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Thread: Time to Trigger Article 16 - It's Not A 'Nuclear' Option, But A Safety Mechanism

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    Default Time to Trigger Article 16 - It's Not A 'Nuclear' Option, But A Safety Mechanism

    Northern Ireland and the EU

    Every day for over a year now, Brexiteers, Northern Irish loyalists and unionists, former Brexit Party and UKIP MEPs, the DUP, Baroness Hoey, Ben Habib, etc, have been screaming out for the UK government to pull the trigger on the EU.

    The EU, pro EU media, and Joe Biden will be distracted with Ukraine at the moment, so all their hysterical threats about the UK triggering Article 16 will be drowned out with the bigger media headlines between Russia and Ukraine. It's not for Joe Biden to order the UK to put borders within our own country - and he wouldn't like it if the UK government told him he must put a border between Texas and the rest of the U.S.

    The UK currently has a border within our own country between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, while our southern border has been left open to an illegal invasion from France, which has caused a load of contention and anger in the UK.

    This so-called 'Conservative and Unionist' government are dividing the Union of our country by allowing the EU to annex Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK via the illegal NIP (Northern Ireland Protocol.)

    We've all seen the video footage of Michel Barnier his fellow Eurocrats in Brussels plotting how to weaponise and use Northern Ireland to get the UK to agree to a bad deal... with hysterical threats of violence and terror returning if the EU had to put a border onto the existing border in Ireland.

    Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and the Eurocrats were silent about covid checks on the border of Northern Ireland and the RoI - because there was no political gain for them in that.

    Boris is facing ongoing court cases against him in the UK, because the illegal Protocol threatens the Good Friday Agreement according to the architects of the GFA and has caused the violent protests and arson attacks in Northern Ireland (because they've not been given Brexit yet and the biased ECJ should have no jurisdiction over any part of a sovereign UK,) and the Protocol contravenes the UK's 1800 Act of Union, as breaches our referendum votes for the entire UK to leave the EU.

    Angry protests in Northern Ireland against the Northern Ireland Protocol

    Article 16 is not a 'nuclear' option as the media hysterically calls it. It's even described within the Protocol as a safety mechanism to protect the UK's internal market.

    Let's not forget that Ursula von der Leyen threatened to trigger Article 16 early last year in a very spiteful and vindictive move (after years of the EU warning against putting a border onto the existing border in Ireland!) to try and block vaccines from reaching Northern Ireland - before quickly removing her threat and calling it as an 'accident'. She didn't even consult with the UK and Irish governments!!

    Due to the way that the EU is misapplying the protocol (even delaying trade between GB and NI when the wrong colour ink is used on forms,) Northern Ireland is suffering from economic and societal problems and a diversion of trade. This gives the UK sufficient cause to trigger Article 16 in accordance with the protocol and international law which the EU has signed up to.

    It is perfectly legal and is not breaking international law. Article 16 is international law!

    Triggering Article 16 is allowed in the protocol.

    Also Section 8 of Article 13 of the Protocol clearly states and allows for the protocol to be renegotiated and even allows for the protocol to be replaced.

    Any subsequent agreement that we come to can supercede the protocol!

    This is Art. 16 of the Protocol. Note the heading: Safeguards. It is not a nuclear button. It is designed to be invoked if needed to protect the UK.

    And we should take no lectures on rules when the EU breaks Article 8 of their own EU Lisbon Treaty in their harmful behaviour and threats towards the UK, Jersey, and Switzerland, and the French government breaks the terms of the Fishing Agreement.

    It's a gross dereliction of duty for the UK government to not trigger Article 16.

    It's ironic that Michel Barnier insisted on ECJ jurisdiction in Northern Ireland, when a year later he stood in the election campaign in France and he stated a desire to remove the European Court of Justice from France. He went from being the EU's chief negotiator to becoming a virtual Frexiteer, lol, which caused him much ridicule. Nigel Farage branded Michel Barnier as a massive hypocrite.

    And with the EU and US attention being focused on Ukraine's border, now is the perfect time to do it while their attention is distracted.

    Joe Biden has proven himself in his speech clips to be anti-British and Anglophobic, and he sides with the EU over their threats on Northern Ireland. He calls himself as 'Irish', but he's just a plastic paddy. His ancestors left Ireland over a century ago, and he also has British ancestry.

    The EU wants to keep the UK as a satellite state of the EU by holding onto our tail with Northern Ireland still under EU rules and the European Court of Justice.

    The EU had no part in the Good Friday Agreement and so it's none of their business, and sleepy Joe Biden has failed to understand the letters of concern that were sent to him last year by Lord Trimble (an architect of the Good Friday Agreement,) that the illegal Protocol threatens the east-west aspect of the GFA and it's the Protocol that threatens the peace in Northern Ireland.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-14-2022 at 10:04 PM.
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    Every time the UK government threatens to trigger Article 16 (they're all talk and no action,) the media and Joe Biden and the EU hysterically react and call it a 'nuclear' option.

    Don't listen to them. They just want to keep the UK under the EU's thumb. It's not a nuclear option;- it's a safety mechanism.

    And after all the arson attacks and very angry protests in Northern Ireland over the last year against the Northern Ireland Protocol, with constant demands from Northern Irish loyalists and unionists to the UK government to trigger Article 16 and remove the Irish Sea Border and the European Court of Justice in Northern Ireland... I think there will be violence in Northern Ireland if the illegal Protocol isn't removed.

    This so-called 'Conservative and Unionist' party government in the UK has heavily betrayed the Northern Irish people and allowed the EU to annex Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK. We voted for the UK to leave the EU - not for Great Britain to leave and Northern Ireland to remain separated and under the EU empire's control.

    And the illegal protocol is costing the UK a lot of money each day.

    Northern Irish loyalists state that the EU's protocol dilutes their Britishness and separates them from the rest of the UK. They've made it clear in the UK parliament that they want to remain British and part of the UK.
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-14-2022 at 09:28 PM.
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    Here's an excellent article and analysis on why it's time to trigger Article 16, kick out the EU from all of the UK, and rip up the Northern Ireland Protocol. It's written by someone of Irish descent who would actually like to see a united Ireland - but not like this. Not against the will of the Northern Irish people.
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    It's not the UK who are insisting on a so-called 'hard' border on the island of Ireland (whatever a 'hard' border is supposed to mean.) It's the EU who are the ones who want to protect their single market and customs union.

    The Irish Sea Border which has now been placed between Great Britain and Northern Ireland (which is not an actual physical border, but a customs checks border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland,) could be described as a 'hard border'.

    The EU has two options of where to put their border between the EU (to protect their single market and customs union,) and the UK:

    1.) Put the EU-UK border onto the already existing border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The EU never screamed about threats of terrorism returning to the UK when strict covid checks were conducted on the border betweeen NI and RoI last year.

    2.) Put the border between southern Ireland and the rest of the EU. The calls for Irexit and Ireland to leave the EU are beginning to grow anyway.

    Watch the Belgian Eurocrat Guy Verhofstadt squirm in this video clip during a meeting in the UK parliament with Conservative MP and Leader of the House, Jacob Rees-Mogg. Jacob asks Guy who exactly is insisting on a hard border in Ireland? And why does the EU bend their rules for other nations - but only when it suits the EU to bend their rules.

    (We know the EU seeks to weaponise Northern Ireland and use threats of violence whenever the border is discussed, in order to keep hold of the UK by our tail as a punishment for daring to leave the EU. The EU seeks to harm the UK to scare other Europeans from leaving the EU. That's also the reason why the EU never gave the UK a Canada-style free trade agreement - and after 45 years of the UK being one of the EU's biggest funders - incase it encourages other nations to break free from the EU's control.)
    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-14-2022 at 10:03 PM.
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    Sammy Wilson, a Northern Irish DUP MP and a Loyalist: 'I am 100% British, and I want to remain 100% British! And the reason why I object to this Withdrawal Agreement with the EU is because it diminishes my Britishness," speech clip in the UK Parliament:

    Northern Ireland's DUP MP Ian Paisley to the UK government: "What did we do? Tell us, what did we do to be screwed over by this protocol?"
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    Loyalist Murals, Northern Ireland

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    Some more Loyalist murals, Northern Ireland

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    The media should stop blaming the violent riots in Northern Ireland on 'Brexit' - because Northern Ireland has not got Brexit.

    I repeat;- Northern Ireland is still trapped under EU rules and has NOT got been given Brexit. They're not actually in the EU and they have no representation or voice in the EU parliament - yet they're subjected to obey certain EU rules on trade within the UK between GB and NI, under the observation and jurisdiction of the biased European Court of Justice instead of more neutral international arbitration over the Protocol.

    The vindictive EU and submissive UK government and the pro EU traitors and media are to blame for making sure that the UK would get a diluted Brexit;- a BRINO.

    Remove the illegal Northern Ireland Protocol. Trigger Article 16. And remove the Irish Sea Border.

    The Loyalists are also sick of the two-tier policing in Northern Ireland.

    Last edited by ♥ Lily ♥; 02-14-2022 at 09:12 PM.
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