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Thread: Why I left Atheism?

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    For me, being a radical Atheist rejecting even a Pantheist view of Universe is a bizarre mixture of foolness and arrogance. Specially when it comes to other people's believes bashing. Unfortunatelly that kind of mentality are in-full motion lately, worse, it's considered cool by the fools probably because is asociated with having a high degree of scientifical skills .

    On the case under discussion, Id never experienced such experiences with Spirits but I seriously ear about them and take them as a kind of sign to think about things a different way, as, for example, a LSD experience which, BTW, should be taken as a ticket to get outside the brain box, not to stick on it an it's ultimate cinical schemas. So I think Sigur Ros (finaly name come to my mind ) take experience the correct way. Congratulations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Allenson View Post
    ....... I find atheism to be very odd and atheists to be as downright arrogant as people can be.
    In an odd circle kinda way, I don't have any qualms about anyone elses beliefs because in my beliefs God has given everyone the free will to make up their own minds on what to think. Anyone can be arrogant but it does seem the scientific types are especially so with their penchant to push the non exsistance of God or a diety. Even odder to me as I have no problem at all mixing faith with science. I am a big time science,physics and engineering nut and think they all fit in a logical way with my faith.
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    I don't think all atheists are necessarily arrogant, but a lot of the smartest and most intelligent people I know are atheists/Agnostics. I hate that religious people/Christians in general have to cherry pick individual atheists to make them look bad. Atheism is not necessarily the belief that God does not exist, but merely is the belief in the lack of a God, because there is no other way to perceive the world. I am not a supporter of atheism per se, but there are a lot of strong and intellectual arguments that can be made in its favors by the likes of Nietszche, Russell, and Schoepenhauer.

    A lot of the atheists today don't know how to formulate arguments and to employ logic properly in these arguments. I though have to say that the vast majority of religious people I met are ignorant, arrogant, and very self-righteous. They are very against anyone that can think for themselves or who has an independently affirmative approach towards life.

    There are bad religious people and bad atheists/agnostics, but I think the worse tend to be religious people, because they lack one thing a lot of atheists/agnostics have, and that is intelligence. Their are many flaws in religious arguments that have long been dismissed by great minds, but people still live believing in these ideas and mentalities when mankind has advanced and progressed far beyond these points.

    Religion harbors hypocrisy a lot of time, and you need look no further than the Semitic religions to see this, like Judaism. Islam lives in a backwards mentality, and believes that their rituals, cultural customs and practices, and their theocratic system will save them. Its all a pile of bullshit, and some lame men can waste their time communicating with some imaginary being, which exists merely as an extension of their sensibility in relation to their sensual self of anthropological self in the world.

    Judaism is built on a legalistic structure, but they assert these laws are vessels through which one can reach the divine. The divine has chosen these laws as something which is set apart from normality, and this is nothing but a purely anthropological perspective of the divine. They make a hypocritical claim like to make their law appear to be all divine, and this gave the priest some divine power and authority to communicate with the mystical.

    Nietszche said to beware of those who claim to see things which only they can see or understand, because its usually full of bullocks(Not directing this at you Sigur). Its interesting that once the Romans destroyed the temple, and the priest's access to the divine that all contacts and messages with the divine were lost.

    One would think that an all powerful God can be communicated with without having to reveal and manifest himself with a secret and hidden place of a temple to a priest. This chosen mentality which religious people take on is rather arrogant and pretensious in my opinion, and they like to claim that we are all equal. Everyone is only equal for them if they are the chosen one above all else, and that is why I think the religious mentality is a hypocritical and insidious one riddled with all kinds of insecurity and inconsistencies.

    It could be said to be a security blanket for all the fears and anxieties which life casts on mankind. I am a believer that one must live his life well aware of the cruelty and unforgiving nature of life, and willing it to treat it with a cold and impersonal approach. I am not saying there is no God, but I am saying its safe to say he does not interact with this realm of existence and consciousness.

    I have gone through my life and never experienced anything, but rather all life just to be a great is, which is incapable of being put into words. The people who use the irreducible argument that a God must exist because there is no other way to explain it need to read up on their philosophical and scientific books.

    Just because there is nothing to explain a cause does not mean that we should arbitrary some general and vague being to that cause. Its all a pathetic and rather illogical attempt to fill the void between reason and the chaos which is the cosmos. Life is random and crazy, and it takes meaning once we give it some meaning with both a combination of reason and actions.

    Everything about life will never be known, but we can try our best to improve and cultivate ourselves and those around us. All else is a chicanery and full of bullshit. I don't dismiss the possibility of a God nor do I find religion to be bad. I just think that convincing yourself too much of these modes of existence and forms of belief tends to lead to just as much of a nihilism as of those atheists who religious people accuse of being such.

    It can lead to all kinds of cruelty, ignorance, and violent behavior, which made Europe abandon the Medieval approach to religious situations. Religion was nothing but a tyrannical and totalitarian force with a ridiculous amount of power at their hands, and unfortunately a lot of Christians, especially Catholics, belief in the nonsense spewed out in the Middle Ages.

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    drop that crack pipe S.R.

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    Is there any "i don't care" religious doctrine? Because atheists care too much in proving religious people wrong. What are called non-believers who don't care?
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexDelarge View Post
    Is there any "i don't care" religious doctrine? Because atheists care too much in proving religious people wrong. What are called non-believers who don't care?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagergeld View Post
    Except that in especially older places, the building can settle/creak at night and air currents can close doors, or you can close it leaving the restroom half-asleep.

    Besides that, I have had experiences which cannot be explained away like that which stop me from being an atheist. I call myself an agnostic, because I just don't know what is out there, I just know that SOMETHING is going on.

    Yes Lagergeld, I must admit that sometimes the sounds heard in the house come from doors, cracks, and loose and / or old wood. But there are times when you will hear sounds that aren't natural at all (well now it has gone to almost none, before it was too much).

    I don't think I could ever be an agnostic, this event has drawn me to be just of one side.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mercury View Post
    That is great. I use to have a Deistic perspective on the Divine as well, although I eventually rejected that for a more traditional theistic view (that gods intervene in more ways we can imagine). If God created the Universe, he would have known the outcome and what his creation would turn into. So why not intervene? What is the big deal? Anyways, great news.
    I believe that everything happens for pure consequences, nothing is pre determine. Our universe is to big to be controlled in every detail, why would he bother to do every detail, why not just let the universe grow/expand and develop with different or almost infinite outcomes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barreldriver View Post
    Had a similar situation as your own, I myself am no atheist yet neither am I religious.

    I could go on about the odd instances that I have witnessed in my days whether in Tennessee or in Ohio, but only one stands out to me: The door of the apartment in which I currently reside was dead bolted, chain locked, undoubtedly closed and secure yet still managed to become wide open on its own......

    I will not feel so compelled to jump into a religious frenzy as many a member of my family would do, but rather leave it as one of those "gosh darned" moments. Could be aliens, could be demons, could be god/gods, who knows?
    The universe is so full of possibilities, we're not just connected with each other on this planet, but the whole universe is connected with us as well. There are being we don't see, maybe from the other parallel universe, a different plain ? and like you said who knows.

    Sometimes when this was happening, the spirit would lock the front door as well sometimes, and when some of us came from work it would be locked and I or her would have to go and open it for each other as if it was playing with us.

    Quote Originally Posted by CircassianWine View Post
    I can never be an atheist due to the fact, I don't feel comfortable that there is no higher power to takecare of us, and the world is complex so it probably had a creator. Atheism to me is dead block and has no sane rationality. The evidence is all around us to show , that there was indeed a creator. We humans can never understand God, because he is beyond that. The feeling and sense is just there. Denying God is like denying reality.
    Before, I used to believe that the answer for the truth was found in atheism, not anymore, I still respect atheism and what it stands for, now I'm more open to different possibilities then what atheism has to bring wich is almost nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by orangepulp View Post
    I think your home was possessed by ''jinns'', the same creatures that used to serve prophet Soloman but somehow Christianity lost information about them. In the Islamic world, we very well know of their existance, some people even get possesed by them. We recite specific verses from the Quran and they leave us alone. Some of them are good and some are demonds.

    God is in contol of the world but for the trial bases He leaves room for us to do whatever we will but whenever we call onto Him, He answers.The world is a testing ground.
    He sure is, he's in control, but I think he controls our homes and lives just when we call for him for help. And no I'm not like some people who call upon him when they just need help. I've always being a very spiritual person, and always felt connected to something beyond this world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allenson View Post
    Interesting story. I've had similar experiences, but not to the level that you seem to have.

    Anyway, I'm not particularly religious but I am spiritual and I find atheism to be very odd and atheists to be as downright arrogant as people can be.
    Atheism is very limited, it's a form an unreliable form existentialism without almost no purpose other then humanism.

    That doesn't mean that I'm not secular anymore, in fact I'm more secular then ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by antonio View Post
    For me, being a radical Atheist rejecting even a Pantheist view of Universe is a bizarre mixture of foolness and arrogance. Specially when it comes to other people's believes bashing. Unfortunatelly that kind of mentality are in-full motion lately, worse, it's considered cool by the fools probably because is asociated with having a high degree of scientifical skills .

    On the case under discussion, Id never experienced such experiences with Spirits but I seriously ear about them and take them as a kind of sign to think about things a different way, as, for example, a LSD experience which, BTW, should be taken as a ticket to get outside the brain box, not to stick on it an it's ultimate cinical schemas. So I think Sigur Ros (finaly name come to my mind ) take experience the correct way. Congratulations.
    To be honest, I used to be like you before, I never believed in spirits until I have proven that they really existed, either by form of evidence or being an ear/ eye witness. That moment in my life finally came, I've seeing what I never thought I would have seeing in such an early stage in life.

    Quote Originally Posted by GeistFaust View Post
    I don't think all atheists are necessarily arrogant, but a lot of the smartest and most intelligent people I know are atheists/Agnostics. I hate that religious people/Christians in general have to cherry pick individual atheists to make them look bad. Atheism is not necessarily the belief that God does not exist, but merely is the belief in the lack of a God, because there is no other way to perceive the world. I am not a supporter of atheism per se, but there are a lot of strong and intellectual arguments that can be made in its favors by the likes of Nietszche, Russell, and Schoepenhauer.

    A lot of the atheists today don't know how to formulate arguments and to employ logic properly in these arguments. I though have to say that the vast majority of religious people I met are ignorant, arrogant, and very self-righteous. They are very against anyone that can think for themselves or who has an independently affirmative approach towards life.

    There are bad religious people and bad atheists/agnostics, but I think the worse tend to be religious people, because they lack one thing a lot of atheists/agnostics have, and that is intelligence. Their are many flaws in religious arguments that have long been dismissed by great minds, but people still live believing in these ideas and mentalities when mankind has advanced and progressed far beyond these points.

    Religion harbors hypocrisy a lot of time, and you need look no further than the Semitic religions to see this, like Judaism. Islam lives in a backwards mentality, and believes that their rituals, cultural customs and practices, and their theocratic system will save them. Its all a pile of bullshit, and some lame men can waste their time communicating with some imaginary being, which exists merely as an extension of their sensibility in relation to their sensual self of anthropological self in the world.

    Judaism is built on a legalistic structure, but they assert these laws are vessels through which one can reach the divine. The divine has chosen these laws as something which is set apart from normality, and this is nothing but a purely anthropological perspective of the divine. They make a hypocritical claim like to make their law appear to be all divine, and this gave the priest some divine power and authority to communicate with the mystical.

    Nietszche said to beware of those who claim to see things which only they can see or understand, because its usually full of bullocks(Not directing this at you Sigur). Its interesting that once the Romans destroyed the temple, and the priest's access to the divine that all contacts and messages with the divine were lost.

    One would think that an all powerful God can be communicated with without having to reveal and manifest himself with a secret and hidden place of a temple to a priest. This chosen mentality which religious people take on is rather arrogant and pretensious in my opinion, and they like to claim that we are all equal. Everyone is only equal for them if they are the chosen one above all else, and that is why I think the religious mentality is a hypocritical and insidious one riddled with all kinds of insecurity and inconsistencies.

    It could be said to be a security blanket for all the fears and anxieties which life casts on mankind. I am a believer that one must live his life well aware of the cruelty and unforgiving nature of life, and willing it to treat it with a cold and impersonal approach. I am not saying there is no God, but I am saying its safe to say he does not interact with this realm of existence and consciousness.

    I have gone through my life and never experienced anything, but rather all life just to be a great is, which is incapable of being put into words. The people who use the irreducible argument that a God must exist because there is no other way to explain it need to read up on their philosophical and scientific books.

    Just because there is nothing to explain a cause does not mean that we should arbitrary some general and vague being to that cause. Its all a pathetic and rather illogical attempt to fill the void between reason and the chaos which is the cosmos. Life is random and crazy, and it takes meaning once we give it some meaning with both a combination of reason and actions.

    Everything about life will never be known, but we can try our best to improve and cultivate ourselves and those around us. All else is a chicanery and full of bullshit. I don't dismiss the possibility of a God nor do I find religion to be bad. I just think that convincing yourself too much of these modes of existence and forms of belief tends to lead to just as much of a nihilism as of those atheists who religious people accuse of being such.

    It can lead to all kinds of cruelty, ignorance, and violent behavior, which made Europe abandon the Medieval approach to religious situations. Religion was nothing but a tyrannical and totalitarian force with a ridiculous amount of power at their hands, and unfortunately a lot of Christians, especially Catholics, belief in the nonsense spewed out in the Middle Ages.
    I've always said this quote, "Expect the unexpected", funny and ironic thing is, I didn't follow this quote for a long time until this happened. I was trusting too much my own intuition, it became an addiction to see videos on youtube about atheism, and how popular its becoming.

    It seems like my own addiction to them and making my self believe that there was no gods/ god made me fall into my own trap. I think this was all a lesson from the other realm, to help me see the truth by my own.

    It was like " Let the spirits invade his home, and let them test him".

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexDelarge View Post
    Is there any "i don't care" religious doctrine? Because atheists care too much in proving religious people wrong. What are called non-believers who don't care?
    This is how I was myself back then, I was trying so hard to prove to everyone (my friends, co workers, family), that atheism was the reality that they needed to accept ( off course in an indirect way, without pushing them).

    Now I find myself telling them on Facebook what we've experienced, and they are happy I went trough the horrible moments.
    "..And the angle of the sun changed it all .."

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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexDelarge View Post
    Is there any "i don't care" religious doctrine? Because atheists care too much in proving religious people wrong. What are called non-believers who don't care?

    Apatheism (a portmanteau of apathy and theism/atheism), also known as pragmatic atheism or (critically) as practical atheism, is acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief or disbelief in a deity. Apatheism describes the manner of acting towards a belief or lack of a belief in a deity; so applies to both theism and atheism. An apatheist is also someone who is not interested in accepting or denying any claims that gods exist or do not exist. In other words, an apatheist is someone who considers the question of the existence of gods as neither meaningful nor relevant to his or her life.

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    For the last 20 years or so I've been agnostic, but over the last few months, I've become much more spiritual and very recently, I've found myself `slipping` back into Christianity, but a definite inclination towards Catholicism. I've never practised Catholicism in the past (only Anglicanism and Evangelism), and I'm not sure why I'm veering towards this direction. The only reason why I can think this is happening is because last year was a very difficult one, and realised that there must be much more to life than just the normal run of the mill. In fact, last year was so bad that I found myself praying without thinking about it. Whether or not this process is just some kind of coping mechanism, I'm not sure, but I'm finding life a lot easier now than in the last six months or so. Suddenly, my critical judgement of people who have professed a faith seems to have evaporated.

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