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  1. #21
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Thumbs up AncestryDNA® Ethnicity Update

    We can now say that the good thing about the Mormon-owned AncestryDNA is that it gets updated. Thankfully, it does seem clear that they are being constantly updated as the results and references come in. And that's what they've done: They have updated my previous results with new data and references. But will others follow suit? Surely in this respect AncestryDNA is unique; we can only hope that before long other genetic testing companies may follow suit. I really hope so anyway. And if I recall correctly, it was previously around 90% Northern Indian and around 10% South Indian. They compare your DNA against a worldwide reference panel to see which populations your DNA looks most like, but are quick to note that my ethnicity estimate is 100%, but it can range from 92—100%. Here's what their message said in full:

    Update: One of your ethnicity regions changed to 100%

    Our latest ethnicity update is ready!

    Since our previous ethnicity update, we’ve been hard at work improving our DNA science. See how our latest update has affected your AncestryDNA® results.

    How can your DNA results change?

    While your DNA itself doesn’t change, we’re constantly improving the technology and methods behind your results.

    How else will this update affect your ethnicity estimate?

    As we continue to gather data and improve the science behind our ethnicity estimates we’re able to give more precise results to users, especially those with long family histories in certain regions.

    AncestryDNA® now provides even greater precision.

    We're proud to announce our latest ethnicity estimate update, with new regions in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Plus, our vast collection of family trees helps us improve results for people with long family histories in specific regions across the globe, resulting in our most precise ethnicity estimates yet.

    Here are a couple of screenshots:,

    AncestryDNA Regions List

    AncestryDNA tests for all 1,800+ regions listed below. You are linked only to the regions that appear in your estimate. Regions included in your estimate appear in color.

    Africa (114 Regions)
    America (136 Regions)
    Asia (68 Regions)
    Europe (1501 Regions)
    Oceania (8 Regions)
    West Asia (36 Regions)

    How do we come up with your estimate?

    To figure out your ethnicity regions, we compare your DNA to a reference panel made up of DNA from groups of people who have deep roots in one region. We look at 1,001 sections of your DNA and assign each section to the ethnicity region it looks most like. Then we turn those results into the percentages you see in your estimate. Your genetic link to these ethnicities can go back hundreds of years or even more. The map shows you how common an ethnicity is among people with a long family history in one place. We look at their DNA test results, then plot the average amounts of that ethnicity on a map.

    Your DNA doesn't change, but our science does.

    Don’t worry, your DNA doesn’t change. What changes is what we know about DNA, the amount of data we have, and the ways we can analyze it. When that leads to new discoveries, we update your results.

    How do we determine this ethnicity?

    We estimate your ethnicity by comparing your DNA to DNA samples from groups of people whose families have lived for a long time in one place. For the Northern India ethnicity region, we’ve collected samples from people whose families have lived in this area for generations. We use their samples to create a unique “genetic fingerprint” for this ethnicity region that we compare your DNA sample to.

    What does the map show?

    Average Percentage of This Ethnicity Among Locals

    The map shows you how common an ethnicity is among people with a long family history in one place. We look at their DNA test results, then plot the average amounts of that ethnicity on a map.

    What can the map tell you?

    Along with showing ethnicity averages, the map can give you a rough idea of where your ancestors might have lived. However, that area may be even larger if your percentage is low or they came from many different places.

    About this Region

    From the peaks of the Himalayas to the crowded streets of Mumbai, our Northern India population region spans much of the Indian subcontinent. This region was the site of the Indus Valley Civilization that began over 3,000 years ago, followed by a number of other empires and migrations that contributed to India’s modern-day mix of cultures. Although Hindus form the religious majority, this region is also home to Muslims, Sikhs, Parsis, and Jains and is known for a host of cultural contributions, from ancient Sanskrit classics to Bollywood films.


    Punjab and Western India (see screenshot here).

    You, and all the members of this community, are linked through shared ancestors. You probably have family who lived in this area for years—and maybe still do.

    The more specific places within this region where your family was likely from.

    Eastern Gujarat & Western Maharashatra
    Community History

    The people of Punjab (split between present-day India and Pakistan) and Western India include a diversity of faiths, languages, and cultural practices. The region was linked by trade routes to Europe since the time of Alexander the Great and to the Middle East and East Africa for almost as long. And since the beginning of the second millennium, migrants from Central Asia and the Persian Empire brought new ideas and traditions to the region—perhaps most importantly, the strains of Islam that influenced the region’s arts, architecture, faith, and language.


    A Region in Flux

    Punjabis and others living in Western India did not join in the rebellion against British rule between 1857 and 1858 but were affected by its consequences. British colonizers redesigned cities in the name of “security,” living in new, airy neighborhoods. By contrast, Indians lived in cramped quarters in dense neighborhoods, only able to take advantage of open spaces and parks during the daytime. Farmers and peasants felt an even greater impact. They raised crops like wheat, sugarcane, and cotton, but they grew frustrated by the high taxes they paid to the British, who wanted to make colonial rule profitable.

    Last but not least, it is important to note that inheritance is random, and ethnicities may be passed down unevenly, or not at all.

    Here's a screenshot of the comparison:

    My memory is as good as it has ever been, and this previous estimate was calculated in April 2022.

    Previous Estimate
    Northern India 90%
    Southern India 10%

    This estimate includes:
    68,000+ reference samples
    1,800+ possible regions

    My memory had not lied. And I was right about that. AncestryDNA says that my range of 92—100% comes from making multiple comparisons of my DNA to their reference panel. It includes other possible, but less likely, percentages. On average, people native to this area on the map have 50-75% Northern Indian ethnicity. Whereas, in contrast, people native to the South Indian area have on average 25-50% Northern Indian ethnicity. In this respect, it is worth quoting at length from the Mapmygenome site, especially for the frankly jaw slackening quote from product manager Sreeraj Rajeev, here:

    My ancestry test findings were indeed a revelation. The first part of the ancestry report showed that I had 95.3% genetic significance from South Asia and out of it 71.1% being Indian and specifically from South India almost about 71.1% of it. Being from Kerala, it showed that my genes had 71% chances that my ancestors might have been or are from the south of the Indian subcontinent, as they evidently are currently since I last checked. I guess I had anticipated it to be furthermore than that but it's a fair percentage to accord. The thing that had me baffled in the report even though there weren't any significant genetic associability to the Portuguese or Arab travellers as I had reckoned (but more than what I would have expected it to be) was that I had precisely 24.2% significance with the Pakistani population (Indo-European descent). There was further evidence that I had genetic significance to ethnic subgroups like ‘Pathan’ with about 17.4% and ‘Sindhi’ being 6.8%. This was certainly a surprise for me and my folks as we would only imagine anything as such to have happened earlier in history before our knowledge of ancestral existence. ‘The world has more in common with us than we think’ was my train of thought at that moment. Also my DNA had a 3.9% genetic significance to the East Asian populace, well that explains why sometimes my friends used to say that I looked like a ‘nepali’ in my childhood, obviously since my eyes had a slight resemblance to the hooded monolids of the East Asians. This was certainly not a surprise to know that I had a significant percentage of genetic similarity to the East Asians. As contemporary East Asians are broadly descended from human beings who left Africa about 50,000 – 100,000 years ago.

    It shouldn't really come as a surprise considering the fact that there has been extensive gene flow in both or all directions in time and that on average people native to that area have 25-50% Northern India ethnicity, as noted by AncestryDNA. And probably rightly. What is interesting, though, is how the nondominant, inconsistent, 'recessive' or subordinate alleles are present and do not 'fail' to show up as phenotype, but rather 'succeed' in showing up. Unsurprisingly and obviously, dominant alleles do not express their influence consistently and ubiquitously. In short, it is the opposite of what might be expected. And that is the exact opposite of this (to borrow from Tara Rodden Robinson's Genetics For Dummies):

    When dominant alleles are present but fail to show up as phenotype, the condition is termed incompletely penetrant. Penetrance is defined as the probability that an individual having a dominant allele will show the associated phenotype.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 10-17-2022 at 01:28 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  2. #22
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Thumbs up ADNTRO - DNA testing kit

    I was actually waiting and hoping for this to go through. And in fact, it did go through today.

    The sample was processed at the Eurofins lab in Germany.


    ADNTRO - Enter to view your results

    00:08 (12 hours ago)

    Your sample is ready!

    You can now enter ADNTRO and explore your genetic code like never before, and with our periodic updates you will have access to the most innovative studies.

    Enjoy this unique journey
    Thank you for trusting ADNTRO
    I was going to order the whole sequence from the onset, but considering what my experience with these third-party upload sites, and with this issue of a pre-meditated lie and this institutionalization of excuses, really was, I think it was right to order the €149 premium kit first.

    Now I can go ahead and proceed with the whole sequence order, priced at 950 Euros. As ADNTRO points out, genotyping techniques analyze approximately 700,000 positions in our DNA, whereas, in comparison, whole genome sequencing (WGS) analyzes all of your DNA, that is, the three billion base pairs, and therefore allows the detection of rare variants in the population.

    950 €
    ��100% DNA sequencing.
    ��23,000 Genes
    ��Access to ADNTRO reports +1 year of updates
    ��Quality report
    ��File delivery detailed
    ��Ready for diagnosis (30x average coverage)

    They thankfully provide full access to raw data to download, and you can of course do with it as you please. Before downloading the data, however, we should all be aware of the risks, benefits, consequences, and uncertainties. These are important warnings and reminders to consider, as ADNTRO points out to wit:

    If you decide to download your raw genetic data from ADNTRO, take caution in uploading your data to any third party applications or any service.

    1. Raw data should not be used for medical purposes and we do not recommend the use of third party services that claim to interpret raw data to provide health information.

    2. Your raw data could include sensitive information. By downloading your raw data, you could discover sensitive health information about yourself or family members with whom you share DNA.

    3. Once you download your raw data, we cannot ensure it will be kept secure. We secure your data on ADNTRO servers using advanced encryption and stored in the EU. Once you download your data, we cannot guarantee the security of that downloaded data file.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 10-20-2022 at 03:24 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  3. #23
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
    "Friend of Apricity"

    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Default Whole Genome Sequencing at 30x resolution, valid for clinical analysis

    "Whatever the market decides, that's the price we get," as the New York Times notes. And as TechCrunch rightly points out, high price points equal higher quality in the minds of consumers. This is what the market price is, and this is what the price should be.

    Whole Genome Sequencing at 30x resolution, valid for clinical analysis. Your entire genome.

    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  4. #24
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
    "Friend of Apricity"

    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Lightbulb DNA Genics

    It looks like DNA Genics has a DNA test kit coming soon.,

    Most importantly, what I know for sure is that the genetic "journey", in which you discover who you truly are, doesn't end with one test or with one company. Far from it. It's also a costly affair, and the science of genetic ancestry and genetic variation itself is a very vast field. A solid sustainability journey must also take everything into account and will need to take different variables into account to be accurate. And it should go without saying that it is extremely important to take into account as precisely as possible the number of explanatory variables and observations assimilated by the model or test. And this brings us back to DNA GENICS. So maybe it's just as well that all roads lead to Rome, except that they lead to other things as well, and the one I take leads to DNA GENICS as well.

    For comparison, I will cite the following two results to prove my point. And they should be sufficient enough to get the point across. FTDNA seems to have missed the WHG component score entirely, and ILLUSTRATIVE DNA seems to have missed the BMAC part for me altogether. At least in my case. In the end, ancestry scores, and all of them, clearly do matter in racial identity development and in fact in all and every respect.

    Deep ancient BCE ancestry

    Population filter
    30.31% Indus Periphery (Iran)
    21.47% Iran BA - Bronze Age (Iran)
    17.60% Indus Periphery (Turkmenistan)
    15.29% SPGT (Pakistan)
    6.26% China LN - Late Neolithic (China)
    4.36% BMAC (Uzbekistan)
    2.51% Iron Gates HG - Hunter-Gatherers (Serbia)
    2.19% China Neolithic - Neolithic (China)

    Deep ancient BCE ancestry

    Population filter
    44.03% Indus Periphery (Iran)
    23.16% SPGT (Pakistan)
    17.67% Indus Periphery (Turkmenistan)
    8.43% China LN - Late Neolithic (China)
    3.51% Iron Gates HG - Hunter-Gatherers (Serbia)
    3.19% China Neolithic - Neolithic (China)
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 11-02-2022 at 01:27 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  5. #25
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
    "Friend of Apricity"

    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Exclamation A Lesson in Geography

    If you've ever wondered just how and why Americans are so bad at geography, wonder no more. And a new YouTube video titled "My Ancestry DNA Results," proves it and shows us how. Now that lack of historical or geographical knowledge is on full display. The New Yorker cites the American satirist Ambrose Bierce, who once jokingly said: "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography". And one article in the HuffPost even said that "Upton, in case you missed it during the 2007 pageant, gave what can only be described as a train wreck of an answer to the question of why Americans are so bad at geography". Another, titled "26 Things Irish People Find Fascinating About America," reads more like a conservative wishlist, or possibly even more like a fable. And coming in at number 22 on the list are Thanksgiving, fireworks, hatred for immigrants (wasn't America founded by immigrants?), and Americans' lack of geography knowledge. This American redhead girl is primarily Irish, Scottish, and English and of Northwestern European descent, but the Americans' lack of geography knowledge is on full display here, in this video. In other words, it might help to get a first-hand view of ignorance in action here. And, more importantly, what are they teaching the kids today in schools in America? And what are America's kids actually learning in school classrooms and college campuses? Something about this video just screams "out of touch", and in fact screams of ignorance and inadvertence. You literally want to scream at her at the top of your lungs about her ignorance of geography. Seriously, you couldn't make this up. The question is how bad? For one thing, she does not know where the Aegean is. Nor does she know where Sardinia is. Or worse, what it is. This is how bad it can get. And that's how bad it's gotten. Does she know where she is?

    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 11-06-2022 at 11:01 PM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  6. #26
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
    "Friend of Apricity"

    VikLevaPatel's Avatar
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    11-26-2022 @ 08:29 PM
    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
    Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Romance, Balkan, Indo-European, Indic, Western Indo-Aryan
    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
    Relationship Status
    "Hermit Mode" (Virgo Ascendant/Rising)
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    Thumbs up Scandinavian ancestry

    I already have or carry a high level or a high degree (over 30 percent) of modern European ancestry, spanning back generations (generally back to a depth of five to seven generations) and traditions and geography, but it's definitely good to see that 23andMe is spending time updating its database, regardless of how small the difference might be. And now it's showing some Scandinavian ancestry as well. Of course, as the report says, there are many ways you may choose to identify with your Scandinavian ancestry. Moreover, it says that unlike your Ancestry Composition, identity isn't based on science.,

    At this time, they are unable to find any of my relatives with Scandinavian ancestry.

    Time to listen to some Abba music.

    The report also points out the following….

    Scandinavians – represented by the people of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland – owe much of their linguistic and genetic heritage to North Germanic tribes who established settlements around the North Sea during the late Middle Ages. Many Scandinavians, like the Sámi people in the far north, are descendants of early Scandinavian hunter-gatherers. This ancestry reaches the highest levels in Norway and Sweden but is also commonly found in northern Germany and the Netherlands. In the United States, Scandinavian ancestry is most common in North Dakota.

    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 11-10-2022 at 12:53 AM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  7. #27
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
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    Thumbs up MyTrueAncestry (NEW: Helmand and Kingdom of Cilicia - 130 Ancient Civilizations and Growing)

    Analysis Summary (NEW: Helmand and Kingdom of Cilicia - 130 Ancient Civilizations and Growing)
    Keep them coming. Here's the new entry: Helmand.

    Helmand (1.565)
    Maurya (2.893)
    Karkota (3.152)
    Karkota + Maurya (9.017)
    Helmand + Maurya (11.08)
    Karkota + Helmand (14.06)

    Your raw DNA is 30 % closer than other matching users,

    helmand (1).png

    There is nothing better than seeing updates like this every single morning. After all, that is what they are paid to do. And, most importantly, to see matches with "desirable" locations and populations.

    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  8. #28
    "A Genetically Superior Caste." Prof. Gidwani, UMN Apricity Funding Member
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    Indo-Pacific, Indus Valley, 'Land of the Āryas'
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    Gujarāti (Leva) Pātidār. Caste (Jāt): Leva/Lewa Patel of Central Gujarat
    Iran_N, IVC-IRN, ANE-NEA, EEF, Yamnaya, Afanasevo, Bell Beaker, Corded Ware, Sintashta,, Andronovo
    Great Britain
    Indian Ocean
    R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896
    W6 (Gotland/Sweden)
    CHG/Iran, EHG-Steppe, EEF/ENF, Indo-Caucasoid, Mesocephalic (Gujarati)
    Cleansing of Earth; Desolation of Abomination; Millennial Reign; Preparing a People for Millennium
    Graha (Grasper and Possessor); Auspicious Messiah (Son of God), "the Destroyer"; India's Bismarck
    Great Grasper and Possessor (mahāgraha), "I AM" (yāh), Descent/Incarnation (Avatāra)
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    Cool Whole Genome Sequencing's Raw Data

    I've received from Mapmygenome India these electronic raw genetic data that contain the whole genome, and this is what they should look like.

    Type: gz
    Last modified: November 16, 2022, 16:42:08 (UTC+11:00)
    Size: 8.4 GB
    Storage class: Standard

    Type: tbi
    Last modified: November 16, 2022, 16:41:34 (UTC+11:00)
    Size: 5.3 MB
    Storage class: Standard

    Type: gz
    Last modified: November 16, 2022, 16:38:18 (UTC+11:00)
    Size: 264.5 MB
    Storage class: Standard

    The Whole Genome Sequencing's Raw Data is available in AWS S3, and will be available for the next 30 days.

    But as far as making a difference, I don't think it will, and it may not make a substantial difference, but it could really come in handy somewhere down the line. At this stage I have no idea, but I will definitely find out. Its size may be a factor or a problem, as most third-party upload sites do not allow for very large file transfers. And I think from what I know and what I have seen that MyTrueAncestry allows you to send a file up to 1 GB.
    Last edited by VikLevaPatel; 11-22-2022 at 07:55 PM.
    Y-DNA (P): R1b-S47 (Irish/Scot), E1b1b1 (Proto-Semitic), C1b-Z5896. mtDNA (M): W6 (Gotland/Sweden). Ancient (European) Origins: Indo-European (Metal Age Invader) 67%, Early/First/Neolithic European Farmer (EEF/FEF/ENF) 8–10%, WHG 3–7%; Turkey 20–30%; Caucasian-Anatolian-Balkan 40–43%; Volga Region 18–20%; Ukrainian 11–12%; Viking 10%; Scandinavian 6–7% EHG–Steppe: Corded Ware 28–34, Yamnaya (Steppe Pastoralist) 23–25%, Bell Beaker 22–24%; Steppe to SCAsian 20–23%; Euro HG 11-12% CHG/Iran: Caucasus (CHG) 31–33%; Iran_N 54–60%; IVC 64-67%

  9. #29
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    Lightbulb A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

    What is it, they say? A picture speaks louder than a thousand words. Indeed, one really thinks of the old apothegm. The old adage "a picture speaks a thousand words" has, as HuffPost rightly notes, always proved to be right. It has always proven to be correct. And it has once again proved to be right. We'll see how REAL it can get. And how? Well, this map from the PhyloGeographer shouts, instead of merely speaking. These pictures or images speak volumes about ancient human migration patterns, beginning with the haplogroup CT, which is also referred to as Eurasian Adam or Out of Africa Adam. For example, see this map from of the migratory path of, or of what became, the haplogroup CT or of what became known as the Eurasian Adam or Out of Africa Adam:


    In that context, the tried and true axiom and paradigm and methodology once again proved helpful in carrying out the research for this study. What took me by surprise was how real it all felt, and it triggered all the right simultaneously nostalgic and prophetic emotions and thoughts. "Do you know why they say that 'a picture is worth a thousand words'?" Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma asks in the book How To Write A Story Effectively: from a professional manuscript editor. And which he then answers crisply and intelligently by saying: "'Coz it takes quite a few words to create a picture and without that no story is complete. Your reader needs to imagine the story as much with their minds as they will with their eyes. This also doesn't mean you describe a place for four paragraphs explaining everything in fine detail. Strike a balance". As for its origins, they're unclear and are especially obscure. But according to Tussey and Haas (2021), this phrase became popular in the early part of the 20th century, and its introduction is often attributed to American Frederick R. Barnard, who published a piece applauding the effectiveness of graphics in advertising. The maxim means, among other things, that a variety of ideas, as Zakia and Suler note in their book "Perception and Imaging: Photography as a Way of Seeing," can be condensed into a single photo. Photographs, moreover, offer a seemingly more real, tangible depiction of concepts that otherwise seem abstract or elusive. But at the same time, a picture, as Pastor Stephen Kyeyune (2017) points out, is sometimes worth a thousand lies. And it may indeed come down to intent. And in the end, it comes down, and it does come down, to intent. The intentions of posting a photo or image speak volumes. Tal (2022) is of the opinion that when it comes to art, "a picture is worth a thousand words" is as silly as "a book is worth a thousand bananas." It's not all sunshine and roses, I guess. Guy Tal makes some very interesting points, but one finding in particular was striking. And that is the fact that every medium has a range of expression that is unique to it, or for which it is better suited than other media, and, even more importantly, that some things are expressible equally well in multiple media, some things can be expressed better in one medium over another, and some things can be expressed only in one medium and not in any other. And attempts to quantify and to compare the products of one medium in terms of another only works in those areas where the two media overlap or complement each other in their expressive capacities. And here is my favorite part. Tal cited Picasso who "believed that painters should venture beyond realistic representation, not because realism is impossible in painting, but because photography is better suited for the task." Photographers, too, have from time to time felt and expressed similar sentiments to Picasso. The same line of thought also appears in Elizabeth Little's interpretation of this axiom. After noting that they specifically say a picture's worth a thousand words, Little (2020) goes on to say: "That's not what I'd say. I'd say it depends on the picture. I'd say it depends on the size and the color and the subject and the print and the framing and the focus and the composition." But the really important question people don't ask is: What does this accomplish in an understanding of the meaning and message of the story? This approach, I would say, is geared toward improving understanding or comprehension of meanings and messages and truths and values. Pictures, moreover, are also universal, as Virkler and Kayembe (2016) noted in the book Hearing God Through Your Dreams. This is demonstrated in the following experiment and in the following series of examples given by Stephanidis and Antona (2013). Volunteers 1, 5 and 9 said the picture helped them understand and keep track of the details. Volunteer 1 said that in some moments the text reading harmed the content understanding. Volunteers 1, 3, 5, 6 failed to understand some words written in Portuguese, but in this case the image helped them to understand the content and tone and the sentiment and thinking behind the content and to infer the implicit content, including the main points, arguments, and findings. For Volunteer 9, it is easy to understand when a context is presented by some writing text and it is illustrated by a picture. And Volunteer 5 adds that when writing in the Portuguese language is simplified, and still accompanied by a picture, it turns out to be easy to understand the meaning. That "a picture speaks a thousand words" is a very old maxim, far older than any writer on the subject. It is more than a maxim or axiom, for it is a law of nature or reason or a mystical truth that pervades all spheres of life and activity. The question and the real issue, though, is how well we intuitively connect with pictures. As Haas and ‎Tussey explain in the section titled "Stories and the Power of a Picture":

    Complex ideas can be conveyed with just a single image. For example, if a teacher wanted to help students understand the meaning of the word "camouflage," the teacher may show a picture of a camouflage shirt. In this case, the image of the concept conveys meaning more effectively than a description with only words does. Teachers often use visuals as scaffolds that help students comprehend complex information and support understanding. Visuals aid in information retention and vocabulary learning.

    It says everything that needs to be said, and it could not be said better. And so now, inevitably, we're left with the task of "clearing up the confusion" surrounding the Y chromosomes or the Y chromosome lineages and the autosomal genes. See the post below. It definitely helped clear things up, but the next post will seek to build on it and, even more importantly, to further build upon the progress made with previous studies. Hopefully this clears things up. As, in fact, the sole purpose is to clear up any confusion or "any misconceptions". This will hopefully clear all out confusion, and lead to a clearer and more meaningful knowledge and understanding of DNA, evolution, and biodiversity. In the meantime, read through this post and this information:

    Another noteworthy point is that the haplogroups CT, CF, and DE originated in the Indian subcontinent, whereas the haplogroups D and E did not, in contrast to the haplogroups C and F, both of which did originate from the Indian continent. Also, this needs to be mentioned that the three basal Eurasian branches, as pointed out by Kivisild (2017), are D, C and F. Haplogroup D, in other words, is a basal Eurasian branch, but haplogroup E is not. See the following examples:

    CT: 66500 BC
    CF: 63900 BC
    DE: 63200 BC
    C: 46800 BC
    F: 46800 BC
    Last edited by GreatRace (Mahājāti); 12-06-2022 at 08:22 AM. Reason: picasso

  10. #30
    The First Adam And The Last Adam Apricity Funding Member
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    Lightbulb How Your Genes Listen to Your Beliefs with Dr. Bruce Lipton

    Your Genes Listen to Your Beliefs

    Without "men", "women" would not even exist.

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