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Thread: What do Finns think about Hungarians?

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    Default What do Finns think about Hungarians?

    answers of Finnish people from quora:

    I think Hungary has betrayed the ideology it had in 1956 uprising.

    Hungary´s attempt to free itself from the communist rule without help is astonishingly brave and admirable. I feel sorry for Hungary failing in this.

    Until lately Hungary has been quite distant to me. I see it mainly as a Central European country known of its sausages and some late medieval fortifications. Pretty much like a more Eastern European version of Austria. I can also relate to Hungary from its history in WWII as a country that allied with Nazis and (perhaps following the example of Finland) tried to jump of the alliance with them and make a separate peace with allies far too late. I see that Hungary failed in where Finland succeeded in 1944.

    I´m seriously concerned about anti-democratic direction Hungary has taken and wish Orban would soon be gone. His alliance with extreme right-wing (that has neo nazi connections) when simultaneously being buddies with Benyamin Netanyahu is a good example of Orban´s pragmatic double standards and hate towards liberal democracy. I see his ridiculous witch hunt towards George Soros also as a faked attempt to gain more power to himself and his party while again fighting multiculturalism and liberalism. I think Hungary is a bit naive when it comes to refugee question and EU-relations. What did they thought of joining the EU back then? That it would all be dancing in roses and benefitting from subsidies and EU-market without any responsibilities. I think Hungary is simply irresponsible about that and hasn´t think the matter far enough.
    Can't really speak for the whole nation, but here is my 2 cents worth.

    General knowledge about Hungarys existence and our 2 languages common liguistical roots are well established, but due to geography, that being distance, lack of common borders the finns I know mostly think of Hungary as a vacation destination. Budapest is long standing destination for weekends and city holidays.

    Most of our contact comes from either brief visits, or maybe through meeting an exchange student or being one. In any case barring long stays our views are coloured by assumptions, caricature and generalisation. Very much like between any 2 nations not directly joined by border and long standing relationship.

    Personally i think Hungarians seem open, talkative, atleast the exchange students I have met were, and fiercely proud of their culture.

    These kinds of questions are very odd, everyones experience is different, some never even think about the people of most nations, not enough to form an opinion. And the opinion is dependent on who you meet, who represents that country or culture, what are their motivations and your motivations. What sort of setting is the meeting in, a scientific conference, a holiday, business trip, exhance etc.

    Having recently done some preliminary work on lake data from hungary atleast the data was organised properly, even if one lake had its coordinates is Poland.
    Among the older generations the Hungarians are considered as sort of relatives, I think. There has been a habit to have sister cities in Hungary and there has been traveling and all kinds of activities based on those relationships. There are also Finnish - Hungarian associations that organize activities. My parents used to participate in that and they had few Hungarian friends. I don’t know how this kind of activities are today.

    So the Finns have traditionally thought well about Hungarians, that’s my impression anyway.

    Later we’ve learned that many Hungarians don’t even like the idea of being of the same Finno-Ugric branch with us. It’s obviously true from the ethnic point of view.

    I think that there is such nationalism in Hungary today that makes many Finns to feel more distant from Hungary.

    It seems to me that our thoughts are a bit divided but I don't know whether it's a division between the attitudes of different generations.

    These were my own thoughts, I don’t have any data behind them.
    Finnish people are among the most naiive people in Europe. Finnish people on average believe most if not everything the main stream media is telling them.

    The main stream media of Finland, in turn, is very much a mouth piece of the world’s elite, including American fake news giant, CNN, and the Brussels power house.

    Thus, Finnish people believe all negative news about Hungary and thus tend to feel negatively about Hungary.

    I, as a contrast, know many Hungarian people, and I respect them enormously. But one person is not representative of a nation.

    Hungary was the country during the socialist years that was the closest to western ideals, and was the first one to adopt the western lifestyle. This may have gone to far, so Fidesz, the leading party, seems to slow down the westernizations process, which is a good idea.

    The main stream media does not understand this. They think that a balanced Hungary is an “extreme Hungary” while Hungary may be the sanest of all European nations.

    Naturally, I wish the Finnish people would return to the historical attitude of mutual respect and active cultural exchange that shaped the relationship before.
    They have a long and proud history, that’s for sure!

    Also today they aren’t ashamed of their history and their country like so many other Europeans and Americans are as indoctrinated by the far left neo-Marxists.

    I mostly know their history but I also want to travel there in future and maybe find some Hungarian friends while at it.

    Our languages are also related, it would be fun to study Hungarian if I had the time.

    Historically they played a big role in defending Europe from Islam and Mongols, thus things like industrial revolution and the wealth, science and values of freedom we see in Europe today are in no small part a result of their historic sacrifices.

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    Comical portrayal of Hungarians in Finland:

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    I think average finnish people don't even care hungarians, just like average hungarian don't care about Finland.

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    Finns show a very low interest even in Estonians

    In their narrow-minded world, only Sweden and Russia exist

    You can imagine that Hungarians interest them even less

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