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Thread: What do you think of MGTOW?

  1. #11

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    Some people who claim they're MGTOW are actually just flat out Incels. They're two very different things. Incels typically just blame women, call them sluts etc for not wanting to date them. They actively try to seek a relationship but fail believing it's not their fault at all. Genuine MGTOW don't want a relationship. They're happy and content with being single, they choose to be single for a wide variety of reasons but they're typically not hateful like Incels. Perhaps they see the troubles of married life and having children and want more money to spend. Perfectly valid option.

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    MGTOW have sex, Incels don't (but they wish).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggery View Post
    What do you think of MGTOW?
    They are incels in denial, trying to hold on to the last shred of masculinity and dignity they have left. They fall into two groups: the first is older, average to good looking divorced or single men in their 30's, who want to keep having casual sex and never settle. They are basically like vegans, bragging and shoving their movement into people's faces like they are better than other people. It's a lazy road that expects women to change without being made to.

    The second is literal virgins/porn addicts. They are just ugly, lonely losers who try to convince themselves and others that their virginity at age 30 is a choice and not a result of their utter failure as men. Their anti-marriage stance is hypocritical becuase marriage is literally the institution that benefits betas like them the most.

    It used to be nothing more than an unconscious social trend which came about as a result of identity politics, especially feminist politics. Men simply did a cost-benefits and discovered what things to go after and what things to avoid. This was never meant to become anything, since it was a natural reaction.

    But then some incels and homosexuals noticed the trend (who just want more men to be like them), seized it for their own, and capitalized on it so that they could make their own entry into the land of identity politics as "empowered" men.

    It's mostly millennial losers who's testosterone has declined to a level they don't see women with hormone glasses anymore. After you get old those crow's feet become more visible to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggery View Post
    By the way I do not see you criticizing the Anglos who go to Asia to get an Asian girlfriend or prostitute.
    Because they are genetic dead-ends. These men removed themselves from the gene pool, for the best. It doesn't bother me mainly because it's so rare.

    The most common interracial coupling in America for instance is white male - latina female. In the state of California nearly 15% of childern that white men had were with hispanic mothers. These men are ugly cunts who couldn't score beautiful white women so they went for the easier option, and mixed kids in America (brown or not) identify with their non-white side due to recessive white genes and the social advantages of being a minority.


    But of course, wogs and spics on TA often endorse those relationships to make you feel good about the browning of America.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorian View Post
    We GrecoRomansIberians once did the mistake of civilizing these cave-dwellers ,I suggest we make an alliance with muslims to accelerate their takeover
    Quote Originally Posted by renaissance12 View Post
    Scandinavia is not Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortimer View Post
    It's OK to date girls 16+ they are not children remember the old song 'sweet sixteen'
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    Whites are often jealous of Blacks for their athleticism, creative talent and sexual prowess.

  4. #14
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    You mean MSTOW? Men sent their own way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sean View Post

    Because they are genetic dead-ends. These men removed themselves from the gene pool, for the best. It doesn't bother me mainly because it's so rare.
    Your ideas are literally nigger-tier except you don't speak ebonics. Niggers are all about popping out kids and breeding being related to their 'worth'. So, the human race is not going to make it another 1,000 years probably and Homo Erectus will have us beat for being on the planet for 2 million years which is really out of homo-sapiens league. In the future intelligent design (I don't mean the retarded religious version of it but of genetic engineering etc..) will become the basic principle of life and superhumans will exterminate homo-sapiens.

    So, let us say you sucessfully have kids only a miniscule, if any, amount of genes will be shared with your descendants, in 500-1,000 years, who will then be exterminated by superhumans all of this while you are nothing but an ephemeral speck of sub-dust on a speck of dust planet in an unfathomably large universe.

    All humans are genetic dead-ends since homo-sapiens will likely be exterminated by superhumans augmented by genetic engineering , nanotechnology and perhaps AI etc... so even if you have kids you are still a loser.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean
    The most common interracial coupling in America for instance is white male - latina female. In the state of California nearly 15% of childern that white men had were with hispanic mothers. These men are ugly cunts who couldn't score beautiful white women so they went for the easier option, and mixed kids in America (brown or not) identify with their non-white side due to recessive white genes and the social advantages of being a minority.


    But of course, wogs and spics on TA often endorse those relationships to make you feel good about the browning of America.
    What do you mean by 'white' you mean Catholic krauts genius ? Because California is not New England.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond007 View Post
    Your ideas are literally nigger-tier except you don't speak ebonics. Niggers are all about popping out kids and breeding being related to their 'worth'. So, the human race is not going to make it another 1,000 years probably and Homo Erectus will have us beat for being on the planet for 2 million years which is really out of homo-sapiens league. In the future intelligent design (I don't mean the retarded religious version of it but of genetic engineering etc..) will become the basic principle of life and superhumans will exterminate homo-sapiens. So, let us say you sucessfully have kids only a miniscule, if any, amount of genes will be shared with your descendants, in 500-1,000 years, who will then be exterminated by superhumans all of this while you are nothing but an ephemeral speck of sub-dust on a speck of dust planet in an unfathomably large universe.
    I don't think so. The understanding of evolution and the ability to modify genetic components is so new to science, its implications are not yet understood; of the applications that are known to be possible (and there are many), the majority are still in the “too dangerous to even attempt on humans” phase of development.

    Our genome is so complicated it took teams of scientists with nearly unlimited funding and supercomputers working around the clock several decades to finally map it, that's all, just map all the genes, we still don't know what 90% of them do or why any of them do anything.

    When it comes to the potential for increasing the durability and longevity of the human body, not many scientific fields hold any promise. Demographics are destiny and your demographics point to a decidedly brown future, and if you don't want to get taxed so that an illegal immigrant can come over and shit out a litter of anchor brown babies, subsidizing more kids from white families that already have kids, is the easiest way to push up the white birth rates.

    Niggers will not breed. Calculations like that assume that the West won't face any form of crises in the next 80 years and have enough time to focus solely on negroes in Africa. If any kind of major event happens in that time then there will be 10s of if not 100s of million dead niggers.

    I mean if you want to end your lineage that's fine, but don't pretend it is a good thing for society.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond007 View Post
    All humans are genetic dead-ends since homo-sapiens will likely be exterminated by superhumans augmented by genetic engineering , nanotechnology and perhaps AI etc... so even if you have kids you are still a loser.
    I won't be around in the future so who cares? I will be dead by the time any real changes occur and the machines or whatever take over for good.

    On the other hand, you are a 43 year old schizo that trolls an anthroboard for a decade (same as Mortimer), you were raised Catholic yet you larp as Anglo or Dutch or whatever, you don't even have a family of your own, so it's probably good thing you didn't reproduce.

    Actually, I feel bad for you lonely old cunts. Even if you started to do something about your pathetic existence today your learning curve still would be behind until the day you croak.

    The clock is ticking. Every passing day you keep aging. You are a disgusting genetic dead end who will eventually blow your negress loving brains out in despair, and there will be no more of you. Your lonely, meaningless death will be a constant reminder of your failure as a man. Make sure to live stream it too lel.

    Nothing of value will be lost. If anything it's effectively Darwinism, the absolute weakest and least valuable of society die leaving behind the average and above.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesBond007 View Post
    What do you mean by 'white' you mean Catholic krauts genius ? Because California is not New England.
    White as in white people. Not you. You are some catholic mystery meat from New York.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorian View Post
    We GrecoRomansIberians once did the mistake of civilizing these cave-dwellers ,I suggest we make an alliance with muslims to accelerate their takeover
    Quote Originally Posted by renaissance12 View Post
    Scandinavia is not Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortimer View Post
    It's OK to date girls 16+ they are not children remember the old song 'sweet sixteen'
    Quote Originally Posted by Tooting Carmen View Post
    Whites are often jealous of Blacks for their athleticism, creative talent and sexual prowess.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggery View Post
    Just another one of the millions of ways that modern westerners use to completely fail at reproducing

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    Quote Originally Posted by sean View Post
    They are incels in denial, trying to hold on to the last shred of masculinity and dignity they have left. They fall into two groups: the first is older, average to good looking divorced or single men in their 30's, who want to keep having casual sex and never settle. They are basically like vegans, bragging and shoving their movement into people's faces like they are better than other people. It's a lazy road that expects women to change without being made to.

    The second is literal virgins/porn addicts. They are just ugly, lonely losers who try to convince themselves and others that their virginity at age 30 is a choice and not a result of their utter failure as men. Their anti-marriage stance is hypocritical becuase marriage is literally the institution that benefits betas like them the most.

    It used to be nothing more than an unconscious social trend which came about as a result of identity politics, especially feminist politics. Men simply did a cost-benefits and discovered what things to go after and what things to avoid. This was never meant to become anything, since it was a natural reaction.

    But then some incels and homosexuals noticed the trend (who just want more men to be like them), seized it for their own, and capitalized on it so that they could make their own entry into the land of identity politics as "empowered" men.

    It's mostly millennial losers who's testosterone has declined to a level they don't see women with hormone glasses anymore. After you get old those crow's feet become more visible to you.

    Because they are genetic dead-ends. These men removed themselves from the gene pool, for the best. It doesn't bother me mainly because it's so rare.

    The most common interracial coupling in America for instance is white male - latina female. In the state of California nearly 15% of childern that white men had were with hispanic mothers. These men are ugly cunts who couldn't score beautiful white women so they went for the easier option, and mixed kids in America (brown or not) identify with their non-white side due to recessive white genes and the social advantages of being a minority.


    But of course, wogs and spics on TA often endorse those relationships to make you feel good about the browning of America.

    You’re like a woman who places all blame on the men.

    Simple questions can cut through your entire bullshit post.

    Are most women in 2021 marriage material? Nope. Most women’s body counts are too high to ever be able to pair bond. Pair bonding is the only way a marriage can work.

    Question 2: Are divorce rates low enough for men (average men not incel tier) not to worry about? No! More marriages end in divorce than don’t, and women are the ones initiating the divorces and breaking families apart.

    As far as your shaming tactics for betas wanting to persevere the institution of marriage, that is my number one reason of why I support mgtow(and in turn feminism because of what it does to society), the removal of beta genes need to happen. No more simps, no more worker drone providers, none of that shit, a male of any species doesn’t exist to build society or to provide for a family. A male only exists to have sex with as many women as possible and to outcompete other men at getting pussy. All this society building shit is a mental disorder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GreentheViper View Post
    Some good points, but I think a number of their members take their viewpoints too far and end up inadvertently hating women.
    Exactly what I think
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruggery View Post
    Certainly, the movement has its smart points and many are good, but like feminism there may be some men who have hatred, resentment, fear of women and this is toxic to themselves.

    Another negative point that I have about this movement is the fact of isolating it from women (almost like some feminists and political lesbians) and of repressing sexually and lovingly, this can harm many heterosexual men.
    Another valid point, the best is only isolation of toxic feminist women, not all women
    A favor de la Unión del Caribe Hispano: Cuba, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico y Panamá

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