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Thread: Anatolian Greeks(everything about them)

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    Default Anatolian Greeks(everything about them)

    Note: We don't refer here to Pontians(Greeks of the Black Sea).


    The miracle of Greek civilization was born in Ionia and other Greek areas of Anatolia. With personalities such as: The oldest pre-Socratic philosopher, the first of the seven wise men of antiquity, a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, engineer, meteorologist and founder of the Ionian School of Natural Philosophy in Miletos, Thales, The philosopher Heraclitos of Ephesos, the philosopher Apollonios Tyaneas of Tyana of Cappadocia, the geographer, philosopher and historian Strabo, Eudoxos of Knidos in Caria, the mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of Greek antiquity, equal to Archimedes, the philosopher Anaximander of Miletos, the philosopher Anaximenes of Miletos, the philosopher Diogenes the Cynic of Sinope, the philosopher and poet Xenophanes of Colophon, The mathematician and philosopher Theon of Smyrna, the explorer Scylax of Caryanda, the painter Apelles of Colophon, the historian and geographer Hecataeos of Miletos, the lyric poet Anacreon of Teos, The poet Hesiodos of Cyme in Aeolis etc. And even later still produced great personalities such as: Hipparchos of Nicaea who was an astronomer, geographer, cartographer and mathematician and considered to be the father of Astronomy, the philosopher Epictetos of Hierapolis in Phrygia, the astronomer and mathematician Callippos of Cyzicos, the sculptor Agasias of Ephesos, the writer, historian, philosopher, geographer, political and military commander Arrianos of Nicomedia, Galenos of Pergamos, who was the second most important Greek physician of Antiquity after Hippocrates, and the last of all major physicians of the Greco-Roman world, the historian Cassius Dio of Nicaea in Bithynia etc.

    The Ionian civilization of Anatolia preceded the Athenian civilization of mainland Greece, influenced Athens and so as a result came the miracle of classical civilization. First comes the Ionians of Anatolia and then the Athenians of mainland Greece. The Greek and European civilization was born in Anatolia and then came to Athens.

    "Greeks have been living in what is now Turkey continuously since the middle 2nd millennium BC. Following upheavals in mainland Greece during the Bronze Age Collapse, the Aegean coast of Asia Minor was heavily settled by Ionian and Aeolian Greeks(as well as Dorians) and became known as Ionia and Aeolia(as well as Doris). During the era of Greek colonization from the 8th to the 6th century BC, numerous Greek colonies were founded on the coast of Asia Minor, both by mainland Greeks as well as settlers from colonies such as Miletus. The city of Byzantium, which would go on to become Constantinople and Istanbul, was founded by colonists from Megara in the 7th century BC."


    "The Greek presence in Asia Minor has been dated to at least the time of Homer around 800BC. Prior to their conquest by the Turkic people the Greeks were one of several indigenous peoples living in Asia Minor."

    "Greek refugees is a collective term used to refer to the Greeks from Asia Minor who were evacuated or relocated in Greece following the Treaty of Lausanne and the Population exchange between Greece and Turkey."

    "The 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey (Greek: C Aioaeeaa?, Turkish: Mubadele) was based upon religious identity, and involved the Greek Orthodox citizens of Turkey and the Muslim citizens of Greece. It was a major compulsory population exchange, or agreed mutual expulsion."

    Population exchange between Greece and Turkey

    "The 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey. It involved approximately 2 million people (around 1.2 million Greeks from Asia Minor, Eastern Thrace, Trabzon, the Pontic Alps and the Caucasus, and 400,000 Muslims in Greece."

    The Turks signed that Asia Minor refugees are Greeks.

    Greece and Turkey - Convention concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations and Protocol, signed at Lausanne, January 30, 1923


    According to Aris Poulianos to the Proso-Asiatic(Caucaso-Armenoid and Anatolian-Iranoid/Orientalid) belong the Greeks of Trabzon(Pontians) and Erzerum and at a small degree the Greeks of Marioupolis and of Western Asia Minor.

    Page 140.

    Mainly Proso-Asians(Caucaso-Armenoids) are Greeks of Trabzon(Pontians) and Easterns (Anatolian-Iranoid/Orientalid) the Turkophone Greeks of Erzerum and at a small proportion the Western groups of Asia Minor.

    Pages 141-142.

    The Armenoid type

    Pure Armenoid features are: Hooked nosed or convex nose that falls and ends at a thick edge, extreme opisthometopia(very sloping forehead) which ends up in a peak at the top of the cranial vault(hypsicrania), short forehead which protrudes to the sides, Planoccipital(flat occiput), brachycephaly, protruding cheekbones, moderate to full lips.

    Aris Poulianos about Proso-Asiatic/Near Eastern racial types.

    Proso-Asiatic type of west Asia Minor

    Above we opposed the Helladic group types and varieties to the prosoasiatic and underlined that they differ so much as to be considered correct the division of the Balkanocaucasian race in two wards. The main differences between them are: The Prosoasiatic type has darker shades, especially in hair and skin. Also the shape of hair is more wavy. The final hair is more developed (both beard and chest hair). The shape of the nose is more curved, the bases of the diaphragm and of fins as well as the peak of the nose is very obliquely downwards. In Prosoasiatic type included the Greeks of Trapezounta and Erzerum, Georgians and to a small degree the Greeks of Marioupolis and of western Asia Minor. Inside this type are distinguished the following varieties:

    a) To the people who live round from the Caucasus Mountains the hair is very developed (both of breast and of beard), the shape of the nose is more curved, the width of face much larger, the color relatively lighter, lips thinner. This variety is less brachycephalic in the Prosoasiatic scale. It may be named "the main Caucasian variety". This is the variety where Georgians belong.

    b) The second variety may be named "main Prosoasiatic". Although very similar to the first, the characteristic traits are manifested with less intensity. The forehead is more straight, the bases of the diaphragm and fins of the nose much more oblique downward. This variety is more brachycefalic from the previous one. In this variety the Greeks of Trapezounta and to a lesser degree Georgians belong.

    Example of Prosoasiatic Caucasian Greek

    c) The third variety, the "Eastern/Anatolian" is located south of the previous two. The main features are: thicker lips, darker in general coloration, less curved shape of the nose, shorter stature, greater opisthometopia(sloping forehead). In this variety the Turkophones Greeks of Erzurum belong and obviously in a small percentage the southern and the western groups of Asia Minor.

    Example of a Greek Eastern/Anatolian/Iranoid

    Despite their differences, the three varieties above have many common features to be considered properly their inclusion in a common Prosoasiatic type, with square sense. This common type showed a strong tendency to lean towards the Mediterranean sea. Correct also is the name "Caucasomediterranean type" which is mentioned several times in the bibliography so to be dilated by the "Balkanomediterranean type".

    Aris Poulianos "The origin of the Greeks", pages 139-142, year 2001.

    The Anthropologists Aris Poulianos studied the Greeks more than any other Anthropologist and was clear with Anatolian Greeks. Only to a small extent and in a small proportion the Western Greek groups of Anatolia are Armenoids and Iranoids. Greeks from western Asia Minor rarely are Anatolians, only some Pontians Greeks from Trabzon and Erzerum are.

    Anatolian Greeks mainly are Mediterraneans and Alpines, few among them are Armenoids and Iranoids(swarthy Middle Eastern like types). Anatolian Greeks are not mixed with Turks at all having no Turanid-Mongoloid types among them.

    Anatolian Greeks are not close genetically with Turks and not a drop of Turkish mongoloid blood found to Anatolian Greeks. Anatolian Greeks never mixed with the Turks 'cause they were two different worlds and communities, they had different religion, language and culture. Mariages between moslems and Christians were not allowed and the punishment for a moslem for changing his religion was death. But they mixed somehow(at a small degree) during ancient times with native Anatolians.

    Turkish types





    According to the genetic site

    Northern Greeks(Thrace & Macedonia) : 93,7 % European
    Central Greeks(Epirus & Thessaly) : 92,2 % European
    Southern Greeks(Sterea Hellas & Peloponnese) : 93,9 % European
    Eastern Greeks(Aegean islands & Ionia) : 91,7% European
    Cretan Greeks(Crete) : 91,1 % European
    All Greeks : 93,4 % European

    Eastern Greeks (Aegean islands & Ionia) (158 samples)

    I included Ionian GREEKS with the rest of Greeks

    Their Y-DNA allmost perfectly resembles that of Aegean Greeks with whom I have classified them under Eastern Greeks (GREEKS not Greece). It also resembles average or mainstream Greek Y-DNA.

    in fact Ionian Greeks and those from the Aegean islands might be the purest of Greeks since Ionians definetely didn't mix with Turks (no Central or East Asian haplogroups detected) and Albanian or Slavic influence in Ionia is zero...allthough some native Anatolian ancestry can't be ruled out.

    Finally Ionian and other Anatolian Greeks are currently living in Greece and constitute a large section of the population...

    As I explained Ionians seem very mainstream Greeks like those from the Aegean...

    Their ancestors who lived under Ottoman Empire had a native Greek language, were Christian Orthodox and allways thought of themselves as Greeks (which is now proven by genetics).

    Anatolian Greeks are close genetically to: 1)Aegean islanders, 2)south Italians, 3)mainland Greeks and 4)Balkanians according to the samples Sikeliot posted. They are not close with Turks or Armenians. Also they don't have any Central/East Asian admixture so they are not mixed with Turks at all.

    Sikeliot to a poster:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sikeliot View Post
    You realize that only Pontians differ from the Greek mainstream genetically and that other "Anatolian" Greeks were genetically just like the natives, no?
    Geneticist Constantinos Triantafyllidis

    "The genetic makeup of Greek refugees of the East(Pontus, Asia Minor, Cappadocia) does not show any statistically significant difference with the DNA of the non-refugee Greeks. But has a huge difference with that of Turks, despite the vicinity of Greeks and Turks in many areas before the Asia Minor Disaster."


    Photos(Click the links):

    Photos of Anatolian Greeks:

    Photos of the most famous Anatolian Greek Poets, Authors, Artists:

    Photos of old Anatolian Greeks and refugees:


    Population strength

    Today, about 40% of the population of Greece claims full or partial descent from the Asia Minor refugees; as does an almost equal percentage of diasporan Greeks.

    Impact on the Greek psyche

    The descendants of the refugees have found hundreds of organizations and institutes in Greece and in the diaspora to promote their civilization and to keep in touch with their roots. Various museums in Greece (such as the Benaki Museum) display artifacts from Asia Minor, Pontus, Cappadocia and Eastern Thrace to denote the Greek presence and emphasize the origins of about 40% of the population of modern Greece.

    "The numerous Greeks from the Asia Minor and East-Thracian regions, accounting for about 35% of the total population of Greece, have been incorporated as refugees in the social structure."

    Vlasis Agtzidis(History teacher who has cooperated with many Universities)

    Nearly 1.5 million Anatolian Greek refugess added to 5.5 million mainland Greeks, THAT IS THE NEARLY 20% OF THE GREEK POPULATION.

    1 person in every 5 Greeks(20%) was in 1923 an Anatolian Greek, after nearly 100 years, many Anatolian Greeks have mixed with mainland Greeks and 40% of modern Greeks have at least 1 Anatolian Greek ancestor.

    "It is usually estimated that the refugees in Greece numbered approximately 1.5 million people."

    The official refugee population per region in 1928 was as follows (number of refugees and percent of the refugee population) :

    Areas of settlement

    Macedonia: 638,253 52.2%

    Greeks of Macedonia

    1913 513,000

    1926 Greeks 1,341,000

    Απογραφή του πληθυσμού της Μακεδονίας

    Anatolian Greeks also settled massively in Attica.

    "The core of the refugee population settled in Attica and Macedonia."

    Attica(number of refugees and percent of the refugee population):

    Central Greece and Attica: 306,193 25.1%


    "During the 1920s a number of Greek refugees, expelled from Asia Minor after the Greco-Turkish War, swelled Athens's population."

    List of settlements


    Kallithea (Pontus)
    Argyroupolis (Pontus)
    Drapetsona (Pontus)
    Sourmena (Pontus)
    Nea Chalkidona (Chalcedon)
    Nea Erythraia (Krini)
    Nea Filadelfeia (Philadelphia)
    Nea Peramos (Kars?yaka near Peramos)
    Nea Smyrni (Smyrna)
    Kesariani (Ionia)
    Nea Fokaia (Phocaea)
    Nikaia (Asia Minor), (Pontus)
    Keratsini (Asia Minor)
    Nea Ionia (Pisidia, Cilicia, Isparta, Cappadocia)
    Paleo Faliro (Constantinople)
    Nea Makri (Makri, Fethiye)
    Pefki (Ionia)
    Saframpolis, Nea Ionia (Safranbolu)
    Inepolis, Nea Ionia (Inebolu)

    Cappadocian Greeks
    (From Central Anatolia)

    Cappadocian Greeks also known as Greek Cappadocians (Greek: Έλληνες-Καππαδόκες, Ελληνοκαππαδόκες, Καππαδόκες; Turkish: Kapadokyal? Rumlar)[3] or simply Cappadocians are a Greek community native to the geographical region of Cappadocia in central-eastern Anatolia,[4][5] roughly the Nevsehir Province and surrounding provinces of modern Turkey. There had been a continuous Greek presence in Cappadocia since antiquity,[6] and the native Indo-European populations of Cappadocia, some of whose languages (cf. Phrygian) may have been closely related to Greek, were entirely Greek in their language and culture by at least the 5th century.[7] Following the terms of the Greek–Turkish population exchange of 1923 the remaining Cappadocian Greek natives were forced to leave their homeland and resettle in modern Greece. Today their descendants can be found throughout Greece and the Greek diaspora worldwide.

    In the Hellenistic era, following the conquest of Anatolia by Alexander the Great, Greek settlers began arriving in the mountainous regions of Cappadocia at this time.[9] This Greek population movement of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC solidified a Greek presence in Cappadocia.

    The Hellenistic Kings would make new Greek settlements in Cappadocia and other surrounding regions in order to secure their hold on this volatile region,[12] under their rule Greek settlements would increase in the Anatolian interior.[12]

    Over the course of the 15th century the Ottoman Turks conquered Cappadocia from the Seljuk Turks, the Cappadocian countryside remained largely Greek populated, with a smaller Armenian population even after the Ottoman conquest.[38]

    During the reign of Ottoman Sultan Murad III (1574 to 1595) the region of Cappadocia became largely Turkified in culture and language through a gradual process of acculturation,[56][57] as a result many Greeks of Cappadocia had accepted the Turkish vernacular and later became known as ‘Karamanlides’.

    These Turcophone Greeks lived primarily in the region of Karamania although there were also significant communities in Constantinople and in the region of the Black Sea.[59][60] Cappadocian Greeks living in remote less accessible villages of Cappadocia remained Greek-speaking and Christian, as they were isolated and consequently less affected by the rapid conversion of the bordering districts to Islam and Turkish speech.[61][62]

    Although the Karamanlides abandoned Greek when they learned Turkish they remained Greek Orthodox Christians and continued to write using the Greek Alphabet.[64]

    They printed manuscript works in the Turkish language using the Greek alphabet, which became known as

    In the early 20th century, Greek settlements were still both numerous and widespread throughout most of today’s Turkey.[77][78] The provinces of Cappadocia and Lycaonia had a large number of Greek settlements and sizeable populations in urban centres such as Kayseri, Nigde, and Konya.[77] The Cappadocian Greeks of the 19th and 20th centuries were renowned for the richness of their folktales and preservation of their ancient Greek tongue.[79]

    The regions of Greece with significant settlements of Cappadocian Greeks include the cities of Karditsa, Volos, Kilkis, Larisa, Chalkidiki, Kavala, Alexandroupoli and Thessaloniki.[87]

    The Cappadocian Greeks were more linguistically Turkified then the Greeks in Pontus and the western coastal regions of Turkey.[60]

    Platy, Imathia

    Platy was founded in 1924 by Greek refugees from Turkey after the Asia Minor Catastrophe. They came from the villages of the Farassa area in Cappadocia (today the village in Turkey is called Caml?ca (Farasa) in Yahyal? Province of Kayseri).,_Imathia

    Constantinos Triantaphylidis Professor of Genetics
    School of Biology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

    E. The genetic composition of Greek refugees from Asia Minor.

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, some 2.000.000 Greeks were living outside Greece in Asia Minor. The presence of this large Greek population had been established on the West coasts of Asia Minor by 800 BC and spread gradually northward along the Blac Sea coast. These Greek populations maintained their Greek identity throughout the centuries, even under the Otoman rule. They remained separated from the neighbouring populations by religious and language boundaries. The areas of Pontus and Cappadochia especially were centers of Greek culture. The first world war was followed by the Greek - Turkish war. In 1923 a treaty (Treaty of Lausanne) was signed between Greece and Turkey for the exchange of minorities. Before and after that Treaty a considerable number of Greek Christian refugees from Asia Minor, Pontus, Constantinople and other areas emigrated to Greece. Of these, 700.000 settled in Macedonia and West Thrace. About 25% of the population of Macedonia were, in 1928, of immigrant origin. It is difficult now, more than two generations later, to distinguish the autochthonous and immigrant populations. One of the 1047 communities where refugees were settled was Platy. The village of Platy is situated in the middle of Greek Macedonia in the province of Imathia. The genetic composition of this population was studied by Tills et al (6). Of the 1558 inhabitants in 1973, 1038 donated blood for genetic tests. Blood grouping tests and electrophoretic analysis were performed at the laboratory of Biological Anthropology of the British Museum of Natural History at London in collaboration with the Greek Red Cross. Tests were carried out for ten blood group systems (ABO, MNSs, Rhesus, Pj, Lutheran, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Wright and Redin), three plasma proteins (Haptoglobin, Transferin and Haemoglobin), and 8 red cell enzymes (ACPH, AK, ADA, EsD, G6PD, PGM, 6-PGD and PHI). The findings from the Platy sample have been compared to those of Greek mainland, Turkey and Bulgaria. When examining a population, such as the Platy population, system by system it is difficult to conclude whether the particular population resembles either the A or the B population. Theoretically, one must simultaneously examine about ten genetic systems. So, the genetic distance was calculated (6) using data for the following 8 genetic systems: ABO, MNSs, Rhesus, Haptoglobin, Acid Phosphatase, 6-phosphoglucomutase dehydrogenase, Adenyulate Kinase and Adenosive deaminase. These were the only systems for which data were available for all four populations. Using the appropriate mathematics, the genetic distances were calculated among the Platy sample, the mainland Greeks, the Turks and the Bulgarians and the obtained results are shown in Fig 2. As can be seen, the differences between the four populations are small, but the Platy sample appears to be slightly closer in its relationship to the Greeks than to the Turks. Furthermore, the refugees of Platy are closer to the Turks, than to the Bulgarians. The incidence of carriers of b-Mediterranean and sickle cell anaemia as well as of the glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency have been investigated in the sample of 410 individuals from Pontus by Sinakos et al (1975) at the 1st Clinic of Pathology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, headed by professor D Valtis. Low frequency of G-6-PD deficiencies (2%) and b-Mediterranean anaemia (3,7%), and only one carrier of the Hb-S variant were found. The distribution of the moderate pthalassaemia was heterogenous and correlated with the topography of malarious areas from where they had immigrated in the past.

    Geneticist Konstantinos Triantafyllidis

    "The genetic makeup of Greek refugees of the East(Pontus, Asia Minor, Cappadocia) does not show any statistically significant difference with the DNA of the non-refugee Greeks. But has a huge difference with that of Turks, despite the vicinity of Greeks and Turks in many areas before the Asia Minor Disaster."


    Photos of Cappadocian Greeks, Platy of Imathia(Macedonia)(Click the link):


    The Karamanlides (Greek: Eanaiaie?aao; Turkish: Karamanlılar), or simply Karamanlis (Also referred to as Cappadocian Greeks or Greeks of Cappadocia), are a Greek Orthodox, Turkish-speaking people native to the Karaman and Cappadocia regions of Anatolia. Today, a majority of the population live within Greece, though there is a notable diaspora in Western Europe and North America.

    Karamanlides is an umbrella term used to describe all Greek Orthodox Christians in Central Anatolia who had adopted Turkish as their primary language. It is derived from the 13th century Beylik of Karaman. They were the first Turkish kingdom to adopt Turkish as its official language and originally the term would only describe the inhabitants of the town of Karaman or from the region of Karaman. Since there is no significant presence of established Christians in the area, the title is now most often used as a label for the local Muslim inhabitants.


    Historically, the Karamanlides adopted and spoke a dialect of the Turkish language. Its vocabulary drew overwhelmingly from Turkic words with only minimal Greek loan words. The language should not be confused with Cappadocian Greek, which was spoken in the same region during the same timeframe, but is derived from the Greek language. It should be noted while their spoken language was Turkish, they employed the Greek alphabet to write it.


    The second theory states that Karamanlides are the direct descendants of Greek-speaking Byzantines. Despite their linguistic Turkification, they maintained their Greek Orthodox faith. This theory is also likely as 19th century linguists were able to travel through Karamanli-speaking regions of Cappadocia and document the few remaining Greek words that mostly elderly residents could remember. Hence the process of Turkification was documented.

    Nonetheless, in the age of nationalism in the 19th century, most Karamanlides identified with a sense of Greekness as distinct from their fellow Turco-phone neighbours; largely resulting from their adherence to the Greek Orthodox Church.

    Many Karamanlides were forced to leave their homes during the 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey.

    "Despite the fact that they had lost all knowledge of their own languages after they had been Turkified,[59]"

    Daly, Michael; Bodleian Library (1988). The Turkish legacy: an exhibition of books and manuscripts to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Bodleian Library. p. 40. ISBN 978-1-85124-016-6. …a large number of works were printed in Turkish using the Greek and Armenian alphabets. These were intended for those ethnic Greeks and Armenians who, while retaining their religious allegiance to their respective churches, had lost all knowledge of their own languages and had been assimilated linguistically by their Muslim Turkish neighbours. Turcophone Greeks were known as Karamanlides, after the province of Karaman where many of them lived, although there were also large communities in Istanbul and in the Black Sea region, and printed or manuscript works in Turkish using the Greek alphabet are known as Karamanlidika.

    "the majority of Karamanlides and many Turkophone Armenians eventually revived their original native tongues.[65]"

    Gokalp, Ziya (1959). Turkish nationalism and Western civilization: selected essays. Columbia University Press. p. 131. OCLC 407546. In Turkey the Karaman Greeks and many Armenians revived their languages after they had been Turkified.

    "While most Cappadocian Greeks had remained Orthodox Christians a significant number of the Karamanlides even converted to Islam during this period.[55]"

    Panzac, Daniel (1995). Histoire economique et sociale de l'Empire ottoman et de la Turquie (1326-1960): actes du sixieme congres international tenu a Aix-en-Provence du 1er au 4 juillet 1992. Peeters Publishers. pp. 345–6. ISBN 978-90-6831-799-2. They were known as Karaman Greeks (Karamanlilar or Karamaniyari) and had latterly been turcificated during in culture and language during the reign of Murad III. A good number of them had been converted to Islam.

    "there were Cappadocian Greeks who only spoke the Turkish language and had given up the use of Greek centuries earlier, known as the Karamanlides.[63]"

    Nagel Publishers (1968). Turkey. Nagel. p. 615. OCLC 3060049. The Karaman region was for a long time inhabited by Turkish-speaking Orthodox Greeks who wrote Turkish in the Greek script. These Greeks are called Karamanians.

    Anatolian Greeks were more advanced regarding living standards and education(click the link):

    Anatolian Greeks were more educated than mainland Greeks.

    "In 1833 the King of Greece Otto visited the Evangelical School of Smyrna and excitedly said: "I want to see similar schools in Greece and the Greeks in a short time to become a wise nation.""

    Greeks of partly or full Greek Anatolian Greek ancestry, feel proud of your superior ancestry, coming from people who gave birth to the ancient Greek civilization, ruled half of the planet(including mainland Greece) for 1100 years when mainland Greeks for this long period were just sheep hearders and after that still stood over any mainland Greek taking account living standards and educational levels . Mainland Greeks(usually some provincials) still attacking and slandering Anatolian Greeks suffer from inferiority complexes and jealousy towards the creme de la creme of the Greek nation through the centuries.

    Click to enlarge:

    Ernest Hemingway

    At the age of 20, he served as a "Toronto Star" correspondent in Europe and described the Asia Minor Catastrophe.

    Some quotes:

    "The difference is evident in the level of culture that the Greeks used to have in Constantinople ".

    About Smyrna:

    "The worst, he said, were the women with the dead children. We could not convince them to give us their dead children. They had their children dead for six days, but they did not abandon them. We could not do anything. Eventually we had to take them with violence. "

    (From his collection of short stories with the general title "On the waterfront of Smyrna").

    November 1922
    Last edited by Hellenas; 09-07-2017 at 07:26 AM.
    Haters gonna hate, trolls gonna troll, liars gonna lie, slanderers gonna slander and morons(all of the aforementioned) gonna be morons!


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    Good post. I don't agree 100% but I appreciate the time and effort to gather and present all the information.

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    "Greeks of partly or full Greek Anatolian Greek ancestry, feel proud of your superior ancestry, coming from people who gave birth to the ancient Greek civilization, ruled half of the planet(including mainland Greece) for 1100 years when mainland Greeks for this long period were just sheep hearders and after that still stood over any mainland Greek taking account living standards and educational levels . Mainland Greeks(usually some provincials) still attacking and slandering Anatolian Greeks suffer from inferiority complexes and jealousy towards the creme de la creme of the Greek nation through the centuries."

    Well said, mainland Greeks are products of foreign seed. Island Greeks and Anatolian Greeks is where it's at.

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    Proud of having Anatolian Greek ancestors (Bithynia)

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Albobalboa View Post
    Well said, mainland Greeks are products of foreign seed. Island Greeks and Anatolian Greeks is where it's at.
    So true. Like how Albanians are the product of foreign seed, Kosovars are where it's really at.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Albobalboa View Post
    Well said, mainland Greeks are products of foreign seed. Island Greeks and Anatolian Greeks is where it's at.
    Not true and don't agree either, anyway...
    Haters gonna hate, trolls gonna troll, liars gonna lie, slanderers gonna slander and morons(all of the aforementioned) gonna be morons!


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    Eastern Greeks have always been and always will be bros
    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:12

    Definition of untrustworthy and loose character are those that don't believe in God.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keraunos View Post
    So true. Like how Albanians are the product of foreign seed, Kosovars are where it's really at.
    "Analysis of autosomal DNA, which analyses all genetic components has revealed that few rigid genetic discontinuities exist in European populations, apart from certain outliers such as Saami, Sardinians, Basques, Finns and Kosovar Albanians. They found that Albanians, on the one hand, have a high amount of identity by descent sharing, suggesting that both Albanians from Albania and Kosovo derived from a relatively small population that expanded recently and rapidly in the last 1,500 years (GANG SHIT). On the other hand, they are not wholly isolated or endogamous, as they share a significant amount of descent with nearby Macedonian, Greek and Italian populations. The recent growth is particularly evident in Kosovar Albanians, which show particularly high levels of homogeneity, in contrast to the higher diversity otherwise found in other Balkan populations."

    Autosomal DNA purity, Albanians reign supreme. Don't compare us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellenas View Post
    Not true and don't agree either, anyway...
    Well guess what, it's from your text.

    You're basically claiming one type of Greek is superior to another type of Greek, you're pissing on your ortodox braders just because you have more MENA blood in you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Albobalboa View Post
    Well guess what, it's from your text.

    You're basically claiming one type of Greek is superior to another type of Greek, you're pissing on your ortodox braders just because you have more MENA blood in you.
    Dear Albanian moslem enemy of the Greeks, OF ALL GREEKS(including Anatolian Greeks). Cultural and educational superiority of Anatolian Greeks, in many cases, has been proven by history. I'm not pissing anyone, that's just dirty Albanian slander, I'm only partly Anatolian Greek, the rest is Mainland and as we see to the Genetic quotes I posted, Anatolian Greeks don't have more MENA admixture than other Greeks. The slander goes on...

    Bye bye hater. and show interest to your non-interesting people.
    Last edited by Hellenas; 09-07-2017 at 07:54 AM.
    Haters gonna hate, trolls gonna troll, liars gonna lie, slanderers gonna slander and morons(all of the aforementioned) gonna be morons!


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