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Thread: What is a mixed race person?

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    Default What is a mixed race person?

    What is a mixed race person? Give your own definitions.
    Unfortunately, my big dream will never come true. I would really like to go to Nashville, On the Greyhound bus through the USA. I want to see all the big stars Which I always saw in pictures. Then we go to the Grand Ole Opry. To Ernest Tubb and Dicky Lee. I would really like to go to Nashville, Nashville Tennessee. Morti's American Dream
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    Valkyrie Queen of Apricity CelticViking's Avatar
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    Turks have Arab blood, Gyspy have Indian blood, Mexicans, Polynesian have Asian and Melenesian blood , American Indians now have Asian and European blood, Maori have European + Melenesian + Asian(Taiwan) blood. Filipino are Melenesian + Asian and some have European blood. African Americans and some Africans in the UK have European and African blood. Some Europeans that (1/2,1/4/1/8, 1/16 ) Non Europeans are Mixed. I heard Finnish and Polish have Asian (Hun, Sami) blood but people say it is too far back for them to be called Mixed race.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquiring Mind View Post
    What is a mixed race person? Give your own definitions.
    Synonym of mongrel.

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    Someone who is mixed with two different (or more) races, obviously.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Argyll View Post
    Someone who is mixed with two different (or more) races, obviously.
    Which can cause many problems, obviously.
    Apart from all the religious conversions, beatings, murder, acid attacks, rapes, cheating and divorces in the race mixing relationships there are many problems for the children.

    For American children, says Yoonsun Choi, assistant professor at the School of Social Service Administration, early adolescence isn’t getting any simpler. Besides the awkwardness and looming angst, there’s this: more and more youth now find themselves navigating the uncertain territory of multiracial heritage. (Even the term is ambiguous; it can refer to having parents of different races or to generations-old diversity.) The multiracial experience frequently corresponds, Choi says, with higher rates of violence and substance use. “Consistently multiracial youth show, in almost all behavior problems—alcohol, smoking, marijuana, fighting—more problems than other children.”


    The differences in violent behavior were even more striking. Multiracial youths were 63 percent more likely than white respondents to have been in a fight and 65 percent more likely to have threatened to stab someone. African American students, who held even with multiracial respondents for some violent behaviors, were 39 percent less likely to have hurt someone badly and 46 percent less likely to have carried a gun.

    Choi has yet to decipher all the factors that exacerbate multiracial youths’ “bad outcomes,” but racial discrimination is part of the equation. Kids act out in response to ridicule or ostracism. In junior high and high school, “some [racial] groups are very exclusive. Other children will push you out if you’re a racial combination.” In similar surveys in Hawaii, she notes, multiracial youths did not show more problems than their monoracial classmates. “It’s not even an issue there—so many people come from multiple backgrounds.” In the U.S. at large, interracial marriages account for 4 percent of the total; in Hawaii they account for nearly half.

    “However, there is some indication that a strong ethnic identity” with at least one race—a sense of racial or cultural pride, belonging, and confidence—“helps protect kids from these behaviors,” Choi says. But youths must strike a sometimes difficult balance. “This research is just emerging, but it is saying that ethnic identity for multiracial children is unique. They need to endorse every part of who they are, and for children of combinations from conflicting groups”—for instance, black and white or, Choi says, Asian and black—“that will be hard.”

    Originally Posted by Excerpt

    Higher rates of mental illness in migrant groups have been proposed as evidence of racism within psychiatry, they write. Yet rates of psychiatric disorder are high for all migrants, irrespective of ethnicity. This suggests an explanation that is not ethnic specific and is environmental rather than genetic.


    These findings highlight that there are perfectly reasonable alternative explanations for why the rates and manner of admission vary between different ethnic groups, say the authors. Construing racism as the main explanation for the excess of detentions among ethnic minorities adds little to the debate and prevents the search for the real causes of these differences.

    Originally Posted by Excerpt

    Black patients with bladder cancer are 35 percent more likely to die of the disease than white patients, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.

    USA Today: Multiracial patients have tough battle to find marrow matches

    The hopes of his parents, both doctors in San Jose, Calif., immediately turned to a bone marrow transplant, but they soon learned some distressing news — Luke's ethnic heritage made him a tough match.


    Sarah Gaskins, Luke's mother, has Japanese and European ancestors and his father, Lam Do, is Vietnamese-American. Because bone marrow matches usually are made with a relative or someone with the same racial or ethnic background as the patient, multiracial people rarely have success.

    "It's tragic," said Lam Do, who specializes in internal medicine. "Your chance of finding a donor is so low, it's like winning the lottery. And most people are unaware of this."

    Students of mixed races report suffering more health problems

    CHAPEL HILL -- A new study that involved surveying 90,000 adolescent U.S. students showed that those who considered themselves to be of mixed race were more likely than others to suffer from depression, substance abuse, sleep problems and various aches and pains. Conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the National Institutes of Health, the investigation found that adolescents of mixed race were more likely to have other health problems as well.

    "It did not matter what races the students identified with, the risks were higher for all of them if they did not identify with a single race," said Dr. J. Richard Udry, principal author of a paper on the work appearing in the November issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

    "Most of the risk items we assessed may be related to stress, and so we believe being of mixed race is a source of stress," Udry said. "From this work, we cannot identify further the sources of that stress. More research is needed to identify those sources and possibly suggest programs that might help biracial adolescents."

    Udry is professor of maternal and child health at the UNC School of Public Health, professor of sociology in UNC's College of Arts and Sciences and a fellow at the Carolina Population Center. His co-authors are Dr. Rose Marie Li, formerly of NIH, and Janet Hendrickson-Smith, research associate at the UNC center.

    The new findings derive from data compiled as part of the UNC-based National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, the largest and most comprehensive survey of teen-agers ever conducted in the United States.

    In the detailed surveys they completed, students could give more than one answer when asked about their race. Those who called themselves biracial tended to be more likely to smoke and drink, Udry said. Overall, older biracial children were more likely to have sex at younger ages, to have access to guns and to have poorer experiences at school such as through suspensions, skipping class and repeating grades.

    In characteristics not related to traditional risks, such as grades, vocabulary, family structure and family education, mixed-race adolescents often fell between single-race adolescents, he said. For example, Asians had higher grade-point averages than whites and were more likely to have a college-educated parent, but children with both Asian and white parents had averages between those two peer groups and were more likely to have a parent who attended college than white-only adolescents.

    "Quite a few studies attest in some way to the emotional, health and behavioral risk problems of multiracial adolescents," he said. "The most common explanation for the high-risk status is the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation and problems of family dynamics in biracial households."

    Since some previous studies found no differences between biracial and single-race children, Udry and his colleagues wanted to explore the relative risk of mixed race adolescents with teens of a single race using a large nationally representative sample.

    When first reported in 1997, Add Health showed that strong and supportive ties between parents and children helped protect adolescents against risky behaviors, including substance abuse, early sexual activity, pregnancy, emotional distress, suicide and violence.

    Feeling connected with one's school and, in some cases, one's religion also helped adolescents avoid some of the pitfalls of youth, the study showed.

    "These findings offered the parents of America a blueprint for what worked in protecting their kids from harm," Udry said. "Contrary to common assumptions, Add Health found that parents -- not just peers -- were extremely relevant to their children throughout adolescence," he said.

    Parents trying to prevent risky behaviors in children should spend time with teen-agers, talk with them, be available to them, set high standards and send clear messages about what they want their children to do and not do, Udry and his colleagues concluded.

    Shannon died Monday afternoon at Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park, on Long Island, of acute myelogenous leukemia, a common type of leukemia among adults, but rare among children.

    Shannon, who played the young lion Nala, had received an umbilical-cord blood transplant in August. The procedure was performed as an alternative to a bone marrow transplant. Her doctor, Dr. Larry Wolfe, said that a perfect bone marrow match for Shannon could not be found.

    The search for a match was especially daunting because Shannon's mother is African-American and her father is Hispanic, from the Dominican Republic. For bone marrow transplants, minorities and those of mixed ancestry have a more difficult time finding good matches because there aren't as many people from those groups signed up as potential donors.

    When she was diagnosed with leukemia, her doctor said she would probably not survive without a transplant from a donor with matching bone marrow. The marrow of her two sisters and her parents was incompatible, and of the 1.9 million people registered with the National Blood Donor Program, not one had marrow to match hers. When a marrow donor could not be found, doctors performed an umbilical-cord blood transplant March 22.

    One obstacle to finding a matching donor was her mixed ethnic background. Her father is black, with West Indian and Panamanian roots. Her mother is white, with Russian-Jewish roots. In addition, only 5 percent of registered donors are black.

    Her illness is called acute myeloid leukemia or acute myelogenous leukemia and is relatively rare in children. Its annual toll in the United States is 600 cases and 300 deaths. Dr. Stephen Feig, the head of pediatric oncology at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine, said that type accounted for 10 to 15 percent of all childhood leukemia.

    Mr Winddancer believes that Mr Serbin's vendetta against him is 'racist'.
    He said: 'It's racism. What else would you call it? I'm not Indian enough for Sal? Then it's an issue of race.'

    A blonde haired blue-eyed Wellingtonian Indian has caused turmoil in the beauty contest world by winning Miss IndiaNZ - and being accused of not being Indian enough.

    The New Zealand Herald said Jacinta Lal, 21, was booed and has been the subject of complaints to organisers from Indian spectators

    A young Aborigine was ''shocked'' and ''humiliated'' to hear she might not look ''indigenous'' enough for a job promoting the Aboriginal employment initiative GenerationOne, founded by the mining entrepreneur Andrew Forrest.

    Tarran Betterridge, 24, a Canberra university student, applied for the post through an ACT company, Epic Promotions, which had been asked to find five people of ''indigenous heritage'' to staff a stall at Westfield in Canberra handing out flyers for GenerationOne.

    Selliman says she is Maori and Te Ati Awa.
    "Because I'm blonde and I'm fair skinned, I'm not Maori enough, and working for a Maori organisation they felt I should, I suppose, look more Maori," she said.
    "I see it as a really sad thing for Maori that Maori people are doing this to other Maori people," she said.

    On being bullied at school for being too 'white': “I was a little confused as a kid because I grew up with my mum, and my mum is black. So I was cultured in a very ‘black’ way. But when I go to school, I’m getting called ‘white’. They would look at me and would curse me out.

    He described his struggles as a young adult to reconcile social perceptions of his multiracial heritage
    Obama has also written and talked about using alcohol, marijuana and cocaine during his teenage years to "push questions of who I was out of my mind."

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    Quote Originally Posted by CelticViking View Post
    Turks have Arab blood, Gyspy have Indian blood, Mexicans, Polynesian have Asian and Melenesian blood , American Indians now have Asian and European blood, Maori have European + Melenesian + Asian(Taiwan) blood. Filipino are Melenesian + Asian and some have European blood. African Americans and some Africans in the UK have European and African blood. Some Europeans that (1/2,1/4/1/8, 1/16 ) Non Europeans are Mixed. I heard Finnish and Polish have Asian (Hun, Sami) blood but people say it is too far back for them to be called Mixed race.
    ok i see.
    Unfortunately, my big dream will never come true. I would really like to go to Nashville, On the Greyhound bus through the USA. I want to see all the big stars Which I always saw in pictures. Then we go to the Grand Ole Opry. To Ernest Tubb and Dicky Lee. I would really like to go to Nashville, Nashville Tennessee. Morti's American Dream
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    a person who's parents are white or black forexample,i think these people have a very difficult life,since they don't know where they belong,but i've witnessed many of the mulattos chose to blackside

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquiring Mind View Post
    What is a mixed race person? Give your own definitions.
    Nigga me.
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    Anyone man who has predominantly European ancestry, but with 1/64th of some Non-Indo-European ancestry is not white to me. That's all I care for, and its all a continuation of the Jim Crow Laws.

    I am a big advocate for them, and especially coming from the South. The Negroes there can't self govern themselves, and the illegitimate white bastards that marry the, especially the females, have to put up with husbands that leave with the children they had out of wedlock.

    If anything this just creates disharmony in society, and bastardizes white blood, which I would never consider good at all for the fact that person decided to intermarry a Negro in the first place.

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    trolls who mixed with illyrian gods and and then came to mix with bardhyll an illyrian king and so o
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeistFaust View Post
    Anyone man who has predominantly European ancestry, but with 1/64th of some Non-Indo-European ancestry is not white to me. That's all I care for, and its all a continuation of the Jim Crow Laws.

    I am a big advocate for them, and especially coming from the South. The Negroes there can't self govern themselves, and the illegitimate white bastards that marry the, especially the females, have to put up with husbands that leave with the children they had out of wedlock.

    If anything this just creates disharmony in society, and bastardizes white blood, which I would never consider good at all for the fact that person decided to intermarry a Negro in the first place.
    geist you once said i should be proud to be pure,but isn't it scientific proven that mixed(i mean euromixes) persons are prettier

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