I have no chance to close and open this thread at will because I'm not a donor, like others.
So the risk of trolling and bad faith posts is high, then I suggest you to only accept as valid the posts of good spaniards like myself and people who are not spaniard but love Spain as if they were.
And a warning to trolls. Some day you will be trolled back...
Only ETHNIC spaniards, no gypsys, no immigrants, no half, no martians.
Why I open a thread like this? some of you could ask...
Well, many asnwers could be given according to the context of this forum, but basically I'm only certain of one...
Porque me sale de los cojones (because it comes out of my balls; automatic translator)
Let's begin.
Note: a pitch black tone is rare, it's not dark brown. It depends of photo, light... but I will do my best.
Fernando Martín.
Jordi Villacampa
Pedro Sanchez (young