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Thread: Close Affinity Between Native Americans And Modern-day Western Eurasians

  1. #1
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Lightbulb Close Affinity Between Native Americans And Modern-day Western Eurasians

    From Africa to the Americas

    Rene J. Herrera, Ralph Garcia-Bertrand, in Ancestral DNA, Human Origins, and Migrations, 2018

    The Y Chromosome

    Although Y chromosomes are usually examined using a number of genetic markers such as short tandem repeats (STRs), insertion/deletions (in/dels), and point mutations (one or a few nucleotide differences), they are ultimately characterized according to haplogroups or types. Scientists to characterize and compare extant and extinct human populations use these haplogroups as genetic markers. For example, the contemporary Y chromosome haplogroups of the general population of Pakistan are mainly R1a-Z93 (24.4%), J-P209 (15.3%), and L-M20 (13.1%). These three haplogroups represent over 50% of the Y types in Pakistan. In the Altaic populations, R1a-Z93 is the most abundant haplogroup, with frequencies ranging from 50.0% in the Southern Altaic to 11.8% in the Northern Altaic region. It is possible that these high R1a-Z93 frequencies represent the original migrations from the Near East via Pakistan to the Altaic. This is especially the case in relation to the Southern Altaic, considering the area’s reported genetic affinities to Southwest Asia.14 R1a-Z93 was transported by Bronze Age Indo-Europeans west of the Urals and into the plains and deserts of Central Asia and the metal-rich Altai mountain range. Thus, it is possible that R1a-Z93 signals an early Neolithic (approximately 12,000 ya) migration from the area of Pakistan into Central Asia and the Altaic. It is interesting that the R-M207, the ancestor haplogroup of R1a-Z93, is also thought to have originated in Southwest Asia, possibly before the LGM during the Late Paleolithic (26,800–34,300 ya).15 In a pertinent investigation, 24,000-year-old remains of a boy (the Mal’ta boy) belonging to haplogroup R-M207 were recovered from an area just east of the Altaic.16 This person was a member of a group of people that hunted big game in North Central Asia extending into Siberia during the Late Paleolithic at a time of extreme glaciation. These studies may suggest that people carrying haplogroup R-M207 were part of the original population of Southwest Asia and Pakistan that migrated to Central Asia. Overall, these results could be interpreted as evidence for two migrations, one early during the Late Paleolithic and a second one more recent, dating to after the LGM from Southwest Asia via Pakistan to North Central Asia and the Altaic.

    Surprisingly, when the complete genome (entire DNA) of the 24,000-year-old Mal’ta remains and an additional individual from the Afontova Gora mountains dating to 17,000 ya17 were sequenced (genome-wide analysis), investigators found a surprisingly close affinity between Native Americans and modern-day western Eurasians that specifically link them to the Near East and no connection to contemporary East Asians.

    Furthermore, it was estimated that approximately 14%–38% of current Native American ancestry derives from the West Eurasian populations represented by these two ancient individuals. These data support the contention that at least some of the Paleo-Natives that migrated to America initially originated from West Eurasia and not from Northeast Asia or extreme northeast Siberia. This information and the genetic connections to the Near East and Pakistan by way of the Altaic could offer an explanation for why several crania of Native Americans exhibit morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of East Asians but rather those of West Eurasia.18

    Another pertinent Y chromosome marker, J-P209, originated in the Near East about 42,900 ya and from there it expanded into Pakistan and then North Central Asia.19 Although J-P209 is only present at 2.5% frequency in the Southern Altaic, this marker may represent genetic flow from the Near East as well. However, this marker does not appear in Native Americans, and thus, considering its low frequency in the Southern Altaic, it is possible that J-P209 dropped out via random chance (genetic drift) from the starting Asian Paleo-Native migrants before the Beringian crossing or it was lost from the founding populations after their arrival to America.

    Pakistan and the Southern Altaic share a number of other Y chromosome markers as well. Of those, haplogroup Q-M242 and C-M130 are of particular interest as they are also found in America (Fig. 10.5).20,21 Q-M242 is the original mutation that gave raise to lineage Q, all other types of Q haplogroups derive from it. Q-M242 possibly originated in Central Asia approximately 31,400 ya, and from there it expanded to the north and west, eventually reaching the Altaic, northeast Siberia, and then the American continent. At the South West extreme of its range in Northern Pakistan, the frequency of Q-M242 ranges from 2.1% to 5.2%22 depending on the specific population in question. It is in Pakistan that the most ancient types of the Q haplogroup are seen, the less defined and older Q-M242 and Q-M346. The Q-M346 type derives from Q-M242 (the Q-M242 type is ancestor to Q-M346). Q-M346 originated in Central Asia. In the Northern Altaic, the frequencies of all haplogroup Q categories range from 68.0% to 40.7% and these individuals are almost totally of the Q-M346 type. Southern Altaic, on the other hand, possesses about 16.7% Q with all individuals belonging to the younger Q-L54 mutation.14 Considering the easterly progression in place of origin and the sequentially younger age of haplogroups Q-M242, Q-M346, and Q-L54, in that order, it is possible that these mutations occurred as humans migrated northeastward from the Near East toward Central Asia and the Altaics.

    C-M130, the other Y haplogroup of importance, in relation to the Native American diaspora, may be Indian in origin and dates back to about 53,000 ya. It is postulated that carriers of C-M130 initiated a northward dispersal to Central Asia around 40,000 ya. It is found at frequencies as high as 8.2% in Pakistan.22 Its highest levels (75.5%) are observed in the Hazak of North Central Asia.21 All Pakistani individuals belong to the basal or most ancient type of haplogroup C (C-M130) or to the more recent mutation C2-M217. It is thought that the C2-M217 mutation originated about 12,000 ya in Central Asia23 and from that epicenter it spread in different directions. In the Southern Altaic, the frequency of C2-M217 is 20.0% while no haplogroup C has been detected in the Northern Altaic.2 All of the C haplogroups in the Southern Altaic is of the C2-M217 type. As with the Q haplogroup, it is likely that the younger C2-M217 mutation occurred in Central Asia or possibly in Southern Altaic from the ancestral, older C-M130. It is thought that Na-Dené-speaking peoples transported the C2-M217 mutation into the northwest Pacific coast of North America. Na-Dené-speaking groups are thought to have arrived in America from Asia 6000–8000 ya. Alternatively, others contest that this language family, that includes Athabaskan, Eyak, and Tlingit languages of Native Americans, developed earlier in Beringia, between the two continents, during a migrational hiatus.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  2. #2
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VikLevaPatel View Post
    Surprisingly, when the complete genome (entire DNA) of the 24,000-year-old Mal’ta remains and an additional individual from the Afontova Gora mountains dating to 17,000 ya17 were sequenced (genome-wide analysis), investigators found a surprisingly close affinity between Native Americans and modern-day western Eurasians that specifically link them to the Near East and no connection to contemporary East Asians. Furthermore, it was estimated that approximately 14%–38% of current Native American ancestry derives from the West Eurasian populations represented by these two ancient individuals. These data support the contention that at least some of the Paleo-Natives that migrated to America initially originated from West Eurasia and not from Northeast Asia or extreme northeast Siberia. This information and the genetic connections to the Near East and Pakistan by way of the Altaic could offer an explanation for why several crania of Native Americans exhibit morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of East Asians but rather those of West Eurasia.

    The HomeDNA (DDC) / AlphaBiolabs Biogeographical Ancestry Report states:

    "Because of the migration pattern of Indigenous Americans, many people of Italian, Greek or Turkish heritage (and some Middle Easterners) may show “Indigenous American” ancestry—as much as ten percent—because of migrations from Central Asia south and west into those regions. Turkey was the passageway into Europe from Asia (the region occupied by Uzbekistan, Kazhakstan, Afghanistan, Southwestern Siberia, etc.). Central Asians do show overlapping markers with Indigenous Americans who migrated North and East to the Bering land bridge and into the New World. Further, many people with European heritage should take into consideration the fact that the Roman (Italian) armies conquered and occupied much of Europe—including England—for more than 1,000 years, resulting in an intermingling of the genetics markers from that source. (Ireland, which is an island, was never occupied by the Romans, so many of the descendants of earlier “Erse” ancestors approach 100% in their European genetic portraits.) Thus, low levels of Indigenous American heritage could be detected in Europeans whose ancestors may have never set foot in the New World."
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

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    ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็ ็้้้้ ้้้้็็็็็้ Mont's Avatar
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    Interesting study, although I never seen an Italian, Turk, or even other Central Asian ethnicities get 10% of Native American, maximum I have seen is 4% in the Old World (those samples being from far eastern Russia).

    EDIT: No, I didn't mean that Italians are Central Asian, I was just citing the ethnicities that he cited.

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    ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็ ็้้้้ ้้้้็็็็็้ Mont's Avatar
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    This map here was made using the data from the Globe13 calculator and it shows more or less the % of what they call "Amerindian" in the european population of each place.

    This other one has a similar concept, but it's showing Asia instead.

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    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    The M217-derived (Hg C3) lineages are informative in revealing the eastward migration of modern humans into East Asia in prehistory because of its extensive distribution in East Asia, Central Asia and Siberia. The northward expansion of Hg C in East Asia started ∼40 thousand of years ago (KYA) along the coastline of mainland China and reached Siberia ∼15 KYA and finally made its way to the Americas. Hg C-M130 has a wide distribution across Asia, and Oceania, less frequent in Europe and the Americas, and absent in Africa. As a non-African lineage, Hg C is highly informative in tracing the migration route of the African exodus in prehistory.

    Hg C is prevalent in various geographical areas (Figures 1 and 2), including Australia (65.74%), Polynesia (40.52%), Heilongjiang of northeastern China (Manchu, 44.00%), Inner Mongolia (Mongolian, 52.17%; Oroqen, 61.29%), Xinjiang of northwestern China (Hazak, 75.47%), Outer Mongolia (52.80%) and northeastern Siberia (37.41%). Hg C is also present in other regions, extending longitudinally from Sardinia13 in Southern Europe all the way to Northern Colombia,32 and latitudinally from Yakutia24 of Northern Siberia and Alaska32 of Northern America to India, Indonesia and Polynesia, but absent in Africa.

    The STR diversity pattern suggests that Southeast Asia might be the cradle land of the M130 lineage, and that the M130 lineage, derived from the M168 ancestral type (the shared marker in non-Africans), first migrated into mainland Southeast Asia by way of the Indian subcontinent, and then into Australia and mainland East Asia separately. After its settlement in Southeast Asia in prehistory, the M130 lineage probably experienced a population expansion as reflected by the high STR diversity. It then began to migrate northward via the coastline, and gradually settled in southern and northern East Asia, then northeast Siberia, and finally into the Americas via Beringia.

    It was suggested that the M217-derived individuals first reached South Asia and then started migrating eastward through two routes: Central Asia and Southeast Asia.6 However, the Central Asian M217-derived individuals were shown having a recent Mongol origin (∼1000 years ago).40 The Han Chinese display a high STR diversity (Supplementary Table 2 and Figure 4), especially those in the eastern coastal region (0.467) as well as other eastern populations (Korean, 0.463; Japanese, 0.453), whereas populations in the north and west show low diversities (Altaic, 0.281; Tibetan, 0.366).
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 12-15-2021 at 07:19 PM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

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    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Lightbulb Haplogroupe Q (Central Siberia, Central Asia, Gotland, Americas)

    I've also got Haplogroup Q showing up in my Y-DNA STR markers: (Whit Athey's Haplogroup Predictor, Probability 100%, Equal priors)

    According to Eupedia, Haplogroup Q is found predominantly in Central Siberia, Central Asia and among Native Americans. Approximately 90% of pre-Columbian Native Americans belonged to haplogroup Q, and all descend from the branch Q1a2a1 (L54), including various subclades of Q1a2a1a1 (M3) and Q1a2a1a2 (Z780). In Europe haplogroup Q is found chiefly in southern Sweden (5%), among Ashkenazi Jews (5%), and is various isolated pockets in central and Eastern Europe such as the Rhône-Alpes region of France, southern Sicily, southern Croatia, northern Serbia, parts of Poland and Ukraine. Šarić et al. (2013) also found 6.1% of haplogroup Q out of 412 samples from the island of Hvar in southern Croatia (accompanied by 2% of East Asian mtDNA haplogroup F). Haplogroup Q has been identified in Iron Age remains from Hunnic sites in Mongolia by Petkovski et al. (2006) and in Xinjiang by Kang et al. (2013).

    Eupedia furthermore says that Haplogroup Q descends from haplogroup P, which is also the ancestor of haplogroups R1a and R1b.

    See Also: YFull YTree:

    Third, and this is the best part, it is reasonable to assume that Q1b was indigenous to Central Asia and was absorbed by the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-Europeans there during the Bronze Age Andronovo culture, then spread with the Indo-Aryans to India, Iran and the Near East.

    According to commercial tests conducted by other members of the Jewish Oppenheimer family, the American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) belonged to haplogroup Q1b. Oppenheimer played a major role in the Manhattan Project and is considered one of the fathers of the atomic bomb.

    Grugni et al's study, focused on the only Pan-American Y-chromosome haplogroup, Q, confirms the Asian origin of Native Americans. Grugni, V., Raveane, A., Ongaro, L. et al. Analysis of the human Y-chromosome haplogroup Q characterizes ancient population movements in Eurasia and the Americas. BMC Biol 17, 3 (2019).

    Three main events contributed to the genetic structure of modern American populations: the entry into the Americas of Beringian and Asian groups which gave rise to the First Americans, the internal movements determined by the demographic expansions ascribable to the agricultural advances and/or the flourishing of the Great Native American Empires and, finally, the European and African post-Colombian gene-flow.

    New genetic evidence of affinities and discontinuities between bronze age Siberian populations

    Ancient genomes suggest the eastern Pontic-Caspian steppe as the source of western Iron Age nomads

    The first horse herders and the impact of early Bronze Age steppe expansions into Asia

    Genetic Continuity of Bronze Age Ancestry with Increased Steppe-Related Ancestry in Late Iron Age Uzbekistan

    Overall, Bronze Age ancestry persists into the Iron Age in Uzbekistan, with no major replacements of populations with Steppe-related ancestry. However, these individuals suggest diverse ancestries related to Iranian farmers, Anatolian farmers, and Steppe herders, with a small amount of West European Hunter Gatherer, East Asian, and South Asian Hunter Gatherer ancestry as well. Genetic affinity toward the Late Bronze Age Steppe herders and a higher Steppe-related ancestry than that found in BMAC populations suggest an increased mobility and interaction of individuals from the Northern Steppe in a Southward direction. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 38, Issue 11, November 2021, Pages 4908–4917,

    Some of the Sintashta samples are outliers from the main Sintashta cluster, and that's because they harbor elevated levels of ancestry related to the Mesolithic and Neolithic foragers of Eastern Europe and/or Western Siberia. This is especially true of a pair of individuals who belong to Y-haplogroup Q. However, this doesn't contradict archaeological data, which suggest that the Sintashta community may have been multi-cultural and multi-lingual. Indeed, it's generally accepted based on historical linguistics data that there were fairly intense contacts in North Eurasia between the speakers of Proto-Indo-Iranian, Proto-Uralic and Yeniseian languages.

    Götaland and Gotland in southern Sweden now have the highest frequency of haplogroup Q in Europe (5%) and almost all of it belong to the Q1a2b1 (L527) subclade. The Romans reported that the Huns consisted of a small ruling elite and their armies comprised mostly of Germanic warriors. Gotland and Götaland is the presumed homeland of the ancient Goths.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 05-16-2022 at 04:21 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

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    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Thumbs up EHG, ANE, Amerindian

    This goes some way to explaining the differences between European hunter-gatherer groups in a meaningful way, and also goes to some lengths to confirm the affinity of EHGs to the Native Americans. Here are a few relevant points.

    EHG are distinguished by a greater affinity than either WHG or SHG to Native Americans and to the ~24,000-year old Mal’ta (MA1) individual from Siberia, making them a proximate source for the “Ancient North Eurasian” ancestry present in subsequent Europeans.

    My own ANE (Ancient North Eurasian) score is at around 15-17%. On the other hand, both steppe groups, Yamnaya and Sintashta, score almost equally on ANE scores, at "around 40%".

    In other words, a little over double.

    And as you can see here, ANE is lumped in with "Amerindian".

    Here, ANE and Amerindian might be regarded as interchangeable terms, and if not identical, they seem to be closely related.

    Consider this conclusion, shared in its entirety for full effect:

    We can now add three new pieces to the puzzle of how ANE [Ancient North Eurasian] ancestry was transmitted to Europe: first by the EHG [eastern European hunter-gatherer], then the Yamnaya formed by mixture between EHG and a Near Eastern related population, and then the Corded Ware who were formed by a mixture of the Yamnaya with the Middle Neolithic Europeans. We estimate that the ancestry of the Corded Ware was 79% Yamnaya-like, 4% WHG, and 17% Early Neolithic.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 07-02-2022 at 01:12 AM. Reason: font size
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  8. #8
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
    "Friend of Apricity"

    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
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    Cool Discovering Native American Ancestry through DNA

    Genoplot NMONTE RUNNER
    23andme G25 model (scaled) (Scaled) Calculator by CyrylBojarski
    sample: Amerindian North: Average
    distance: 3.26
    Native_American: 81
    Siberian: 19

    PCA is a multivariate technique or method that aims to analyze and extract statistical data from included studies and references by identifying a set of correlated variables and wild cards. And if anything there are simply too many variables, and the sheer density and size and distribution of variables and contingencies mean that one thing can really change everything else and, conversely, everything else can really change one thing. The one thing can be applied to anything really, and it can really change everything.

    Keep an eye on formulations or admixes, but remember the PCAs and the aggregates and admixtures are "not the be all and end all" of genetic science and to gaining genetic information and insights.,

    This presentation was part of RootsTech Connect 2021.

    The purpose of this class is to review the scientific and anthropological evidence regarding Indigenous peoples of the Americas and the genetic markers that have been associated with their ancestry. Through Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA, and autosomal DNA testing, individuals can learn if they have ancestors that were indigenous to the American continent, regardless if they have a paper trail to demonstrate it.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 09-24-2022 at 07:38 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

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