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Thread: Question about Paganism

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    Default Question about Paganism

    Have you ever been a christian? atheist? Logically, does it make sense to refuse a more dominant God to worship gods from ancient times? Have you had any extraordinary experience to make that change?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member TheOldNorth's Avatar
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    Vercingetorix, Caratacus, Arminius, Robert the Bruce, Owain Glyndwr, Jan Sobieski III
    I feel connected to paganism & my ancestors but am also scientific
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    to be honest, I don't know if I'm a pagan, I like science, but emotionally I feel very strongly towards the culture and religion of my ancestors, but I'll answer anyway. I was christian, when I was a little boy, by 6 or 7 I was already questioning Santa's existence, and by 11-13 I was questioning God's.
    Things like the fact that modern Christianity could easily be tracked to a more pagan past of El and his wife Asherah, and their children, Yom, Baal Hadad, and most importantly to Christianity, Yahweh. The fact that the Old Testament actually has different versions of some stories, like one version of the sacrifice of Isaac, he actually is killed by Abraham for the support of god. The fact that the part of the Old Testament talking about the casting out of the Leviathan clearly being a reforming of an older story of Baal Hadad fighting the serpent as a part of Chaoskampf.
    The fact that I couldn't believe in the blatant 'plot-holes' of the fact that Adam and Eve where the only two beings before Cain and Abel, and then Seth.
    Despite all these things I do have respect for the Old Testament as a mythology for the Jewish people in the same way that I respect Greek or Egyptian Mythology, though its a bit closer to me do to my partial Jewish ancestry.
    A part of paganism seems to be the idea that though there are greater and lesser gods, none are all powerful, and none are the creator of all things, but rather representations of natural forces, their manifestations or souls perhaps for a better word.

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    the human mind can make its own delusions seem so real and powerful in times of intense stress. i have been raised atheist, and still believe in no life after death other than maybe some kind of infinite slowing down of time, or perceptual "eternity" as the brain dying if that possibly happens. no godlike beings interceding in earthly affairs. when something does get fucked up you will be begging a "god", anything for them to "help me now and i will believe in you. please just do it" but nothing ever happens.

    i believe there is a need to celebrate age-points reached in life for people and to celebrate holidays and have excuses to force people together, so i've chosen european pagan holidays, which coincidentally are very close in date to christian ones. the shitty practical aspect is that if you told people you were celebrating muslim holidays too the vast majority of people would go "oh thats so cool and accepting", but when i tell them i am doing yule and taking may day more seriously then you are perceived as being one step away from a goosestepping uniformed nazi.

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