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Thread: The Truth About the Masonic Lodge

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    Default The Truth About the Masonic Lodge

    The Masons, aka "Shriners" aka Freemasons. Are they a harmless bunch of old guys on mini-bikes in fez hats who run hospitals? Not quite. In this video, Patrick Coffin gives a quick history of the Masonic Lodge, what they believe, and why Catholics cannot participate in their occultic organization. Modern Freemasonry started in 1717 in England during the dawn of the Enlightenment. It’s a hodgepodge of new age Rosicrucianism, astrology, theosophy, and traditions of cultic groups such as the Druids, Mithars, Egyptian priesthood. Freemasonry also involves the taking of occultic oaths, keeping the truth of Freemasonry a secret, indifferentism, and the subversion of the Church and the state. Members also open themselves to gruesome deaths if they reveal the inner secrets of “the Lodge.” Popes since Clement XII in 1738 have said the same thing: Catholics cannot be Masons.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

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    My forefathers were free masons, a lot with masonic headstones. I have read a lot of the literature from friends past down books mostly, part of the thing is, Catholics aren't trustworthy as they have an oath to the church. If Masons were ever persecuted they would be snitched out by the Catholics. Free masonry is heavily influenced by theism, Protestantism and agnosticism.

    It served a good purpose for a long while in keeping people moral and helping people progress regardless of class (although most notable Freemasons come from somewhat esteemed backrounds). These types of societies exist in many forms, from the Moose Lodge all the way to Free Masons. I have never read anything really sinister or even heavily occult related in any free mason literature. Most of it is based of the story of Solomon. The weird stuff is benign imo, its more inquisitive than definite.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PaleoEuropean View Post
    If Masons were ever persecuted they would be snitched out by the Catholics.
    Every decent christian would do this.
    And every decent christian king would exterminate this plague to the core.

    It served a good purpose for a long while in keeping people moral and helping people progress regardless of class
    I am starting to think, what are you: a naive decieved person, or someone who is promoting a bullshit on purpose...?

    I have never read anything really sinister or even heavily occult related in any free mason literature.
    Every degree is kept in darkness to some point.

    Most of it is based of the story of Solomon.
    Solomon — a guy who was the apostate, who introduced all pagan stuff
    to Israel on the state level, and who is a "hero" of many occultist societies.
    Last edited by Rethel; 06-26-2021 at 11:17 PM.

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    Freemasons are not really relevant anymore, a lot of halls are shutting down in England, they fell off from the mid-20th century, it seems like.

    They used to be more than a social club, since they had a huge number of Supreme Court Justices and other important posts in US history. 14 presidents and 35 Supreme Court Justices, according to the Grand Lodge of Maryland.

    Early Freemasonry was founded by the Templars after the Crusades, where they discovered a lot of pre-Christian relics and scriptures that changed their view on the power hold of the Catholic Church which kept people down in Europe.

    The Freemasons originally did a good job of trying to secure a western esoteric tradition from being completely snuffed out. Unfortunately, this also cloaked the subject in a pall of secrecy and perceived inherent evil. The Rosicrucians did much the same. The issue is that secrecy and power draws the exact type of people who you don't want to have secret power because they will misuse it.

    A virtuous society is more likely to record their great ideas and immortalise their great thinkers and writers, whilst a degenerate one is more likely to suppress those as potential threats, and selfishly ignore or demonise the great man who in a more virtuous society would have been given a position of power.

    They were suppressed due to the subversion of meddling clergy powers, as well as simply being alive at the wrong time as there were many wars and plagues that thinned their numbers and left less time for what we might call 'cultural pursuits', or at least there would be less attention given to those genius few who were involved in them.

    Historically, Freemasons claim ascendance from the time of the building of the Temple of Solomon, and in some cases beyond that to the building of the pyramids or the temple of Babel. It is speculation as patchy historical documentation and oral tradition has melded with legend at this point.

    The actual foundations most likely occurred on the continent and in the UK with the building of the great church cathedrals. These buildings often took great time to complete and would require skilled workmen to complete them. The best of the stone cutters were Freestone Masons who would do the actual sculpture work. They were the best paid, best respected, and as such in the medieval guild structure the most desirous to be associated with as an apprentice.

    Other guilds burgeoned as well, carpenters guilds, masons, tailors, etc. Any trade that could be employed that required a high level of skills would have a craft guild attached to it.

    It made sense from the period, if you belonged to a guild it acted as a social network, and ability to access new trade information, and furthermore a security blanket for you, as it was expected that you, your widow, or your children would be looked after in the event of untimely death or accident. Thus these masonic guilds grew over time, up until the 1700s.

    During the 1700's, different official speculative lodges started to appear. These were lodges that used the symbology of the craft lodges, the codes, and the signs, but were not practicing Freestone Masons. These were essentially a way for the operative masons to bring normies into the craft lodges, and again because this is a society where you didn't have any social security outside of the Church, the speculative lodges offered members a chance to discuss Enlightenment ideals and ideas within the secrecy of the lodge without fear of repercussion. Because it proved successful, affluent people got involved with it as well and this again grew the numbers and the influence.

    In Scotland, masons are heavily tied to the Orange Order, a lot are members of both. The Orange order itself can be lumped in with the masons, Apprentice Boys of Derry, non-denominational schools, Rangers Football Club, British Unionism etc. as the Protestant side of Scotland, and the Irish Republican groups, Celtic Football Club, Catholic schools are the Catholic side of Scotland. Although Irish Republicanism wasn't initially a Catholic movement (see Wolfe Tone).

    The main idea of the parades are all about William of Orange and the Battle of the Boyne and they have parades all year, especially in the run up to the 12th of July.

    The turning point came in the late 1700's when you had anti-masonic practices come in to place. In the States there was even an anti-masonic party and while part of their grievances against masons were legitimate, a lot of it wasn't. There had been some cases in America of people getting off from murder charges because of their masonic connections, that sort of crap.

    In the UK, a similar anti-masonic following had started around the time that the French Revolution took place, with the revolutionaries believing masonic practice to be part of the Establishment. The leftists in the government also started to exert pressure because they thought unduly that masonic influence was too strong and so the organisation started to go underground. They no longer met in taverns, they started meeting in dedicated Lodge buildings, and still in the UK at least performed its civic functions, usually ceremonially laying corners stones on public buildings and churches.

    So they continued until the 1840's when continential masonry allowed a disgraced French mason to publish his accounts through a woman who he had hired to go on a public speaking tour with him about the evils of masonic practice. This was sold widespread across the continent and America and along with other fake documents asserted for the first time that Freemasonry was a satanic organisation.

    It was backed by the Catholic Church, because they hated people who might influence their sheeple, and even though it had been proven demonstrably that it had been made up, the damage had been done.

    The Church was always far more concerned with control/order/domination. Purity/hypocrisy is largely ignored in their nations (notice how they elect fornicators, simply accept criminal enterprises openly, where they at least have to hide themselves in Germanic nations, they even mixed with lesser races in Latin America) and how they have no issue with sacrificing for their whole (Fascism). And their sheeple do not particularly care who is in charge, nor do they care how they rule. Corruption in their local churches, governments or the Vatican is not going to bother them so long as their needs are catered to.

    From this point any other anti-masonic movement cited the information in some fabricated book as the main source of reasoning. In Germany in the 1920's the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was cited, and Freemasonry was a Jewish weapon. In Soviet Russia it was a weapon of the capitalists, etc.

    Aleister Crowley who was never recorded as a freemason decided to steal all of the symbols and create his own cult, claimed he was a 33rd degree freemason after fleeing to Mexico to do a ton of drugs and write magic books. 33rd degree freemasons are not as knowledgeable as 32nd degree freemasons btw, but he didn't know that. 33rd degree freemason is an honorary title. It's like getting an honorary degree from Harvard, it doesn't mean anything.

    He went to America, lied about being a freemason, then fled to England after getting rejected since it couldn't be verified. They let him become a continental freemason which is a completely different organisation than American Freemasonry. They don't recognise each other. He started his own religion using all of the symbols from freemasonry, where he taught everyone his retarded "magick."

    Over the century they recruited and spread, and now celebrities walking around using the signs and symbols twerking to Satan are a part of this religion, thinking they're so awesome and special (after all they became rich and famous didn't they?) and are convinced they've won a golden ticket to Hogwarts to be magical immortals, when really all they do is degenerate stuff while pretending some drug-addled schizo ramblings will give them superpowers.

    Anyway, now they're not anything real, it's just fat old boomers larping as muh secret society, and getting away from the wife for a couple of hours every week. Most lodges are larp shows. The ones deeply connected to the UGLE are the spooky fun ones.
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    Fuck these satan worshipping cunts, the vatiCUNT full of satanic kiddie diddlers and those inbred island apes that call themselves the "Royal" family.

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    In the USA these lodges are dying out. To the degree they do exist, they are a drinking club of old gnarly dudes like the Elks and have little influence, even at the local level.

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