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Thread: Eritreans and many Ethiopians are genetically closer to MENAs and West Asians than to most Negroids?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Komintasavalta View Post
    Dinka share some alleles with North Africans but not with West Africans, because both Dinka and North Africans lack drift that is specific to West Africans. Also Eurasians are derived from East Africans, so Dinka and North Africans have millennia of shared drift that is missing from West Africans.

    For similar reasons, in the K=2 run Yoruba got 7% of the North African component (and they would've gotten even more if the run would've included more Capoid-Bambutid samples):

    0 100 Canary_Islander
    0 100 Jew_Moroccan
    0 100 Jew_Tunisian
    1 99 Egyptian
    3 97 Libyan
    3 97 Mozabite
    5 95 Algerian
    5 95 Tunisian
    7 93 Saharawi
    10 90 Moroccan
    27 73 Eritrea
    31 69 Afar
    31 69 Jew_Ethiopian
    41 59 Somali
    53 47 Datog
    59 41 Masai
    71 29 Kikuyu
    72 28 African_American
    76 24 Hadza1
    80 20 Afro_Caribbean
    80 20 Dinka
    87 13 Luhya
    87 13 Luhya_Kenya_Webuye
    87 13 Luo
    88 12 BantuKenya
    89 11 Gambian
    89 11 Mandenka
    91 9 Gambia_Western_Divisions
    91 9 Khomani_San
    92 8 Malawi_Chewa
    92 8 Malawi_Ngoni
    92 8 Malawi_Tumbuka
    92 8 Malawi_Yao
    93 7 Esan
    93 7 Mende
    93 7 Namibia_Bantu_Herero
    93 7 Yoruba
    97 3 BantuSA
    100 0 Biaka
    100 0 Ju_hoan_North
    100 0 Mbuti
    Actually Dinka and most other Nilotes have elevated levels of Niger-Congo (West-Central African) related ancestry which Horners lack.

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    This woman is from South Sudan and she got 86% African (incl. 5% North Africa) and 13% Middle East, although that was back in 2017. You can't get blacker than her in terms of phenotype.


    Seems like they're no longer together.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leto View Post
    This woman is from South Sudan and she got 86% African (incl. 5% North Africa) and 13% Middle East, although that was back in 2017. You can't get blacker than her in terms of phenotype.


    Seems like they're no longer together.

    Wow, she's very beautiful (that skin is shining) and yes extremely Negroid looking, that bulbous forehead is only present in real SSA people not in Negritos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joqool View Post
    This seems to be the case. Although certain Sub Saharan groups such as Kikuyu, Bulala, Ethiopian_Mursi and Hadza who become closer to certain Ethiopians than some MENAs, but these Negroids also have Cushitic admixture which is like half Caucasoid which pulls them closer compared to most SSAs.

    Note- Mada, Laka are West-Central Africans while Makhuwa and Nyaneka are Bantus from Southern Tanzania/Mozambique and Angola. Kikuyus are Bantus mixed with Cushitic while Bulala, Mursi are Nilo-Saharans with some Cushitic or MENA-like admixture, while Hadza are isolated hunter gatherers from Tanzania. Luhyas, Luos are Bantus and Nilotes from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania. Mbuti are Pygmies while Khomani are Southern African Bushmen.

    Do you find this surprising?

    Distance to: Eritrean

    Distance to: Ethiopian_Tigray

    Distance to: Ethiopian_Afar

    Distance to: Ethiopian_Amhara

    Distance to: Ethiopian_Agaw

    Distance to: Ethiopian_Jew
    This is because:
    1) Not all SSA ancestry is the same, with Africans groups being composed three major lineages, the first being Basal Human, the oldest offshoot of Anatomically modern Humans (AMH) and is associated with A00 Y-DNA. Basal Human is the smallest component, being present in mbuti pygmies and West Central Africans at around 7% (Its less in West Africans proper like Yoruba but its there). Basal Human does not seem to be present in Khoe-San from what I know. The second major lineage is Paleo-African is the majority ancestry in Mbuti and Khoi-San, and the second biggest component in West Africans ("Bantus" Basically). Paleo-African y-DNA seems to be associated with y-DNA A. Then lastly is the neo-African lineage and that is the most recent African ancestors of Eurasians around 80-70,000 KYA and Eurasians are technically Neo-Africans that underwent a major defining bottleneck of 1,000 breeding pair individuals that had 2-3% neanderthal intogression in the Levant corridor excluding Basals who never had Neanderthal intogression. Y-DNA A and B, D and E seems to be associated with Neo Africans and is directly ancestral to Eurasian Y-DNA. Proto Niolites, Mota and other Ancestral East Africans (AEA) were mostly or entirely Neo-Africans. West Africans are 50-40% Neo-African (called "Basal West African" in Shum Laka), 13% Taforalt, 7% Basal Human and 40-30% is Paleo-African. Proto Nilotes in the Eastern Sahara were entirely AEA Neo Africans, Mota in the Ethiopian Highlands was 80% Neo Africans AEA and 15% South African HG/San like Paleo-African. In North Africa you had Ancient North Africans (ANA) that was associated with the Atrian Culture, and no longer existed in Pure form from 20,000 KYA onwards, mixing with Duzudzuana and form Tafoalt/Iberomaurusian culture. It was found that pure ANA is between AEA and Basal Eurasian in affinity and in simulated PCA models. When discussing deep source ancestry in the decentants of Neo-Africans, the cline goes like this: AEA-ANA-Basal Eurasians-Crown Eurasians (Crown West Eurasians like Paleo-Euro HG, ANE, WHG and Eastern Non Africans like Intial Upper Paleolithic Oase/Bacho-Kiro/Tianyuan, Onge, AASI, Hoahinhbian, Basal East Asian, Papuans, Australians). So from this information, the "SSA" ancestry in Horners, being mostly Proto-Nilotic, is closer to OoA/ Eurasians from just the sheer fact that they had more recent ancestry with proto Eurasians and they lacked Paleo-African and the more divergent Basal Humans that is both present in West Africans. Though I need to stress that West Africans Biggest component is Neo African and the admixture with Taforalt during mesolithic made West African genetically closer OoA than the Khoi-san and Mbuti (though Mbuti has Bantu-admixure and Khoisan have low level Cushitic ancestry dating to the neolithic).

    1) Unlike ENA and Euro-HG and Siberians, there was non Crown Eurasian Deep source ancestry present in PGNE (Post Glacial Near Easterners) such as Pinarbasi (Anatolian Hunter Gatherer. directly Dzudzuana), Caucasus HG, Natufians, Mesolithic Iranians (HotuIIB), Neolithic Iranians (bit less ANE derived than HotuIIB cave sample) and Anatolian Farmers (Basically 86% Pinarbasi and 14% Natufians) with components such as Basal Eurasians being present in all of them and ANA being present at around 14% in Natufians (Natufians were 30% Taforalt, rest Dzudzuana), present in low levels in Anatolians farmers via Natufian proxy, hence why Europeans have E-V13 which was present in Taforalt cave in North africa (West Africans also got their Y-DNA E1b1a from ANA despite being autosomaly mostly Neo-African and Paleo-African, its via 13% Taforalt admix). With the expansion of PGNE across Western Eurasia, all modern Western Eurasians have Basal Eurasian, with the additional ANA layer in MENA (less so for Euros outside the Med), both of which is responsible for diluting Neanderthal ancestry in modern West Eurasians. So a Horner is gonna have stronger affinity with West Asians/MENA/Meds independent of recent "SSA" ancestry via slavery or Pilgramage in MENA because of this deep source ancestry that existed in the Middle East before the Neolithic. This is also the reason why West Eurasians shift closer to SSA than ENA groups, or as Rizab Khan would put it; An African is closer to a Swede than he is an Andaman Islander despite looking phenotypically closer to the latter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andullero View Post
    They are basically Old World mulattoes, more or less.
    Their "SSA" is different from the Caribbean and they never were slaves or had caste systems imposed on them but had established civilizations that even ruled Arabia under the axumites or Egypt under the Kushitic kings like Piye and Taharqa. Horners like Wadaad/Acended would take offence to that word "Mulato". Horners see themselves by ethnicity not by mixed racial identities

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joqool View Post
    I think its mainly Ethiopians who are 50/50 while Somalians are more like 60% SSA and 40% West Eurasian. While Eritreans seem to be closer to 60% West Eurasian and 40% SSA. There was even one Eritrean sample in G25 who was closer to 65% West Eurasian.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto View Post
    He is Russian-German, his parents were born in Kazakhstan, she is Somali-Ethiopian.

    European 99.9%
    Eastern European (Ukraine) 77.3%
    French & German (Netherlands) 8.3%
    British & Irish 1.7%
    Scandinavian 0.3%
    Ashkenazi Jewish 0.3%
    Italian 0.1%
    Broadly Northwestern European 5.5%
    Broadly European 6.4%

    Unassigned 0.1%

    Sub-Saharan African 99.8%
    Ethiopian & Eritrean 50.2%
    Somali 47.6%
    Sudanese 1.5%
    Southern East African 0.1%
    African Hunter-Gatherer 0.1%
    Broadly Northern East African 0.3%

    European 0.1%
    Broadly European 0.1%

    Unassigned 0.1%
    I wonder how much Caucasoid/Negroid this woman is. She is Somali and Ethiopian (Oromo?). Probably over 40%. They have a daughter and she looks significantly more Caucasoid than half SSA mulattoes.
    Maybe they've done Gedmatch, I'll have to go through the comment section.

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