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Thread: The Azerbaijani army takes Lachin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Babak View Post
    ^Right but it doesnt mean Iran is the sole owner of these lands. Conquering doesnt automatically conclude ownership. Using this logic, Saudi arabia owns the entire levant lmao
    The native Caucasus (CHG/Hurrian) culture is by far much closer to the Aryan culture of the Guto-Medes (+ modern Kurds) and Persians than to Slavic/Russian or Turco-Tatar cultures from the Eastern Eurasia.

    Also native people who live in the Caucasus are of the same Caucaso-Iranic (CHG/Irn_ChL) race as the Kurds and Persians. Also, don't forget that the Aryans like Kurds are partly of the Hurrian origin themselves in the first place.

    Native Caucasians and Aryans are one big Caucaso-Iranic racial family. Hail to the CHG/Irn_ChL Caucaso-Iranic brotherhood!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Guti View Post
    Sure, but before Islam, Dagestan was part of the Median, Parthian and Persian Empires. People who lived there were Zoroastrians, just like the Persians. Later on the Arabs defeated the Persians in the Caucasus and people of Dagestani converted into Islam.

    But before Islam, and before the Arab conquests, the area what you call Dagestan nowadays was part of the Medo-Parthian-Persian Empires.

    At the end, it is all about politics and war. Lands change hands fast. The Dagestan region changed hands frequently between the Persians and Russians. But at the end the Russians won because Dagestan is part of Russia nowadays

    Nevertheless once the whole Caucasus was part of the ancient Aryan World of the Zoroastrians.

    north caucasus got a lot of influence from steppe people, not sure about south caucasus.. since it was frequently controlled by desert-mediterranean civilizations, mostly arabs, greeks and persians

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    Quote Originally Posted by tk'es View Post
    north caucasus got a lot of influence from steppe people, not sure about south caucasus.. since it was frequently controlled by desert-mediterranean civilizations, mostly arabs, greeks and persians
    Agreed. There is a lot recent Slavic and Tatar ancestry in north of the Caucasus.

    But nevertheless, people in let say Dagestan are still Northwestern Asian people and genetically by far closer to the Kurds (and other Iranics) than to Russians or Steppe Tatar people.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hektor12 View Post
    Its simply stupid to think that Turkic expansion is a threat for armenia. No, its not. What Turks want is just a simple road. Easy as this. And the result would benefit armenia more than Turks. End of hostility, end of high military budget, regional cooperation, free trade, movement, (even) Turkish investment in armenian economy. What prevents this? Only thing= "We are armenians we have to hate Turks" is it. If they give up with this their life will become MUCH better, undoubtedly. Yes, only with giving a simple road from Azerbaijan to Nakhcivan.

    Russia has great region within borders of sovereign countries. For example, Baikonur Cosmodrome; Which is bigger than many countries, even Kazakh president cant go there without permission from Russia.

    Those people who never say anything for others but only for Turks; are=

    *Either anti-Turkish for some reason
    *Or they are great monuments of hypocrisy.
    Your post is seemingly framed to sound so innocent from the Turkic side.

    However Guti's comment in reference to your post seems logical.
    Why should Armenia give their land to provide a road.

    Lets be honest we are talking about a neighbour who has historically and currently shown great hostility to Armenia. There has been constant border clashes.

    Armenia has a right to have security concerns about how a road through their territory may also risk security and may result in further clashes now inside Armenian territory.

    If their is a peaceful and diplomatic agreement perhaps including economic benefits for both sides. In that context if Armenia would agree to allow this access for Azerbaijani's to cross through Armenia to Nakhcivan then that seems like more reasonable agreement. However the road should remain as being territory of Armenia. There could be several ways this agreement could work if Armenians wanted it. For example some kind of contract from the Azeri's or toll to use the road, would have to be some win-win in fair and reasonable agreement.

    However why should Armenia be under any pressure to give their land to Azerbaijan or have their land taken by Azerbaijan for that purpose.

    Im not sure Aliyev is a man that can be trusted on his word. After all this is the same guy that told the Hungarians if you extradite an Azerbaijani prisoner from Hungary to Azerbaijan the prisoner being the guy who beheaded a sleeping Armenian in Budapest hotel. Said the prisoner will serve the remainder of his prison sentence in Azerbaijan.
    Soon as the Azeri arrived in Baku Aliyez pardoned him and his sentence for beheading a sleeping person was squashed and he was immediatly given a promotion and freed and returned to his job. So this is type of guy Aliyev is .... how much Armenians could trust such a person ?

    It is kind of amazing that you do not see the arrogance and hypocrisy in this somewhat entitled expectation from the Azeri's.

    You are seemingly only capable of seeing Armenians as somehow being unreasonable.

    oh yes perhaps Armenians should just give up all their land so the dear Turkic brothers can be happy next to each other, surely this is not too much to ask....seems to be the flavour of your thinking.
    Last edited by oszkar07; 09-28-2022 at 07:00 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by oszkar07 View Post
    Your post is seemingly framed to sound so innocent from the Turkic side.
    Compared to our [western] image, were surprisingly too innocent.

    Billy Hayes (born April 3, 1947) is an American writer, actor, and film director. He is best known for his autobiographical book Midnight Express about his experiences in and escape from a Turkish prison, after being convicted of smuggling hashish. He was one of hundreds of US citizens in foreign jails serving drug charge sentences, following a drug-smuggling crackdown by foreign governments.[2]
    Upon release, Midnight Express received generally positive reviews from critics. Many praised Davis's performance as well as the cast, the writing, the direction, and the musical score by Giorgio Moroder. Hayes and others criticized the film for portraying the Turkish prison men as violent and villainous and for deviating too much from the source material.
    Midnight Express was also criticized for its unfavorable portrayal of Turkish people. In her 1991 book Turkish Reflections: A Biography of Place, Mary Lee Settle wrote: "The Turks I saw in Lawrence of Arabia and Midnight Express were like cartoon caricatures, compared to the people I had known and lived among for three of the happiest years of my life."[18] Pauline Kael, in reviewing the film for The New Yorker, commented, "This story could have happened in almost any country, but if Billy Hayes had planned to be arrested to get the maximum commercial benefit from it, where else could he get the advantages of a Turkish jail? Who wants to defend Turks? (They don’t even constitute enough of a movie market for Columbia Pictures to be concerned about how they are represented.)"[19] One reviewer, writing for World Film Directors, wrote: "Midnight Express is 'more violent, as a national hate-film than anything I can remember', 'a cultural form that narrows horizons, confirming the audience’s meanest fears and prejudices and resentments'."[20]

    David Denby of New York criticized Midnight Express as "merely anti-Turkish, and hardly a defense of prisoners' rights or a protest against prison conditions."[21] Denby said also that all Turks in the film – guardian or prisoner – were portrayed as "losers" and "swine", and that "without exception [all the Turks] are presented as degenerate, stupid slobs".[21]

    The well-known Spanish film magazine Fotogramas had this to say: "One of the most sibylline exercises in racism ever produced, and one peddled under a progressive label to boot. The true story of an American arrested in Turkey for drug trafficking becomes a nightmare resolved with a sensationalism that is impactful yet worthy of a better cause, as is always the case in its director's career".[22]

    Norman Stone described it as a "brilliant, but quite misleading, film".[23]
    During the 1999 Cannes Film Festival, Alinur Velidedeoğlu, a Turkish advertiser, met Hayes by chance and interviewed him on the film Midnight Express. Hayes expressed his disappointment with parts of the film adaptation, especially its portrayal of all Turks as bad, and his regret that Turkey's image was negatively affected by the film. Hayes also displayed affection for Turkey and the city of Istanbul. Although the Interpol warrant for him had by then been lifted, Hayes explained that while he wanted to return, he hesitated to do so, out of concern that many Turks might blame him for the negative publicity the movie had generated.[10] The video was made available on YouTube.[11][12]

    The Turkish order banning him from the country was finally suspended and Hayes was allowed to return to Turkey on June 14, 2007, to attend the 2nd Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security, organized by the Turkish National Police (TNP) and the Turkish Institute for Police Studies (TIPS). Hayes said it was important to him to return, in order to "apologize and 'make amends' – not for the book he wrote, but for the movie, scripted by Oliver Stone, on which it was based. 'The film wasn't what Turkish people deserved,' Hayes told reporters at a jammed June 15 press conference, explaining that it painted an unfairly bleak portrait of the country."[10]
    Quote Originally Posted by oszkar07 View Post
    Why should Armenia give their land to provide a road.
    They were asked for just a simple road, not land. I hope you werent afraid of this.

    Lets be honest we are talking about a neighbour who has historically and currently shown great hostility to Armenia. There has been constant border clashes.
    And im talking about taking steps to end all this shit?

    Armenia has a right to have security concerns about how a road through their territory may also risk security and may result in further clashes now inside Armenian territory.
    What kind of clashes do you expect on a road, unless armenia try to block it? Dont block it and no problem thats it.

    If their is a peaceful and diplomatic agreement perhaps including economic benefits for both sides. In that context if Armenia would agree to allow this access for Azerbaijani's to cross through Armenia to Nakhcivan then that seems like more reasonable agreement.
    This is honestly what theyre being asked for.

    However the road should remain as being territory of Armenia.
    No problem, unless they try to use blocking the road as a political argument.

    how much Armenians could trust such a person ?
    Why would you rely on people's trust when you can sign international UN-recognized treaties?

    It is kind of amazing that you do not see the arrogance and hypocrisy in this somewhat entitled expectation from the Azeri's.
    Its not arrogance its real life. Compare populations, GDPs, even landmasses of Turkey+Azerbaijan and armenia?

    You are seemingly only capable of seeing Armenians as somehow being unreasonable.
    Its not only me to be honest. Some time ago i was reading comments about armenians from Russian members and they sounded very similar.

    oh yes perhaps Armenians should just give up all their land so the dear Turkic brothers can be happy next to each other, surely this is not too much to ask
    A national goal which is ***not making Turks happy*** no comments needed.

    seems to be the flavour of your thinking.
    At least im thinking. armenoids arent doing even that..

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