Dame Joan Bakewell has attacked teen magazines for fuelling the premature sexualisation of young girls.
She said teenage girls were being offered ‘coarsening trash on a huge scale’ and this was having an impact on their attitudes to sex and their bodies.
The 78-year-old may have helped lead the sexual revolution of the Sixties but told the Bath Literature Festival that things had gone too far because everything had become about money.
She insisted ‘financial’ motivation was creating a culture where sex was being used to sell publications to teens.
Dame Joan said: ‘It’s all rather unfortunate, and driven by a whole industry and huge financial investment that pushes young and vulnerable girls into feeling unhappy about their bodies.
‘We’re simply an overindulged society that is given over to complete narcissism.’
This meant young girls were becoming increasingly focused on their bodies and relationships and were losing their sexual innocence earlier and earlier.
In 2009, the Consumer Focus watchdog warned that teen magazines were to blame for the ‘early sexualisation’ of their readers.
Readers of magazines such as Bliss, J-14, and Teen Vogue can be as young as ten but topics covered in recent months including an assessment of flirting styles, a story about life in gangs, and advice on sex and relationships.
Teen publications have repeatedly insisted it is better to provide the facts for their readers.
Magazines such as More are aimed at women in their early 20s, but are often read by those much younger. Recent issues have featured a ‘cut out and keep’ A-Z sex guide and the magazine regularly features sex tips.
Dame Joan has been vociferous in her attack on modern popular culture in recent years, warning that sex has become simply a commodity.
In a recent attack on the pop industry, she said stars were obsessed with raunch and their videos were ‘over-sexualised’.
There has been a major backlash against gratuitous sex, violence and nudity in pop videos in recent months, with the Government and regulator Ofcom promising a clampdown on such content before the watershed.
Dame Joan said of the proliferation of racy music videos: ‘I find it absolutely extraordinary. I’m not prudish.
'I mean, the shock of everyone’s bits hanging out isn’t in itself distressing, but it’s so over-sexualised. I don’t know what it’s doing to young people. I think the over-sexing of pop videos is really weird.
‘When young people get to their own sex life they are either going to be disappointed or they are going to do it badly because they are going to be jumping around like some raunchy singer.’
Dame Joan – who fronted a series of programmes in which she tackled sexual taboos – said she was concerned because society did not know ‘what harm’ this could do.
