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Thread: what do you think of aryan paganism?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    Why should we work along side with people that kill the religious identity that our nations and past 1000+ years of history are linked with? If you like Germanic tribes for some reason you can for instance like the Vandals who are like the most CONVERTED without force to Christianity. Christianity bought Europe to its greatness and defence against Islam and other threads.
    I come from a Catholic background myself and acknowledge our important debt to the Catholic Church. It was Catholicism which inspired my Spanish ancestors with La Reconquista. But as for defense against Islam, there were many Germanic Pagans who fought alongside Charles Martel at Tours in 732, because they were fighting for a common cause. I think we should do the same now, which is why I don't like this attitude of some Christians who go out of their way to denigrate our pagan ancestors. I don't know about your Germanic people, but mine were Christianized by force after they were conquered by the Franks. Not as bloody as what happen to the Sachsen, but still it was imposed.

    The main thing is that Christianity was pacifist and only became imbued with this warrior, defensive spirit once it adopted those values from our pagan ancestors. Just like at Tours, it was not Christianity but the overriding values and spirit of our ancestors that defend their lands. They made Christianity what it became because they re-molded it in their image. So inherently, I don't ascribe this to Christianity but to our ancestors who just happened to be Christians and made it work for them. Do you think they wouldn't have fought just as ardently if not more so against Islamization if they remained Pagans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    Ever since we lost our christian identity and on top some people starts to identify with lost paganism, our whole society and continent is fucked.
    Unfortunately, this was already happening long before some people began rediscovering Paganism, and it happened because Christianity itself changed. It began changing its laws against usury and Freemasonry, for example. It wasn't Paganism but the spread of irreligion, the rule of bankers and secret societies, and Cultural Marxism that changed our societies for the worse. And I do see a place for Traditionalist/Sedavacantist Catholics in the revival, for if I didn't recognize it I wouldn't be influenced by some Catholic thinkers like Otto Strasser and Ernst Junger. But I see it alongside Volkisch Heathens, each one contributing to our common cause.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    Would you say a German that is a proud catholic like your hero Stauffenberg would fight along Pagans? He despite neo pagan freaks like Himmler who was mentally insane.
    I honestly think he would've, because foremost he was a patriot. He worked alongside Evangelisch and also secular/non-religious opposition figures, because the common cause was for Deutschland that all were working for. His incredible sacrifice, honor and heroism was part of the Germanic ethos, long before our people were Christianized. Unfortunately, people like Himmler with their co-opting and abuse of ancient Germanic symbols have given it a bad name, although the freak Himmler and others were nothing but confused, power-hungry, opportunists who weren't true Pagans. The Gestapo cracked down on many Germanic pagan groups. For example, look at the regime's persecution of Ludwig Fahrenkrog (who refused to say "Heil Hitler") and the Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft. Although I don't agree with all their writings, also look at how the regime banned the writings of List and Lanz von Liebenfels after the Anschluss.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    There are other sources that speak about Homosexuality was okay with Norse-pagans. For sure sacrifizing human beings was okay. Women in fighting units and other masculine roles were okay. And that you believe in the myth of the "dark" ages was clear anyway, the christian not so dark ages were a incredible great civilization and the spirit of the disgusting french revolution is deniying or liying about its greatness till today, you are part of the french revolution spirit without knowing.
    First, I also don't believe in the myth of a "dark" ages. I think our ancient and medieval ancestors were far more advanced than the modern. Just because I mentioned some about their persecution of Pagans doesn't mean I accept the modernist myth that somehow they brought a "dark age" to Europe. Quite the contrary, there was a great continued flowering of culture and achievements throughout this period, as our ancestors continued their interests despite their new religion. I also decry the French Revolution. It brought many of our current evils and to me it exhibited a Judeo-Masonic spirit.

    Second, most of the sources I've read - and certainly the most credible ones, by actual Germanic Pagans - mention how homosexuality and other decadence was opposed among our Germanic ancestors. There are accounts in some sagas of them being banished or dispatched to the bogs, for example. You're right about women warriors, but it was nearly as common as it was among the Celtic peoples. It certainly wasn't the most common among the Germanic warriors, who were almost entirely men. There were some sacrifices but they weren't nearly as prevalent as later Christian sources allege; they should be viewed more in the same light as modern punishments and penalties.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    I respect Germanics such as Vandals and Hermann that couldnt be christian because he was around a time BC. But when you all speak about ancesotrs, who is closer to me? My ancestors the that lived the past houndred and thousand years? My ancestors that lived 2000+ years ago? Or my ancestors who lived 50000+ years ago and who knows what their religion was? Do you honor your christian ancestors? Or are they all "muh fucking shills christians praying to a juuuew on a cross".
    Oh I definitely see where you're coming from. That's why I look at their individual qualities, being innately German, and not because they happened to be Christians or anything. This tendency to ascribe all good qualities of our folk to Christianity generally or Catholicism particularly, is what I find problematic, because it sells short on what is innately German. Our ancestors simply carried on their traditions, making Christianity work for them and giving an outer Christian veneer for what already were values among our volk. Personally, I honor all my recent ancestors who were nothing but Catholics (and my one Evangelisch great-grandfather), without thinking ill of any of them. I just know the process by which my ancestors (and most likely yours too) were Christianized to begin with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    Edit: There were inter-european wars before christianity, with christianity and after Christianity. Are you even familiar with the fact that the Germanic tribes more likely butchered eachother in wars then the Romans? Only Arminius could united them for a while but after his death the infighting happend all over again, just a historical fact. The thing that united Germanic tribes and lead to a German identity was Christianity, futhermore by the Northern Crusades who conqouered Prussia for us, do you know how important Prussia is and was for the German unification, identity and history?
    The unity would have happened naturally among our volk, regardless of Christianity. But looked at how much damage Christianity did to Germany during the fratricidal Thirty Years War, when Germans were divided between Catholics and Evangelisch, families torn apart merely because of slight doctrinal differences. Even before Arminius, there were many occasions of different Germanic tribes uniting and banding together against the Roman invaders. Ironically though, it was Christianity that gave the Franks the excuse they needed to align with the Romans against other Germanic tribes who remained "Pagan". So certainly they weren't concerned with Germanic unity.

    I agree about Prussia, but I also remember the dark side of Prussia, for example my older ancestors who still didn't like Bismarck due to the Kulturkampf. There was this centralizing tendency that made power invested in Berlin and away from the distinct regions, although this was mostly with the Weimar Republic onwards. I endorse more federalism, especially now with Merkel's migrant and all the other PC policies. I recommend what Otto Strasser wrote about the "de-Prussianisation" of Germany. I especially think our Southern and Western (including your Rhineland) regions would do much better without the central control from Berlin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    I come from a Catholic background myself and acknowledge our important debt to the Catholic Church. It was Catholicism which inspired my Spanish ancestors with La Reconquista. But as for defense against Islam, there were many Germanic Pagans who fought alongside Charles Martel at Tours in 732, because they were fighting for a common cause. I think we should do the same now, which is why I don't like this attitude of some Christians who go out of their way to denigrate our pagan ancestors. I don't know about your Germanic people, but mine were Christianized by force after they were conquered by the Franks. Not as bloody as what happen to the Sachsen, but still it was imposed.
    The Frankish Empire was almost Christianized in 732, and in 750 completly christianized since even the last pagans realized the power of Christianity. All I know vikings had trade deals with muslims while butchering monks and killing women and kids. And even if my ancestors were converted by force I would have no problem with it, it was a for a greater good and positive in outcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    The main thing is that Christianity was pacifist and only became imbued with this warrior, defensive spirit once it adopted those values from our pagan ancestors. Just like at Tours, it was not Christianity but the overriding values and spirit of our ancestors that defend their lands. They made Christianity what it became because they re-molded it in their image. So inherently, I don't ascribe this to Christianity but to our ancestors who just happened to be Christians and made it work for them. Do you think they wouldn't have fought just as ardently if not more so against Islamization if they remained Pagans?
    Christianity didint conqoured rome for no reason and entire Europe, it is because of the true faith it is. The pacifist view in Christianity is mainly brought by Evangelicals/Protestants and freemason Catholics after 2nd Vatican council. Even if they weoud have fought against muslims in the case they never were christianized, they would also never be civilized and easy work for muslims.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    Unfortunately, this was already happening long before some people began rediscovering Paganism, and it happened because Christianity itself changed. It began changing its laws against usury and Freemasonry, for example. It wasn't Paganism but the spread of irreligion, the rule of bankers and secret societies, and Cultural Marxism that changed our societies for the worse. And I do see a place for Traditionalist/Sedavacantist Catholics in the revival, for if I didn't recognize it I wouldn't be influenced by some Catholic thinkers like Otto Strasser and Ernst Junger. But I see it alongside Volkisch Heathens, each one contributing to our common cause.
    Paganism was already dead when all this happend, but I guarantee you the Freemasons and sons of the French revolution werent anti.christian for no reason, they were anti christian because they were aware of the impact of christianity and anything I told you that speaks in favor of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    I honestly think he would've, because foremost he was a patriot. He worked alongside Evangelisch and also secular/non-religious opposition figures, because the common cause was for Deutschland that all were working for. His incredible sacrifice, honor and heroism was part of the Germanic ethos, long before our people were Christianized. Unfortunately, people like Himmler with their co-opting and abuse of ancient Germanic symbols have given it a bad name, although the freak Himmler and others were nothing but confused, power-hungry, opportunists who weren't true Pagans. The Gestapo cracked down on many Germanic pagan groups. For example, look at the regime's persecution of Ludwig Fahrenkrog (who refused to say "Heil Hitler") and the Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft. Although I don't agree with all their writings, also look at how the regime banned the writings of List and Lanz von Liebenfels after the Anschluss.
    The resistance against the nazis were heavily catholic based and the Zentrum party was clearly the winner in the last weimar election in all catholic states. We were aware of the neo-pagan and anti-christian movements the nazis were coming along and I am more than sure this was a big reason for Stauffenberg to go into the opposition. Lutheran heretics meanwhile tried to create the "Deutsche Christen" movement that was doomed to fail, due to the neo-pagan spirit of alot nazi leaders.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    First, I also don't believe in the myth of a "dark" ages. I think our ancient and medieval ancestors were far more advanced than the modern. Just because I mentioned some about their persecution of Pagans doesn't mean I accept the modernist myth that somehow they brought a "dark age" to Europe. Quite the contrary, there was a great continued flowering of culture and achievements throughout this period, as our ancestors continued their interests despite their new religion. I also decry the French Revolution. It brought many of our current evils and to me it exhibited a Judeo-Masonic spirit.

    Second, most of the sources I've read - and certainly the most credible ones, by actual Germanic Pagans - mention how homosexuality and other decadence was opposed among our Germanic ancestors. There are accounts in some sagas of them being banished or dispatched to the bogs, for example. You're right about women warriors, but it was nearly as common as it was among the Celtic peoples. It certainly wasn't the most common among the Germanic warriors, who were almost entirely men. There were some sacrifices but they weren't nearly as prevalent as later Christian sources allege; they should be viewed more in the same light as modern punishments and penalties.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    Oh I definitely see where you're coming from. That's why I look at their individual qualities, being innately German, and not because they happened to be Christians or anything. This tendency to ascribe all good qualities of our folk to Christianity generally or Catholicism particularly, is what I find problematic, because it sells short on what is innately German. Our ancestors simply carried on their traditions, making Christianity work for them and giving an outer Christian veneer for what already were values among our volk. Personally, I honor all my recent ancestors who were nothing but Catholics (and my one Evangelisch great-grandfather), without thinking ill of any of them. I just know the process by which my ancestors (and most likely yours too) were Christianized to begin with.
    Sorry but there is a difference between catholic, pagans and lutheran germans, and for me the most positive of these are the catholic Germans.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    The unity would have happened naturally among our volk, regardless of Christianity. But looked at how much damage Christianity did to Germany during the fratricidal Thirty Years War, when Germans were divided between Catholics and Evangelisch, families torn apart merely because of slight doctrinal differences. Even before Arminius, there were many occasions of different Germanic tribes uniting and banding together against the Roman invaders. Ironically though, it was Christianity that gave the Franks the excuse they needed to align with the Romans against other Germanic tribes who remained "Pagan". So certainly they weren't concerned with Germanic unity.
    Luther the heretic bastard was the source of the thirty years war, before that there was catholic unity amoung Germans. And I value my Frank ancestors and everything they did, again it all ended in the German identity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean-Jobst View Post
    I agree about Prussia, but I also remember the dark side of Prussia, for example my older ancestors who still didn't like Bismarck due to the Kulturkampf. There was this centralizing tendency that made power invested in Berlin and away from the distinct regions, although this was mostly with the Weimar Republic onwards. I endorse more federalism, especially now with Merkel's migrant and all the other PC policies. I recommend what Otto Strasser wrote about the "de-Prussianisation" of Germany. I especially think our Southern and Western (including your Rhineland) regions would do much better without the central control from Berlin.
    Well of course Prussia wasnt all positive and that I like Wilhelm 2 should be a hint that I am not favor of Bismarck. Wilhelm 2 is a great example of a Prussian leader that respected and loved German catholics and made an alliance with the catholic habsburg house, took pride in our German patron Saint Michael and tried everything to bring us back to power. He was deeply religious btw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    Most modern pagan groups don't interest me simply because they often are either 1) making it up as they go along, essentially a New Age movement
    So true. I once knew a self-described pagan, he was a very hippie/alternative guy. When I asked him about his religion all he said was "well, when we die we go to the trees and stuff" and nothing more. I was thinking WTH and mentally facepalming.
    That being said I do have lots of respect for traditionalists who are spiritually connected to their Gods, beliefs and practices, but not for those people who consider themselves pagans to seem cool or "alternative".

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    Aryan Paganism in what sense? The paganism of the Aryan invaders was essentially the PIE religion, in this sense the Gods of this very ancient pantheon are reconstructed and recreated. Here's a good graphic of it from a Pagan discord I have:


    Each God fit into a specific archetype or category, and this continued in the religions of the Aryan's descendants. The supreme God was known as Dyeus Pater (Albanian Zoti Ati)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teutone View Post
    Its always negative and highly anti christian.

    Totally counter productive too, our societies are in danger because we lost our morals and honor.

    Paganism provides more hedoism and chaos.
    Most of neo-paganism is a mixture of nietzschean nihilism and new age mother-nature cult.
    Pretty much its main premise is to broke up with old christian moral values, to adopt an individualistic and pragmatic moral approach to life and nature.
    Nothing alike to how people thinked in pre-roman europe, were the duties of the individual towards their family, tribe and social costumbes were above any personal interest.
    Their life were rule by tribal law, and every linage had an especific rol to fullfill inside the community. The individual must honor his extended family and act according to social and religious customs, your desires, opinions and expectations as an individual were regarded as uninportant.

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    plain tribal religion

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    Quote Originally Posted by revealman View Post
    plain tribal religion
    Well alot of Aryans in the USA, Canada, and the UK already have their Hindu temples around the country. The non-Aryans here are mostly Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uniprix View Post
    Well alot of Aryans in the USA, Canada, and the UK already have their Hindu temples around the country. The non-Aryans here are mostly Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.
    True Aryan brahmin being venerated by dalits.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacques de Imbelloni View Post
    True Aryan brahmin being venerated by dalits.

    He's a Dutch convert.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uniprix View Post
    He's a Dutch convert.
    he has an Hindu mother do your research.

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