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Thread: Exorcist reveals difference between a mentally ill person a 'genuinely POSSESSED'

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    Default Exorcist reveals difference between a mentally ill person a 'genuinely POSSESSED'

    Exorcist reveals the tell-tale differences between a person who is mentally ill and someone who is 'genuinely POSSESSED'
    Priest and exorcist reveals how he knows if a person is possessed by the devil
    Father Cipriano de Meo, an exorcist since 1952, says key is in the response
    A possessed by the devil will react in a specific way to a special prayer
    If not, this is an indication that the person is mentally ill and not possessed
    By Sara Malm for MailOnline
    PUBLISHED: 16:57 GMT, 31 October 2017 | UPDATED: 03:18 GMT, 1 November 2017

    One of the Catholic church's most experienced exorcists has revealed a key trick of his trade: knowing when a person is 'genuinely' possessed by the devil.

    Father Cipriano de Meo, an Italian priest who has been carrying out exorcisms for 65 years, said the key is in how the person reacts to prayer.

    He also admitted that in most cases, a person is not possessed by the devil, but suffering from some other illness.

    Exorcism expert: Italian priest Father Cipriano de Meo revealed that if a person is possessed, he or she will react to prayer and speak 'blasphemies against God and Our Lady'

    Father de Meo, an exorcist since 1952, said the exorcist will typically say a 'prolonged prayer to the point where if the Adversary[the devil] is present, there's a reaction,' he told ACI Stampa.

    'A possessed person has various general attitudes towards an exorcist, who is seen by the Adversary [the devil] as an enemy ready to fight him.'

    He said a possessed person would contort their face in 'frightening facial expressions', threaten the exorcist and use foul language - 'especially blasphemies against God and Our Lady.'

    Not all: Father de Meo admitted that in most cases, a person is not possessed by the devil, but suffering from some other illness. Pictured is a scene in 2013 film The Last Exorcism Part II

    Earlier this month, the first English language translation of exorcism rituals was published in the U.S. by bishops.

    Priests can now obtain copies of Exorcisms and Related Supplications from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops - if permitted.

    It is an official, Vatican-approved translation of De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam, the official 84-page ritual which was promulgated in 1999 after being used in various, unofficial forms by priests for centuries beforehand.

    The translated version of the actual exorcism ritual will only be able to members of the Church, clergy and scholars who have to be approved by a bishop before they can receive it.

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    I'm not sure what makes a person being "genuinely" possessed and whatnot, but it is funny to see "professional" exorcists into action.

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    Demons and possessions are fears shared by many, especially among the religious world. While generally associated with the Catholic Church, such accounts have existed since Mesopotamian times. Every culture/religion has had something with demonic possessions.

    For instance, Hinduism uses mantras instead of prayers. In Islam, the possessed is healed from the damage, both spiritual and physical, done by the entity who has possessed them. Buddhism sees the invading force as one that is not inherently evil or negative. Rather, the demon is it itself adversely affected by being trapped in a human being.

    According to the Christian perspective, the most common signs of possession include superhuman strength, speaking languages the possessed does not know, limb contortion, and premonitions or clairvoyance.

    When we feel fear, our bodies produce excess adrenaline. The adrenal glands pump cortisol and adrenaline into our blood, which supplies muscles with more oxygen, thus releasing more energy. Seemingly superhuman feats are a simple, yet amazing, biological response.

    All our limbs can bend and twist in a variety of ways. We're just not accustomed to seeing it, so it seems abnormal. Knowledge of foreign languages can be explained by looking at how are memories are stored. The brain picks up background noises and stores information subconsciously; this phenomenon is known as xenoglossy and has been studied in significant depth. Even precognition has recently seen support from some scientists from Cornell, but those waters are a lot murkier.

    Most experts nowadays agree that "demonic possessions" are simply treatable mental illnesses. After all, it's not the Middle Ages anymore. In the late 16th century, King Henry IV hired a commission of people to run an experiment on a woman who claimed to be possessed by demons. They told her that they were Catholic priests who were going to give her an exorcism. Then the priests faked it, and it worked.

    They gave her holy water from a church. They put it in a regular flask and gave it to her, pretending it was just regular water. The real holy water had no effect on her. But when they poured ordinary water on her and told her that it was holy water from the church, the woman convulsed in pain.

    They also read a book in Latin and pretended that it was the Bible. Again, they got her to freak out, even though they were really just reading Virgil’s Aeneid.

    The woman wasn't necessarily faking her reactions. It was just all in her mind. For years, we've just misunderstood schizophrenia, epilepsy, and a wealth of other mental problems and convinced ourselves that people were getting possessed by demons.


    Some are mental disorders that are cured using religious ceremony as a type of therapy. If you've been raised believing that God is the most powerful being in the universe and his name is invoked to cure you of depression, hysteria, or anything else for that matter. It's the same principle as magic.

    There is no difference in the legitimacy of a therapist and a priest, they both study psychology and they both have a different method of helping others. The rite of exorcism is the only rite in the Rituale Romanum (handbook for priests and clergy, under Chapter 13) that isn't widely available to the public.

    By the way, it's not uncommon for religious people with mental illnesses to associate these problems with demonic activity (Anneliese Michel's family were an obsessive, highly devoted, and incredibly strict Catholic German family for example). You'd be surprised how many people in the loony bin would be deemed "possessed" by a priest if they were given an interview with them.


    If the Catholic Church could prove demons exist through means of exorcism, they would be obliged by God to do so to save millions of souls. The reason why they do not is because demons are psychological entities, not physical ones. Jesus Christ and his disciples were famous for casting out demons.

    Although earlier civilisations (such as the Egyptians and Babylonians) had exorcists, none of them got such individual recognition as Jesus. The first mention of Jesus expelling an unclean spirit happens in a synagogue in the Book of Mark.

    Probably the most famous exorcism case is that of Annalise Michel (it's the exorcism that inspired The Exorcism of Emily Rose) and is mired in controversy.

    Numerous cases of people pretending they're some sort of paramormal entity when they're drunk have been reported over the years. And we all know alcohol reveals one's true self.


    Church exorcisms are the least convincing especially the African ones. Fraud at worst and psychological manipulation at best.


    The 'demon' never is more intelligent than the possessed, never has knowledge that the possessed shouldn't know, never speaks another language than the possessed, calls themselves 'demon of abortion/lust/voodoo' or something equally stupid, and usually just growls and flops around on the floor.

    The most poor, desperate countries are the most superstitious in explaining why bad things happen to them. By most accounts, the ranks of official exorcists number between 500 and 600 in a global Church of more than 1 billion Catholics, with the vast majority operating in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

    Exorcism rituals on the rise in Mexico as a way to battle evil of the cartels. They are particularly popular in outlying villages, where priests often celebrate weekly Mass to drive demons from tormented souls, people that fell under the sway of demons due to Santa Muerte rituals.
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