forever trying to understand the raison
    d'etre, the truth which must have been lurking somewhere inside Jacqueline, under that golden
    skin, like the mechanism inside a crying doll.

    "Well," thought O, "the day I was so afraid would arrive is here, the day when I'd merely be a
    shadow in Rene's past. And I'm not even sad; the only thing I feel for him is pity, and even
    knowing he doesn't desire me any longer, I can see him every day without any trace of bitterness,
    without the least regret, without even feeling hurt. And yet only a few weeks ago, I dashed all the
    way across town to his office, to beg him to tell me he still loved me. Was that all my love was,
    all it meant? So light, so easily gone and forgotten? Is solace that simple? And solace is not even
    the right word: I'm happy. Do you mean to say it was enough for him to have given me to Sir
    Stephen for me to be detached from him, for me to find a new love so easily in the arms of

    But then, what was Rene compared to Sir Stephen? Ropes of straw, anchors of cork, paper
    chains: these were the real symbols of the bonds with which he had held her, and which he had
    been so quick to sever. But what a delight and comfort, this iron ring which pierces the flesh and
    weighs one down forever, this mark eternal, how peaceful and reassuring the hand of a master
    who lays you on a bed of rock, the love of a master who knows how to take what he loves
    ruthlessly, without pity. And O said to herself that, in the final analysis, with Rene she had been
    an apprentice to love, she had loved him only to learn how to give herself, enslaved and
    surfeited, to Sir Stephen. But to see Rene, who had been so free with her - and she had loved his
    free ways - walking as though he were hobbled, like someone whose legs were ensnarled in the
    water and reeds of a pond whose surface seems calm but which, deeper down, swirls with
    subterranean currents, to see him thus, filled O with hate for Jacqueline. Did Rene dimly
    perceive her feelings? Did O carelessly reveal how she felt? In any case, O committed an error.

    One afternoon she and Jacqueline had gone to Cannes together to the hairdresser, alone, then to
    the Reserve Cafe for an ice cream on the terrace. Jacqueline was superb in her tight-fitting black
    slacks and sheer black sweater, eclipsing even the brilliance of the children around her she was
    so bronzed and sleek, so hard and bright in the burning sun, so insolent and inaccessible. She told
    O she had made an appointment there with the director whose picture she had been playing in in
    Paris, to arrange for taking some exteriors, probably in the mountains above Saint-Paul-de-
    Vence. And there he was, forthright and determined. He didn't need to open his mouth, it was
    obvious he was in love with Jacqueline. All one had to do was see the way he looked at her.
    What was so surprising about that? Nothing; but what was surprising was Jacqueline. Half
    reclining in one of those adjustable beach chairs, Jacqueline listened to him as he talked of dates
    to be set, appointments to be made, of the problems of raising enough money to finish the half-
    completed picture. He used the tu form in addressing Jacqueline, who replied with a mere nod or
    shake of her head, keeping her eyes half-closed. O was seated across from Jacqueline, with him
    between them. It took no great act of perception to notice that Jacqueline, whose eyes were
    lowered, was watching, from beneath the protection of those motionless eyelids, the young man's
    desire, the way she always did when she thought no one was looking. But strangest of all was
    how upset she seemed, her hands quiet at her side, her face serious and expressionless, without
    the trace of a smile, something she had never displayed in Rene's presence. A fleeting, almost
    imperceptible smile on her lips as O leaned forward to set her glass of ice water on the table and
    their eyes met, was all O needed to realize that Jacqueline was aware that O knew the game was
    up. It didn't bother her, though; it was rather O who blushed.

    "Are you too warm?" Jacqueline said. "We'll be leaving in five minutes. Red is becoming to you,
    by the way."

    Then she smiled again, turning her gaze to her interlocutor, a smile so utterly tender that it
    seemed impossible he would not hasten to embrace her. But he did not. He was too young to
    know that motionlessness and silence can be the lair of immodesty. He allowed Jacqueline to get
    up, shook hands with her, and said goodbye. She would phone him. He also said goodbye to the
    shadow that O represented for him, and stood on the sidewalk watching the black Buick
    disappear down the avenue between the sun-drenched houses and the dark, almost purple sea.

    The palm trees looked as though they had been cut out of metal, the strollers like poorly
    fashioned wax models, animated by some absurd mechanism.

    "You really like him all that much?" O said to Jacqueline as the car left the city and moved along
    the upper coast road.

    "Is that any business of yours?" Jacqueline responded.

    "It's Rene's business," she retorted.

    "What is Rene's business, and Sir Stephen's, and, if I understand it correctly, a number of other
    people's, is the fact that you're badly seated. You're going to wrinkle your dress."

    O failed to move.

    "And I also thought," Jacqueline added, "that you weren't supposed to cross your legs."

    But O was no longer listening. What did she care about Jacqueline's threats. If Jacqueline
    threatened to inform on her for that peccadillo, what did she think would keep her from
    denouncing Jacqueline in turn to Rene? Not that O lacked the desire to. But Rene would not be
    able to bear the news that Jacqueline was lying to him, or that she had plans of her own which
    did not include him. How could she make Jacqueline believe that if she were to keep still, it
    would be to avoid seeing Rene lose face, turning pale over someone other than herself, and
    perhaps revealing himself to be too weak to punish her? How could she convince her that her
    silence, even more, would be the result of her fear at seeing Rene's wrath turned against her, the
    bearer of ill tidings, the informer? How could she tell Jacqueline that she would not say a word,
    without giving the impression that she was making a mutual non-betrayal pact with her? For
    Jacqueline had the idea that O was terrified, terrified to death at what would happen to her if she,
    Jacqueline, talked.

    From that point on, until they got out of the car in the courtyard of the old farm, they did not
    exchange another word. Without glancing at O, Jacqueline picked a white geranium growing
    beside the house. O was following closely enough behind to catch a whiff of the strong, delicate
    odor of the leaf crumpled between her hands. Did she believe she would thus be able to mask the
    odor of her own sweat, which was marking darkening circles beneath the arms of her sweater
    and causing the black material to cling to her armpits.

    In the big whitewashed room with the red-tile floor, Rene was alone.

    "You're late," he said when they came in. "Sir Stephen's waiting for you in the next room," he
    added, nodding to O. "He needs you for something. He's not in a very good mood."

    Jacqueline burst out laughing, and O looked at her and turned red.

    "You could have saved it for another time," said Rene, who misinterpreted both Jacqueline's
    laugh and O's concern.

    "That's not the reason," Jacqueline said, "but I might say, Rene, your obedient beauty isn't so
    obedient when you're not around. Look at her dress, you see how wrinkled it is?"

    O was standing in the middle of the room, facing Rene. He told her to turn around; she was
    rooted to the spot.

    "She also crosses her legs," Jacqueline added, "but that you won't be able to see, of course. As
    you won't be able to see the way she accosts the boys."

    "That's not true," O shouted, "you're the one!" and she leaped at Jacqueline.

    Rene grabbed her just as she was about to hit Jacqueline, and she went on struggling in his arms
    merely for the sake of feeling weaker than he, of being at his mercy, when, lifting her head, she
    saw Sir Stephen standing in the doorway looking at her.

    Jacqueline had thrown herself down on the sofa, her tiny face hardened with anger and fear, and
    O could feel that Rene, though he had his hands full trying to subdue her, had eyes only for
    Jacqueline. She ceased resisting and crestfallen at the idea of having been found wanting in the
    presence of Sir Stephen, she repeated, this time almost in a whisper:

    "It's not true, I swear it's not true."

    Without uttering a word, without so much as a glance at Jacqueline, Sir Stephen made a sign to
    Rene to let O go, and to O to go into the other room. But on the other side of the door O, who
    was immediately wedged against the wall, her belly and breasts seized, her lips forced apart by
    Sir Stephen's insistent tongue, moaned with happiness and deliverance. The points of her breasts
    stiffened beneath his hand's caress, and with his other hand Sir Stephen probed her loins so
    roughly she thought she would faint. Would she ever dare to tell him that no pleasure, no joy, no
    figment of her imagination could ever compete with the happiness she felt at the way he used her
    with such utter freedom, at the notion that he could do anything with her, that there was no limit,
    no restriction in the manner with which, on her body, he might search for pleasure. Her absolute
    certainty that when he touched her, whether it was to fondle or flog her, when he ordered her to
    do something it was solely because he wanted to, her certainty that all he cared about was his
    own desire, so overwhelmed and gratified O that each time she saw new proof of it, and often
    even when it merely occurred to her in thought, a cape of fire, a burning breastplate extending
    from the shoulders to the knees, descended upon her. As she was there, pinned against the wall,
    her eyes closed, her lips murmuring "I love you" when she could find the breath to say them, Sir
    Stephen's hands, though they were as cool as the waters of a bubbling spring on the fire coursing
    through her from head to toe, made her burn even hotter. Gently he released her, dropping her
    skirt down over her moist thighs, closing her bolero over her quivering breasts.

    "Come, O," he said, "I need you."

    Then, opening her eyes, O noticed that they were not alone. The big, bare, whitewashed room,
    identical in all respects to the living room, also opened, through a French door, onto the garden.
    Seated in a wicker chair on the terrace, which lay between the house and garden, an enormous
    man, a giant of a creature with a cigarette between his lips, his head shaved and his vast belly
    swelling beneath his open shirt and cloth trousers, was gazing at O. He rose and moved toward
    Sir Stephen, who was shoving O ahead of him. It was then that O noticed, dangling at the end of
    his watch chain, the Roissy insignia that the man was sporting. Still, Sir Stephen politely
    introduced him to O, simply as "Commander," with no name attached, and much to O's surprise
    she saw that he was kissing her hand, the first time it had happened since she had been involved
    with Roissy members (with the exception of Sir Stephen).

    All three of them came back into the room, leaving the door open. Sir Stephen walked over to
    one end of the fireplace and rang. On the Chinese table beside the sofa, O saw a bottle of whisky,
    some soda water, and glasses. So he was not ringing for something to drink. At the same time
    she noticed a large cardboard box on the floor beside the fireplace. The man from Roissy had sat
    down on a wicker chair, Sir Stephen was half-seated on the edge of the round table, with one leg
    dangling. O, who had been motioned over to the sofa, had meekly raised her skirt and could feel
    the prickly cotton of the roughly woven Provencal upholstery.

    It was Norah who came in. Sir Stephen ordered her to undress O and remove her clothing from
    the room. O allowed her to take off her bolero, her dress, her whalebone belt which constricted
    her waist, and her sandals. As soon as she had stripped O completely, Norah left, and O,
    automatically reverting to the rules of Roissy, and certain that all Sir Stephen waned from her
    was perfect submissiveness, remained standing in the middle of the room, her eyes lowered, so
    that she sensed rather than saw Natalie slip in through the open window, dressed in black like her
    sister, barefoot and silent. Sir Stephen had doubtless explained who she was and why she was
    there; to his visitor he merely mentioned her name, to which the visitor did not respond, and
    asked her to make them a drink. As soon as she had handed them some whisky, soda, water, and
    the ice cubes (and, in the silence, the clink of the ice cubes against the side of the glass made a
    harrowing racket), the Commander got up from his wicker chair, in which he had been sitting
    while O was being undressed and, with his glass in his hand, walked over to O. O thought that,
    with his free hand, he was going to take her breast or seize her belly. But he did not touch her,
    confining himself to scrutinizing her closely, from her parted lips to her parted knees. He circled
    her, studying her breasts, her thighs, her hindquarters, inspecting her in detail but offering no
    comment, and this careful scrutiny and the presence of this gigantic body so close to her
    overwhelmed O so that she wasn't sure whether she wanted to run away or, on the contrary, have
    him throw her down and crush her. So upset was she that she lost control and raised her eyes
    toward Sir Stephen, searching for help. He understood, smiled, came over to her, and talking
    both her hands, pulled them behind her back, and held them in one of his. She leaned back
    against him, her eyes closed, and it was in a dream, or at least in the dusk of a near-sleep born of
    exhaustion, the way she had heard as a child, still half under the influence of ether, the nurses
    talking about her, thinking she was still asleep, of her hair, her pallor, her flat belly where only
    the faint early signs of pubescence were showing, it was in a dream that she heard the stranger
    complimenting Sir Stephen on her, paying special due to the pleasant contrast between her ample
    bosom and the narrow waist, the irons which he found longer, thicker, and more visible than
    usual. At the same time, she learned that Sir Stephen had in all probability consented to lend her
    to him the following week, since he was thanking Sir Stephen for something. At which point Sir
    Stephen, taking her by the nape of the neck, gently told her to wake up and, with Natalie, to go
    upstairs and wait in her room.

    Had she good reason to be so upset, and to be so annoyed at Natalie who, elated at the prospect
    of seeing O opened by someone other than Sir Stephen, was doing a kind of wild Indian dance
    around her and shouting:

    "Do you think he'll go into your mouth too, O?" You should have seen the way he was looking at
    your mouth! Oh, how lucky you are to be desired like that! I'm sure that he'll whip you: he came
    back three times to those marks where you can see you've been whipped. At least you won't be
    thinking about Jacqueline then!"

    "I'm not always thinking about Jacqueline, you silly fool," O replied.

    "No! I'm not silly and I'm not a fool. I know very well you miss her," the child said.

    It was true, but not completely. What O missed was not, properly speaking, Jacqueline, but the
    use of a girl's body, with no restrictions attached. If Natalie had not been declared off-limits to
    her, she would have taken Natalie, and the only reason she had not violated the restriction was
    her certainty that Natalie would be given to her at Roissy in a few weeks' time, and that, some
    time previously, Natalie would be handed over in her presence by her, and thanks to her. She was
    burning to demolish the wall of air, of space, of- to use the correct term - void between Natalie
    and her, and yet at the same time she was enjoying the wait imposed upon her. She said so to
    Natalie, who only shook her head and refused to believe her.

    "If Jacqueline were her, and were willing," she said, "you'd caress her."

    "Of course I would," O said with a laugh.

    "There, you see," the child broke in.

    How could she make her understand - and was it even worth the effort? - that it wasn't so much
    that she was in love with Jacqueline, nor for that matter with Natalie or any other girl in
    particular, but that she was only in love with girls as such, girls in general - the way one can be
    in love with one's own image - but in her case she always thought the other girls were more
    lovely and desirable than she found herself to be. The pleasure she derived from seeing a girl
    pant beneath her caresses, seeing her eyes close and the tips of her breasts stiffen beneath her lips
    and teeth, the pleasure she got from exploring her fore and aft with her hand - and from feeling
    her tighten around her fingers, then sigh and moan - was more than she could bear; and if this
    pleasure was so intense, it was only because it made her constantly aware of the pleasure which
    she in turn gave when she tightened around whoever was holding her, whenever she sighed or
    moaned, with this difference, that she could not conceive of being given thus to a girl, the way
    this girl was given to her, but only to a man. Moreover, it seemed to her that the girls she
    caressed belonged by right to the man to whom she belonged, and that she was only present by
    proxy. Had Sir Stephen come into her room during one of those previous afternoons when
    Jacqueline had been wont to nap with her, and found O caressing her, she would have spread her
    charge's thighs and held them apart with both hands, without the slightest remorse, and in fact
    with the greatest of pleasure, if had pleased Sir Stephen to possess her, rather than peering at her
    through the trellised wall as he had one. She was apt at hunting, a naturally trained bird of prey
    who would beat the game and always bring it back to the hunter. And speaking of the devil...

    It was at this point, just as she was thinking again with beating heart of Jacqueline's lips, so pink
    and dainty beneath her downy fir, of the even more delicate and pinker ring between her
    buttocks, which she had only dared force on three occasions, that she heard Sir Stephen moving
    about in his room. She knew that he could see her, although she could not see him, and once
    again she felt that she was fortunate indeed to be constantly exposed this way, constantly
    imprisoned by these all-encompassing eyes. Young Natalie was seated on the white rug in the
    middle of the room, like a fly in a bowl of milk; while O, standing in front of the massive bureau
    which also served as her dressing table, and able to see herself from head to waist in a slightly
    greenish antique mirror which was streaked like wrinkles in a pond, looked for all the world like
    one of those late nineteenth-century prints in which the women are wandering naked through
    their chambers in a subdued light, even though it is mid-summer.

    When Sir Stephen pushed open the door, she turned around so abruptly that one of the irons
    between her legs struck one of the bronze knobs of the bureau upon which she was leaning, and

    "Natalie," Sir Stephen said, "run downstairs and get the white cardboard box in the front living

    When Natalie came back, she set the box down on the bed, opened it, and one by one removed
    the objects inside, unwrapping the paper in which they were packed, and handing them to Sir
    Stephen. They were masks, a combination headpiece and mask; it was obvious they had been
    made to cover the entire head, with the exception of the mouth and chin - and of course the slits
    for eyes. Sparrow-hawk, falcon, owl, fox, lion, bull: nothing but animal masks, but scaled to the
    size of the human head, made of real fur and feathers, the eye crowned with lashes when the
    actual animal had lashes (as the lion), and with the pelts or feathers descending to the shoulders
    of the person wearing them. To make the mask fit snugly along the upper lips (there was an
    orifice for each nostril) and along both cheeks, all one had to do was adjust a fairly loose strap
    concealed inside this cope-like affair which hung down the back. A frame made of molded,
    hardened cardboard located between the outside facing and the inner lining of skin, kept the
    shape of the mask rigid. In front of the full-length mirror, O tried on each of the masks. The most
    striking, and the one she thought transformed her most and was also most natural, was one of the
    owl masks (there were two), no doubt because it was composed of tan and tawny feathers whose
    color blended beautifully with her tan; the cope of feathers almost completely concealed her
    shoulders, descending halfway down her back and, in front, to the nascent curve of her breasts.
    Sir Stephen had her rub the lipstick from her lips, then said to her as she took off the mask:

    "All right, you'll be an owl for the Commander. But O, and I hope you forgive me, you'll be
    taken on a leash. Natalie, go look in the top drawer of my desk, you'll find a chain and some

    Natalie came back with the chain and pliers, which Sir Stephen used to force open the last link,
    fastened it to the second ring that O was wearing in her loins, then forced it closed again. The
    chain, similar to those used for dogs - in fact that was what it was - was between four and five
    feet long, with a leather strap on one end. After O had donned the mask, Sir Stephen told Natalie
    to take the end of the chain and walk around the room, ahead of O. Three times Natalie paraded
    around the room, trailing O behind her by the rings, O being naked and masked.

    "Well, I must say," Sir Stephen remarked, "the Commander was right, all the hair will have to be
    removed. But that can wait till tomorrow. Meanwhile, keep your chain on."

    That evening, and for the first time in the company of Jacqueline and Natalie, of Rene and Sir
    Stephen, O dined naked, her chain pulled up between her legs and across her buttocks and
    wrapped around her waist. Norah was alone serving, and O avoided her gaze. Two hours before,
    Sir Stephen had summoned her.

    What shocked and upset the girl at the beauty parlor the following day, more than the irons and
    the black and blue marks on her lower back, were the brand new lacerations. O had gone there to
    have the offending hair removed, and it did no good to explain to her that this wax-type
    depilatory, a method in which the wax is applied and allowed to harden, then suddenly removed,
    taking the hair with it - was no more painful than being struck with the riding crop. No matter
    how many times she repeated it, or made an attempt to explain, if not what her fate was, at least
    that she was happy, there was no way of reassuring her or allaying her feeling of disgust and
    terror. The only visible result of O's efforts to soothe her was that, instead of being looked upon
    with pity, as she had been at first, she was beheld with horror. It made no difference how kind
    and profuse were her thanks when she left the little alcove where she had been spread-eagled as
    though for love, nor did it matter how generous a tip she gave as she left, when it was all over,
    she had the feeling that she was being evicted rather than leaving of her own free will. What did
    she care? It was obvious to her that there was something shocking about the contrast between the
    fur on her belly and the feathers on her mask, as it was obvious that this air of an Egyptian statue,
    which this mask lent her, and which her broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs only served
    to emphasize, to demand that her flesh be perfectly smooth. Only the effigies of primitive
    goddesses portrayed so proudly and openly the cleft of the belly between whose outer lips
    appeared the more delicate line of the lower lips. And had any ever been seen sporting rings in
    their nether lips? O recalled the plump red-haired girl at Anne-Marie's who had said that all her
    master ever used the belly ring for was to attach her at the foot of the bed, and she had also said
    that the reason he wanted her shaved was because only in that way was she completely naked. O
    was worried about displeasing Sir Stephen, who so enjoyed pulling her over to him by the fleece,
    but she was mistaken: Sir Stephen found her more moving that way, and after she had donned
    her mask, having removed all trace of lipstick above and below, the upper and nether lips then
    being so uncommonly pale, that he caressed her almost timidly, the way one does with an animal
    one wants to tame.

    He had told her nothing about the place to which he was taking her, nor indicated the time they
    would have to leave, nor had he said who the Commander's guests would be. But he came and
    spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping beside her, and in the evening had dinner brought up to
    the room, for the two of them.

    They left an hour before midnight, in the Buick, O swathed in a great brown mountaineer's cape
    and wearing wooden clogs on her feet. Natalie, in a black sweater and slacks, was holding her
    chain, the leather strap of which was attached to the leather bracelet Natalie was wearing on her
    right wrist. Sir Stephen was driving. The moon was almost full, and illuminated the road with
    large snowlike spots, also illuminating the trees and houses of the villages through which they
    passed, leaving everything else as black as India ink. Here and there, groups of people were still
    clustered, even at this hour, on the thresholds of streetside doors, and they could feel the people's
    curiosity aroused the passage of that closed car (Sir Stephen had not lowered the top). Some dogs
    were barking. On the side of the road bathed in moonlight, the olive trees looked like the silver
    clouds floating six feet above the ground, and the cypresses like black feathers. There was
    nothing real about this country, which night had -turned into make-believe, nothing except the
    smell of sage and lavender. The road continued to climb, but the same warm layer of air still lay
    heavy over the earth. O slipped her cape down off her shoulders. She couldn't be seen, there was
    not a soul left in sight.

    Ten minutes later, having skirted a forest of green oak on the crest of a hill, Sir Stephen slowed
    down before a long wall into which was cut a porte-cochere, which opened at the approach of the
    car. He parked in some forecourt as they were closing the gate behind him, then got out and
    helped Natalie and O out, first having ordered O to leave her cape and clogs in the car.

    The door he pushed open revealed a cloister with Renaissance arcades on three sides, the fourth
    side being an extension of the flagstone court of the cloister proper. A dozen people were
    dancing on the terrace and in a courtyard, a few women with very low-cut dresses and some men
    in white dinner jackets were seated at small tables lighted by the candlelight; the record player
    was in the left-hand gallery, and a buffet table had been set up in the gallery to the right.

    The moon provided as much light as the candles, though, and when it fell upon O, who was
    being pulled forward by her black little shadow, Natalie, those who noticed her stopped dancing,
    and the men got to their feet. The boy near the record player, sensing that something was
    happening, turned around and, taken completely aback, stopped the record. O had come to a halt;
    Sir Stephen, motionless two steps behind her, was also waiting.

    The Commander dispersed those who had gathered around O and had already called for torches
    to examine her more closely.

    "Who is she," they were saying, "who does she belong to?"

    "You, if you like," he replied, and he led O and Natalie over to a corner of the terrace where a
    stone bench covered with cushions was set against a low wall.

    When O was seated, her back against the wall, her hands lying on her knees, with Natalie on the
    ground to the left of her feet, still holding onto the chain, he turned around to them. O's eyes
    searched for Sir Stephen, and at first could not find him. Then she sensed his presence, reclining
    on a chaise lounge at the other corner of the terrace. He was able to see her, she was reassured.
    The music had begun again, the dancers were dancing again. As they danced, one or two couples
    moved over in her direction, as though by accident at first, then one of the couples dropped the
    pretense and, with the woman leading the way, marched boldly over. O stared at them with eyes
    that, beneath her plumage, were darkened with bister, eyes opened wide like the eyes of the
    nocturnal bird she was impersonating, and the illusion was so extraordinary that no one thought
    of questioning her, which would have been the most natural thing to do, as though she were a
    real owl, deaf to human language, and dumb.

    From midnight to dawn, which began to lighten the eastern sky at about five, as the moon waned
    and descended toward the west, people came up to her several times and some even touched her,
    they formed a circle around her several times and several times they parted her knees and lifted
    the chain, bringing with them on of those two-branched candlesticks of Provencal earthenware -
    and she could feel the flames from the candles warming the inside of her thighs - to see how she
    was attached.

    There was even one drunken American who, laughing, grabbed her, but when he realized that he
    had seized a fistful of flesh and the chain which pierced her, he suddenly sobered up, and O saw
    his face fill with the same expression of horror and contempt that she had seen on the face of the
    girl who had given her a depilatory; he turn and fled.

    There was another girl, very young, a girl with bare shoulders and a choker of pearls around her
    neck, wearing one of those white dresses young girls wear to their first ball, two tea-scented
    roses at her waist and a pair of golden slippers on her feet, and a boy made her sit down next to
    O, on her right. Then he took her hand and made her caress O's breasts, which quivered to the
    touch of the cool, light fingers, and touch her belly, and the chain, and the hole through which it
    passed, the young girl silently, did as she was bid, and when the boy said he planned to do the
    same thing to her, she did not seem shocked. But even though they thus made use of O, and even
    though they used her in this way as a model, or the subject of a demonstration, not once did
    anyone ever speak to her directly. Was she then of stone or wax, or rather some creature from
    another world, and did they think it pointless to speak to her? Or didn't they dare?

    It was only after daybreak, after all the dancers had left, that Sir Stephen and the Commander,
    awakening Natalie who was asleep at O's feet, helped O to her feet, led her to the middle of the
    courtyard, unfastened her chain and removed her mask and, laying her back upon a table,
    possessed her one after the other.

    In a final chapter, which has been suppressed, O returned to Roissy, where she was abandoned
    by Sir Stephen.

    There exists a second ending to the story ofO, according to which O, seeing that Sir Stephen was
    about to leave her, said she would prefer to die. Sir Stephen gave her his consent.
    Last edited by Kazimiera; 04-15-2017 at 06:11 PM.

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